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Crozer Baptist Theological Seminary- |


Cruelty (to Animals) — prevailing
trait in children, 195; training of
the affections necessary, 196

Crusca, Accademia della-3


Culleoka Institute-569

Culture-general and special, self-

exertion, 196; moral culture 197
Cumberland University-197

Curriculum - see Course of In-


Currie-168, 169, 261, 336

Curtis, Joseph-197.

Curtius, Alexander Carolus-636

Curtius, George-198. See also 390

Curwen, Rev. J.- 781, 782, 783

Cusanus, Nicolaus-421

Cutler, Manasseh-661

Cyclopædia of Education-253
Cygnaus, Uno-303
Cyprian-142, 246

Czernowitz, University of—64

Dacler, André-198
Dacier, Anne-198
Dakota-area and population, edu-

cational history, 198: school sys-
tem,educational condition, school
statistics, normal instruction, 199
Dalberg, Johann von-358
Dalgarno, George-200, 205

Dalhousie College and University-655
Dall, Caroline H--304


Dame Schools-200

Dana, J. D.-202. See also 580
Dancing and Dancing Schools-
history of, the "jumping proces-
sion," religious character of, so-
cial aspects of, 201

Dane, Nathan-517
Danish Language-351

Danville Theological Seminary-712
Darmstadt Polytechnical School-369
Dartmouth College-202

Davidson College-203

Davies, Charles-203

Davis, Rev. Lewis-824
Day, Jeremiah-203, 171

Day, Thomas-747

Deaf-Mutes-203; number of, errone-
ous ideas in regard to, mental con-
dition, Alphabetum Natura, 204:
history of the instruction of dea
mutes, table of institutions for in
the U. S., 205; the American
Asylum; systems of instruction,
206. See also 682, 683

Dean Academy-829

Denmark-area and population, his- | Dominicans-178, 357
tory, 212; history of public in-
struction, primary instruction,
213; peasants' high schools, 214;
secondary, superior, and special
instruction, Iceland, 215. See also

Donaldson, J. W.-235. See also 504


Denominational Schools - 215:
arguments for, Pädagogisches
Handbuch, 216; Dr. Rigg, oppo-
sition to denominational schools
in the U.S., advocacy of by the Ro-
man Catholics, W. H. Seward, 217;
Bishop Hughes, 218

Dental College-560

Dentistry, Schools of-see Med-
ical Schools

Departmental System-218
Deposit Funds-173, 633

Depravity-see Moral Education
De Quincey, Thomas-350
Derby, Lord-477
Des Cartes-316

Deseret, University of-834, 835
Desks and Seats-763
Des Moines, University of-218
Detroit population, 218; educa-
tional history, city superintend-
ents, school system, school statis-
tics, 219
Developing Method-definition of,
Herbart, Beneke, improvements
in, self-consciousness, 220; the
teacher is the school, phonetic
spelling, Gräser, Vogel, reading
in concert, value of number, 221;
the developing method as an
auxiliary, 222. See also 660
Deventer, School at-7, 421
Devotional Exercises-see Relig-
ious Education

Diary, School-222
Dickinson College-222

Dictionary-definition and history

of, 223; in England, France, Ger-
many, 224 and 225
Didactics-225; general and special,


Didymus the Blind-18
Diesterweg. F. A. W.-226; his op-

position to the union of church
and school, 227-see also 433
Diez, Friedrich-743
Diffidence - its nature, Cowper,
Washington, means for correct-
ing, 228

Dilworth, Thomas-228
Dinter, G. F.-229

Diodorus Siculus-254

Dionysius Thrax-377

Debating-206; debating societies, Diploma-229

[blocks in formation]

Dorpat, University of—750
Drawing - definition of, usefulness
of, 235; two classes of, instru-
mental drawing, 236; free-hand
drawing, advisability of teaching
it in common schools, its intro-
duction into English schools,
237; conditions necessary for its
successful teaching, programmes
for instruction in different grades
of schools, 238. See also 51, 52,
53, 181

Dresden Polytechnical School—369

Drew Theological Seminary-631

Dringenberg, Ludwig-358

Drury College-239

Dublin University-see Ireland

Dudley Observatory-822
Duffey, Mrs. E. B.-304
Dull Scholars-239
Dulwich College-269

