May 27... 1... G. Capron, clerk select committee on militia, 10 00 27... 27... 2... W. H. Brisbane, chaplain legislature,...... 15 00 do 15 00 STATE OF WISCONSIN, 88. I, L. P. Harvey, secretary of state of the state of Wisconsin, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing list with original acts of appropriotions deposited in this office, and that the same is a complete list of all the appropriations made at the last session of the legislature, except such as are printed at length in this volume. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the [L. S.] state, at the capitol, in Madison, this 25th day of July, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one. L. P. HARVEY, Secretary of State. INDEX. A. ABOLISHED-jurisdiction of Bad Ax county court, do county courts of La Pointe and Ashland counties, affidavit of merits in certain cases, S 234 ABSTRACT-of title to certain property, to be procured, 131 ACCIDENTS-to guard against, from the use of threshing machines, AD ACCOUNTS-for publishing chap. 370 G. L. 1860, sec'y of state to audit, 45 for newspapers, do for rents of certain offices. for support of U. S. convicts, to be made out semi-annually, 163 of assessors, when not to be audited, 182 of architects of capitol extension, auditing of, 288 of James Ross and S. D. Carpenter, for public printing, settlement confirmed, ACTIONS-chap. 122 R. S., relating to forms of civil, amended,.. 55 sec. 10, chap. 124, R. S., relating to manner of commencing civil, amended, trials in certain, facilitated, 137 where may be brought, chap. 79, R. S., relating to, amended, chapter 264, R. S., relating to limitations of, amended, 302 ADAMS COUNTY-expenditure of drainage fund in, 2018 ADJUTANT GENERAL-certain muster roll to be furnished, 337 AFFIDAVIT OF MERITS-in certain cases abolished, 234 AHNEPEE-state road from, to Green Bay,... expenditure of drainage fund in town of, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY-state, deduction from annual appropriation to, 286 of certain counties, payment of money to, AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS-duties of assessors in collection of, ALMA-state road from, to Prescott, 154 181 150 278 220 AMENDMENTS-General Laws. to exempt sixty days' earnings of mechanics and laborers 300 into bodies corporate, 297 1859 22 sale of lands for unpaid taxes, &c.,...........35, 158, 299 removal of county seat of Crawford county, AMENDMENTS-General Laws--continued. Year. Chap. Sec. Title. 1859 115 1 to prohibit sale of intoxicating drinks on Sundays and certain other days, 299 to appropriate certain islands to Boscobel and Man- 191 terms of court in 4th judicial circuit, to regulate foreign insurance companies, 1860 118 1 certain records in Brown county, evidence, &c., .... 37 1 to change time for holding election in city of Hudson,... 283 to organize Door county for judicial purposes, to amend chapter 139 R. S., ........ state road from Chilton to Wrightstown, 1 to constitute Shawanaw co. part 10th judicial circuit, 108 14 160 13 relating to certain ward tax in Milwaukee, 216 1860 306 tostate, 235 1860 314 1,2 preservation of fish in Manitowoc and Kewaunee counties 78 1 to authorize governor to seize lands on Green island...... 14 amending chap. 18 R. S. and chap. 22 G. L. 1859, relative to sale of lands for unpaid taxes. 299 1855 49 to incorporate village of Madison into separate school district 311 1855 299 to incorporate Sugar River Valley R. R... 258 1856 134 to incorporate city of La Crosse....... 313 1856 327 to amend charter of city of Watertown..... 23,178 164 1856 595 do borough of Fort Howard....... 78 144 1857 136 additional powers to trustees of Neenah. 179 1857 143 to authorize union school district No. 8, Monroe, to loan |