"SECTION 1.*** There shall be prefixed to each volume of the Laws hereafter published, the names and residences of the several State officers, the Senators and Members of Assembly, and the presiding officers and clerks of both branches of the Legislature, at the time of the passage of such Laws." Gen. Laws of 1854, Chapter 94. NAMES AND RESIDENCES Of the State Officers, Senators, Members of the Assembly, Presiding Officers and Clerks of both branches of the Legislature, in office at the time of the passage of the Laws contained in this volume: NAME. Alexander W. Randall,.. Governor Waukesha Waukesha. Milwaukee. Walworth. Rock. Dane. Wm. H. Watson..... Priv. Sec'y to Governor.. Milwaukee Louis P. Harvey........... Secretary of State...... Shopiere Chauncey H. Purple...... Ass't State Treasurer.... Waukesha. James H. Howe...... Attorney General......... Green Bay... Waukesha. James O. Culver.... Josiah L. Pickard. A. J. Craig........ Ass't Attorney General.. Milwaukee State Superintendent.... Platteville Ass't State Superinten't Palmyra Gysbert Van Steenwyk.. Bank Comptroller......... Kilbourn City. Brown Milwaukee. Grant. Jefferson. Columbia. Milwaukee. Hans C. Heg....... State Pris. Commissioner Racine Racine. L. C. Evans....... Ass't Pris. Commissioner Waupun... ....... Fond du Lac. Samuel C. Bean...... State Librarian... Sun Prairie... Dane. Rufus Parks............. Sup't. Public Property... Waterville.......... Waukesha. Luther H. Cary..... .. Senator.. Greenbush Sheboygan. Edward Decker. ..do... Kewaunee.. Kewaunee. Hugh Cunning..... do. Ozaukee...... Ozaukee. Densmore W. Maxon..... ..do. Cedar Creek. Washington. Charles Quentin... ..do.. Milwaukee Milwaukee. Michael J. Egan... .do... Milwaukee Milwaukee. William L. Utley. ..do. Racine...... Racine. Geo. Bennett..... ...do. Kenosha Kenosha. Samuel C. Bean....... John T. Kingston........ ...do... Necedah. Juneau. ...do... Summit Waukesha. .do... Sun Prairie.... Dane. |