HYMN 68. С. М.
Man's Mortality. Ps. xxxix.
NEACH me the measure
Thou Maker of my frame; I would survey life's narrow space, And learn how frail I am.
2 A span is all that we can boast, How short the fleeting time! Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flow'r and prime. *3 See the vain race of mortals move Like shadows o'er the plain; They rage and strive, desire and love, But all their noise is vain.
4 Some walk in honour's gaudy show, Some dig for golden ore; They toil for heirs, they know not who, And straight are seen no more.
5 What should I wish or wait for then From creatures, earth and dust? They make our expectations vain, And disappoint our trust.
6 This fruitless search no more be mine, Such hopes I now recal; My earthly prospects I resign, And make my God my all.
HYMN 69. L. M. Charity rewarded. Ps. xli.
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BLEST is the man, whose tender care
Relieves the poor in their distress;
Whose pity wipes the widow's tear, Whose hand supports the fatherless. 2 His heart contrives for their relief More good than his own hand can do; He, in the time of gen'ral grief, Shall find the Lord has pity too.
3 His soul shall live secure on earth, With secret blessings on his head; When drought, and pestilence, and dearth Around him multiply their dead.
4 Or if he languish on his couch, God will pronounce his sins forgiven; Will save him with a healing touch, Or take his willing soul to heav'n.
In Time of War. Ps. xliv.
LORD, our fathers oft have told, In our attentive ears,
Thy wonders in their days perform'd And in more ancient years.
2 'Twas not their courage, nor their sword, To them salvation gave; 'Twas not their number nor their strength, That did their country save.
3 By thy right hand, thy pow'rful arm, Whose succour they implor'd, Thy providence protected them, Who thy great name ador'd.
4 As thee, their God, our fathers own'd, So thou art still our King; O therefore, as thou didst to them, To us deliv'rance bring.
5 We will not trust our sword nor bow, When we in war engage; But thee, who canst subdue our foe, And calm their haughty rage.
6 To thee the glory we'll ascribe, From whom salvation came ; In God our shield we will rejoice, And ever bless thy name.
HYMN 71. C. M. Universal Praise. Ps. xlvii.
FOR a shout of sacred joy To God the sov'reign King! Let ev'ry land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph sing.
2 Whilst angels shout their lofty praise, Let mortals learn their strains ; Let all the earth their voices raise, O'er all the earth he reigns.
3 Rehearse his praise with awe profound, Let knowledge lead the song; Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue. 4 In Israel stood his ancient throne, He lov'd that chosen race; But now he calls the world his own, And heathen taste his grace.
HYMN 72. S. M.
Gospel Worship and Order. Ps. xlviii..
the Lord our God,
And let his praise be great;
He makes the church his blest abode, His most delightful seat.
Far as thy name is known, The world declares thy praise; Thy saints, O Lord, before thy throne Their songs of honour raise.
3 Let strangers walk around The city where we dwell; Compass and view thy holy ground, And mark the building well; The order of thy house,
The worship of thy court,
The cheerful songs, the solemn vows, And make a fair report.
How decent and how wise!
How glorious to behold! Beyond the pomp that charms the eyes, And rites adorn'd with gold.
6 The God we worship now Will guide us till we die; Will be our God whilst here below, Our God above the sky.
HYMN 73. L. M.
Divine Protection, Grace and Truth. Ps. lvii.
Y God, in whom are Of boundless love, and grace unknown;
Hide me beneath thy spreading wings, Till the dark cloud be overblown.
2 Up to the heav'ns, I raise my cry; The Lord will my desires perform ; He sends his angel from the sky, And saves me from the threat'ning storm.
3 Be thou exalted, O my God!
Above the heav'ns where angels dwell; Thy pow'r on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders tell.
4 My heart is fix'd, my song shall raise Immortal honours to thy name; Awake, my tongue, to sound his praise ! My tongue, the glory of my frame.
5 High o'er the earth his mercy reigns, And reaches to the utmost sky; His truth to endless years remains, When lower worlds dissolve and die.
6 Be thou exalted, O my God ! Above the heav'ns where angels dwell; Thy pow'r on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders tell.
HYMN 74. С. М.
For the Lord's Day Morning. Ps. Ixiii.
FARLY, my God, without delay,
I haste to seek thy face, My thirsty spirit faints away, Without thy cheering grace. 2 So pilgrims on the scorching sand, Beneath a burning sky, Long for a cooling stream at hand, And they must drink or die. 3 I've seen thy glory and thy pow'r Through all thy temple shine; My God, repeat that heav'nly hour, That vision so divine.
4 Not all the blessings of a feast Can please my soul so well, As when thy richer grace I taste, And in thy presence dwell. 5 Not life itself, with all its joys, Can my best passions move; Nor raise so high my cheerful voice, As thy forgiving love.
6 Thus, till my last expiring day, I'll bless my God and King ; Thus will I lift my hands to pray, And tune my lips to sing.
Delight in Divine Worship. Ps. xiii. Y God, permit my tongue
With joy to call thee mine;
And let my early cries prevail, To taste thy love divine. 2 Within thy churches, Lord, I long to find my place; Thy pow'r and glory to behold, And feel thy quick'ning grace.
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