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Orleans without rendering an account of their cargo, so that the figures under the head of "Exports" fall far short of exhibiting the amount of produce that has been shipped from this port. As our tables now include all the shipments by every conveyance that it is possible to obtain, we shall hereafter be able to approximate nearer the true amount.



The Boston Shipping List gives a tabular statement of the quantity of cotton goods exported from that port during the year ending May 31st, 1846. The footing stands 62,676 bales and cases coastwise, and 28,316 do. to foreign ports; being an increase of 22,419 bales and cases coastwise, and 2,302 do. to foreign ports. Total exports, foreign and coastwise, this year, 92,992 bales and cases, against 65,971 last year. The places to which the largest amounts were shipped are the following:

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The remainder was exported, in smaller quantities, to many different places; among them are Cronstadt, Gibraltar, Coast of Africa, Madagascar, Malta, South America, Pernambuco, Honduras, California, Cuba, Laguna, St. Domingo, St. Thomas, St. Peters, Gonaives, Cape Haytien, New Zealand, Cape de Verds, West Indies, Maracaibo, Porto Cabello, Guayama, Aux Cayes, &c., &c.



The Buffalo Express furnishes the following table of the prices of Genesee flour in the city of New York, for the last twenty-four years, on the first Wednesday in the months of September and December in each year:

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The table showing that in six years, in September, prices have been lower than at present; and in eighteen years, have been higher. In the December column, the prices are in each year higher than there is any reason to believe will be the range in 1846. These two periods have been taken for the purpose of showing the state of the market under the effects of a full supply from the West, and at a time when the market is controlled by a demand dependent upon a given supply, without the effect of additions or arrivals.



THAT pure, liberal-minded, and enlightened statesman, and political economist, Dr. Bowring, in the British House of Commons, recently called the attention of government to the crimes and other evils originating in the high duties levied by the government of England on tobacco. The following is an extract from his speech on that occasion:

"The evidence which the committee reported to the House showed that the seizures for smuggling tobacco in May, 1846, were 538; while for spirits there were only 171; tea 11; silk 10; and 26 for all other articles. It appears, also, from that evidence, that the offence was greatly increasing. While the number of convictions for the year ending January, 1843, was 436, in 1846 they had increased to 872, being an augmentation, in the space of only four years, of upwards of 200 per cent, while the increase of convictions in Scotland was 451 per cent, and in Ireland it was 252 per cent, and the people would continue to be farther demoralized so long as the high duties were maintained. The persons so convicted very rarely paid any penalties; they suffered imprisonment, and the committee had ascertained that the average period of their incarceration was three months, or ninety days, and the expense of maintaining them averaged from 4d. to 6d. per day, exclusive of the cost of prosecution or other charges which preceded their being conveyed to jail. The offence was spreading very rapidly among our sailors, the evidence proving that two-thirds of all the sailors engaged in our ships were systematically engaged in breaking the law; it was proved that whole cargoes were landed in the Thames, and openly carted through the streets in the very heart of the city, and in the open day. It was proved before the committee that one large poulterer imported largely from abroad in crates made from twisted tobacco leaves, (a laugh) which were passed by the customhouse officers, and they frequently assisted in sending them to their destination. Schools were opened in large numbers where the art of smuggling was regularly taught to youths, a system of education which was the prolific cause of great crimes. Those high duties also entailed a very considerable expense upon the public revenue. The coast guard amounted to 6,000 men, and 66 cruisers were employed at a cost to the country of between 600,000l. and 700,000%., a great part of which might be saved if the duty upon tobacco were reduced to a reasonable scale: yet although such an enormous force was employed, it was proven to the committee that as much tobacco was smuggled into the country as passed through the custom-house and paid the duty. The honorable member proceeded to argue that the injustice done to the small dealers by the present system of duties was multitudinous and cruelly oppressive, and it appeared to him that there was no way of settling the question but by a large reduction of the duties."


