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Industrial Resources, Statistics, Etc.


ing. It is true that much of the most Colorado near this town. Dykes could valuable river bottoms have either been be thrown up, and the periodical overtaken up, or are held at such prices not flows, so necessary to its successful culeasily attainable by a person of small tivation, could be secured at a trifling exmeans; but these are confined to the pense and little labor. Here, in itself, is limits of a near and handy approach to presented a field of fortune to the indusmarket, and are owned by minors or those trious and enterprising emigrant. Another who have no occasion for an immediate no less important source of wealth is presale of their property. Beside such, there sented in the cultivation and manufacture is an abundance of land throughout the of the article of indigo. The plant is incountry, equally good, that can be ob- digenous to this section of Texas, and is tained on terms within the reach of any found in immense quantities throughout one in the least prepared to engage in our richly bedecked prairies. With all agricultural pursuits; and we know of these invaluable productions to reward many, and many men, who, but a very few the laborious and the enterprising with the years since, came into the country pen- golden treasures from foreign shores, the niless, and who, by industry and well tiller of the soil is also blessed at home directed enterprise, are now in competent with every want, comfort and luxury that circumstances. We have seen more nature demands, springing up within his instances of the smiles of dame Fortune grasp. Truly Texas is the happy huntingon the industrious in Texas than we have ground the red man has long dreamt and ever witnessed elsewhere. Indeed, it told of in his traditionary fables, and cannot well be otherwise, for it costs a eventually found and realized in all their man comparatively little to live, and all bright and gorgeous pictures. No wonder, the fruit of his industry is clear gain. then, that he should cling to it with such Among the principal productions of this tenacious jealousy, and part with it only section of the state, from its vast richness with the last waning remnant of his tribe. and highly favored climate, cotton and Thus it was the case with one of the sugar may be regarded as the leading bravest aud most warlike Indian tribes staples, although we are persuaded that known, and who inhabited the Gulf shore the day is not far distant when a more of Texas. The Karanquahas, after having general diversity of crops will be cultiva- been conquered by the white man, had ted and found more profitable. Every day no aspirations for another home on earth, experience goes to prove that the South beyond her enchanted prairies, and were would be incalculably profited by a more determined to yield them only with the strict observance of this theory. In addi- dying breath of their last warrior; and to tion to these staple productions, tobacco carry out a suicidal determination to that can be raised in great abundance, and of end, every female child born after the the best qualities. From the peculiar contest was immediately put to death. qualities of the soil and climate of our That measure, we believe, has been sea-coast, resembling very much those nearly accomplished, but there is scarcely districts of Cuba wherein the famous weed a living monument of this custom now is produced to such perfection, we doubt remaining. not if proper efforts, aided by experience in the culture, were applied, this portion THE COLORED POPULATION OF of Texas might be rendered as famous for NORTH.-The Buffalo Courier has a its production of the article as that of the valuable article on the facts disclosed by country just named. Some specimens the late census in reference to the colored from the Havana seed we have seen raised population of this country. Their posiin the vicinity of Matagorda, could not be tion in the free states has never been calwell distinguished by the most fastidious culated to advance their own interests, or tastes from the genuine Spanish. So to elevate them in the estimation of those well adapted is this plant to our soil, that about them. They cluster in the purlieus in most of our prairies it is found growing of our large cities, living precariously and spontaneously. But little attention has, by the performance of the most menial so far, however, been paid to its cultiva- labor, or if they do dive into the bush, or tion for the purpose of exportation. Rice squat upon the prairie, it is to live in filth might also be made a source of vast and indolence, content to chop wood by revenue to Texas. No section of country the cord, or to exact the means of subcan be better adapted to its growth than sistence from the negligent cultivation the islands and the river bottoms of the of four or five acres of land. Partly, no


race, in the North, and its comparative exemption in the South, are equally startling. In Maine, every fourteenth colored person is an idiot or lunatic. In Ohio, there are just ten colored persons who are idiots or lunatics, where there is one in Kentucky. And in Louisiana, where a large majority of the population is colored, and four-fifths of them are slaves, there is but one of these unfortu nates to 4,309 who are sane; in Massachusetts, 1 in 43; Connecticut, 1 in 186; New-York, 1 in 257; Pennsylvania, 1 in 256; Maryland, 1 in 1,074; Virginia, 1 in 1,309; North Carolina, 1 in 1,404; South Carolina, 1 in 1,250; Ohio, 1 in 105; Kentucky, 1 in 1,053.

