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2 On this blest morn, birth-day of hope!
Let not one soul be sad;
This is the day the Lord hath made,
And bids his saints be glad.

3 Come, and the wonders of the day,
In notes harmonious sing;
Tell to the world the conquest's gain'd
By your victorious King.

4 O happy souls, that feel the pow'r
Of his attractive love!

With him they die, with him they live,
And seek the things above.


HYMN 40. Eight, Eight, and Six Metre.

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Attendance upon religious institutions.

"LL bless Jehovah's glorious name,
Whose goodness heav'n and earth proclaim,

With ev'ry morning light;
And at the close of ev'ry day,
To him my cheerful homage pay,
Who guards me through the night.

2 Then in his churches to appear,
And pay my humble worship there,
Shall be my sweet employ:
The day that saw my Saviour rise,
Shall dawn on my delighted eyes
With pure and holy joy.

3 With grateful sorrows in my breast,
I'll celebrate the dying feast

Of my departed Lord;
And while his perfect love I view,
His bright example I'll pursue,

And meditate his word.


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THE depths of wisdom who can find ?

Or search an uncreated mind?

From everlasting, wisdom stood
As one brought up and nurs'd of God.
2 Ere earth's foundations deep were laid,
Or mountains in the balance weigh'd,
Wisdom divine, in virgin youth,
Drew ev'ry golden line of truth.

3 She struck her compass, drew her lines,
Her hand the mighty deep confines;
She measur'd ev'ry globe or sphere,
And mark'd their circuit through the year.

4 The diffrent seasons did ordain,
The wat'ry clouds to give us rain,
The winds to blow, the streams to run;
They order keep, since time begun.

5 Well she was pleas'd with all her ways;
They sure were fix'd for endless days;
But on the sons of Adam's race,
She pour'd the richest of her grace.

6 In them her joys excelled far,
Tho' she controlled ev'ry star;
Her sweet delights, and joys unknown,
Are placing men upon her throne.


HYMN 42. L. M.


The reign of God---From the Revelations, and Isaiab. HEN God descends with men to dwell, And all creation makes anew; What tongue can half the glories tell, Or eye the matchless wonders view? 2 Zion, the desolate, shall sing, The wilderness with roses bloom; Carmel and Sharon both shall bring Their spices, and their rich perfume.

3 The weak are strong, the fearful bold,
The dumb shall sing in anthems sweet;
The lame shall walk, the blind behold
Their God, and worship at his feet.


4 Celestial streams shall gently flow,
The wilderness shall joyful be :
Lilies on parched ground shall grow,
And gladness spring from ev'ry tree.
5 The wolves, with lambs, in meadows go,
The tigers harmless as the kid;
The lion shall no anger show,

But, with the calf, shall tamely feed.

6 Thus kings and slaves shall meet in love,
Old pride shall die, and meekness reign;
When God descends from worlds above,
To dwell with men on earth again.

HYMN 43. L. M.


The operations of nature speak the existence of a God. Rom.i. 20.


LL nature speaks, let men give ear,
And bow the reverential knee;
The voice of nature they shall hear,
The God of nature they shall see.
2 Behold the stars with brilliant light,
And planets which in order move!
They all proclaim a God of might,
And testify a God of love.

3 The glorious sun, whose gentle beams
Enliven all things here below;
The lucid moon, with paler gleams,
Proclaim a God that made them so.

4 Survey the whole capacious earth,
The sea and land, rocks, hills, and plains;
The God of nature gave them birth,
And by his law the whole maintains.

5 Behold the trees in verdure rise!

God's wisdom shines in all their leaves:

Behold the birds that mount the skies,
And fish that fill the mighty seas :

6 In them is seen a God of pow'r,
From whom all life and being came:
Then let us all the Lord adore,
And bow before his matchless name.

HYMN 44. С. М.

A threefold cord is not easily broken.

THE Lord in


pow'r and wisdom reigns,

With everlasting might;

Unchanging love and truth maintains,
And beams celestial light.

2 No human mind can comprehend
His vast, mysterious plan;
Nor angels, who before him bend,
His boundless nature scan.

3 O trust in God, each trembling soul;
Despondency, away!

His blessings reach from pole to pole,
- A plenitude for thee.

4 Wisdom, for good, doth all control,
And love and pow'r agree;
This threefold cord, believe, my soul,
Can never broken be.

5 Unite in praise, O men, your hearts,
And strike the golden lyre;
Angels, attune your golden harps,
And sound his praises higher.

HYMN 45. S. M.


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The teeming earth, the fruitful trees,
Attune their voice to praise.
3 Hark! hear the tuneful birds
Begin their morning lay;
The bleating flocks, the lowing herds,
Welcome the king of day.

4 Nor man of nobler form,


Nor creeping things more mean,
Doth he refuse to bless and warm,
With his enliv'ning beam.
So shall God's only Son,
In lucid beams of grace,
Arise with healing in his wings,
And all the nations bless.
6 The woodlands shall rejoice,
The vernal warblers sing;
But melody of praise from man,
Thro' earth, shall louder ring.


HYMN 46. Sevens Metre.
Characters of Christ.

MEDIATOR, Son of God!

Spread thy boundless love abroad.

Counsellor, the Prince of Peace!
Fill the world with truth and grace.

2 Sun of righteousness! arise !
Send thy light around the skies.
Life of all the quick and dead!
Feed our souls with living bread.

3 Leader of the halt and blind !
Raise to life the sinking mind.
Binder of the broken heart !
Grace to ev'ry soul impart.
4 Op'ner of the sealed book !
Cause the world therein to look.
Taker of the vail away!
Lead us to eternal day.

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