Percy, in his anecdotes, gives an instance of generosity on the part of a Chinese merchant, of the name of Shai-king-qua, who had long known a Mr. Anderson, an English trader, and had large transactions with him. It appears that Mr. Anderson met with heavy losses, became insolvent, and at the time of his failure owed his Chinese friend upwards of eighty thousand dollars. Mr. Anderson wished to come to England, in the hopes of being able to retrieve his affairs; he called on the Hong merchant, and in the utmost distress, explained his situation, his wishes, and his hopes. The Chinese listened with anxious attention, and having heard his story, thus addressed him: "My friend Anderson, you have been very unfortunate; you lose all; I very sorry; you go to England; if you more fortunate there, you come back and pay; but that you no forget Chinaman friend, you take this, and when you look on this, you will remember Shai-king-qua.” In saying these words, he pulled out a valuable gold watch, and gave it to Anderson.

Mr. Anderson took leave of his friend, but he did not live to retrieve his affairs, or to return to China. When the account of his death, and of the distress in which he had left his family, reached Canton, the Hong merchant called on one of the gentlemen of the

factory who was about to return to Europe, and addressed him in the following manner: "Poor Mr. Anderson dead! I very sorry; he good man; he friend, and he leave two childs; they poor-they have nothing-they childs of my friend; you take this for them; tell them Chinaman friend send it!" And he put into the gentleman's hand a sum of money for Mr. Anderson's children, amounting to several hundred pounds.

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It is stated in a foreign paper, that a merchant, in prosecuting his morning tour in the suburbs of Edinburgh, found, as he walked along, a purse containing a considerable sum of money. He observed a lady at a considerable distance, who, he thought, would be the owner and loser. Determined to be correct in the party to whom he delivered it, he fell upon a strange, yet ingenious plan to effect this. He resolved to act the part of a poor distressed tradesman," and boldly went forward, hat in hand, and asked alms. This was answered with a polite "Go away! I have nothing to give you." The poor man, however, persisted in his entreaties until he had got assistance for his "famishing wife and children," the lady, from reasons, no doubt, similar to Mrs. Maclarty's, at last condescended; but, to her dismay, found that the wherewith was gone. The merchant, now satisfied that he was correct, with a polite bow returned the purse, with an advice that in future she would be more generous to the distressed and destitute.


We would direct the special attention of business men to the extensive foreign agency establishment of Messrs. Simmonds & Ward, of London, who occupy the same position in that great mercantile city, as our Harnden, Pomeroy, &c. For very many years, they have now devoted their attention to the improvement of the business arrangements with foreign countries. They have agents in every leading town and British colony, and whether the matter to be transacted be the transmission of funds, the sale or purchase of merchandise, the appointment of agents, the consignment of goods, the publication of new works, or the procuring of English goods, all comes within the scope of their extensive agency; and we can speak from experience of the promptitude and high standing of their house, with which we have long been in correspondence.


The Rev. Mr. Pohlman gives the following summary statement of this inhuman traffic:

"In the city of Amoy alone, there are as many as one thousand opium shops, where the drug can be purchased; and facilities are afforded for reclining to smoke it. To give an idea of the drain of specie from the country, on account of opium, it need only be mentioned that the annual sale of opium at the port of Amoy alone, averages one million two hundred thousand dollars; and that there are, along the coast of this single province, four other smuggling depots. The total annual drain on the finances of the country is estimated at twelve millions of dollars."


ERRATA. The reader of the article on the "Manufacturing Industry of the State of New York," in the October number of this Magazine, is requested to substitute the following sentence, for the 12th, 13th, and 14th lines from the top of page 371: "The first factory in 1814, was erected by Peter A. Schenck, Abraham H. Schenck, and H. & S. Cowing, the latter of whom eventually assigned their interest to their associates." The value of the wool consumed at the Glenham factory, stated on page 374 at $70,000, was $73,000, and the quantity consumed is erroneously stated, on page 375, at 173,000 pounds; it should be 190,000, as correctly stated on the previous page. It is usual to charge all errors to the printer; these, however, were committed by the writer, as we have ascertained by reference to his manuscript.


1.-Essay on the Progress of Nations in Productive Industry, Civilization, Population, and Wealth, illustrated by Statistics of Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce, Banking, Revenues, Internal Improvements, Emigration, Mortality, and Population. By EZRA C. SEAMAN. Detroit: M. Geiger & Co. New York: Baker & Scribner.

