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rocky outlines came in sight he greeted them like on. “ She'd a big heart had Cassie.” And then
living beings. “How can onybody live in thoe he remembered that, except that painful interview
stinking holes ?” said he to himself. “I'd reither at “the Druid's Stones," it was almost a year and a
be a herd-boy nor have all Mr. Rendall's stores. | half since he had seen her. “There's a deal may
Eh, but it's a lovely sight,” said he, as he saw a ha' happened sin' then,” he thought, and, goaded by
plough passing crosswise along a field on a hill the idea, he hurried on almost at a run.
nearly as steep as a house side.

He had taken a cross cut, and was a little out of He was leaning over the parapet of a bridge, his reckoning among the folds of hill, when, mountwatching the rush of the water among the big ing a higher ridge than usual to look out, he saw stones, and trying to make out Stone Edge in the suddenly, just beneath him, the scene of Ashford's distance, when a voice near him cried out, “ Why, murder: it seemed as if he could not get out of if it ain't Roland Stracey!” and he encountered the reach of its memories. He sat down as if he had sharp eyes of Lawyer Gilbert, a low attorney, with been shot: he could trace far below him the bit of whom he knew his father had had a long quarrel steep road, the stream, the little grove, as plainly as about an exchange.

if he had been there, and he tore away in another And where's your father, I'd like to know?” direction. The shadow of the guilt was on him, as said he. “ He cheated me once, but I'll be even if he had committed it himself. “I oughtna to go with him yet. He got off finely at the inquest; belike to Cassie,” he muttered again. Still, as he he'd hardly be so lucky again. I should like to said the words, he was walking on towards her: know, if you'd a been set in the witness-box and the the attraction was too strong, and he crept along the screw put on, what you'd ha' been made to say ? quietest way he could, over hill and down dale, and There was one Jackman, horsedealer," he added, up to Stone Edge by the Druid's temple : the grave with a searching look

old stones looked sadly at him, he remembered " And what right ha' you to take folk's characters his last sight of them, and hurried on to the house. away o' that fashion ? ” said Roland, fiercely, turn- He heard a loud scolding woman's voice; what ing at bay. “I know a thing or two o' you, as ye 'll did it mean? and a blowsy red-cheeked girl was hardly like telled i' th' court !” and he passed on on the threshold. without another word. He was evidently not to “Where be the Ashfords ? ” said he; but before be trifled with in that mood, and the man let him the answer came the whole truth flashed upon him.

Of course they had all been ruined by that black
He struck across country to avoid meeting any night's work: everything they possessed in the world
one else, - up a lonely valley, where now runs a must have been swept away, and it had been his
high-road and a railway is threatened, but where own father's doing; he could have wrung his hands.
then there passed nothing but the old pack-horse “Well, for sure, so you 'd neevir heerd as they'd
way, paved in places, which had probably exist- fitted! Where do ye come frae, young man ?
ed since before the time of the Romans. Up and said the woman, after the fashion of all secluded
down it went, without the smallest idea of keeping dwellers. “Ye mun ha' a drink o' milk and a crust
any level, turned aside by every little obstacle, run-o'bread, though," she added, compassionately.
ning hither and thither like a child at play, in- " Ye look wored out like to death.”
stead of the stern determination of a Roman road, “I canna' wait," he replied, and as soon as he
or even of its modern equivalent. He walked for had learnt their new home he hurried on again.
niles without meeting a living thing, and all was The little hamlet was scattered up and down the
ilent except a brawling stream, which ran at the hills, no three houses together, each in its own croft
sottom, hidden amid moss and magnificent broad and garden, and he went in and out of the green
eaves. Sometimes the steep hillsides rose bare, lanes for some time at random, not liking to in-
vith nothing but bush and shaley loose stones quire. At last he saw Cassie coming slowly up a
vixed with lilies of the valley and rare mountain field-path which led to the cottage, carrying a large
romatic herbs; then came sweeps of the short bundle of work from the mill; but he looked so
weet emerald grass of the limestone pastures, and haggard, so worn, so thin, that at first she scarcely

sheep or two, as nimble as goats, bounded out of recognized him. “Roland !” she said, in a low
je way. And still, as he went, he had scarcely de- voice at last.
rmined in himself whether he should go on to He was there for no other purpose but to try and
assie or not. Presently he saw in the middle of see her, yet when she spoke he walked on as if he
e steep bare path a brown partridge cowering over had not heard. After three or four steps he

young. She had brought out a just-batched stopped.
ood to sun themselves, and awe-struck at this un- “Did ye call me?” he said, huskily, without
pected danger, from which her children could not turning.

