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Everything was very still, and yet in the sunshine, it was to me. All this time when she had looked go one felt as if one could hear the buds unfolding, the serene and had been so sweet, had she been carriyoung grass and leaflets thrilling with their new ing those tears in her heart? I think that me life. But it did not seem to me that Lady Denzil have been what was passing through Sir Thomasi was listening to these. I said, “Do you expect Sir mind. I had stood and stared, as one does, when

Thomas now?” with a kind of vague curiosity; and one is unexpectedly made the spectator of a cries in she looked in my face with a sudden, quick glance of another life. When I came to myself I something like suspicion which I could not under- ashamed of spying, as it were, upon Lady Denzil stand.

feelings. I hastened away, shaking hands with & “Do I look as if I expected something ?” she Thomas as I passed him. And so entirely was bi said. “Yes, - I expect some news that probably I mind absorbed in the scene before him, that I scaret shall not like. But it does not matter, my dear. It ly think he knew who I was. is nothing that affects me.”

After this it may be supposed I took a very greu She said these words with a smile that was rather interest in little Mary. At first I was embarrased dreary to see. It was not like Lady Denzil. It and did not quite know what to do, – whether I. was like saying, “ So long as it does not affect me should go back next day and ask for the child, an you know I don't care," — which was so far from my give Lady Denzil an opportunity of getting ore opinion of her. I did not know what to answer. any confession she might feel at the recollection the Her tone somehow disturbed the spring feeling, and I had been present, – or whether I should stro the harmony of the flowers.

| away ; but it turned out that Lady Denzil was a "I wish Sir Thomas had been here on such a half so sensitive as I was on the subject. I stayed lovely day,” she said, after a while; "he enjoys it away for one whole day thinking about little else, so. Peace is very pleasant, my dear, when you are and the next day I went, lest they should think : old. You don't quite appreciate it yet, as we do." strange. It seemed quite curious to me to be pt And then she paused again and seemed to listen, ceived as if nothing had happened. There was na and permitted herself the faintest little sigh. appearance of anything out of the ordinary cours.

“ I think I am older than you, Lady Denzil," I When I went in Lady Denzil held out her hand to said.

me as usual without rising from her chair. “Wha: Then she laughed in her natural soft way, “I has become of you?” she said, and made me dare say you are," she said. “ That is the difference down by her, as she always did. After we had between your restless middle-age and our oldness. talked a while she rang the bell. “I have some You feel old because you feel young. That's how thing to show you," she said, smiling. And then it is; whereas being really old, we can afford to be little Mary came in, in her little brown Holland overyoung again, — sometimes,” she added, softly. The all, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. last word was said under her breath. I don't sup- She was the most lovely child I ever saw. I know pose she thought I heard it; but I did, being very when I say this that everybody will immediately think quick of hearing, and very fond of her, and feeling of a golden-haired, blue-eyed darling. But she was not there was something underneath which I did not of that description. Her hair was brown, - sot know.

dark, but of the shade which grows dark, with years; Just then there came a sound of wheels upon the and it was very fine silky hair, not frizzy and rough as road, and Lady Denzil started slightly. “You have is the fashion nowadays. Her eyes were brown, put it into my head that Sir Thomas might come by too, of that tender, wistful kind which are out at the three o'clock train,” she said. “It would be fashion like the hair. Every look the child give about time for it now.” She had scarcely stopped was an appeal. There are some children's eyes speaking and we had just turned towards the gate, that look at you with perfect trust, believing in eo when a carriage entered. I saw at once it was one erybody; and these are sweet eyes. But little of the common flys that are to be had at the station Mary's were sweeter still, for they told you she be and that it was Sir Thomas who put his head out at lieved in you. “ Take care of me: be good to me, the window. A moment after it stopped. He had – I trust you," was what they said; “not everyo seen Lady Denzil on the lawn. He got out with body, but you.” This was the expression in them that slight hesitation which betrays an old man; and I never knew anybody who could resist that and then he turned and lifted something out of the look. Then she had the true child's beauty of a carriage. For the first moment one could not tell lovely complexion, pure red and white. She came what it was, — he made a long stride on to the soft up to me, and looked at me with those tender serigreensward, with his eyes fixed upon Lady Denzil, ous eyes, and then slid her soft little band inand then he put down the child on the lawn. “Go to mine. Even when I had ceased talking to her to that lady," he said. For my part, I stood and and petting her, she never took her eyes away stared, knowing nothing of the feelings that might from my face. It was the creature's way of lie underneath. The child stood still with her little judging of the new people among whom she serious face and looked at us both for a moment, had been brought, — for she was only about six, too and then she walked steadily up to Lady Denzil, young to draw much insight from words. I was who had not moved. I was quite unprepared for glad to bend my head over her, to kiss her stres what followed. Lady Denzil fell down on her little face and smooth her pretty hair by way of her knees on the grass — she took the child to her, into | ing a certain embarrassment I felt. But I was to her arms, close to her breast. All at once she fell only one of the three that was embarrassed Lady into a passion of tears. And yet that does not ex- | Denzil sat and looked at the child with eyes todo press what I saw. It was silent; there were no cries seemed to run over with content. "She is gold nor sobs, such as a young woman might have uttered.) to stay with me, and take care of me," she said The tears fell as if they had been pent up all her a smile of absolute happiness; * are not you, life, as if all her life she had been waiting for this Mary?” moment; while Sir Thomas stood looking on, half “ Yes, my lady," said the little thing, turtain sad, half satisfied. It seemed a revelation to him as rious as a judge, to the old lady. I could


