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said Body may be represented by proxy; and said Bodies shall be respectively entitled to three votes in this Sov.. Grand Consistory.

2d. The Sov.. Grand Consistory shall have power to appoint its President, Sov.. Grand Commander and such other officers as it may deem expedient. All such officers, except the Treasurer General and G.. K.. of the S.. and A..., shall be elected on the first day of the Annual Communication, at 12 o'clock M. The Treasurer General and Secretary General of the H... E.. shall be respectively the Treasurer General, and G.. K... of the S... and A.. of the Sov.. Grand Consistory.

3d. The following shall be the Standing Committees, consisting of three each, which shall be appointed by the President, Sov.. Grand Commander, immediately upon the organization of the Sov.. Grand Consistory at its Annual Communication:

1. Committee on Credentials.

2. Committee on Returns.

4th. All returns, annual dues and initiation fees to the Supreme Council from subordinate Bodies under the jurisdiction, shall be made at the Annual Communication to the Committee on Returns, and all moneys received by them shall be immediately paid over to the Treasurer General.

5th. The 30th, 31st and 32d degrees shall not, under any circumstances, be conferred by any Grand Consistory, unless by special dispensation from the Sov.. Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, or the Deputy I... G.. of the District, first had and obtained.

Ill.. K. H. VAN RENSSELAER presented the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the Ritual of the Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, collated from the manuscripts in the Archives of this Supreme Council, and arranged for the work of the Bodies in this jurisdiction by the Ill.. Past Sov.. Gr.. Commander, J. J. J. GOURGAS, Past Sov:. Gr.. Commander, GILES F. YATES, and Ill.. Deputy Ins.. General K. H. VAN RENSSELAER, a copy of which is deposited in the Archives of this Supreme Council, be and is hereby ordered as the work for use in the Lodges of Perfection, C:. of Pr.. of Jerusalem, Chapters of Rose Croix, and Consistories of Sov.. Pr.. R.. Secret under this jurisdiction.

On motion of Ill.. Treasurer Gen.. ROBINSON, it was

Ordered, That the sum of fifty dollars be remitted Bro.. WYZEMAN MARSHALL, he having overpaid, for the time at which he was elected, that amount.

Closed to meet at ten A. M. on Friday:

FRIDAY, May 18, 1860.

The Supreme Council convened this day at .ten o'clock A. M., M.. P.. E. A. RAYMOND presiding. Present, the Inspectors General, as on previous days.

Proceedings of Thursday read and confirmed. I.. Bro.. CASE, from the committee to whom was referred the subject of the decease of Ex-Governor R. P. DUNLAP, late Lieut.. Grand Commander, and GILES F. YATES, ESQ., Past Sov.. Grand Commander of this Supreme Council, reported the following Preamble and Resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:


As a man advances in years, with the ever increasing experience a liberal disposition and an enlightened mind bestow; as his intellectual wealth accumulates, and his moral worth becomes more and more signal; as he amasses public confidence in his integrity, and public affection for his generous services in a good cause; as he enlarges the ample scope of his social circle, and richly deserves admiration for his patriotism, he is justly regarded as a monumental example reared upon the field of humanity, to be imitated not only by his contemporaries, but by the generations rising about him. Place such a personage in a public station, make him your legislator, your representative, your governor, and you erect a monument to virtue for the correction of others' errors, as Moses erected the brazen serpent in the wilderness to heal the beholder's maladies.

Thus did our lamented Lieut.. Grand Commander, ROBERT P. DUNLAP, exert a salutary influence by his sterling qualities, especially in his several

high and responsible positions. And as in public life, so in our masonic family, both Bro.. DUNLAP and Bro.. YATES have been intelligent, active and faithful Masters, Inspectors and Commanders, giving to the Institution the benefit of wise and discreet counsel, and pure, generous lives, that demonstrate the principles of masonry. So wide and important was the sphere they filled in life, and especially in our beloved Order, that their transit to a higher existence left a chasm as profound and desolate as it is difficult to fill.

Resolved, That under the conviction of the irreparable loss this Supreme Council has sustained in the decease of Ex-Governor the Ill.. ROBERT P. DUNLAP, and GILES FONDA YATES, Esq., we bow in humility, and yet in trust, expressing our sense of their exalted worth, and of the sad bereavement with which this Council and the world-wide institution has been visited in the death of two such eminent Grand Masters.

Resolved, That we will bear in constant memory the bright example of their many virtues, as Christian men and Freemasons; their efficient services as accomplished and zealous officers of this Council, and the untiring devotion of their masonic lives to our cherished institution.

Resolved, That while we deeply sympathize with their bereaved families, we, in common with all masons who knew our lamented Brethren in life, grieve that they have been called from us, even though to refreshment in the temple not made with hands.



Council closed till 2:30 P. M.


The Supreme Council met at 2:30 P. M., Ill... and M.. P... E. A. RAYMOND presiding.

Bro.. E. T. CARSON, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was unanimously elected to receive the thirty-third degree, which grade was accordingly conferred upon him by the M.. P... E. A. RAYMOND, Grand Commander.

Ill.. Bro.. MOORE called the attention of the Supreme Council to the petition of Metropolitan Consistory, N. Y., that Ill.. Bro.. CHARLES T. MCCLENACHAN be appointed a Deputy Inspector for New York, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the late Dep.. Ins.. GILES F. YATES. The petition was then taken up and considered, and on motion of Ill... Bro... MOORE,

Voted, That Bro.. CHARLES T. MCCLENACHAN be appointed Deputy Inspector for New York, and that the M.. P.. Sov:. Grand Commander be requested to qualify him according to the Constitutions.

Ill... Deputy VAN RENSSELAER presented the following, which was adopted, and Ill.. Bros.. RAYMOND, MOORE and VAN RENSSELAER appointed the committee.

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to prepare rules and regulations for the government of subordinate bodies within the Northern Jurisdiction.

The Council closed until Monday morning, at ten o'clock.

MONDAY, May 22, 1860.

The Supreme Council assembled at ten o'clock, but the M.. P.. Sov.. Grand Commander's absence prevented the Council being opened, and the Inspectors, officers, &c., dispersed, to meet again at ten o'clock on the next day.

TUESDAY, May 23, 1860.

The Supreme Council met at ten o'clock, but in consequence of the continued absence of the M.. P.. Sov.. Grand Commander, the officers and Inspectors dispersed, to meet on the next day, at ten o'clock.

WEDNESDAY, May 24, 1860.

Council assembled as per agreement of members yesterday. The M... P... Sov.. Grand Commander did not appear, and the reason assigned was that he had gone into the country. In consequence of his continued absence, without giving instructions to the Council, the members, Inspectors, &c., after a detention of four days, during which no business was transacted, dispersed, to await his summons, or to assemble at the next Annual Convocation.

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