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chestra and chorus; vocal repertoire classes; and a children's theater. No fees were charged in any of the classes except for materials in the melody-way classes and the children's theater. The department of art offered summer recreational classes in drawing and sketching for children and a class in sketching and painting for high-school and college students. These classes met in the open.

The Carnegie Institute of Technology offered in 1931, for the second time, a 6-week course for high-school students of outstanding musical ability who played orchestral instruments. The department of painting and decoration offered a 6-week course in drawing and design for a limited group of high-school students.

The University of Nebraska operated a juvenile art department offering courses in drawing and painting.

A 4-week summer field school of painting was conducted by the University of New Mexico at Taos.

Two institutions, Boston University and Salem College, gave courses in jewelry making and metal work which were practical in nature and required no definite preliminary training. At Boston University the courses carried 2-semester hours of credit. Alfred University gave courses in elementary and advanced ceramic design and pottery production, and elementary and advanced courses in jewelry and weaving.

The University of Georgia had a week of grand opera with regular stage productions employing well-known grand opera artists.


Interest in parental education and child welfare work has grown materially in the last five or six years since the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Foundation aided the establishment of child welfare institutes at several of the leading universities. The University of California, the University of Georgia, the University of Iowa, the University of Minnesota, and Columbia University have institutes of child welfare. The institutes are usually open during the summer sessions as well as during the regular school year, to serve as laboratories and demonstration centers.

The following brief descriptions indicate the extent and nature of summer-session work offered by institutions in child development and parental education in 1931.

The University of California offered a course in parental education for parents interested in training children of preschool age and for individuals who desired training for the leadership of discussion groups in parental education. A nursery school was maintained for children between the ages of 2 and 4 years of age. Several

courses were also offered in child development and other intimately related subjects.

The University of Georgia offered courses in child study and parent education; development of the young child; child care and training; behavior problems in children. A nursery school afforded opportunity for observation and practice. Parents attending the summer school had the privilege of placing their children in the nursery school, for which they were charged only a small fee to cover the cost of the noon lunch.

The State University of Iowa offered courses in teaching in kindergarten and preschools; advanced work in preschool education; child study and parent education; and a beginning conference course in child study and parent education.

The University of Minnesota offered courses in child training; child psychology; health care of the young child; the development of the young child; parental education in child care and training; research in the development of the young child; principles of kindergarten and nursery-school education; permanent play materials, story telling for young children; methods and observation; child training; and modern aspects of child study. Nursery and kindergarten schools were in operation and open for observation within certain limitations.

Columbia University offered courses in the mental and social development of the young child; parent education; aspects of adult education; methods and materials for parent education; programs and principles for the cooperation of home and school; behavior problems of children; the measurement of mental growth of young children; introduction to child development and parent education; nursery education in relation to child development and parent education; and advanced nutrition with special reference to infancy and childhood. Three nursery schools for children under 4 years of age furnished opportunity for practical experience and training.

Ohio State University offered courses in parental education (primarily intended for parents whose children were enrolled in the parents' laboratory preschool); theory and problems of adult education (for advanced undergraduates and graduates); and leadership training.

Western Reserve University offered courses in child welfare; materials in parent education; nursery-school education; nurseryschool methods; and problems in nursery-school education.

Iowa State College offered research in child welfare; a seminar in child welfare; nursery-school organization; child care and training; techniques of guidance; and special problems. Two nursery schools, with 40 children from 2 to 5 years of age and 4 home-man

agement houses with an infant in each house provided opportunities for study of the varied aspects of child life.

Michigan State Normal College offered courses in psychology and education of preschool children; problems of preschool children in the home (a conference course, open to parents of the children and to those particularly interested in parent education). A nursery school was conducted for observation, and general and individual conferences were held.

University of Tennessee offered courses in child psychology; development of the young child; child guidance (consisting of observation and participation in the direction of young children at work, at play, at rest, and at meal times); and special problems in child development. A nursery school was in operation for observation



Professional training for college teachers is a subject which has received increasing attention during the past 10 years. Previously, knowledge of the subject-matter was generally accepted as the only prerequisite to college teaching. There were therefore no courses offered for prospective college teachers. Similarly, there was none for college administrators. The first course in college teaching was probably that offered by Yale Univervsity in 1923-24. The same year Columbia University offered courses in the organization and administration of higher education. The courses and the number of institutions giving them have greatly increased since that time. Many courses covering various phases of college and university work are given in the summer sessions, when the services of men and women from other institutions experienced in the higher educational field can be enlisted to assist in or direct the work. The offerings of the 1931 summer sessions were unusually varied.