pe. remained perfectly still as the best chance! She did not answer, and he looked back. She
saving the small things, which could hardly run, was leaning against the narrow stone style, trem-
Sharing it with them. The Sortes Virgiliance bling all over, and her eyes full of tears.
played in many ways and by varying needs. “O Cassie, my heart's nearly broke," he went
If she have faith and doesna stir," said the on.
no man to himself, “ I 'll go on; if she runs Il “Come wi' me to the house and see Lyddy," re-

co nigh Cassie. I canna stan' what she mid | plied she, compassionately.
Se” Many an action is determined by the “No, no: thou dustna know all, thou dustna know
ion of as unconscious an agent as the par- all! I think I'm going crazy wi' misery!” and he

who never flinched in the courage of her took hold of both her hands, and looked into her 'Roland even stooped over her as he passed ; | face with an expression that went to her heart. " bright eye was the only thing which “Yea, but I think I do,” said she, earnestly and

kindly. red.

the dumb beasts has that in 'um, " Whativer dost thee know, and how ?" an* 9 muttered he to hiroself as he strode swered he, in an anxious tone.




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“I read it i' the lines of thy face, Roland. Why “Leave a' that till to-morrow, dearie," pleaded shouldna we be friens ? God Almighty have a laid Lydia, vainly. She was as difficult to catch as a a heavy band on us : why should we make it worse bird. to oursens ? Come in wi' me; there's Lyddy and At last, saddened and disheartened, Roland folGerman will be main glad to see thee. Come," she lowed her to the lower kitchen, opening on a sort of said, with gentle compulsion, and something of her terrace above the glen, where Cassie had lighted for old stately grace.

a moment in her cleaning operations. He followed her irresolutely, as one drawn on “I understan',” said poor Roland, coming up it against his will, but taking up her bundle from the her with a dimness in his eyes. "Danna fash thrwall by his instinct of help. The houseplace was sen to put it into words, my darlin'. Good by, Gul empty and she hurried into the kitchen, which was a bless thee. Thou said 'st we mid be friends; shake few steps lower and opened out into the quarry and hands Cassie." garden.

“Ye dunno understan' at all,” she answered in a - Lyddy, he's there" ("Who's there?” said glow, with a reproachful sob. “Goin' about trealshe), " like one crazed wi' trouble. Go in to him, ing thy heart (and somebody else's too) a three dearie, comfort him, tak' him in, for my sake. long months, and then Good by' says he, Lyddy, - go to him," and the vehemence of her quiet, — we mid be friends!”” entreaty shook her from head to foot.

All the latter part of which speech was uteri Even Lydia's large charity was a little taken under difficulties, for he had seized her passioca aback.

in his arms, and was making up with interest il - Thou 'st sure it's trouble, and not wrong?” past arrears.

* Sure, certain sure; as sure as there's a sun in llalf an hour or so afterwards, as they sai opise heaven. Go in and see him thysen."

little low wall at the bottom of the garden, ELydia went in. It was a sight to touch even a the shelter of the French beans, she said, hard heart, and hers was certainly not hard. Ro- “ Thou wiltna part me from Lyddy, Roland? land had set himself on a low stool, with his elbows “I want my wife and my mother too," riemy on his knees and his head hidden on his hands; he he, looking deep into her eyes. “I'm not so: did not move as she came up to him, but only dunna love her the best of the two," he French said,

smiling at what he saw there: by which it w..? - You 're come to send me away?"

seen that Roland's spirits had considerabis * * Nay, poor lad, thee 'st welcome, in God's proved in the last hour. name," said she, laying her hand on his shoulder. “Nay, thee mustna say that; thee mun sat*

He seized her by both her wrists and pressed lovest ine better nor anything on the earth. :** them almost fiercely, and walked out of the door thou not, Roland ?" pleaded sbe, looking vic with a great sob to recover himself.

into his face. In a few minutes German appeared, coming in “My darlin', ye needna fear for the better for his tea.

my love. It's as if it were me, from the Ber? “Eh, Roland, but thee 's kindly welcome," said foot to the crown o' my read; but it's like 3 the lad. “Why, thee look'st like a ghost, poor fel- bottle wi the little neck, it canna get oer: low !"

should ha' seen me i' that big black place, Fa. Their greetings were like coals of fire on his a'most lost hope o' thee." head, and it was horrible to him that he could not “What's thissen ? " whispered she, sarit, & * eren griere over their falien fortunes, without in- ing a bit of string which she saw hanging in ferring something abont his father either way. He neck as he sat with his arm mand ber. He :saf, harily speaking, his hand over his eyes.

it out; it was the new shilling which she be "Where art thou going to-night ? " said Lydia, / him to belp in buying German's knife later in the evening when he had recrend himself “Twould bae been baried wine an I a little under their kindly influence. - Thou canst en thee agin," he answered, tenderiy. T* sleep o' th' settle for a tarn," she added, with a look the only thing I iver had o' thine. at German, to see that he did not object.

