THE SCHOOL MANUAL. A COMPENDIUM OF THE LEADING FACTS IN ENGLISH (GRAMMAR, GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, AND LITERAture), 66 TOGETHER WITH A COLLECTION OF ARITHMETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL DEFINITIONS AND FORMULE. BY W. T. JEFFCOTT (LOND. UNIV.), Vice-Principal of the High School, Margate, AND G. J. TOSSELL (LOND. UNIV.), Senior Assistant Master in the High School, Margate. 66 JOINT EDITORS OF HELPS FOR LATIN STUDENTS," 'THE FRENCH NEWSPAPER READING BOOK," "THE GERMAN NEWSPAPER READING London: THE CENTRAL SCHOOL DEPÔT, 4, WORSHIP STREET AND PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C. PREFACE. THIS book is, as its title implies, "A Compendium of Facts." English Grammar, English History and Literature, Geography, and Religion, have all been touched upon; and the Editors believe and hope that all the chief points have been brought out. They have inserted the Tables of Weights and Measures, a few Arithmetical Hints, and the most useful Formulæ in Algebra and Trigonometry; to this section they have added a few elementary definitions and formulæ in Natural Philosophy. The Grammar will be found rather longer than the other sections; for in the multiplicity of text-books issued at the present day-many of them differing in toto-it is hard to gather salient facts, and it was therefore found necessary to make this section sufficient to form a text-book by itself. In the Historical Section, the chief events have been carefully selected, and a list of the notable men who lived during the time has been printed at the foot of each reign. Those battles in which the English were defeated have been distinguished by an asterisk, and it is hoped that the difference of type will tend to call attention to the more important facts. This part is, of course, intended chiefly for oral teaching; the pupils learning the facts and lists of names, the teacher weaving all together by narrative instruction. |