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among many in appointing to them. Neither can I suppose that you would have omitted so grave and weighty an authority as Captain Gulliver, who, in the course of his voyages, discovered a country, where Horses discharged every Duty of Political Society. You might then have passed to the early history of our own island, and have expatiated on the known veneration in which horses were held by our Saxon Ancestors; who, by the way, are supposed also to have been the founders of Parliaments. You might have touched on their famous standard; digressed to the antiquities of the White Horse, in Berkshire, and other similar monuments in different counties; and from thence have urged the improbability, that when they instituted elections, they should have neglected the rights of an animal, thus highly esteemed. and almost sanctified among them. I am afraid indeed, that with all your Religion and Loyalty, you could not have made much use of the White Horse of Death, or the White Horse of Hanover. But, for a bonne bouche, how beautifully might you have introduced your favourite maxim of

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ubi ratio, ibi jus ! and to prove the reason of the thing, how convincingly might you have descanted, in an elegant panegyric on the virtues and abilities of horses, from Xanthus the Grecian Conjuring Horse, whose prophecies are celebrated by Homer, down to the Learned Little Horse, over Westminster Bridge! with whom you might have concluded, lamenting that, as he is not an Elector, the Vestry could not have the assistance of one, capable of doing so much more justice to the question than yourself! -Pardon me, SIR LLOYD, that I have thus attempted to follow the supposed course of your oratory, I feel it to be truly inimitable. Yet such was, the impression made on my mind by some of YOUR HONOUR's late reasonings respecting the Scrutiny, that I could not withstand the involuntary impulse of endeavouring, for my own improvement, to attain some faint likeness of that wonderful pertinency and cogency, which I so much admired in the great original.

How shall the neighing kind thy deeds réquite,
Great YAHOO Champion of the HoUY HNHNM's right?

In grateful memory may thy dock-tail pair,
Unarm'd convey thee with sure-footed care.
Oh! may the, gently pacing o'er the stones,
With no rude shock annoy thy batter'd bones,
Crush thy judicial cauliflow'r, and down

Shower the mix'd lard and powder o'er thy gown; X
Or in unseemly wrinkles crease that band,

Fair work of fairer LADY KENYON's hand.
No! May the pious brutés, with measur'd swing,
Assist the friendly motion of the spring,
While golden dreams of perquisites and fees
Employ thee, slumbering o'er thine own decrees.
But when a Statesman in St. Stephen's walls
Thy Country claims thee, and the Treasury calls,
To pour thy splendid bile in bitter tide
On hardened sinners who with Fox divide,
Then may they, rattling on in jumbling trot,
With rage and jolting make thee doubly hot,
Fire thy Welch blood, enflamed with zeal and leeks,
And kindle the red terrors of thy cheeks,
Till all thy gather'd wrath in furious fit
On RIGBY bursts-unless he votes with PrTT.

I might here, SIR LLOYD, launch into a new panegyric on the subject of this concluding couplet. But in this I shall imitate your moderation, who, for reasons best known to yourself, have long abandoned to Mr ROLLE*" those loud and re

Mr. Ridgway tells me, he thinks there is something like these words in one of the Reviews, where the ROLLIAD is criticised,

peated calls on notorious defaulters, which will never be forgiven by certain patriots." Besides, I consider your public-spirited be-. haviour in the late Election and Scrutiny for Westminster, as the great monument of your fame to all posterity. I have, therefore, dwelt on this-more especially as it was immediately connected with the origin of the ROLLIAD-till my dedication has run to such a length, that I cannot think of detaining your valuable time any longer; unless merely to request YOUR HONOUR'S zealous protection of a work which may be in some sort attributed to you, as its ultimate cause, which is embellished with your portrait, and which now records in this address, the most brilliant exploit of your political glory.

Choak'd by a Roll, 'tis said, that OTWAY died
OTWAY the Tragic Muse's tender pride.
Oh! may my ROLLE to me, thus favour'd, give
A better fate; that I may eat, and live !


Most obedient,

Most respectful,

Most devoted, humble servant, :






JOHN ROLLE, Esq. is descended from the ancient Duke ROLLO, of Normandy; ROLLO passed over into Britain, anno 983, where he soon begat another ROLLO, upon the wife of a Saxon drummer. Our young ROLLO was distinguished by his gigantic stature, and, as we learn from ODERICUS VITALIS, was slain by Hildebrand, the Danish Champion, in a fit of jealousy. We find in Camden, that the race of the ROLLOS fell into adversity in the reign of Stephen, and in the succeeding reign, GASPAR DE ROLLO was an Ostler' Denbighshire. But during the unhappy contests of York and Lancaster, William de Wyrcester, and the continuator of the annals of Croyland, have it, that the ROLLOS became Scheriffes of Devon. " Scherifi Devonienses ROLLI fuerunt"-and in

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