"T has been a cold winter and a wet sta It was the first dreamless. quiet sleep poor Ro said she, later, * and the little bads as land had had for months, and tell German rent out coming out, and a things looked pipe to his morning's work he never stirrad hand or foot wresbed; but summer 's come at last, era: When Lndia came down she found him washing and ye see the rea' green now. And & his face outsałe the door, where a bright stream of as she pulled leaf after leaf to pieces, tars water cane slashing out of a stone condait; -Ir- under the light of the loving eyes that re ing water is the onir wori which express these ber, mountain weils fresh thom the hidden treasures in - And now, mr dearie, about our life 1 the heart of the hills He turned up his wet face come and live and work bere wire al : Ar the chrá which she gare, as it he had been a murid's a nasty place, Case, add bobs ir child. "I want mr m er," said


e n speaking. That dost thin; oost! Irla snied and turned to look at Case abroad? Yoader, at Liverpool. I've see Staniing in the door warohiad her, sming to to tps and hundreis o' peonie goin' o i & Sow the ani lauk had ranished, though the so easy, I longa sot to go mysen, ony is! won ni Sani eins ou remained

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two hours before the two returned into the house they are already seated, they stare at the newplace.

comers as if the latter were guilty of a gross imper"Why," said Lyddy, looking up with a low tinence, or they smile in contempt when they hear laugh, “I heerd Roland a wishin' on ye good by English spoken, or they say, with a well-imitated mebbe two hours back; ain't be gone yet?”

shrug, 'You cannot escape the English tourist, "No, and I ain't a goin' at all,” said Roland, draw- wherever you go. What particular traits decide ing his stool close to her on one side, while Cassie that a man is no longer a man but a tourist, have laid her head on her shoulder on the other.

not as yet been specified; but it is certain that every “And what's more, he said as how he wasna sure English person abroad refuses to consider himself an he didna love his mother the best o' the two. ordinary tourist, but considers every other English What mun I do to him ?”

person abroad an ordinary tourist." The tears sprang into Lydia's eyes, and her lips |

| The following figures show in a striking manner

The following fionras 'show in trembled as she said, “ God bless ye both, my dears; the rapid growth of Prussia within a period of little ye're main good to me.”

more than two centuries : Under the Elector FredThere was something in the feeling that their joy erick I., Prussia consisted of 424 square miles of terdid not make them selfish, which to her keen per

ritory, inhabited by a population of 188,500; under ceptions of right gave almost as deep a satisfaction

King Frederick I., of 1,981 square miles of territory as the merely personal one.

and a population of 1,731,000; under Frederick II., [To be continued.)

of 3,476 square miles of territory and 5,659,000 in

habitants; under Frederick William IV., of 5,103 FOREIGN NOTES.

square miles of territory and 16,550,000 inhabitants ;

and it now bas 6,392 square miles of territory and An Italian poet has written a poem of 900 lines 24,000,000 inhabitants. on strawberries.

THIRTY-FIVE millions' worth of truffles have been The English papers notice the fact that Boston sold in Paris this year. The question has arisen, has a street named after the Laureate, — " Tenny-what is the probable amount of doctors' fees paid to son Street."

annihilate the effects of this vast quantity of inMessrs. ROUTLEDGE & Sons state that 100,000 digestible food ? Probably it was with the benevoof the first number of their “ international ” Maga- lent motive of assisting in this desirable work that zine have been already sold.

M. Jaquelin has invented a new liqueur, and wrote The Orchestra is enabled to announce a forth

last week to the paper entitled the Salle à Manger, coming work of interest to the musical and literary

to request its editor to procure for him the permisworlds, - a volume of new songs by Tennyson, with

sion to denominate his liqueur “ Tears of Corah

Pearl.” It appears that celebrated personage has music by Arthur S. Sullivan.

refused this privilege. The appeal, however, was The opening chapters of a new novel by Anthony

by Anthony pathetic; the concluding phrase of the letter assures Trollope, illustrated by I. E. Millais, will be one of

the editor his sole object was to procure an honorthe leading attractions of Mr. Trollope's magazine,

able subsistence for his children.“ Who," exclaims St. Paul's, the first number of which will be pub

Jaquelin, “ would refuse to taste the tears of Madelished on the 18th of October.

