A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations, by Examples from the Best Writers, to which are Prefixed a History of the Language, and an English Grammar, Том 3Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1805 |
Результаты поиска по книге
Стр. 1
... Milton The sun scarce uprisen , Shot parallel to th ' earth his dewy ray , Discovering in wide landscape all the east Of paradise , and Eden's happy plains . Milton . Straight mine øye hath caught new pleasures , Whilst the landscape ...
... Milton The sun scarce uprisen , Shot parallel to th ' earth his dewy ray , Discovering in wide landscape all the east Of paradise , and Eden's happy plains . Milton . Straight mine øye hath caught new pleasures , Whilst the landscape ...
Стр. 6
... Milton . Our nation would not give latus to the Irish , therefore now the Irish gave laws to them . Davies on Ireland . Milton . 3. A decree authoritatively annexing re- wards or punishments to certain actions . So many laws argue so ...
... Milton . Our nation would not give latus to the Irish , therefore now the Irish gave laws to them . Davies on Ireland . Milton . 3. A decree authoritatively annexing re- wards or punishments to certain actions . So many laws argue so ...
Стр. 22
... Milton's Par . Lost . LEVANT . n . s . The east , particulariy those coasts of the Mediterranean east of Italy . LEVATOR . n . s . ( Latin . ) A chirurgical instrument , whereby depressed parts of the skull are lifted up . Some surgeons ...
... Milton's Par . Lost . LEVANT . n . s . The east , particulariy those coasts of the Mediterranean east of Italy . LEVATOR . n . s . ( Latin . ) A chirurgical instrument , whereby depressed parts of the skull are lifted up . Some surgeons ...
Стр. 23
... Milton's Agonistes . The English boast of Spenser and Milton , who neither of them wanted genius or learn- ing ; and yet both of them are liable to many censures . Dryden . This , or any other scheme , coming from a private hand , might ...
... Milton's Agonistes . The English boast of Spenser and Milton , who neither of them wanted genius or learn- ing ; and yet both of them are liable to many censures . Dryden . This , or any other scheme , coming from a private hand , might ...
Стр. 27
... Milton . He entreated me not to take kis life , but exact a sum of money . Broome on the Odyssey . 4. Blood , the supposed vehicle of life . wound . His gushing entrails smoak'd upon the ground , And the warm life came issuing through ...
... Milton . He entreated me not to take kis life , but exact a sum of money . Broome on the Odyssey . 4. Blood , the supposed vehicle of life . wound . His gushing entrails smoak'd upon the ground , And the warm life came issuing through ...
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Addison Æneid Ainsworth Arbuthnot Atterbury Bacon Ben Jonson Bentley bird blood body Boyle Brown called cause church chyle Clarendon colour death Dict doth Dryd Dryden Dutch earth Ecclesiasticus eyes fair Fairy Queen father fire French give Glanville hand hast hath heart heav'n honour Hooker Hudibras kind king L'Estrange labour laid land Latin leave light live Locke look loose lord low Latin Maccabees matter means Milt Milton mind Mortimer motion mouth nature ness never night noun o'er optick pain pass passion peace person plant Pope pow'r prince Prior publick Saxon sense Shaks Shaksp Shakspeare shew Sidney soul South Spenser spirit stone sweet Swift Tatler thee thing thou thought Tillotson tion tongue tree unto v. a. mis verb Waller Watts word Wotton young