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repeatedly discoursed to his family and friends on the blessedness of personal religion, and on his own peace of mind and trust in his Saviour. Death had lost its terrors; the sting was extracted. "I am not afraid to die," he joyfully said. And again, "I find my latest foe under my feet at last." Thus he breathed his spirit into his Redeemer's hand, in calm confidence and triumphant hope.


DIED, January 20th, 1857, at Great Grimsby, aged forty-four, JANE, the wife of Mr. Hildyard M. LEPPINGTON. Her parents were Methodists, residing for the chief part of their life at Humberstone, near Grimsby, where they welcomed the Ministers of Christ on their visits to the village. She had thus the advantage of early religious training, and was brought up "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." The grace of this was never wholly lost on her, and probably issued in that humble trust in the Saviour from which she derived the peace and hope of her subsequent life. She was a woman of a meek and quiet spirit; no talker, no gossip, no busybody in other people's matters. Ever ready to listen to those who were wiser than herself, and patient with those who were not, she was "slow to speak," and still more "slow to wrath." She put a favourable construction on what was doubtful in the characters and doings of others; and said little about that which did not admit of such construction. She was wellinformed, and possessed more than the average of good sense and discretion. She loved the people of Christ, and the Ministers of Christ, and the things of Christ; and took pleasure in a plain and generous hospitality, which was not occasional, but frequent and habitual.

So recently as November 25th last, she had witnessed the departure of her youngest daughter, an interesting and promising child of about twelve years, after a short illness, which had a sudden and unexpected termination. This was a great stroke, but became a great blessing, as it tended to prepare her the more for her own call. Though delicate, she was as well as usual on the Friday evening, and died (after much acute suffering) on the following Tuesday morning; exactly eight weeks after her daughter Caroline. It was ascertained (and this is some consolation to her sorrowing friends) that no human aid could have saved her.

Her sufferings were great, and so was her patience. She was kept in peace, by the presence of her Saviour; free from

care about earthly things, and from alarm in the prospect of eternity. She left all behind, quietly and confidently reposing on Christ, and looking for His mercy unto eternal life. The day before her death she said to her husband, "I have been resigned of late to live or die. Carry's death has been made a great blessing to me; and this last fortnight I have been more resigned to my loss." On the morning on which she died, in answer to an inquiry about her pain, which had amounted to agony, she said,—

"O, what are all my sufferings here,

If, Lord, Thou count me meet," &c.; and when it was replied, "Your sufferings will soon be over," she responded, “One moment in heaven will make up for them all." On being asked if all was well, she said, "Yes: I shall get to heavennot a doubt of it. My trust is in the bleeding Lamb. He sendeth none empty away that put their trust in Him." Presently she passed away to be for ever "with the Lord."

On the last evening of the old year, a little before midnight, she left the room, and on her return said, "I have spent the last few minutes of the old year, and the first of the new, in prayer, at the bedside where Carry died;" adding, "We were among the bereaved of '56: who of us shall go in '57 ?" In twenty days that solemn question was answered!

J. C. L.

JULY 13th, 1856-At Kirk Andreas, in the Ramsay and Peel Circuit, Isle of Man, Miss Jane Cannell, aged seventy-three. In February, 1808, she joined the Wesleyan Methodists. She was a sincere lover of God, of His cause, and His people. For many years she was devoted to the work of a Missionary Collector, being the first in her neighbourhood, and very successful. She steadily adorned her Christian profession, and was greatly attached to the house of prayer; the last place she visited being the Wesleyan chapel. The affliction which terminated her life was protracted and painful, but endured with patience and resignation. To a Leader and Local Preacher, who visited her just before her decease, she declared her confidence in God; and, to a relation, expressed her "desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better."

July 25th. At his residence, Shawberry-Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne, at the advanced age of ninetyone years, Mr. Jonathan Vickers. He received some of his first religious impressions under the preaching of the Founder of Methodism; and for fifty years was himself a Local Preacher. He died, as he had long lived, full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, in sure and certain hope of a glorious resurrection. J. S. V.

August 4th-At Cheltenham, Miss Taylor, aged sixty-six years. She had been the subject of saving grace for more than forty years. Her childhood and youth were guarded by the kindest parental solicitude; but her early years were spent in the pleasures of this world. About the age of twenty, a variety of circumstances led her to

consider" her "ways," and she was enabled by the grace of God to yield her heart unto the Lord. From that period there was no wavering in her Christian profession: she had found the pearl of great price, and counted it a sacred treasure, watching it with jealous care. The whole current of her life was changed, and with earnestness and constancy she was engaged in works of mercy and love. Twenty-eight years ago she became the Leader of a class: this important charge she undertook with great trembling; but, by "the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ," she was made very useful to many persons, some of whom passed away before her to the realms of light. The last two years of life were spent in comparative seclusion, the hand of affliction resting heavily upon her; but her communion with God her Saviour was deep and constant. At times, Satan strove, by a thousand arts, to disturb her peace; but she was "more than conqueror through Him who had loved her;" and she sweetly fell asleep in Jesus, bequeathing to her sorrowing family and friends a beautiful example of piety, uniform, steadfast, progressive, and finally triumphant.