We have here a volume of nearly five hundred pages, written, as we are informed by the author, at intervals, during the last fifteen years, when he was not occupied with professional business, and without any definite object in view. It covers a wide range of subjects, and embodies a large amount of statistics, which are brought down to the present time, and introduced with a view of illustrating the author's speculations. The volume is divided into seventeen chapters. The two first are devoted to a consideration of the "Laws of Nature;" four more to Civilization, in its history and progress; which are followed by several chapters on metals, paper money, foreign commerce, manufactures, population-in short, to all the principal departments and products of human industry. The author has, in the course of his inquiries, discussed the influence of the laws of nature, of education, of climate, and of government, civil, military, and ecclesiastical, upon the human mind, and upon the destiny and progress of man. His object has been to connect political economy with statistics; to bring the rules and principles of the former to the text and established facts of the latter; and to try them, as far as practicable, by the severe test and certain standard of the principles of mathematics. The volume contains much information on the subjects discussed; and, although we should be far from assenting to all the conclusions and deductions of the author, we can find much that is suggestive and useful; and, whatever may be the opinion entertained of the soundness of the views which he has presented in the work, no one will refuse to credit the author for the pains-taking research and industry evinced in its production.

2.-The Water-Cure in Chronic Disease. An Exposition of the Cause, Progress, and Terminations of Various Chronic Diseases of the Digestive Organs. Lungs, Nerves, Limbs, and Skin, and of their Treatment by Water, and other Hygienic Means. By JAMES MANLEY GULLY, M. D., Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, and Fellow of the Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh; Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, London, etc. New York: Wiley & Putnam. This work is divided into three parts. In the first, the origin, progress, and terminations of chronic diseases in general, are delineated and explained, and the deduction made, that no disease becomes chronic, unless the central organs of nutrition are affected. In the second part, this is further developed in the history of individual chronic diseases, the explanation of the pathology of each of which is given, and also the reasons for the water treatment applicable to each. Part third treats of the mode in which the water cure operates in producing its beneficial results; and in bringing forward the details of the water cure, the rationale of each process is given, and the circumstances which regulate their application stated. The statements are drawn from the experience of the author, in an extensive field of practical observation, during four years' residence at Malvern. The whole work bears the impress of a highly cultivated mind; and all the statements appear to be made with a frankness and candor well calculated to elicit the credence of unbiassed minds, and, indeed, all who are not dogmatically wedded to old prejudices. It is the ablest and best written work touching the "water-cure" that we have met with; and it does not appear to be written so much to catch the hopeful invalid, as to enlighten him as to the nature of his disease, or the mode in which the water plan is to relieve it.

3.-The Early Jesuit Missions in North America; Compiled and Translated from the Letters of the French Jesuits, with Notes. By Rev. WILLIAM INGRAHAM KIP, M. A., Corresponding Member of the New York Historical Society. New York: Wiley & Putnam's Library of American Books. It is truly said, by the author of these interesting volumes, that no page of our country's history is more touching and romantic, than that which records the labors and sufferings of the Jesuit missionaries. Marquette, Joilet, Brebeuf, Joques, Lallemand, Rosles, and Marest, are names the West should ever hold in remembrance. Most of them were martyrs to their faith-but few "died the common death of all men," or slept in church-consecrated grounds. The editor and translator has made a valuable contribution to the historic literature of the country, and the publishers have very judiciously added it to their valuable collection of American books. The narrative of facts it contains are full of romantic interest, and fully illustrate the trite but just remark, that "truth is stranger than fiction." 4.-Owen Gladin's Wanderings in the Isle of Wight. By OLD HUMPHREY, author of " Addresses."' "Observations," "Thoughts for the Thoughtful," "Homely Hints," "Old Sea Captain," etc., etc. New York: Robert Carter.

The "Wanderings in the Isle of Wight" are written in the same sententious, homely, and agreeable style that characterises everything from the prolific pen of Old Humphrey. There is an individuality, and kindness of heart, running through the old man, that interests all readers, and inspires one with a desire of shaking him by the hand. Although deeply tinctured with a religious spirit, for the most part cheerful, there are few that will not read these sketches with pleasure.

5.-The Rainbow, for 1847. Edited by A. J. McDONALD. Albany: A. L. Harrison. New York: Wiley & Putnam.