giving a little start as I looked from one to the oth- | Lady Denzil, with even unnecessary distinctness. er, and saw the two pairs of eyes meet. Lady Den-“ Sir Thomas knows her people, and in his kindness zil was near sixty, and little Mary was but six; but he thought a change would be good for her. She is it was the same face; I felt quite confused after I no— connection; nothing at all to us." had made this discovery, and sat silent and heard “0, I am sure I beg your pardon,” said Mrs. them talk to each other. Even in the little voice Plymley; and she let little Mary slide down from her there was a certain trill which was like Lady Den- lap, and looked very uncomfortable. None of us inzil's. Then the whole scene rushed before me. deed were at our ease, for we had all been saying it Lady Denzil on her knees, and her tears pouring in private. Only little Mary, standing in the midforth and the child clasped in her arms. What did dle, looked wistfully round upon us, questioning, yet it mean? My lady was childless, — and even had undisturbed. And Lady Denzil, too, stood and it been otherwise, that baby never could have been looked. At that moment the likeness was stronger her child, — who was she? I was so bewildered and than ever. surprised that it took from me the very power of “It is very droll,” said Mrs. Damerel, the Rector's speech.

wife, whose eye was caught by it, like mine. “She After this strange introduction the child settled | is very like you, Lady Denzil ; I never saw an accidown as an inmate of the Lodge, and was seen dental likeness so strong." and admired by everybody. And every one dis- “Poor little Mary! do you think she is like me ?" covered the resemblance. The neighbors on the said Lady Denzil with a curious quiver in her Green all found it out, and as there was no voice; and she bent over the child all at once and reason we knew of, why she should not be Lady kissed her. Sir Thomas had been at the other end Denzil's relation, we all stated our opinion plainly, of the room, quite out of hearing. I don't know by - except perhaps myself. I had seen more than what magnetism he could have known that somethe rest, though that was almost nothing. I had a thing agitating was going on, - I did not even see feeling that there was an unknown story beneath, him approach or look; but all at once, just as his and somehow I had not the courage to say to Lady wife betrayed that strange thrill of feeling, Sir Denzil as I sat there alone with her, and had her, Thomas was at her elbow. He touched her arm perhaps, at a disadvantage, “How like the child is quite lightly as he stood by her side. to you!” But other people were not so cowardly. " I should like some tea,” he said. Not long after, two or three of us met at the Lodge, She stood up and looked at him for a moment as at the hour of afternoon tea, which was an invention if she did not understand. And then she turned to of the time which Lady Denzil had taken to very the tea-table with something like a blush of shame kindly. Among the rest was young Mrs. Plymley, on her face. Then he drew forward a chair and who was not precisely one of us. She was one of sat down by Mrs. Plymley and began to talk. He the Herons of Marshfield, and she and her husband was a very good talker when he pleased, and in two had taken Willowbrook for the summer. She was a seconds we had all wandered away to our several pleasant little woman, but she was fond of talking, subjects, and were in full conversation again. But nobody could deny that. And she had children of it was some time before Lady Denzil took any part her own, and made a great fuss over little Mary the in it. She was a long while pouring out those cups moment she saw her. The child was too much a of tea. Little Mary, as if moved by some strange little lady to be disagreeable, but I could see she did unconscious touch of sympathy, stole away with her not like to be lifted up on a stranger's knee, and ad-doll into a corner. It was as if the two had been mired and chattered over. “I wish my Ada was made out of the same material and thrilled to the half as pretty,” Mrs. Plymley said ; " but Ada is so same touch, — they both turned their backs upon us like her poor dear papa," and here she pretended to for the moment. I don't suppose anybody but mysigh. “I am so fond of pretty children. It is hard self noticed this; and to be sure it was simply beupon me to have mine so plain. O, you little dar-cause I had seen the meeting between them, and ling! Mary What? you have only told me half knew there was something in it more than the ordiyour name. Lady Denzil, one can see in a moment nary visit to the parents' friends of a little delicate she belongs to you."

