Page images

18; located at Iowa City, 195;
reference to, 204, 272, 275,
308, 313, 317, 322, 332, 353,
420; relation of, to State His-
torical Society of Iowa, 314,
315, 316, 317, 416, 418

States, decline of power of, 75,
76; relation of, to Federal gov-
ernment, 77, 78, 79, 155, 156;
regulation of commerce among
the, 149

Stewart, Frank, 300, 301

Storck, George, History of the
Madison County Mutual Insur-
ance Company by, 266
Stone, E. H., 284

Stone, T. H., The Superintend-
ents of Schools and Their
Work in Madison County by,

Stone, William M., 422
Stuarts, the, 214

Suffrage, right of, discussion in
Constitutional Convention of
1857 relative to, 179, 180
Superintendent of Public In-
struction, provisions relative
to, 194

Supervisors, Board of, inaugura-
tion of system of, 187
Supply and Demand, theory of,
verified, 213

Supreme Court (Iowa), reports
of, 172, 173; election of judges
of, 185, 186; provision in Con-
stitution of 1857 relative to,
185, 186; discussion relative
to, in Convention of 1857, 185,
186, 187; legislation concern-
ing, 188, 189; reference to,

Supreme Court of the Territory
of Iowa, Cases Argued and De-
termined in the, 337
Supreme Court of the United
States, 242, 326

Survivors of the Constitutional
Conventions, 16, 145; Presen-

tation of the, 202; sketches of
lives of, 203

Swedes, settlement of, 107
Swiss Federation, the, 243
Switzerland, an example of the
federated state, 235; reference
to, 243; factors in the govern-
ment of, 248

Syracuse (New York), 310


Talbot, D. H., 284

Tariff, 216

Taxation, 216

Technical Schools, The Place of
History in, by O. H. Cessna,
209, 217

Technical vocation, definition of,

Tennyson, Alfred, 115

Texas, acquisition of, 110
Thackeray, William M., 115
Thayer, Mrs. J. M., 308
Thomas, Seth, 227
Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 13, 23,
34, 114, 294, 323, 351; The
Romance of Mississippi Valley
History by, 115; after-lunch-
eon address by, 318
Tiberius, reign of, 91
Tillinghast, B. F., 271, 272
Tipton (Iowa), 336

Title Page, iii; of Souvenir of
The State Historical Society
of Iowa, 27; of the Souvenir
of the Constitution of 1857, 29
Tonty, fur-trading expedition
of, 123

Totten, Silas, 422
Toynbee, Arnold, 211
Traffic, interstate, regulation by
Federal government of, 149
Treatise on Government, quota-
tions from Locke's, 61, 62
Tribunal at The Hague, 240;
an American product, 242
Trollope, Mrs., Domestic Man-
ners of the Americans by, 118

Trowbridge, Colonel S. C., 341,

Trusts, control of, 216
Turkey, law system of, 86
Twelve Tables, the, origin of
Roman Law traced to, 87

UNION, Fiftieth Anniversary of
admission of Iowa into the, 5;
part of the Mississippi Valley
in preserving the, 140
United States, Constitution of,
39, 348; cession of Florida to,
110; purchase of Louisiana by,
135; Constitution of, question
of amendment of, 148; forma-
tion of, a conscious act, 239;
principle of federation a suc-
cess in, 240; Supreme Court
of, 242, 326; as an example of
federalism, 243; government
of, a compromise, 247; rela-
tion of local institutions to,
247; similarity of constitu-
tions of, 348
Universities, ideals of, 347
University of Chicago, 22
University of Iowa, 18, 204,
272, 275, 308, 313, 317, 322,
332, 353, 420; relation of, to
The State Historical Society
of Iowa, 314, 315, 316, 317,
416; resolutions of Trustees of,
relative to The State Historical
Society of Iowa, 418

University of Wisconsin, 316

VACA, Cabeza de, 122

Vacarius, 100

Vandals, 92, 112

Vandyke, Mrs. B. F., 305
Vardy, John, 291

Versailles, imitation of, in the
new world, 128

Veteran Association, The Lucas
County (Iowa), 304, 306
Vieau, Andrew, 321
Vincennes, 125; expedition
against, 131

Virgil, passage from, 344
Virginia, 107, 247; patriotism
of people of, 326
Voyageurs, characteristics of,

WADE, M. J., 328
Wakefield, George, 284
Wales, 104

Wallace, A. H., 299, 301
Wambaugh, Eugene, 12, 22, 33,
34, 84, 209, 349; The Relation
between General History and
the History of Law by, 85; af-
ter-luncheon address by, 347
War of Secession, 140, 180
Wars of the Roses, 237
Washington, D. C., 331
Washington, State of, 316, 317
Washington County (Iowa), 300,
301; history of, 302
Washington County (Pennsyl-
vania), 303

Washington County (Iowa), His-
torical Society, 293, 299, 302
Washington Gazette, 301
Waterman, C. M., 272; report
of Davenport Academy of Sci-
ences by, 293

Waverly Novels, 115
Wealth of Nations by Adam
Smith, influence of, upon pub-
lic opinion, 210; influence of,
upon doctrine of Laissez Faire,

Webster, Daniel, 156

Webster County (Iowa), picnic
of pioneers of, 274; Indian
Mounds in, 277; claim associa-
tion of, 277

Webster County (Iowa), Histor-
ical Society, report of, 273
Weld, L. G., 10, 14, 24, 354
Westport (Linn County, Iowa),

Whicher, Stephen, 336

Whigs, success of, 165; number
of, in the different Constitu-

tional Conventions, 166, 361,
362; reference to, 331
Wick, B. L., report of the His-
torical Society of Linn County
by, 289

Wicliff, John, 103

Wilcox, W. C., 209, 224, 228
Wilkinson, W. S., Early Schools,
Religion and Politics; My Rec-
ollections of the Big Snake
Hunt of 1848; History of an
Early Settlement on Middle
River; and Reminiscences and
Early Experiences by, 266
Willamette River, 138
William the Conqueror, 42, 112;
attitude of, toward the Pope,

Williams, Joseph, 336; brief
sketch of, 337

Wilson, Charles H., 299, 301
Wilson, Charles J., 299, 301
Wilson, James, 423

Wilson, Thomas S., 337, 422
Winterset (Iowa), 264, 265
Wisconsin, nullification of Fugi-
tive Slave Law in, 178; Consti-
tutional Convention in, 320;
reference to, 341, 351; Terri-
tory of, 359, 361

Wisconsin, State Historical So-
ciety of, 23, 316, 318, 322; or-
ganization of, 319; greetings
from, to The State Historical
Society of Iowa, 319
Wisconsin, University of, 316
Wisconsin Territory with a Map,
Notes on, by Albert M. Lea,

Wolfe, James, 112

Woodbury County (Iowa), 287
Wordsworth, William, 115
Wright, George G., 422
Written Constitution, A, In
Some of Its Historical Aspects,
by Andrew C. McLaughlin, 39
Wyer, M. G., talk by, on the
preservation of historical ma-
terial in libraries, 308

YEAR Books, beginning of, 101;
effect of, upon legal litera-
ture, 102

Young, John Alex., 299, 301

ZELLER, E. R., The Trials and
Triumphs of Pioneer Life and
A Short Sketch of the Life of
A. J. Hoisington by, 266
Zola, Emile, 115

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