Dec. 18th.-In the Bristol North Circuit, aged eighty-seven, Mrs. Sarah Hall; herself a Methodist of the third generation, and the greatgrandparent of children now in the way to heaven. She was early introduced to Mr. Wesley; and received from him, with many words of kindness, a silver token, which was carefully preserved. At the age of thirteen she joined her father's class. From Mr. Wesley's hand she received her first ticket; and till her death-a period of seventy-three years-remained a member of the Methodist Society. Though under gracious influences, it was not till 1789 that she experienced a change of heart. Her conversion was genuine, and was followed by a consistent life. In 1788 she was married to Mr. Jolin Hall, whose name is well known to Bristol Methodism. Their own new home at once became the home of the servants of Christ. Dr. Coke, on his journeyings of benevolence, was their guest. Messrs. Pawson, Benson, Moore, Clarke, Reece, &c., were welcomed to their dwelling. Many years of domestic happiness were vouchsafed; but the day of trial came. Mr. Hall was visited by a stroke of paralysis, and for nine years endured heavy affliction. But the Lord supported His handmaid, and enabled her constantly to say, "He doeth all things well." Until her eightieth year she was actively engaged in Christian service. The Dorcas Society, the Day-school, and the Refuge had much of her attention. But the burden of age now demanded rest. The same cheerful piety, which had sustained her in duty, comforted her in seclusion. The last entry in her journal, her last letter, the last interview with her family, and her dying utterances, all tell of her Saviour's presence, and her hope of

heaven. With brightened eye and uplifted hand, she tremulously said,

"There is my house and portion fair,

My treasure and my heart are there,
And my abiding home."

After a night of much restlessness, followed by some hours of unconsciousness, the messenger came, and she departed" to be with Christ."

G. S.

Dec. 19th.-At Motcombe, in the Shaftesbury Circuit, Mrs. Mary Moore, aged ninety-three. She was admitted into communion with the Methodists in December, 1818, and continued a faithful member to the time of her decease. Her prospect of heaven was clear. She loved the Lord with all her heart, and said in death, "He is my goodly Portion." W. B.

Jan. 6th, 1857.-At Glossop, the Rev. Ambrose Freeman, in the sixty-third year of his age, and the forty-third of his ministry. He was a native of Reading, and in his sixteenth year removed to Newbury, where he first became acquainted with the Methodists and joined their communion. Constrained by the love of God, he soon sought to bring sinners to Christ, and was appointed to a Circuit in 1814. He adorned his Christian profession, and was an able, faithful, and useful Minister of Christ. His affliction was severe, and it came on unexpectedly: but he had not the slightest disposition to murmur. "Praise God for the affliction!" he said, on one occasion of special refreshing: "on no account would I have been without it." The evening before his death, he said, "My confidence and hope are resting firm on God's faithful saying, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. This I believe, and this I experience."

W. F.

Jan. 10th.-At Birstal, aged eighty-two, Thomas Moore. In his boyhood he repeatedly heard the venerable Wesley preach, and he was converted to God in the year 1793. His position in life was humble; but his intelligent, serene, and earnest piety, maintained unblemished for more than sixty years, dignified poverty, gained the love and veneration of the brotherhood, and made his name fragrant through the village where he dwelt. He was remarkable for attention to the means of grace. Even in old age and feebleness, no severities of weather detained him from the house of God. He took part in the last watchnight-service, and remarked that it was the sixty-third of the successive watchnights hie had been favoured to observe. Returning from a special prayer-meeting on the following Friday night, he was deprived of speech; and he lingered in partial unconsciousness several days. But they who watched by his bed could see that the Lord was with him. Hundreds sorrowed around the old man's grave, acknowledging that "better is the poor man that walketli in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich." J. H. L.