child. Lady Denzil at the moment was pouring out tea. Besides, the child never looked like a little visAll at once the silver teapot in her hand seemed to give itor; she had brought no maid with her, and she a jerk, as if it were a living creature, and some great spoke very rarely of her home. I don't know how big boiling drops fell on her black dress. It was only she might be dressed under those brown Holland for a single second, and she had presence of mind to overalls, but these were the only outside garb she set it down, and smile and say she was awkward, and ever wore. I don't mean to say they were ugly or it was nothing. “My arm is always shaky when I wanting in neatness; they were such things as the hold anything heavy," she said ; "ever since I had children at the Rectory wore in summer when they the rheumatism in it.” Then she turned to Mrs. lived in the gardens and the fields. But they did not Plymley, whose injudicious suggestion we had all look suitable for the atmosphere of the Lodge. By forgotten in our fright. Perhaps Lady Denzil had and by these outer garments disappeared. The little lost her self-possession a little. Perhaps it was only creature blossomed out, as it were, out of her brown that she thought it best to reply at once, so that ev- husk, and put forth new flowers. After the first few erybody might hear. “Belongs to me?" she said weeks she wore nothing but dainty white frocks, with her clear voice. And somehow we all felt im- rich with needlework. I recognized Lady Denzil's mediately that something silly and uncalled for had taste in everything she put on. It was clear that been said.

her little wardrobe was being silently renewed, and "I mean your side of the house," said poor Mrs. every pretty thing which a child of her age could Plymley, abashed. She was young and nervous, and fitly wear was being added to it. This could never felt, like all the rest of us, that she was for the mo- have been done to a little visitor who had come for ment the culprit at the bar.

change of air. Then a maid was got for her, whom “She belongs to neither side of the house," said Lady Denzil was very particular about; and no one ever spoke of the time when little Mary should be and there was perhaps a little monotony in it. Bu going away. By degrees she grew to belong to the Lady Denzil always took care to have some vaner place, to be associated with everything in it. When There would be a fine lady or two from town, brus you approached the house, which had always been ing with her a whiff of all the grandeurs and gre so silent, perhaps it was a burst of sweet childish ties we had no particular share in, and setting an laughter that met your ears; perhaps a little song, example to the girls in their dress and accessons or the pleasant sound of her little feet on the gravel I never was extravagant in my dress, por encoe in the sunny lime-walk. The servants were all aged such a thing, indeed no lady ever dorsutterly under her sway. They spoke of little Miss but a real fashionable perfect toilet is generally s Mary as they might have spoken of a little princess complete, and charming, and harmonious, that is whose word was law. As for Sir Thomas, I think good for one to see it now and then, especialiy x he was the first subject in her realm. She took to girls, though of course ignorant persons and a patronizing and ordering him about before she had don't understand why. And then there were a la been a month at the Lodge. "Sir Thomas," she gentlemen, - with all the gossips of the clubs, a would say in her clear little voice, “ come and town talk, which made a very pleasant change t walk"; and the old gentleman would get up and It was an unusually brilliant party that day. Tua go out with her, and hold wonderful conversations, was the young Countess of Berkhampstead, who is as we could see, looking after them from the window. a great beauty and had married so strangely, pa Lady Denzil did not seem either to pet her, or to ple said the Earl was not very right in his bead and devote herself to her, as all the rest of the house told the oddest stories about him. Poor thing, I fear did. But there was something in her face when she could not help herself, but she was the late she looked at the child which passes description. liest creature imaginable, and very nice then, thurgh It was a sort of ineffable content and satisfaction, as she went wrong afterwards. She sat by Lady De if she had all that heart could desire and asked no zil's side on the sofa, wbich was placed just before more. Little Mary watched her eye whenever they the great bank of roses. It was pretty to see them were together with a curious sympathy more ex- together : the lovely young lady, with her to u traordinary still. She seemed to know by intuition gayety and pretty languid stillnesses, letting us de when my lady wanted her. "'Es, my lady," the admire her as if she felt what a pleasure it was child would say, watching with her sweet eyes. It us; and the lovely old lady, so serene, so fair, & was the only little divergence she made from cor- kind. I don't know for my part, which was to rectness of speech, and somehow it pleased my ear. more beautiful. There were other fine ladies be I suppose she said " My lady" because Sir Thomas sides Lady Berkhampstead, and, as I have jast sud, did, and that I liked too. To an old lady like Lady it was a very brilliant party. There never #2 Denzil it is such a pretty title ; I fell into it myself more glorious day; the sky was a delight to look at without being aware.

