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Common terms and phrases

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Էջ 37 - Monosyllables, and words accented on the last syllable, ending with a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double that consonant, when they take another syllable beginning with a vowel...
Էջ 189 - Literature, for nse in American Schools, and published in handsome 12mos. Cloth. Those marked (1) are peculiarly fitted for younger readers under sixteen years old, those marked (2) for older ones. Nothing is named in the List, however, which is entirely unworthy the attention of the more mature. (2) Achard. Clos-Pommier, et les Prisonniers du Caucase, par X.
Էջ 190 - Instruction. 18mo 60 Fisher. Easy French Reading. With Vocabulary. 16mo... 1.00 Fleury. Histoire de France, i2mo 1.50 Ancient History. Translated by SM Lane, with notes, for translation into French. 12mo 90 Case.
Էջ 190 - Cagnotte, 35 cents: Les Femmes qui pleurent, 25 cents : Les Petites Misères de la Vie Humaine, 25 cents; La Niaise de St. Flour, 25 cents ; Trois Proverbes, 30 cents ; Valérie, 30 cents ; Le Collier de Perles, 30 cents.
Էջ 191 - Avec Illustrations. 8vo. Fancy Boards 50 Riodu. Lucie. French and English Conversations. 12mo 75 Sadler. Translating English into French. With Notes and Vocabulary. 12mo 1.25 French-English Dictionary.
Էջ 191 - The prices are for paper covers^ unless otherwise expressed. Andersen. Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. With Notes.
Էջ 190 - La Bataille des Dames, 40c. ; La Maison de Penarvan, 40c. ; La Pondre aux Yeux, 40c. ; Les Petits Oiseaux, 40c. ; Mademoiselle de la Seiglière, 40c. ; Le Roman d'un Jeune Homme Pauvre, 40c. ; Les Doigts de Fée, 40c. The foregoing in 2 volumes, 4 Plays in each. lamo. Cloth. Volume I., $1.75; Volume II., $1.75; Jean Baudry, 40c.
Էջ 30 - When an affix or termination, beginning with a consonant, is added to a word ending with e, the e is retained...
Էջ 192 - Roan... 1.75 Evans' German Reader. With Notes and Voeab. By Prof. EP Evans. 12mo. Roan 1.50 — Key to Otto's German Grammar. Paper 75 Beginning German. With additional Heading Matter.
Էջ 69 - The attractions of the American prairies as well as of the alluvial deposits of Egypt have been overcome by the azure skies of Italy and the antiquities of Roman architecture. My delight in the antique and my fondness for architectural and archaeological studies verges onto a fanaticism.

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