doubt, in consequence of these circum- The disclosure of the census relative to stances, partly from their general unfit- the idiocy and insanity of the colored ness for the climate and pursuits of northern latitudes, the records show a rate of progress as to numbers which contrasts most strangely with that of the whites by whom they are surrounded, and even with that which prevails amongst their own race in the slave states. The Courier shows that in New-England, where the social condition of the negro has the benefit of a full measure of abolitionist sympathy, his race has not increased as in the South. While the total increase of the whites in New-England has been at the rate of sixty-five per cent. within the last thirty years, that of the blacks has been but 64 per cent. notwithstanding the constant influx of fugitives. As compared with the census of 1840, the census of last year exhibits an absolute decrease. In New-Hampshire, where no attempt has yet been made to catch a runaway, the decrease amounts to about two-fifths of the whole. The following table, showing the number of colored persons in each of the states at the periods to which it refers, we cut from the Courier:



1850. 1840. 1830. 1820. 1790. ..1,313..1,355..1,177....929


These facts go far to exhibit the hollowness of many of the ideas which abolitionist orators are fond of inculcating, and at the same time furnish cogent arguments in favor of African colonization.

THE RICHEST MAN IN VIRGINIA.-I have thought, for some time, I would write to your paper something in relation to the richest man in Virginia, and the largest slaveholder in the Union, and, perhaps, in

N. Hampshire.....477...537....607....783.. .788 the world, unless the serfs of Russia be 710.730....881...918... 271 considered slaves: and the wish in your Rhode Island....3.543. 3.238..3.558.3,502....4.355 paper, a few days ago, to know who was so Connecticut......7,415.8,105..8,072..8,009....5.572 wealthy in Virginia, induces me to write this now. Samuel Hairston, of Pittsylvania, is the gentleman. When I was in

22,231.22,633.21,364. 20,681...16,937

Increase of Colored Persons in New-England. his section, a year or two ago, he was the

From 1820 to 1830..
From 1830 to 1840..

Decrease from 1840 to 1850.......

484 ..1,268


Net increase in thirty years......1,350 or 6) per ct.
White Population in the same States.

owner of between sixteen and seventeen hundred slaves, in his own right, having but a little while ago taken a census. He also has a perspective right to about one thousand slaves more, which are now owned by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ruth Hairston, he having married her only child. He now has the management of 581.021..500.438.398,260..297,340 them, which makes the number of his N. Hampshire.. ...317.354 284.036. 268.721 243,236 slaves reach near three thousand. They Vermont.. 312.756 increase at the rate of near one thousand Rhode Island....114.012 105.587.. 93.612. 79.413 every year, and he has to purchase a Connecticut......363,189.301,856.289,603..267.181 large plantation every year to settle them







2,704,729 2,212,165 1,933,340 1,638,435 on.

Increase of Whites in New-England.

From 1820 to 1830.

From 1830 to 1840.

From 1840 to 1850.........

Total increase of whites in 30


*With Massachusetts.




A large number of his plantations are in Henry and Patrick counties, Virginia. He has large estates in North Carolina. His landed property in stocks alone is assessed at six hundred thousand dollars. His wealth is differently estimated at .1,066,294 or 65 per ct. from three to five millions, and I should think it was nearer the latter. You think he has a hard lot; but I assure you Mr.

+ Including the then province of Maine.

Agricultural Progress.

Hairston manages all his matters as easy as most persons would an estate of $10,000. He has overseers who are compelled to give him a writen statement of what is made and spent on each plantation, and his negroes are all clothed and fed from his own domestic manufacture and raising, leaving his tobacco crop, which is immensely large, as so much clear gain every year, besides his increase in negroes, which is a fortune of itself.