and the rich full foliage of the trees clustered out against the blue, as if they leant caressing upon the

soft air around them. The breath of the roses went CHAPTER III.

everywhere, and behind Lady Denzil's sofa they

threw themselves up into space, - great globes af Thus the world went softly on, till the roses of burning crimson, and delicate blush, and creamy June bad come instead of the spring crocuses. Ev- white. They were very rich in roses at the Luce erything went on softly at the Green. True, there I remember one wall quite covered with the was a tragedy now and then, even among us, like Gloire de Dijon, but that is a digression. It was that sad affair of Everard Stoke; and sometimes a | a broad lawn, and left room for several sets of er very troublesome complication, going near to break quet-players, besides all the other people. The some hearts, like that of Nelly Fortis, – but for the house was on a higher level at one side, the grounius most part we were quiet enough. And that was a and woods behind, and in front over the ba-ba w* very quiet time. Little Mary had grown the pet of had a pretty glimpse of the Green, where cricket the Green before June. The little Damerels, who was being played, and the distant houses on the were nice children enough, were not to be compared other side. It was like fairy-land, with just a pez with her; and then there were so many of them, I of the outer world, by which we kept hold upon in whereas Mary was all alone like a little star. We fact that we were human, and must trudge ata all petted her, — but she was one of the children presently to our little houses. On the grass beton whom it is impossible to spoil. She was never pert Lady Denzil little Mary was sitting, a little winte of disagreeable, like little Agatha Damerel. She figure, with a brilliant picture-book which something had her little childish fits of temper by times, but had brought her. She was seated sideways, bu was always sorry and always sweet, with her soft | facing to Lady Denzil, half to the house, and all appealing eyes, a little woman, but never knowing ing everybody from time to time a look frosa ben or forward, like so many children nowadays. She tender eyes. Her white froek, which blazed sa love was still but a baby, poor darling, not more than sunshine, was the highest light in the picture, as : seven years old, when that dreadful scene broke in painter would have said, and gave it a kind of een upon our quietness which I have now to tell. tre. I was not playing croquet, and there caune

It was June, and there was a large party on the moment when I was doing nothing particular, lawn before the Lodge. As long as the season therefore had time to remark upon the scene arve lasted, while there were quantities of people in me. As I raised my eyes, my attention was a town, Lady Denzil often had these parties. We once attracted by a strange figure, quite alien to were all there of course; everybody on the Green group below, which stood on the approach! whom she visited (and I used to be very sorry for house. The house, as I have said, was on 2 Mrs. Wood and her daughters when one of them level, and consequently the road which approa was going to take place). We were in the habit of it was higher too on the summit of the bank w meeting continually in the same way, to see the sloped down towards the lawn. A woman 5 young people play croquet and amuse themselves | above gazing at us. At first it seemed to me

she was one of the servants : she had a cotton gown fine folks. There's the woman that sold her son on, and a straw bonnet, and a little black silk cloak. to marry her master. She's got her grandeur, I could not say that she was shabby or wretched- and all she bid for; and she left her boy to be looking, but her appearance was a strange contrast brought up in the streets, and go for a common solto the pretty crowd on the lawn. She seemed to dier. And she's never set her eyes on him, never have been arrested on her way to the door by the since he was two years old ; and now she's come sound of voices, and stood there looking down upon and stole my little Mary from me!” us, - a strange, tall, threatening figure, which Before this speech was half spoken every soul in awoke, I could not tell how, a certain terror in my the place had crowded round to hear. No one mind. By degrees it seemed to me that her gaze thought how rude it was. Utter consternation was fixed upon little Mary, - and I felt more frightened in everybody's look. As for Lady Denzil, she stood still; though what could any one have done to the like a statue, as white as marble, in the same spot, child with so many anxious protectors looking on ? hearing it all. She did not move. She was like