Dunedin University-61
Dupanloup-F. A. P.-239

Durham, University of-see Eng-
Dursch, M. G.-240

Duruy, Victor-240, 165
Dusseldorf, School of Fine Arts-308
Dutch-103, 491, 636, 646
Dutch Language-351
Duval, William-309

Dwight, Edmund-549, 550

Dwight, Francis-240
Dwight, Timothy

171, 187, 260

Dymond, J.-177


See also

[blocks in formation]

Edinburgh, University of see

Edinburgh Academy-774
Edinburgh High School-4, 773
Edinburgh Merchants' Company-863
Education-definition of, 243; kinds
of, instruction, history of educa-
tion, 244; idea of among the an-
cients, among the Hebrews, ad-
vent of Christianity, 245; school
of Alexandria, Christian schools,
convents, 246; town or burgher
schools, peripatetic schools, Mo-
hammedanism, the Reformation,
247; Jesuit schools, the Pietists,
Comenius, Locke, Humanists and
Realists, Rousseau, Basedow, Pes-
talozzi, Froebel, Herbart, Beneke,
Spencer, 248; histories of educa-
tion, theory of education, 249;
physical, intellectual, and emo-
tional education, 251; religious
education, educational works, 253.
See also 56, 226, 234, 283, 284, 298,
306, 321, 332, 372, 377, 383, 399,
417, 419, 497, 595, 695, 706, 717,
744, 746, 777, 793, 794
Education, Female-see Female


Education and Crime-see Crime | Erasmus, Desiderius-life and in-

and Education

Educational Notes and Queries-665
Educative Instruction-467, 468
Egbert, Benedictine Monk-81
Egypt -area, population, and his-
tory, educational history, ancient
Egypt, 254; modern Egypt, 255;
missionary and foreign schools,
256. See also 300
Eichhorn, Minister-364

Elaborative Faculty-257, 469, 472
Elective Studies-152

Elementary Schools-257
Elementary Science-see Science,
Teaching of

Elementary Sounds-700
Eliot, President-10

Elizabeth, Queen-479

Ellis, A. J.-674

Ellis, William-257, 784, 786

Elocution-257, 721, 733

Elphinston, James-257

Elyot, Sir Thomas-224

Ely, Isaac M.-197

fluence, 282; educational views,
283. See also 33, 115, 304, 389
Erasmus Hall-637
Erigena, J. S.-283
Eratosthenes-18, 333
Erlangen, University of-368
Ernest, Duke of Gotha-361
Ernesti, J. A.-284
Erskine College-284
Esquiros, M. Alphonse-747
Esthetic Culture-the esthetic ele-
ment among savages, taste, 284;
sense of the beautiful to be cul-
tivated practically, drawing to be
taught before writing, love of
the beautiful, music, poetry,
esthetics of the school room, 285.
See also 252


Ethnographic Method-425

Etienne or Estienne, Henry and

Robert-see Stephens


Emerson, G. B.-257. See also 149, Eton College-see England. See


Emerson, Ralph Waldo-424

Eminence College-258

Emory College-258

Emory and Henry College-259
Emotions-259. See also 251, 252
Empirical Methods-259

Emulation-definition of, expedien-
cy of its use, 260

Endowed Schools-262, 269, 382, 828,


Endowments, Special-402

Engineering Schools-771, 772
England-area and population, 261;
educational history, endowed

schools commission, 262; condi-
tion of schools at the time of the
Reformation, Lancaster, Bell,
British and Foreign Society, and
National Society, Brougham, 263;
committee of inspection appoint-
ed, schoo! laws of 1870, 1873, and
1876, school boards, 264; national
system,265; educational statistics,
266; London school board, teach-
ers' associations, secondary edu-
cation, 267; public schools, 268;
endowed and proprietary schools
and colleges, ladies' colleges, su
perior instruction, 269; profes-
sional and scientific instruction,
270; theological colleges, inns of
court, etc., 271. See also 287,

England, Church of-see Epis-
copal Church
English, The Study of-early study
in infant schools, etc., to speak
well, learning to read, 272; gram-
mar, advanced study in high
schools, etc., skill in speaking,
273; skill in writing, philological
study of English, 274; compara-
tive philology, phonology, gram-
matical etymology, 275; course in
Lafayette College, text-books, 276
English Literature-what to teach

and how to teach it, 277; encyclo-
pædism and abridgment, course
and method of study, 278; Amer-
ican literature, books of refer-
ence, 279
Epée, C. M., Abbé de l'-280, 205

