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few years later this young man was a soldier of the Prince in India. If you have not heard of this Samuel Mills and his companions and of the wonderful Haystack prayer meeting they held one day in the rain near Williamstown, Massachusetts, you will want to read all about them as soon as you can.

When Henry Martyn was young, he read the Life of David Brainerd, an American who spent his life among the Indians, teaching them the ideas of the Prince, and his heart was so stirred that he resolved to give his life to the Prince to be used in foreign lands. If it had not been for David Brainerd, Henry Martyn might never have gone to India. I do not know what David Brainerd might do for you if you only came to know him.

It is wonderful how one person starts another to fighting for the Prince. Brainerd started Martyn and Martyn started Reginald Heber, and I do not know how many Heber has started. You all know the beautiful hymn: "Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!" a hymn so nearly perfect that the great Alfred Tennyson wished he could have written it. That hymn was written by Reginald Heber, so also was the hymn: "The Son of God goes forth to war," a hymn which every boy and girl in America ought to tuck away in his mind, and so also was "From Greenland's icy mountains." What music may come into the world as the result of your reading about the soldiers of the Prince I do not know.

There is a little island in the West Indies on which a long time ago there fought a brave soldier of the Prince. A book telling about this soldier and about

a furious hurricane which once swept over his island fell into the hands of a little English boy-John Patteson. John was greatly excited by the story of the soldier and the hurricane, and rushing to his mother he exclaimed: "Mother, I will be a Bishop, and I will have a hurricane, too." When that boy grew to be a man he could not forget the book he had read years before, and before long he was a soldier of the Prince on another island in the far off South Pacific.

The boys and girls of today are going to be men and women pretty soon. When they are grown, many of them will have boys and girls of their own, and what those boys and girls are going to read and do, will depend largely on what the boys and girls are reading now. You cannot tell, therefore, what you may do for the Prince, by reading now the lives of some of his soldiers. Who was it said:

"Lives of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime.”

It is certainly true, and there are no greater men than the great soldiers of the Prince.

One more thing you can do, you can pray. You can talk to God about people you have never seen. You can talk to him about people you do not like. You will like them better after you have talked to him about them. You ought to talk to him often about the people on the big continents where the Prince is little known, and of course you will always speak a word for the people on the islands. More things are brought about by prayer than any of us

imagine. We cannot see just what is accomplished, but it is not important that we shall see. We must do what the Prince says, whether we see the use of it at once or not. The Prince always prayed himself, and he requested every soldier of his to pray. He begged them not to faint. The first great soldier of the Prince-Paul-after he had named all the pieces of armor which a christian soldier must put on, added prayer. He saved it to the last because it is the most important. Unless we talk to God earnestly and often we cannot be victorious soldiers of the Prince.


1. What does the author mean by an "Empire of Love"? 2. What should be the motto of this Empire?

3. How did boys and girls help the Prince when he lived in Palestine?

4. What is the first fort to be captured by the soldiers of the Prince?

5. Find five important things that boys and girls can do to help establish an Empire of Love.

6. What is race prejudice? Why is it an enemy in the Empire of Love?

7. How can you use your money to help get the world in your eye and in your heart?

8. What books ought you to have in your own library on the Soldiers of the Prince?

9. What did David Brainerd lead two other soldiers of the Prince to do?

10. Why ought soldiers of the Prince to form the habit of talking often with God?

NOTE. These pages which follow are to serve as a chart and compass to the Juniors in their journey among the Soldiers of the Prince. It will help them to find the real heroes of the world, to know what they have done to make them worth remembering and more than all else it will help the Juniors to take their stand firmly on the side of


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