However, people were intent upon their games, or an image set down there, capable of no individual 1 their talks, or their companions, and nobody saw her action. She stood and gazed, and heard it all, and i but myself. At last I got so alarmed that I left my saw us all listening. I cannot tell what dreadful

seat to tell Sir Thomas of her. I had just made one pangs were rending her heart; but she stood like a

step towards him, when all at once, with a strange dead woman in the sunshine, neither contradicting ... cry, the woman darted down the bank. It was at her accuser nor making even one gesture in her | little Mary she flew : she rushed down upon her own defence.

like a tempest, and seized the child crushing up her Then Sir Thomas, on whom there had surely pretty white frock and her dear little figure violent- been some spell, came forward, dividing the crowd, Iy in her arms. I cried out too in my fright, - for and took the stranger by the arm. "Set down the I thought she was mad,-- and various people sprang child,” he said, in a shaking voice. " Set her down,

from their chairs, one of the last to be roused being How dare you speak of a mother's rights? Did i Lady Denzil, who was talking very earnestly to you ever do anything for her? Set down the child,

Lady Berkhampstead. The woman gave a great woman. You have no business here." loud passionate outcry, as she seized upon little “ I never forsook my own flesh and blood,” cried Mary. And the child cried out too, one single the enraged creature, letting poor little Mary al

word, which in a moment transfixed me where I most fall down out of her arms, but keeping fast í stood, and caught Lady Denzil's ear like the sound hold of her. “I've a better right here than any of i of a trumpet. It was a cry almost like a moan, full these strangers. I'm her son's wife. She's little

of terror, and dismay, and repugnance; and yet it Mary's grandmother, though she'll deny it. She's was one of the sweetest words that ever falls on hu- that kind of woman that would deny it to her last man ears. The sound stopped everything, even breath. I know she would. She's the child's the croquet, and called Sir Thomas forward from grandmother. She's my mother-in-law. She's the other end of the lawn. The one word that never seen her son since he was two years old. Mary uttered, that filled us all with such horror and If he hears the very name of mother he curses consternation, was “ Mamma!”

and swears. Let me alone, I have come for my " Yes, my darling," cried the woman, holding her child! And I've come to give that woman her close, crumpling, even crushing her up in her arms. due!” " They took you from me when I was n't myself! “Go!” cried Sir Thomas. His voice was awful. Did I know where they were going to bring you ? He would not touch her, for he was a gentleman ; Here! O yes, I see it all now. Don't touch my but the sound of his voice made my very knees child!- don't interfere with my child! - she sha'n't bend and tremble. “Go!” he said, "not a word stay here another day. Her father would curse her more." He was so overcome at last that he put his if he knew she was here."

hand on her shoulder and pushed her away, and “0, please set me down," said little Mary. “O wildly beckoned to the servants, who were standing mamma, please don't hurt me. O, my lady!” cried listening too. The woman grasped little Mary by the poor child, appealing to her protectress. Lady ber dress. She crushed up the child's pretty white Denzil got up tottering as she heard this cry. She cape in her hot hand and dragged her along with came forward with every particle of color gone from her. But she obeyed. She dared not resist his her face. She was so agitated her lips could scarce- voice; and she had done all the harm it was possily form the words; but she had the courage to lay ble to do. her hand upon the woman's arm,

"I'll go," she said. “None of you had better « Set her down,” she said. “If you have any touch me. I'm twice as strong as you, though claim, -set her down it shall be seen into. Sir you 're a man. But I'll go. She knows what I Thomas

think of her now; and you all know what she is," The stranger turned upon her. She was a wo- she cried, raising her voice. “ To marry tbat old man about five-and-thirty, strong and bold and vig- man, she deserted her child at two years old, anti orous. I don't deny she was a handsome woman. never set eyes on him more. That's Lady Denzil. She had big blazing black eyes, and a complexion Now you all know, ladies and gentlemen ; and I'll perhaps a little heightened by her walk in the heat. go." She turned upon Lady Denzil, shaking off her All this time Lady Denzil never stirred; but hand, crushing little Mary still closer in one arm, when the woman moved away, dragging little Mary and raising the other with a wild theatrical ges- with her, all at once my lady stretched out her ture.