University of Chicago: Organization and administration of colleges and universities; problems of college instruction; financial administration of higher institutions; professional duties of deans and registrars; the administration of student personnel in higher institutions; the junior college, its organization and administration; the organization and administration of teacher-training institutions; and problems of instruction in teacher-training institutions. The university also held an institute for administrative officers of higher institutions.

Columbia University: Two basic courses for instructors and administrators in higher educational institutions; problems of col

lege instruction; student personnel work; publicity and public relations; finance and business operation; special problems in higher education (a series of eight 2-week unit courses on investment of institutional funds, accounting for institutional funds, tests, measurements, and rating scales, admission and classification of students, registration and student records, the college curriculum, the work of the dean of the faculty, and vocational guidance in colleges); and a number of related courses, including those dealing with problems of teacher training, guidance, the junior college, and the teaching of special subjects.

Ohio State University: Administration of colleges and universities; financial administration in higher education; college teaching; administration of the junior college; psychological problems of deans of women (two courses); research problems of the dean of women; psychological problems in higher education; professionalized subject-matter courses in teacher-training institutions; administration of teacher-training institutions; a seminar in the administration of higher education.

University of Michigan: History of higher education in the United States; current problems in higher education (including selection, assignment, counseling, and supervision of students; trends in curriculums, teaching, faculty personnel; tendencies in college and university organization and administration; personnel problems in colleges (two courses, one a seminar); and the teaching of English in colleges.

University of Pittsburgh: College and university administration; education personnel methods in college and university; office organization and record forms; and a major course for deans of women (one division, the personnel program, given in 1931; another division, the administration program, to be given in 1932). A 2-day conference for discussion of problems of the junior college was also held.

Stanford University offered a seminar in the improvement of college teaching; seminar in counseling problems; the junior college; problems in junior-college administration.

University of Southern California: Introduction to college teaching; problems of deans of men.

University of Colorado: Problems in higher education.
Indiana University: Thesis in higher education.

Iowa State College: Methods of teaching college subjects.

University of Kentucky: Administration of higher education; the registrar's field of administration.

University of Minnesota: Problems of college education.

Duke University: American college problems; problems in highschool and junior-college teaching.

University of Missouri: College-teaching methods; junior-college administration.

New York University offered a seminar in university and college administration; improvement of teaching in colleges and universities; the junior college; course for deans and advisers of men and women; administration of physical education in colleges, universities, and teacher-training institutions.

University of Cincinnati: Problems of teaching in higher education.

Western Reserve University: Research in higher education.

George Peabody College: College teaching; the college registrar; teachers-college administration; teachers-college curricula; the junior college. An institute on administration of higher education was also held.

University of California: The junior college.
Northwestern University: The junior college.
University of Washington: The junior college.

University of Wisconsin: Professional preparation of teachers for principals, superintendents, and instructors in normal schools and teachers colleges.


In order to meet the needs of persons who find it impossible to spare the time to attend the longer summer sessions, and also of those who desire to spend a longer period in study than the usual 6 or 8 weeks, as well as to permit students interested in a special problem to devote all of their attention for a brief period to that problem, some colleges and universities have instituted short sessions of 2 or 3 weeks, which immediately precede or follow the regular summer sessions. During these short sessions intensive courses are offered, in some cases in one subject; in others, in nearly all departments of work covered in the regular session's program. The work offered in some of these brief sessions covers but one unit of the course, no credit being given for the course until the remaining units have been completed. Some of the courses carry college credit, both graduate and undergraduate; others, of immediate practical value, are offered without credit. The classes meet daily for several class periods, and students taking credit courses are permitted to enroll in but one course.

In the summer of 1931, Indiana University, Purdue University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Oregon, and the University of Wyoming each held, in addition to their regular summer sessions, 3-week sessions, and the universities of Cincinnati and Pittsburgh held 2-week sessions.

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