Jan. 15th.-At Goldsithney, Marazion Circuit, Mr. Edward Bawden, at the age of forty-eight. Nearly thirty years ago, awakened from the sleep

of sin, he sought and found peace with God, during a remarkable revival in the Hayle Circuit, (which then included Goldsithney,) the Rev. John and Thomas W. Smith being the Ministers at the time. His Christian deportment has since been uniformly simple, unassuming, and consistent. His last affliction was prolonged, his physical powers being gradually undermined by consumption; but his mind was preserved in settled peace, being stayed upon the Lord. While for some time expecting dissolution almost daily, the calmness with which he conversed about his anticipated departure was cheering to all who visited him. He reached the Christian's goal with peaceful composure and confidence, "leaning on his beloved" Saviour.

J. H.

Feb. 6th.-At Uttoxeter, aged sixty, Mr. Joseph Taylor, Class-Leader and Trustee. For forty years he was connected with the Methodists, and maintained a steadfast and consistent religious profession. Having resolved to devote himself to God, he was unmoved by various opposition. Twelve months ago he had a serious affliction, which left him comparatively enfeebled. On the 4th of February he was suddenly attacked with apoplexy. Upon being taken to his room, he knelt down at the accustomed place by his bed-side, and, though his power of speech was fast leaving him, was heard saying, "There is my house and portion fair." These were his last words.

J. G.

Feb. 8th.-At Wigton, Mr. John Porter, aged sixty-two. He was induced to attend the Methodist chapel in Carlisle through the upright conduct of his apprentice, who had been recently converted to God, and joined the communion there. In the same place Mr. Porter was turned "from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God," under the ministry of the Rev. William H. Clarkson. He at once united with the people of God, and for thirty years was a zealous and consistent member. As the Leader of a class, he was faithful and affectionate; and continued in that important office twenty years. As a visiter of the sick, and Sunday-school Teacher, he was diligent and useful. He was kind to the poor, and liberal according to his means. He loved the house of God; and esteemed the Ministers of the Gospel "highly in love for their work's sake." His last short but severe affliction was endured with Christian patience and resignation; and he "died in the Lord" in great peace. P. W.

Feb. 10th.-At Leigh, Lancashire, Mr. James Beck, aged twenty-nine. His conversion to God took place at an early period of life. His piety was clear and decided, and his general deportment secured for him an amount of respect seldom acquired by so young a man. He was a tender and affectionate husband and father, diligent in business, and beloved by all in his employ. He was a useful Class-Leader and

Local Preacher, and had been, for four years, one of the Stewards of the Leigh Circuit. He was a strict economizer of time, studied closely, and lost no opportunity of fitting himself for usefulness. The church and his townsmen acknowledge his worth, and mourn their loss. The loss of his family is irreparable. He was ill but a fortnight. Danger was scarcely apprehended till reason fell under his severe disorder. In the early stage of the disease, his mind was tranquil; and in strong delirium he sang praise to God, quoted Scripture, and attempted to preach. The struggle soon ended, and his spirit ascended to the Saviour. J. L.

Feb. 15th. Mr. George Yates, of Byromstreet, Liverpool North. He was awakened and brought to God at Staley-Bridge in the Centenary year of Methodism. Up to that time he had lived in religious formalism and worldliness, as many do, with occasional convictions of Divine grace. The ministry of the Rev. James Little was among the means of his conversion; and he ever after continued a happy and decided Christian. His removal to Liverpool opened his way into a large sphere of usefulness; and Mr. Yates sustained the offices of Leader, Steward, and acting Trustee of Great Homer-street chapel for several years with exemplary fidelity. His last affliction grew upon him with many painful symptoms; but his character shone in humility before God, and in love to the Christian brethren. As a Christian gentleman, endowed with a high sense of honour, he has left behind him a name which will be an inheritance to his children's children. H. H. C.

March 27th. At Bradford, Yorkshire, aged fifty-four, the Rev. William Barton. For upwards of thirty years he laboured most efficiently and acceptably in the ministry of the Gospel. As an Assistant-Secretary of the Conference, and Secretary of various important Committees, he diligently and ably discharged the duties assigned him. During his attendance at the last Conference he became seriously indisposed; and he returned home from Bristol, a confirmed invalid, suffering from disease of the heart. During his painful and protracted affliction, Mr. Barton was frequently subject to depression of mind; yet he declared himself able at all times to rest on Christ his Saviour. From the first he spoke of enjoying much of the spirit of prayer, and said that he felt habitual peace. He drew much comfort from the words of Rom. iii. 25, "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood;" laying hold particularly on the fact, that Christ was set forth by God to be a sacrifice for sin. His favourite hymn was the 175th; and he delighted to repeat the couplet,→ "Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb,

Thy blood was shed for me." These words he repeated the night before his death; and the last word he was heard to utter was, "Happy!" D. H.

CORRIGENDUM.-Page 380, column 2, line 12, read NOWELL.


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