Episcopal Church-Church of Eng-

land, 280: Church of Ireland,
Protestant Episcopal Church in
the U. S.. 281

Episcopal Methodist College-282
Epitome of History-424

Equation-see Algebra

also 432

Etymology-286. See also, 225, 275
Euclid-18, 342

Eureka College-286
Evangelical Association-286
Evening Schools-objects of their
establishment, 286; their status in
different countries, organization
and management, defects of in
New York, 287. See also 5, 423, 466
Everett, Edward-288 See also 1,

33, 34, 35, 243, 422
Examination Questions-291
Examinations-288; of schools, of
teachers, college and university
examinations, 289; in Germany,
comparative values of written
and oral examinations, 290. See
Example, The Influence of-291
also 133, 800
Exchanges, Educational-see Hol-
Exercise-398, 441, 597, 268
brook, Josiah
Exhibitions, School-292

Eye, Cultivation of the-sight sus-

ceptible of improvement, aims of
education in, 292; when to begin
the cultivation of the eye, kinder-
garten methods, color-blindness,
injury to the eye from faulty
school methods, 293. See also 440

Factory Schools


English legisla-
tion in regard to, legislation on
the Continent, 294; in the U. S.,
Faculties (Mental)-34, 250, 469, 562
295. See also 548
Fagging-295. See also 268
Falk, J. D.—295
Falk, P. L. A.-295, 724
Family Plan-665, 672
Farmers' College-297
Farmville College-845
Farnum Preparatory School-631
Fear-its relation to education, 297;
Fauvel-Gouraud, F.-564
the method of nature, 298
Felbiger, J. I. von-298. See also 63
Fellenberg, P. E. von-299. See
also 33, 375,429


Female Education - history, 299;
female education in ancient
times, influence of Christianity
upon, 300: the Reformation,statis-
tics in Russia, in Austria, in other
Catholic countries, 301; in the
U. S., degrees conferred, theory
of female education, 302. See also i

[blocks in formation]

Fichte, J. G.-306, 362, 465
Ficinus, Marsilius-482
Fiction, Works of-interest of chil-
dren in, 306; educational uses of,
errors to be avoided, 307
Field Lane School-726
Fillmore, Millard-106
Fine Arts-308

Finland area and population,educa-
tional history, school system, 308
Firmian, Bishop of Passau-63
Fisher, John D.-434

Fisk University-309
Fisk, Wilbur-567

Fitzwilliam Museum-116

Flattich, J. F.-309

Floor Space, in School Rooms-459
Florida-area and population, edu-

cational history, 309; state super-
intendents, school system, 310;
school fund, educational condi-
tion, seminaries, superior in-
struction, educational literature,

Florida Education Society-430
Flounders College-327

Flower, Enoch-685

Foreign Education-311; disadvan-

tages of, foreign travel, 312
Forestry, Schools of-11


Form-312; method of training the

observing faculties, 313. See also
343, 695

Forster, William E.-165, 264

Foundationers-157, 268
Fort Wayne College-313
Foundling Asylums-313
Fourier, Pierre-314
Fox, George-327, 628
Fox, William-797
Fractions-see Arithmetic
France-area, population, and terri-

tory, 314; educational history.
315, 316; primary instruction, 317,
318; secondary and superior in-
struction, 319; special and profes
sional instruction, 320. See also
165, 189, 691
Franciscan College-321
Franciscans-178, 315, 357

Francke, A. H.-educational and
charitable labors, institutions
founded by him, educational
views, 321. See also 465, 672, 807
Franeker, University of-618
Franklin, Benjamin-697

Franklin College (Ind.)-322
Franklin College (Ohio)-322
Franklin and Marshall College-


Frederick College-322
Frederick 1V., of Denmark-213
Frederick VI., of Denmark-213
Frederick the Great-807
Free Academy, New York-647
Free Church of Scotland-711, 819
Freedmen's Aid Society-568
Freedmen's Bureau-323, 827
Freedmen's Schools-323

Free Schools-see Public Schools.
Free School Society of New York–637.
See also 382
658, 647

[blocks in formation]

Geelong College-712

Geiger, Abraham, 415

General Culture-776

Generalization-468, 469, 470, 704, 768
Genetic Method-331, 537
Geneva, University of—804
Geneva Catechism-118