moiselle Corah Pearl at the ridiculously small sum The subject of debate among the grandes dames of 7f. per bottle ?” of the Austrian Court is in what form they can offer | The celebrated French surgeon Velpeau, who he expression of their admiration for the heroic

died suddenly on the 25th of August, was born at fforts made by the young Princess Salm-Salm to

Brèches, near Tours, on the 18th of May, 1795. ave the life of Maximilian. Artists and jewellers

He was brought up as a shoeing-smith, but having re already invited to send drawings of various ob

made the acquaintance of the well-known medical jets d'art suitable for such an occasion.

writer Bretonneau at Tours, he was admitted as a The London Athenæum says: “Everybody will student in the medical school of that city, where he e glad to hear that the paragraph now running soon gained a reputation for extraordinary ability. arough the press, to the effect that Mr. Charles Velpeau next went to Paris, to continue his mediDickens is suffering from an acute and mysterious cal studies, and, after passing all the examinations isease, — thereby causing that gentleman's friends, with unexampled rapidity, obtained the appointje whole reading public, very great alarm, - bas ment of professor of clinical surgery after a spirited

foundation of truth whatever. Mr. Dickens is contest with his fellow-candidate, Lisfranc. In 1833 ving at his pleasant Kentish house, busy with his the Medical Academy of Paris admitted him a memork, and enjoying the most perfect health ; com- ber of that body, and ten years afterwards he was ning, to use a few of his own words, his usual admitted into the French Institute. Velpeau is the centary powers with the training of a prize- author of several surgical works of great value, chter.'

among which the Traité d'Anatomie Chirurgicale - Tue distinguishing feature of the Englishman and Traité de Médecine Opératoire are the most road." says the London Review, “is his hatred of celebrated. His burial was attended by representery other Englishman. He will travel any dis- atives of all the principal medical bodies of France, ice, or be at any expense, in order to avoid his and by a great number of physicians from other intrymen. Tolerable fishing and good scenery | countries. ve their attractions; a noted gaming-table or a A PUBLIC benefactor in England has been lately ebrated mineral spring is occasionally taken into sending round a circular offering to favorable subsideration ; but that country, town, or village jects, who possess a confiding disposition and the pses all its rivals which can say, • There are no sum of £100, unbeard-of wealth. The advertiser Glish to be found here. When the members of claims to have discovered a principle of backing

English family observe the members of another horses by which “ winning to any amount is reçlish family come on board the steamer in which | duced to a certainty." This secret he offers to imtart for a sum of 100, and a guaranty of £ 900 your disposal the documents which they contain. currt of the first &9,000 realized. For less he cannot | The result is a work superior to others, in the cirdivulga the entire process; but with the view of aid- cumstance that it brings together the greatest numing honest but adventurone poverty, he graranteps ber of historical documents. Engaged at the present for every 10 invested x return of £60 a week; moment in writing the life of another Cæsar, name? fur € 20, €160; for ( 30, $300); for £50, $ 700; Napoleon Bonaparte, I require documents relating 4711 an on, teclucting £10 per cent for commission to his appearance on the scene of this world. In

11. then falls back upon statiatics, which, he says, brief, I should like to have all the pamphlets which Hologrly prove that there are every week, and have the 13th Vindémiaire brought forth. I have asked been ever since the establishment of racing, several for them at the library; they have been referei horeng on which you may stake £1,000, with the There remains to me no other means than to 8:*'s pitiva certainty of landing every bet. lle repre- to you, my illustrious confrère, to whom nothing sents the winninge realized for his system in most refused, to beg you to ask for these works in pertumire terms." In 1861, 480,000; in 1865, own name, at the library, and to be good enne

39,100; and in 1866, [ 20.000," and he adds that when you shall have received them, to place all calculation is alles when an attempt is made at my disposal. If you will be so kind as to pass to arrive at the point where the profits of this in- this request, you will have renlered me a .. Tallibile prstem really terminate." We are inclined which, in a literary sense, I shall never forg: to think are the London Review) that all at I have the honor to be, with respect. illustrin tempts to ascertain where the profits of the dupes thor of the Life of Cæsar,' your very bums. mhuin this fellow mar got into his clutches begin most grateful confrère, ALEXANDRE DCMA" I will be puncally battled, and we feel tolerably con- next day, the writer received through I DET

tent that he will 1peive more money in the shape pamphlets asked for. of principal than of commissiou.

