H HYMN 575. С. М. Gratitude. OW chang'd the face of nature shows, A fairer bloom the flowers disclose, 2 While beauty clothes the fertile vale, 3 And hark! the feather'd warblers sing! 4 How kind the influence of the skies! 5 O let my wondering heart confess, 6 That bounteous hand my thoughts adore, 7 That hand, in this hard heart of mine 8 O God of nature, God of grace. 9 Inspir'd to praise I then shall join MRS. STEELE. HYMN 576. L. M. The Resurrection. Matt. xxviii. 2-4. THE silent noon of night was past, : The moon was bright in silver sheen, 1 5 Like light'nings fire his count'nance beam'd, 7 Soon to the earth the seraph came, 8 With radiant glory compass'd round, The prostrate seraph licks the ground, 9 How chang'd the scene!-of late, the mirth 10 Behold yon tyrant! stript and bare, 11 Well may'st thou wail! the time draws nigh, And all thy captives leave the tomb. THO HYMN 577. С. М. Widow. HO' faint and sick, and worn away My widow'd feet are doom'd to stray, 2 Be Thou, O Lord! my Saviour still- 3 I know the soul that trusts in Thee 4 Then, keep me, Lord! where'er I go- 5 To give my weakness strength, O God! J. M. G. E. W-G. HYMN 578. С. М. The Condescension of God. Kings viii. 27. FTERNAL pow'r, almighty God, Accessless light is thy abode, 2 Before the radiance of thine eye 3. Great God, and wilt thou condescend 4 But oh! to shew thy smiling face, 5 How strange! how awful is thy love! 6 While golden harps, and angel tongues Resound immortal lays, MRS. STEELE.
INDEX TO THE FIRST LINES OF THE HYMNS.. A ABIDE with us, the evening shades Absurd and vain attempt to bind A God, a God, the wide earth shouts Ah! wretched souls, who strive in vain A joyful song to God HYMN 565 284 34 38 516 285 253 All earthly charms, however dear 471 All hail, mysterious King 286 All hail, victorious Saviour, hail 287 All hail, redeeming Lord 488 All hail the power of Jesus' name 76 All-knowing God, 'tis thine to know 288 All nature feels attractive pow'r 480 All nature speaks, let men give ear 43 Almighty author of my frame 568 Almighty Maker, Lord of all 413 Almighty goodness, power divine 132 Almighty Maker, God 133 Amazing, beauteous change 397 Amidst the heav'nly pow'rs sublime 193 And will the Majesty of Heaven 208 And will the Eternal King 418 And is the gospel peace and love 289 And why do Christians thus contend 342 Angels, roll the rock away 18 Another six days' work is done 542 Are not thy mercies sovereign still 415 Arise, and hail the happy day 15 Arise from thy wilderness state 244 As the good shepherd gently leads 543 As we advance in wisdom's ways 178 As shepherds in Jewry were guarding their sheep 434 As showers on meadows newly mown 11 At the portals of thy house 544 At thy command, our blessed Lord 291 Attend whilst God's exalted son 290 Attend, my soul, with reverent awe Awake, my soul. lift up thine eyes 292 Awake our drowsy souls 293 Awake our souls, away our fears 294 |