Geneva College-331

Genoa, University of-496
Geography-its scope, 332; element-

ary instruction in, history of,
333; first text-books, 334; mental
faculties exercised by, stages of
instruction, 335; proper age to
begin the study of, 336; methods
of teaching, 337. See also 277, 635
Geology-its claim to recognition in
elementary schools, basis of, 333;
mental powers cultivated by the
study of, improper methods of
teaching, 341

Geometrical Invention-345
Geometry-341; how to be approach-

ed by the learner, a mechanical as
well as a logical science, 342; ar-
rangement of subject matter, 343;
class-room work, 344: geometrical
invention, changes in demonstra-
tion, 345

Georgetown College (D. C.)-345
Georgetown College (Ky.)-346
Georgia-area, population, and edu-

cational history, state superin-
tendents, 346; school system,
educational condition, school sta-
tistics, 347; normal, secondary,
superior, special, and professional
instruction, 348
Georgia, University of-349
Gérando, J. M. de-349. See also, 35
Gerbert (Sylvester II.)-37
German-American Schools-349

German College-350
German Language



value of, 350; its origin and his-
tory, 351; German philology, 352;
prevalence of German, method
of studying in England and Amer-
ica, 353; pronunciation of, juve-
nile literature, study of, German
in the U. S., 354; views of school
superintendents in regard to, 355;
arguments against, 356. See also

German Language

106, 129, 136, 144, 530, 579, 614, 649,
754, 758

German States-165
German Wallace College-356
Germany-historical sketch of, edu-
cational history, 356; the school
subordinate to the church, the
gymnasium, 359; Ritterakademien,
the Padagogium, 361; Gesner, Er-
nesti, Heyne, the Humanists, Pes-
talozzi, Fichte, 362; Sailer, Die-
sterweg, Froebel, primary in-
struction, 363; school statistics,
364; Prussian school administra-
tion, secondary instruction, 365;
course of study in the gymnasia,
teachers' seminaries, 366; univer-
sities, 367; professional, technical,
and scientific instruction, mili-
tary academies, educational pub-
lications, 369. See also 167, 189
Gesner, J. M.-370

Gettysburg Theological Seminary-534
Ghent, University of-77

Giessen, University of—368
Gifts, Kindergarten-370
Gilbert de la Porrée-209

Gilman, Daniel C.-174

Gilmanton Academy-627

Girard, Grégoire-371

Girard, Stephen-672

Girard College-466, 672, 690

Girls, Education of-see Female

Girton College-149, 269, 863
Gladstone, William E.-140
Glasgow, University of—774, 775
Globe, Artificial-its construction,
371; history and advantages of,
372. See also 336, 337

[blocks in formation]

Graded Course-190
Graded Schools-375
Graded System-375
Graefe, Heinrich-377
Graham, Isabella-377

See also 140, 336,
352, 391, 420, 512, 514, 560, 602
Grammar, English-its function,

distinction between the science
and the art of grammar, 378; his-
tory of, 379; methods of instruc-
tion, language lessons, science of
the sentence, scheme for teach-
ing grammar, 380; analysis and
parsing, errors in teaching, 381.
See also, 27, 273, 277
Grammarians, Roman-377
Grammar Schools-382.
269, 715
Grammatical Exercises-164
Granada, University of —792
Grant, President-218
Granville Female College-302

See also

Graser, J. B.-383. See also 221
Gratz, University of—64
Gray Nuns, Order of-743

Great Britain and Ireland, The
United Kingdom of 383
Great Elector-363
Greaves, James P.-17
Greece-area and population, his-

torical sketch, ancient Greece,
383; educational views of the an-
cient Greeks, 384; the Greek Em-
pire, modern Greece, 385; pri-
mary instruction, 386; secondary
instruction, 387; superior and
special instruction, 388
Greek, Christian-142
Greek Church-388, 818
Greek Language-origin and his-
tory, 389; the Greek alphabet,
rivalry with Latin, methods of
teaching, 390; grammars and lex-
icons, 391; readers, 392. See also
50, 361, 363, 420, 681

