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The organization and principles of selection of the papers contained in this Supplement are essentially the same as described in the preface to Foreign Relations, 1917, Supplement 2. The only important variation to be noted is the inclusion of a section dealing with Latin America in continuation of the one included in Supplement 1 for 1917.

The most important omission from the record is that, in Part I, of the minutes of the Supreme War Council, on account of the objections to their publication on the part of the foreign governments concerned, as explained in the preface to Supplement 2 for 1917. It is believed that the exclusion of these minutes does not greatly impair the record of development of American policy, as the United States was not fully represented in the main council prior to the armistice negotiations, and as the complete minutes themselves were not currently received in the Department of State. The summary telegraphic reports by the American Diplomatic Liaison Officer of discussions and recommendations involving American policy, or questions in which the American Government assumed an active interest, are included. These are, unfortunately, fragmentary and sometimes defective, yet they constitute a valuable record supplementary to the minutes. Occasional reports of the Military Representative are also included, although, as explained in the preface to the preceding Supplement, no attempt is made at a comprehensive treatment of military affairs. For the armistice negotiations, in which Colonel House participated as Special Representative, the telegraphic record is somewhat more adequate and necessarily formed the sole available basis for the Government's decisions. This Supplement is brought to a conclusion, save for occasional papers, at the date of the armistice with Germany.

For the general principles followed in compilation, reference is made to the preface to Foreign Relations, 1914, Supplement.

Brackets, [], occurring in the text enclose editorial insertions. These are of two main types: (1) words or phrases, in ordinary type, supplied to fill in omissions or replace obviously garbled passages in telegrams; and (2) suggested corrections, in italics, following words or phrases which appear to be incorrect. When there is not sufficient evidence to indicate what has been omitted or garbled, or when the words which might be suggested would so


seriously affect the sense of the document that supplying them would involve more than an editorial responsibility, notice is taken of defects in the text by the insertion, within brackets, of " omission." "garbled groups," or "sic." Insignificant words are corrected or inserted without distinguishing marks.

Parentheses, (), occurring in the text are in the documents themselves. Besides their ordinary use for punctuation, these marks were also employed, in the deciphering and decoding of telegrams, to enclose words or phrases suggested by the decoders as possibly the intended readings of garbled groups which yielded unintelligible or no results. When so employed they have been allowed to stand, unless comparison with other documents has shown the suggested reading to have been obviously either correct or incorrect. In the latter case the text within parentheses has sometimes been replaced by an editorial insertion within brackets.

Translations as found in the files have been revised and corrected if found faulty by comparison with texts in the original language or other available versions, but care has been taken to avoid altering in any significant respect important texts that were acted upon or used as sources of information in their existing form.

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Speeches on war aims by the British Prime Minister, January 5, and by

President Wilson (the Fourteen Points), January 8; comment in

Associated and enemy countries-Speech of the French Minister of

Foreign Affairs, January 13-Unofficial Austro-German advances

regarding peace to the American Professor Herron

Speeches of the German Chancellor (Hertling) and the Austro-Hun-

garian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Czernin), January 24.

Third session of the Supreme War Council, January 30–February 2:

discussion of the use of American troops-Public statement of the

Allied Premiers denouncing the enemy peace program—Objection

by the United States to collective pronouncements by the Supreme

War Council-Unofficial conversations on peace between Professor

Herron and a Bulgarian emissary

The Herron-Lammasch conversations, February 3-4..

President Wilson's speech in reply to Hertling and Czernin, Febru-

ary 11; comment in Associated and enemy countries-Assurances

transmitted to Lammasch, February 15-Letter of Emperor

Charles to President Wilson, February 17...

Chancellor Hertling's speech, February 25—British attitude toward

German and Austrian advances regarding peace Support by the

United States of proposals for an Inter-Allied General Reserve-

Italian request for American troops---

Memorandum of the Inter-Allied Labor and Socialist Conference on

War Aims, February 23 (received March 18)-Proposals for a dis-

cussion between Socialist and Labor Parties of the Allied and Cen-

tral Powers and for an Allied Socialist mission to the United States;

attitude of the American Government-Allied reverses in France:

American assurances of reenforcements-Communications ex-

changed between President Wilson and Emperor Charles-The

American Labor Mission to Europe_-_-

Speech of the Austro-Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Czernin),

April 2-Request of the Greek Government for guarantees___

President Wilson's speech of April 6; comment in Associated and

enemy countries-Assurances to Greece, April 19.

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