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" I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet... "
The Harp of the Wilderness; Or, Flowers of Modern Fugitive Poetry ... - Էջ 70
Harp - 1836
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Indicator, Հատոր 1

Leigh Hunt - 1820 - 432 էջ
...verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways» 1 cannot see what (lowers are at my feet, * Nor what soft ineeuse hangs upon the boughs« But, in embalmed darkness,...wild ; White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine i Fast fading violets cover'd up in. leaves; I . And mid-May's eldest child, ; The coming meek-rose,...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany, Հատոր 86

1820 - 602 էջ
...mossy ways. 1 cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor «bat soft incense hangs upon the Änghs, But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet Wherewith...hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine; Fast fading violets cover'd up in leaves And mid-May's eldest child, The coming musk-iosc, full of dewy wine, The murmurous...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Edinburgh magazine, and literary miscellany, a new series of ..., Հատոր 7

1820 - 596 էջ
...Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. 1 cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, Hut, in embalmed darkness, gueee each sweet Wherewith the seasonable month endows The grass, the thicket,...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The cabinet; or The selected beauties of literature [ed. by J. Aitken]., Հատոր 1

Cabinet - 1824 - 440 էջ
...light, Save what from heaven is with breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. V. 1 cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft...wild ; White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine ; Fast-fading violets covered up in leaves ; And mid-May's eldest child, The coming musk-rose, full...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Every-day Book: Or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports ...

William Hone - 1827 - 858 էջ
...Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. 5. 1 cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft...hangs upon the boughs, But, in embalmed darkness, puess each sweet Wherewith the seasonable month endows The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Every-day Book and Table Book: Or, Everlasting Calendar of ..., Հատոր 2

William Hone - 1830 - 868 էջ
...Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. 5. 1 cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft...hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine ; Fast fading violets coverM up in leaves ; And mid-May's eldest child, The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine, The murmurous...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Cambridge Book of Poetry and Song: Selected from English and American ...

Mme. Charlotte Fiske (Bates) Rogé - 1832 - 1022 էջ
...all her starry But here there is no light, Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. I cannot...wild; White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine; Fast-fading violets covered up in leaves ; And mid-May's eldest child, The coming musk-rose, full of...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The Southern literary messenger, Հատոր 5

1839 - 878 էջ
...Keats, that fine smiled boy, thus enumerates some of the choicest attendants of this charming month : " Each sweet Wherewith the seasonable month endows, The grass, the thicket, and the fruit tree wild ; White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine ; Fast-fading violets, covered up in leaves...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

Beauties of the Country: Or, Descriptions of Rural Customs, Objects, Scenery ...

Thomas Miller - 1837 - 466 էջ
...her starry Fays ; But here there is no light, Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. I cannot...hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine; Fast fading violets, cover'd up in leaves ; And mid-May's eldest child, The coming musk-rose full of dewy wine, The murmurous...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The every-day book and table-book; or, Everlasting calendar of ..., Հատոր 2

William Hone - 1837 - 934 էջ
...Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy wayv. 5. 1 cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft...hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine ; Fast fading violets cover'd up in leaves ; And mid-May's eldest child, The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine, The murmurous...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

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