Green, S. S.-551, 737
Greeneville and Tusculum Col-

Greenleaf, Simon-517

Gregorian Tones-604

Gregory IX. Pope-67, 208

Greifswald, University of-368

Grey's "Memoria Technica"-564
Grimm, J. L.-392

Grimm, W. K.-393

Griscom, John-393

Griscom, J. H.-393

Groen van Prinsterer-618

Groningen, University of—618

Groot, Gerard-see Hieronymians.
See also 358

Grote, George-304, 833

Grounds, School - see School

Guatemala-see Central America

Guggenbühl, Dr.-444


Guizot, F. P. G.-393. See also 165,

317, 318

Gustavus Adolphus-801

Gutsmuths, J. C. F.-394, 396, 757
Guyot, A. H.-394. See also 334

Gymnasium-history of, 394: mod-
ern meaning of in Germany and
on the Continent, 395. See also
57, 358, 386
Gymnastics-agonistics and ath-
letics, games and exercises, 396;
gymnastics as a part of education,
397. See also 39, 57, 153, 213, 300,
384, 394, 528, 702

Habit-397; its power, bad habits,
teacher's duty toward, good hab-
its, proper time for forming, 398.
See also 34, 259

Hackett, Horatio B.-72
Hadley, James-399

Haehn, J. F.-399
Haldeman, Prof.-701
Hale, Chief Justice-465
Half-Time Schools-399
Hall, S. R.-400. See also 260
Halle, University of-368

Halls English Universities)-151
Hamilton, Alexander-637

Hamilton, James-400
Hamilton, Sir William-555
Hamilton Baptist Theological Seminary


[blocks in formation]

Hannibal College-401
Hanover College-401

Hanover Polytechnical School-369
Harderwick, University of-618
Harmony in Development


most important aim in educa-
tion, 401; abnormal development
destroys happiness and impairs
intellectual effort, 402
Harnisch, C. W.-402

Harris, James-379

Harris, William T.-376, 755
Harrow School-268, 269
Hartford-171, 172, 175

Hartford Theological Seminary-170

Hartlib, Samuel-403
Hartsville University-403
Hartwick Theological Seminary—534
Harvard College-176
Harvard, John-403, 549
Harvard University-departments

of, history of, 403; buildings
and property, the curriculum,
404; tuition fees, degrees, etc.,
405; presidents, 407. See also 152,

Haüy, Valentine-407. See also 85
Haven, E. O.-407, 568

Haverford College-407
Hawailan Islands-area and popu-

lation, educational history, 407;
school system and statistics, 408

Heads of Houses-151

Heart, Education of-see Moral


Hebrew Language-origin and ear-

ly history, alphabet, scientific
study of Hebrew, 109; philology,
method to be pursued in the stu-
dy of, 410
Hebrews, Education among the-

education among the ancient He-
brews, 411; Simon ben Shetach,
schools held in high estimation,
412; organization and mode of in-
struction, subjects of study, edu-
cation of girls and women,413; ed-
ucation under the Mohammedan
rule, 414; decline of education
from the 13th to the 17th centu-
ry, educational history in recent
times, 415. See also 245, 345

Hecker, John-121

Hecker, J. J.-416, 807

Hedding College-417


Hegel, G. W. F.-417. See also 35

Hegeman, Adrian-336

Hegius, Alexander-417

Heidelberg, University of-368

Heidelberg Catechism-118, 727

Heidelberg College-418


Heinicke, Samuel-418.


Hellenic Schools-387, 388

Henderson College-418

Henfrey, Prof.—96

Henkle, W. D.-665

Henn, P.-593

Henry VIII.-677, 678, 715



High Schools-421, 828

Higher Education



Schools, Secondary Instruc-
Highland University-423
tion, and Superior Instruction

Hillsdale College-423
Hiram College-423
History-423; proper mode of teach-
ing, stages of, 424; different meth-
ods, 425; dates, lectures, kind of
material for elementary study,
426; the philosophy of history,
value of testimony, criticism, 427
Hiwassee College-428
Hobart College-428
Hofwyl, Schools of-description of,
428; Wehrli, 429. See also 11, 299
Holbrook, Josiah-429
Holiday-see School Festivals
Holland-see Netherlands

Hollins Institute-845

Holy Angels' College-430
Holy Cross, College of the-430
Holyoke, Edward-171

Home Education-430; unconscious
tuition, the mother, home and
school education contrasted, 431.
See also 234, 245, 291
Home Lessons-432