hands and gave a wild cry. " The child!” she “You !" she cried; “ if I were to tell her father cried ; "the child !” And then the little thing she was with you, he would curse her. How dare turned to her with the strange sympathy we had you look me in the face, a woman that's come all noticed. I don't know how she twitched herafter her child! You that gave up your own flesh self out of her mother's excited, passionate grasp, and blood. Ay! You may stare at her, all you but she rushed back and threw herself at Lady Denzil's feet, and clutched hold of her dress. My / you think I could be of any use ? Lady Denza te lady, who had not moved nor spoken except those haps" — two words, -- who was old and capable of no such Sir Thomas took my hand and shook it in a exertion, stooped over her and listed her up. Iperative way. “No, no," he said with his set never saw such a sight. She was as pale as if she He even turned me towards the gate and toate had been dead. She had received such a shock as my shoulder with his agitated hand -- hak er might well have killed her. Notwithstanding, this doubt) because he knew I meant kindly - but has is wbat she did. She lifted up the child in her to send me away. arms, broke away from us who were surrounding, “She might like me to do something." I said. p. mounted the steep bank like a girl, with her treas- eously. But all that Sir Thomas did was to ence ure clasped close to her bosom, and before any one my hand and pat my shoulder, and say, "Na . knew, before there was time to speak, or even al- I was obliged to follow the rest with an aching her. most think, had disappeared with her into the house. As I went out one of the servants came after bei The woman would have rushed at her, sprung upon was a man who had been long in the family, a her, if she had not been held fast. It may easily knew a great deal about the Denzils. He came z be imagined what a scene it was when the mistress tell me he was very much frightened about the of the feast disappeared, and a family secret so man, who had disappeared nobody could tell boa extraordinary was thus tossed to public discussion. “ I'm afraid she's hiding about somewhere," be sad. The house door rang after Lady Denzil, as she “ to come again.” And then he glanced roupas rushed in, with a sound like a cannon-shot. The see that nobody was by, and looked into my fat stranger stood struggling in the midst of a group“ All that about my lady is true," he said, of men, visitors and servants, some of whom were as gospel. I've knowed it this forty years." trying to persuade, some to force her away. Sir They've been very kind to you, Wellman,"! Thomas stood by himself, with his old pale hands said, indignantly, - * for shame! to think you shou piteously clasped together, and his head bent. He turn upon your good mistress now." was overwhelmed by shame and trouble, and the “ Turn upon her!” said Wellman ; - not if In shock of this frightful scene. He did not seem able to be torn in bits; but being such a friend of the for the first moment to face any one, to lift his eyes family, I thought it might be a satisfaction to TL to the disturbed and fiuttering crowd, who were so ma'am, to know as it was true." strangely in the way. And we all stood about If anything could have made my heart more beary taunderstruck, staring in each other's faces, not I think it would have been that. He thought knowing what to do or to say. Lady Berkhamp-would be a satisfaction to me to know. And afz stead, with the instinct of a great lady, was the first the first moment of pity was past, were there D to recover herselt. She turned to me, I scarcely some people to whom it would be a satisfaction to know why, nor could she have told why. “I know know? Who would tell it all over and gloat upon it my carriage is waiting," she said, " and I could not and say to each otber that pride went before a fal? think of disturbing dear Lady Denzil to say goodMy heart was almost bursting as I crossed the Great br. Will you tell her how sorry I am to go away in the blazing afternoon sunshine, and saw the without seeing ber?" They all came crowding cricketers still playing as if nothing bad happeord roani me with almost the same wonds, as soon as Ah me! was this what brought such sad indulgen:

e tal set the example. And presently Sir experience to Lady Denzil's eyes, - was this what Tomas roured up, as it were, from his stupor. made her know by instinct when anything was And for the next few minutes there was nothing wrong in a house? I could not think at first what in shaking of hands and the rolling up of car a territle accusation it was that had been brought rices and an attempt on the part of everybody to against ber. I thought only of her look, of her des S and look as it nothing had happened. So 'perate sate at the ebild, of her rush up the steen ief as it does not make dear Lair Denzl ill," one! bank wit) Ettle Mary in her arms. She could

tize ladies said. It is so disgre able to be "scandr bare lifted the child under ordinary circumcome upon the road. It might have happenei to stances – what wild despair, what longing me! r us sastamatier. Of course the creatare here sthansa med ber to such an effort! I put down bis sad, she still be saut up sucrew here. Ther' my veni to CoreT my tears. Dear Lady Denzi

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