| New York (State) - 1829 - 826 էջ
...provided such conim* sioners, or any two of them, shall have caused a survey of s*ch ro»# or highways to be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk « the town. But such confirmation shall not affect any decision of w judges of the court of common... | |
 | Simeon DeWitt Bloodgood - 1838 - 252 էջ
...provided such commissioners, or any two of them, shall have caused a survey of such roads or highways to be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk of the town. But such confirmation shall not affect any decision of the judges of the court of common... | |
 | Wisconsin - 1843 - 108 էջ
...description to be made of such road, and shall incorporate such survey in an order to be signed by them, arid to be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk, who shall note the time of receiving the same. Where road § 3. No public or private road shall be... | |
 | Illinois - 1853 - 276 էջ
...survey to be made of such road, and shall incorporate such survey in an order to be signed by them, and to be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk, who shall note the time of recording the same. Town cierk. § 3. It shall be the duty of the town clerk,... | |
 | 1856 - 512 էջ
...town auditors as that which relates to his subsequent receipts and disbursements. Inasmuch as it is to be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk, it must, independent of and in addition to the original cash account, be entered upon the blank book.... | |
 | Nathan Howard (Jr.), New York (State). Supreme Court - 1857 - 614 էջ
...of two of them, was to be conclusive ; was to be in writing, and signed by the judges making it, and to be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk of the town. In all these proceedings, there can be no doubt these judges were discharging a judicial... | |
 | Elijah Middlebrook Haines - 1858 - 208 էջ
...The highway [or alteration of the highway] in question, is described in said order, which was filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk of said town, on the day of , 18 — , as follows, [deseribe the road as in the order.] The grounds upon which this... | |
 | New York (State) - 1859 - 1350 էջ
...same, and shall cause a survey thereof, together with their order for laying out the said highway, to be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk of the said town of Plainfield. $ 3. The commissioners of highways of the said town of Plainfield shall,... | |
 | Wisconsin - 1860 - 318 էջ
...cause such determination i p \ -i -.0/1/-V • ii • i , n *° provide for CHAPTKE 112. t 0 b e filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk of said town ; and the said town clerk shall notify each of said officers of his election, within the said ten days.... | |
 | 1860 - 208 էջ
...provided such commissioners, or any two of them, shall have caused a survey of such roads or highways to be filed and recorded in the office of the town clerk of the town. But such confirmation shall not affect any decision of the judges of the court of common... | |
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