Homeopathic Colleges-560

Hope-see Incentives, Prizes, and

Hope College-433

Hopewell Baptist Academy-71
Hopkins, Edward-175
Hopkins, Johns-494

Hopkins, Mark-433. See also 171,


Hopkins Grammar School-175

Hospice des Quinze- Vingts-85
House of Refuge - see Reform
Schools. See also 197
Howard College-434
Howard University-434
Howe, S. G.-434. See also 102
Howland, John-735

Hrabanus-see Rabanus

Huarte, Juan-435

Huddlestone, William-676

Huet, P. D.-435

Hughes, Archbishop-218, 795
Humanists-248, 362

Humboldt, K. W. von-435
Humboldt College-435

See also Hungarian Language-509

Henry Joseph-418. Se also 34

Henry, Prince, the Navigator-373

Henslow, J. S.-95


Herbart, J. F.-418; his psychology
and educational views, 419. See
also 8, 220

Herder, J. G. von-419

Hungary-435; area and population,
educational history, 436; school
system, primary instruction, sta-
tistics, 437; secondary, superior,
and special instruction, 438

Huxley-422, 868
Hydrographic Schools-812
Hygiene, School - site of school
building, 438: construction of,
class rooms, windows, their size,
number, etc., 439; mode of venti-
lation, heating, temperature, fur-
niture, discipline and school man-
agement, 440; personal condition
of pupils, physical exercise, 441;
the play-ground, 442

Hermann, Gottfried-420. See also Hymns-731

362, 389


Hesperian College-420

Hessus, Eobanus-420

Heyne, Ch. G.-420



[blocks in formation]

Idiocy-443, 445

Idiots, Education of-first attempts
to educate, history of, 443; insti-
tutions for, at the present time,
444; table of statistics, intellect-
ual aspect of idiocy, adaptation
of kindergarten methods, num-
ber of idiots in the civilized
world, 445
Illinois-area and population, 445;
educational history, school sys-
tem, 446; school fund, teachers'
certificates,educational condition,
statistics, 447; normal, secondary,
superior, technical, and profes-
sional instruction, 448; special
instruction, educational associa-
tions, 449

Illinois College-449
Illinois Wesleyan University-449
Illiteracy-definition of, influence
of on communities, 449; sources
of information in regard to, pres-
ent condition of different coun-
tries in regard to, 450; percentage
of, in different countries, cause of,
influence of education on, 451;
tabular view of in different coun-
tries, 452. See also 323.
Ill Temper-681
Imagination. Culture of-necessity

for its cultivation, its early devel-
opment, methods of cultivation,
453; the fixing of the attention a
prerequisite, studies into which
it particularly enters, works of
fiction, 454. See also 307, 335, 345,

Imbeciles, Schools for-176


Incentives, School-455. See also

India-area and population, early
history, 455; ancient and modern
India, 456; educational condition
and statistics, 457. See also 300
Indiana-area and population, edu-

cational history, 457; school su-
perintendents, school sytem, 458;
school fund, school taxes, edu-
cational condition and statistics,
normal instruction, 459; seconda-
ry, superior, professional, scien-
tific, and special instruction, edu-
cational libraries and journals, 460
Indiana Asbury University-460
Indiana University-461
Indians, American-461
Indian Schools-643

Indian Territory-area and popula-
tion, educational condition,462
Individuality-462. See also 372
Indo-Germanic Languages--464
Inductive Method-465
Industrial Drawing-238, 466
Industrial Schools-early legisla-

tion concerning in England, Italy.
and Germany, 465; in the U. S.,
466. See also 5, 266

Industry-467. See also 332
Infant Schools-see Kindergarten

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

James VI.-774
Jansz, Andries-636
Japan-area and population, early
history, 488; educational history,
489; present school system, 490.
See also 450

Jassy, University of—745
Jay, Peter A.-197

Jefferson College-490

Jefferson, Thomas-232, 825, 842, 846
Jeffrey, Francis-243

Jena, University of-368

Jersey City-population,educational
history, city superintendents,
school system, school revenue,
491; school statistics, 492
Jesuits-their educational work, 492;
school system, 493; their influ-
ence, schools and colleges in the
U. S., 494. See also 38, 179, 234,
248, 330, 359, 741, 742