The plan of this new annual is unique, happily conceived, and, on the whole, well carried out. The design for its composition was, to imagine each State of the Union to be a garden, from which some flowers would be culled, and the whole be formed into a bouquet. After much labor, the flowers have been gathered from nineteen States, and, as the contributors are so wide-spread, so different in their styles, and yet, like a bed of tulips, each possessing such peculiar beauty of color-their combined tints are called the "Rainbow." To drop the editor's metaphor, the volume consists of poems, tales, and sketches, of varied interest and merit, from "dwellers" in nineteen of the States. The articles are mostly original. Several of the engravings are pretty, and the volume is handsomely printed on a firm, snow-white paper, and bound most superbly. The few faults of the work will, doubtless, be corrected in a future volume, which we hope will be induced by the success of the present. It is, emphatically, a national work, and, on that account, as its influence must be for good, we earnestly hope that it may be successful.

6.-On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History. Six Lectures. Reported with Emendations and Additions. By THOMAS CARLYLE. New York: Wiley & Putnam.

The publishers have done well to introduce this comparatively new, but well-known work, into their series of "Choice Reading." It appears, from a characteristic note of Carlyle, that he has "read over, and revised into a correct state, for Messrs. Wiley & Putnam, of New York," the present work; "who are hereby authorized, they, and they only, so far as he can authorize them, to print and vend the same in the United States." The book is "Carlyle all over."

7.-The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. Complete in one Volume. Illustrated with Engravings from Drawings by eminent Artists. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Philadelphia: George S. Appleton.

It would be a work of supererogation on our part, were we capable, to attempt anything like a criticism on the poetical works of Moore, "that matchless compeer of song." But we may be permitted to speak of the present edition in its material composition, as a specimen of "book-making." We had supposed that the APPLETONS had done all that could well be done to improve the typographic art in this country, and give form and beauty to their publications, during the last four or five years; but we were mistaken, as this volume will convince any one who will take the trouble-we mean enjoy the pleasure-of examining it, as it must ever be a pleasure to persons of taste to look upon works of art which so nearly approach the highest ideal of material perfection. It is our deliberate opinion that this is the most perfect book that has ever been produced by "the trade" in the United States; and it deserves a high rank as a model for the profession. The paper is of the finest texture, and the type of the most perfect cast. The steel plate illustrations equal, if not surpass, the best that have adorned the most popular English or American annuals. The publishers seem to have spared no expense to reach a degree of excellence equal, to say the least, to that attained by the leading publishers of London. In this volume of seven hundred and fifty-seven royal octavo pages, we have the complete poetical works of Moore, embracing the English edition of ten volumes, with the ten prefaces which accompany them. No one, however fastidious, will ever think of purchasing any other for a library.

8.-The Rose: or, Affection's Gift, for 1847. Edited by EMILY MARSHALL. Illustrated with ten elegant Steel Engravings. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

This unpretending little annual has made its annual appearance for a long time. The tales possess an interest independent of that which is derived from startling incidents and striking characters. The moral influence which poetry and fiction always exert when produced by real genius, will be recognized as one of the chief recommendations of the collection impressed upon the snowy white leaves of this handsomely bound volume. "The embellishments," says the editor," have all been engraved by first-rate artists, and exhibit an unusual degree of novelty and variety in the subjects." It is, on the whole, a neat and pretty gift-book."

9.-Poems. By AMELIA. New York: D. Appleton & Co.

This is the second edition of these poems, somewhat enlarged by the addition of several of the author's more recent productions. The first edition was published in one of the Western States; but the more than ordinary merit of the poems soon attracted the notice of the discriminating everywhere, and secured at once for the Western poetess a place among the "poets and poetry of America.” Many of the pieces are really beautiful, and all evince that purity of thought, mingled with a depth and delicacy of feeling, which are the general accompaniments of true poetical inspiration. The publishers have lent the volume, what it so well deserves, the aid of a handsome material dress, in every particular.

10.-Sacred Meditations. By P. L. U. Boston: Waite, Pierce & Co.

11.-Lovest Thou Me? or, The Believer's Companion in his Hours of Self-Examination. By the Rev. DANIEL WISE. Boston: Waite, Pierce & Co.

Two pretty volumes, of a religious and devotional character, and designed as tokens of remembrance between pious friends.

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