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points of faith and worship: but the prevailing temper is certainly that which I have described.

And although it has been ascribed, as it is a thing that has much been taken notice of, to the general indifference about religion which has obtained among all ranks, especially those that are in ease and affluence; yet this does by no means account for all the effect. For those who are so indifferent as to care nothing about religion, and believe less, are generally violent persons against any changes, and are for having things remain as they are. But this mild and tolerant spirit is discernible among those who are sincere believers, and zealous and earnest in their particular persuasions, of which very extraordinary instances might be named were this a place for them. So that we may reasonably hope that it is the prelude of a better spirit coming on among differing christians, and may not hesitate to pronounce that it flows from its best source; from a persuasion that others have an equal claim to judge for themselves, and follow their own convictions, as we have to follow ours; that if they be honest and sincere, however in error, and live virtuously according to their

light and knowledge, they will be equally ac ceptable to the common heavenly Father, who gave them their talents and capacities, as those whose minds have been more enlightened; and as they will be no less dear to Him, the great judge of all, in the end, they ought to be so to us here, and to receive all kind offices from us.

Then, when this shall take place, will christianity approach its perfect state here below. Not, as many have supposed, in an uniformity and agreement in opinion upon disputed points, a thing impossible, though seas of blood have been shed, and the peace of the world disturbed in almost all ages to obtain it; but in an uniformity of sentiment and agreement on this one point, not to look with jealousy or an evil eye on another's using that liberty of judging for himself which no one can exercise for him; but to love and do good to each other notwithstanding the widest differences of religious opinion; and to believe, that all who are virtuous and sincere will meet in heaven at last, notwithstanding they may seem to take different routes to it.

And this will in time bring on a greater uniformity and agreement in all important points,

points, especially in the great object of christian worship; the worship of the Father alone, which the blessed Jesus prescribed and practised, and which is now only prevented by those prejudices and animosities that hinder calm reflection and consideration.

To conclude:

As we may hope that this learned Jew who conversed with our Lord went away from him · convinced of the great defects of his own cha-racter, especially in the love and duty that he owed to God and his fellow-creatures of mankind, and by serious reflection afterwards might become his true disciple;

It will be happy if we carry away from the same instructions of our heavenly Teacher, which have been before us this day, what may make us wiser and better; with more humble sentiments of ourselves, and a most extended benevolence and real sympathy and concern for the virtue and happiness of our brethren of mankind, which are the things that are to qualify us for the improvements and felicities of

our future eternal state.


O God, blessed for ever! the overflowing


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fountain of life and happiness to all thy crea

tures !

All-sufficient in thyself, thou needest nothing from any one.

But thou hast appointed the poor and afflicted of this world thy substitutes, to receive in thy stead their share of thy common bounty and support from others more favoured by thee in worldly things; having graciously declared, that whosoever giveth to these lendeth unto thee.

Create in us, we pray thee, a heart tender and compassionate, and make us ever mindful of the wants of others; that we may not penuriously hoard and bury thy gifts to us, nor consume them upon ourselves, but may with a generous profusion deal them out to others; firmly trusting in thy providence, that the cruse of oil shall never fail, and that nothing shall be lost which is given or done for thy sake, and to benefit others.

And suffer not any difference of country or climate to alienate our affections from those of our own kind; and especially permit not any difference of opinion relating to thee, O God! and thy nature and worship, to diminish aught of our love and kindness to them; remem


bering, that no one wilfully thinks disparagingly of thee and thy perfections; that we are equally frail and liable to mistakes our selves, and are no judges over others in these matters, who are accountable to thee only, and not to us; that we may always regard, and love, and do good to each other, as brethren, and as children of the same family, one common earthly parent, and equally beloved and regarded by thee our heavenly Father; depending together on thy favour and goodness to carry us safe through this our mortal pilgrimage and day of trial, and alike supported by the hope which thou hast given us by our Lord Jesus Christ, of mingling together and dwelling for ever in those future scenes which thou hast reserved for thy faithful servants.

Fit and prepare us, O Lord! more and more for that blessed place and society, by the most enlarged affections, and goodwill, and endeavours for the happiness of others, and by the practice of all virtue; that we may be continually formed to a nearer resemblance of thee, and at last be for ever united to thee, the God of all perfection and goodness, and go on improving in virtue and happiness for 2K 2


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