Jewell, Edward—71, 72

Jewell, F. S.-374

Jewish Schools-245

Jex-Blake, Dr.-710

John C. Green School of Science-631,
632, 772

Johns Hopkins University-494
Johnson, Adelia A. F.-148

Johnson, Dr. Samuel-34, 54, 99, 185,
186, 223, 298, 307, 398

Johnson, Rev. Samuel-637

Jonas, Justus-118
Jonson, Ben-379

Joseph of Calasanza-704
Joseph II., of Austria-63, 741
Journal of Education-177
Judgment, Training of 495. See
also 335, 427
Julius, Dr.-809
Justinian, Code of-204

Kalamazoo College-495
Kansas-area and population, edu-

cational history, school system,
495; educational condition, school
statistics, normal, secondary, and
superior instruction, 496; profes-
sional, scientific, and special in-
struction, 497

Kansas, University of-497
Kant Immanuel-his philosophical

system, his view of education,
497; his influence, 498. See also
32, 33, 34, 35, 465, 564

Kasan, University of—750

Kempis, Thomas à-358, 417, 421
Kentucky-area and population,

educational history, 498; school
system, educational condition;
normal, secondary, and superior
instruction, 499; professional,
scientific, and special instruction;
society for the advancement of
education; state teachers' associ-
ation, 500

Kentucky Military Institute-501
Kentucky University-500
Kentucky Wesleyan College-501
Kenyon College-501
Kern, Dr.-444

Kharkof, University of—750
Kidd, John-136
Kidder, Dr.-118
Kiddie, Henry-648
Kief, University of-750
Kiel, University of-368
Kildare Society-477
Kimball Union Academy-627
Kimchi, David-414

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Froebel's theory,
501 amusement the principal
medium for the education of
the child, family education alone
insufficient, social education to
begin early, the first teacher
should be a woman, rapid adop-
tion of kindergarten methods,
gifts, exercises, concrete facts the
first to be taught, 502; incorpo-
ration of the kindergarten with
the public school, reception in
the U. S., 503; condition of in
Germany, skillful preparation of
the teacher necessary, 504. See
also 241, 293, 445, 828
Kindermann, Ferdinand-504
Kinesipathy-396, 524
King College-505
King Edward's School-382
King's College-505
Kingston, University of-668
Kirkland, John T.-171

Klausenburg, University of-438
Knights' Academies-361
Knowledge-453, 767
Knox College-505
Kobo (of Japan)-489
Königsberg, University of-368
Krosigk, Ernestine von-364
Kunze, Johann Christoph-534

Labor Schools-465




Ladies' Colleges-267, 269
Ladies' Course--302

Lafayette College-506. See also 31,

La Grange College-506

Lahainaluna School-845
Lancashire Independent College-171
Lancaster, Joseph 506; opens a

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school in Southwark, Dr. Bell,
success of Lancaster, modes of
punishment, decline in the pop-
ularity of his method, 507. See
also 145, 263, 594

Land Grants, Congressional-see
United States. See also 10, 826
Lane Theological Seminary-664
Lane University-508

Lange, Rudolph-358

Language -its varieties, compara-
tive study of languages, 508; the
child's mastery of language, in-
struction in, 509; classical and
modern languages, 510. See also
34, 241, 274, 293, 352, 471

La Salle, J. B.-510

La Salle College-510. See also 743,


Latin, Christian-142, 143
Latin Language its derivation,
510; lingua urbana, lingua rustica,
Latin in the middle ages, the al-
phabet, 511; study of Latin at the
present time, 512; exercises in
composition and versification,
513; history of Latin grammar,
514. See also 142, 143, 357, 493
Latin Schools-515. See also 357, 358,
366, 511

Lausanne, University of-805
Laval, University of—718

Law Schools - their early history,

515; recent history in England
and the U. S., 516; statistics, or-
ganization, course of study, ad-
mission, length of course, gradu-
ation, 518; table of law schools in
the U. S., 519

Lawrence, Abbott-519

Lawrence, Amos-519

Lawrence Scientific School-405, 772
Lawrence University of Wiscon-


Layritz, P. E.—599

Lebanon Valley College-519
Lebrija, Antonio de-793

Lectures lecture defined, differ-
ence between a lecture and a les-
son, in what grades of schools
used as a means of instruction,
520. See also 126, 426
Lecture Schools-382, 715
Lecture System-520
Legal Education Society-516
Lehigh University-520
Leigh, Dr. Edwin-674, 701
Leipsic, University of—368
Leland University-520
Lemberg, University of-64
Lennoxville, University of-718

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