Cumberland's British Theatre: With Remarks, Biographical and Critical : Printed from the Acting Copies, as Performed at the Theatres-royal, London, Том 21John Cumberland, 1826 |
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Aimwell Albina Alithea Amelia Archer baron Belville Bristol waters brother castle Colonel Arnsdorf Constantia Count Country Wife Crosses d'ye dare dear devil Doctor door Dorinda Emma Enter Exeunt Exit father fellow Flail Floretta Foigard Frederick gentleman Gibbet girl give gone governess green-eyed monster hand happy Harcourt hear heart honour hope Howard husband JOHN CUMBERLAND kiss Kraut Lady Speyenhausen letter look lord Lucy LUDGATE HILL Luise madam Major Bury Mandeville Manikin Marcus marquis marriage married Mary master Miss mistress Moody never Orlando Oxensteirn Peggy Pontine marshes pray pretty Psha Queen SCENE Scrub servant Sir Solomon sister Sparkish Sullen sure talk tell THEATRES ROYAL there's thou uncle Veritas what's Whimsiculo wife wish woman young Zounds