5 Raiser of the dead to life ! Save the world from war and strife. Saviour of rebellious man! Prosecute th' eternal plan.
6 Op'ner of the prison door! Captive souls to light restore. Lamb of God to finish sin ! Bring thy work unto an end.
HYMN 47. С. М. Natural objects, images of Spiritual.
LO, what a speaking lustre shines
In all the works of God; His wisdom writ in fairest lines, His pow'r declar'd abroad.
2 The heav'ns, adorn'd with moon and stars, Express his glorious skill;
The day his strong impression bears, The night attends his will.
3 Their language through the earth is heard; One all-extending voice Proclaims the cheering, peaceful word, Which bids the earth rejoice.
4 Behold yon glowing, radiant sun, Great source of blissful light, Rejoicing, while his course to run, He sheds effulgence bright!
5 Such is thy law, O God of grace! Which renovates the soul; A law of love, and truth, and peace, That makes the wounded whole.
6 Nor shall its moral light grow dim, Or ever fade away; The present, gentle, rising beam Shall shed a boundless day.
HYMN 48. L. M. God is Love.
W HEN my astonish'd eyes behold
My Maker's works, below, above;
And read his name in lines of gold, I surely know that God is Love. 2 When I observe his written word, His promises of grace I prove; I wonder men don't praise the Lord, For Scripture saith that "God is Love." 3 What gentle streams of pleasure roll! What quick'ning from the mystic Dove ! Now peace divine fills all my soul, And I can shout " my God is Love.” 4 Now heav'nly courage I'll put on, For far away my fear is drove ; I'll bow before the living Son,
And loud proclaim, " My God is Love." H.BALLOU.
HYMN 49. S. M.
Christ fairer than men. Ps. xlv. 1,2.
CELESTIAL Pow'r above,
And fill my soul with heav'nly love, While I attune my lyre. Help me the joyful theme With pleasure to indite; The grace and glory of the Lamb, The matchless King of Light.
3 Ten thousand times more fair Than all the sons of men, Art thou, my Saviour, and my Lord, My everlasting Friend.
5 God hath anointed thee With majesty and pow'r ; And universal blessings crown Thy reign for evermore. 6 All kindred, tongues shall be The trophies of thy grace; Rais'd to immortal scenes of joy, To sing thine endless praise.
The True Light. John i. 9, &c. EHOLD the sun, whose cheering light Dispels the darkness of the night; Beams from the east his gentle rays, And in the west his light displays! 2 So, like the sun, did Christ appear, Or like the bright and morning star; Enlight'ning all the world below, That every man the truth may know.
3 The glorious Sun of Righteousness Came down the nations all to bless, To spread the truth from pole to pole, And bring again the ransom'd soul. 4 The lame, the halt, the deaf, the blind, In Jesus shall salvation find; And in his name shall all confess, The Lord is God our Righteousness.
O wand'rers in the dismal road Which leads to sin's most fatal woe, Religion points the way to God, And gives the peace of heaven below.
2 The slaves to error, the destroy'd, Who neither joy nor comfort know, In iron servitude employ'd, Find in Religion-heaven below.
3 To the opprest, the poor not fed, Who from the rich quite empty go, Religion brings fair Zion's bread, And fills the soul with heav'n below.
4 Those who in riches, fame and pow'r, Nothing but anxious cares can know, Find in Religion's humble bow'r, That peace which makes a heaven below.
5 The sick, the weak, the dying too, Who earthly joys nor comforts know, In pure religion have a view, Of things which makes a heaven below.
HYMN 52. L. P. M.
From Ps. lxxiv. 16, 17.
HOU art, O God! the life and light Of all this wond'rous world we see;
Its glow by day, its smile by night, Are but reflections caught from thee. Where'er we turn, thy glories shine, And all things fair and bright are thine.
When day, with farewell beam, delays Among the opening clouds of even, And we can almost think we gaze Thro' golden vistas into heaven; Those hues that make the sun's decline So soft, so radiant, Lord! are thine.
3 When night, with wings of starry gloom, O'ershadows all the earth and skies, Like some dark, beauteous bird, whose plume Is sparkling with unnumber'd eyes ;- That sacred gloom, those fires divine, So grand, so countless, Lord! are thine.
4 When youthful spring around us breathes, Thy spirit warms her fragrant sigh; And ev'ry flower the summer wreathes, Is born beneath thy kindling eye. Where'er we turn, thy glories shine, And all things fair and bright are thine.
HYMN 53. С. М.
Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth.
IN the soft season of thy youth, In nature's smiling bloom, Ere we arrive and trembling wait Its summons to the tomb; 2 Remember thy Creator God; For him thy powers employ; Make him thy fear, thy love, thy hope, Thy confidence and joy.
3 He shall defend and guide thy cause Through life's uncertain sea, Till thou art landed on the shore Of blest eternity.
4 Then seek the Lord betimes, and choose
The path of heavenly truth ; The earth affords no lovelier sight
Than a religious youth.
HYMN 54. L. M.
A Christmas Hymn.
ET all the powers of music join, In one exalted chorus raise Loud anthems to the theme divine, And fill all heaven and earth with praise,
2 To us is born a Son, to reign
High on a throne of grace divine,
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