Visitors to Paris in search of an bit. The larie pumpepondent of the London Morning

scarrelr feel inclined to try their chance of Seriolle the fulloring aneeriote: "You are aware

at the Hotel des Italiens, 29 Rae de Che. that the Situation, an anti-Prussian paper, was started by W. Hollanders name unknown in the

ther happen to read the report of a trial wi. Hinnar wurlu, but well known in certain orticial

Scenor came before the courts. Last JIH

Trzctcli and her btle girl arrived at tuje : rise Mexandre Dumas, me prening last spring, 1 akngan moting his B e Bens when he

haring been recommended to its proprieto, was senarai hy the visit or the tistar editor, who

nne, br persons of the highest respectables

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ODOTCU and became Nugent of Nugent, my natural feel

lings of satisfaction were damped in a very sudden I.

I and unlooked-for manner by my aunt's proceedI HARDLY know how I came to be at Scarbor- ings. ough at all, but there I was. I am an easy sort of It is rather a pleasant thing to find yourself a man man. I am afraid, indeed, that I have been easy, of property, independent, unfettered; the world all and, so to speak, the sport of circumstances all my before you, and the future, with its nameless hopes life, and it has not been a very long one yet. At and possibilities, a book just opened, with its brightany rate, I found myself there, on a sweet Septem- est pages unread. Under such circumstances a ber night, leaning over the wall of the Spa Prome- young man will dream, and his dreams will be nade, and staring out seaward. Behind me the sweet to him. He will not relish, any more than I lamps were only just lighted, but I had seen that did, the sudden waking up to find, as it were, a the amphitheatre seats were occupied, and by the lasso thrown about him, and his fate settled. Not increase of rustling, and footsteps behind, I knew that my aunt had any hold upon me at all in reality, that the promenade was filling.

but then she behaved as if she had. Cecile and I Still I stared out seaward, listened to the slush of were treated with a sort of mysterious petting. It the waves in the bay, and thought how much rough- was inferred that there was a secret understanding er and grander they would be on the other side of between us, which must be respectėd; we were not the Castle Cliff.

subject to ordinary laws at all. Little tête-à-têtes "I wonder what I came for?” I said to myself. were planned for us, and others besides my aunt 6 I don't know a soul here except the Nugents, and soon began to take it for granted that it was a they will think I followed them, and then —“ case," as people say, between us. For myself, no

« So you did follow us, after all, Robert ? ” poor doomed creature before a rattlesnake could

I confess that my start was more violent than the have been more helpless. It may seem weak, but calm, ladylike tones seemed to warrant; the fulfil- I call any young fellow of my age and temperament nent of my prognostication came upon me so sud- to testify to the power of a clever woman when she lenly. It was my aunt, Lady Nugent, who spoke, wills a thing. As for Cecile, she used to laugh and und with her there was her daughter, my cousin say, “ Poor mamma cannot realize that we have Cecile, commonly called Cis, whom I bad an un- done with our toys, Robert. You don't mind it, do asy presentiment that I was one day destined to you?" aarry.

" Mind what?” I would ask. " How are you, aunt ? Good evening, Cis," I “ Mamma forgets,” Cecile would say, looking hard tammered, facing round. “No, I don't know that at me," that, while I am a woman, you, being the

followed you exactly; but — I am here, you see. same age in years, are yet a boy.” low do you like it?"

And then I would be piqued, and — well, say 66 We have been here so often, Cis and I," said silly things to prove that I was a man indeed, and ady Nugent, with a little sbrug; “but 'tis a manly. warming place. And then the flowers are so beau-! The worst of all was, that I believe Cecile really ful, and the music, - I always think there is some- cared for me. I could have been very fond of her ing in the music, and the lights, and the — ah - as a brother, but nothing more. My hand was pasm sound of the waves, that touches one's tender- sive, if hers touched it; her voice, even when it feelings.”

uttered my own name, sent no thrill through my I believe I muttered internally, “ Clap-trap!" but heart; her presence was comparatively indifferent ibly I assented, with a sickly smile : for you see I to me; and yet here I was, drifting away along the så little afraid of Lady Nugent, - afraid of her path to which Lady Nugent pointed, making, at all times, but especially so when she did the sen- times, feeble efforts to break away, but feeling that, antal. She seemed, in a metaphorical sort of eventually, I was doomed. -, to have her paw upon me.

When the Nugents left London for Scarborough, There was not, and never had been, anything ap- and my aunt said to me, with unpleasant playfulnching to an engagement between Cecile and ness, “Well, if you don't follow us, I shall come elt. In the days gone by we had flirted a little, I back and fetch you,” I felt helplessly that she would heen a little silly, - perhaps very silly, — but do as she said, and so I followed. I would rather

over. At least, I thought so. Six months have gone down to Nugent, quiet as it was, or even bowever, when I came into my property, I have stayed in town to be worried by the lawyers

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