And now for his residence. I have travelled over fifteen states of this Union, and have never seen anything comparable to his yard and garden, except some of them in the Mississippi Delta-and none of them equal to it. Mrs. Hairston has been beautifying it for years-and a good old minister, in preaching near the place, and describing Paradise, said it was as beautiful as Mrs. Hairston's," or as a friend, who had visited Washington city for the first time, remarked, that "the public grounds were nearly as handsome as Samuel Hairston's." Mr. Hairston is a plain, unassuming gentleman, and has never made any noise in the world, though he could vie with the

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Bruces, the McDonoughs and the Astors; and it is strange, that while their wealth is co-extensive with the Union, he is not known one hundred miles from home. I believe he is now the wealthiest man in the Union, as William B. Astor is only worth about $4,000,000, and the estates of city people are vastly overrated, while Mr. Hairston can show the property that will bring the cash at any moment.

Mr. Hairston was raised within a few miles of where he now lives, in Henry county. He has several brothers, who are pretty well to do in the world. One of them, Marshall Hairston, of Henry, owns more than 700 negroes; Robert Hairston, who now lives in Mississippi, near 1,000; and Hardin Hairston, who has also moved to Mississippi, about 600 slaves. George Hairston, of Henry, has given most of his property to his children, reserving only about 150 for his own use.

This, I believe, is a correct statement of the circumstances of the Hairston family; and, for further particulars, and the truth of the statement, I refer you to the present delegate from Henry.




In the last few numbers of the Review, bales more than the average crop of the last we furnished full details of the cotton sta- six years. But the increase of consumption tistics of the South for the past year, in more than kept pace with the increase of comparison with previous ones. Even production, and hence the price was enwith the prospect of enlarged production, hanced and stocks reduced. In Septemthe London Economist thinks that prices ber of 1852, the price of cotton was will be sustained at the high figures of twenty per cent. higher than in Septemlast year, and even advanced beyond ber of 1851. But the stocks were much them. Speculating upon the same sub- smaller, as appears from the following ject, a contemporary ventures some judicious reflections which we adopt. era of great prosperity is evidently pending for our cotton planters, and we wish them every enjoyment from its results.

table: An

Sept. 30, 1851.

Sept. 30, 1852.







Great Britain.
Remainder of Europe.. 61,000..


"The cotton crop of the United States for the year ending August 31, 1852, reached 3,015,029 bales-being 659,772 We have no exact information of the bales increase upon the crop of the last stock in the United States, but presume it year, 918,323 bales increase upon the crop is not greater than at the same period of of the year preceding the last, and 628,051 last year, as the prices in Europe are

The first year or two Col. G. sold his cotton to some neighbors, but afterwards gave it to the settlers who carried it down the river in flat boats. In 1825, Col. G. put up the first cotton gin in Austin's colony, on the plantation where his son, Col. L. W. Groce, now lives. The first cotton shipped from Texas was in 1831, in which year Col. Groce and Mr. Thomas McKinney took a crop to Matamoras by a schooner from the mouth of the Brazos, which, we believe, was sold for about 62 1-2 cents per pound. After that year Col. Groce and his son, with Mr. Thos. F. McKinney, began to send cotton to San Luis Potosi, shipping it to Tampico and thence on pack mules to its destination. It was of course put up in small bales suitable for packing on mules. This trade was continued until the disturbauces between Mexico and Texas broke out in 1835.

higher. This phenomenon of a diminish- lags behind the demand. Hence the ed stock and a higher price, in the face well-founded conclusion that the prices of a largely-increased supply, is account- of cotton will range higher during the ed for solely by a greatly-increased con- next than during the past twelve months. sumption, In Great Britain the weekly It appears that the cultivation of cotton consumption of cotton in 1851 was 31,800 was introduced into Texas in 1822 by bales; in 1852 the consumption reached Col. Jared E. Groce. This was the very about 40,000 bales a week, or 2,000,000 first commencement of cotton planting per annum. On the continent there has in Texas. This first cotton plant was in been a corresponding increase of con- the prairie; after that year Col. Groce sumption. The direct shipments from planted in the Brazos bottom. the United States to France in the present year have been 120,017 bales more than in the last, and to other parts of Europe 84,435 bales more. In the United States the consumption of 1850-251 was 404,000 bales; of 1851-52 it was 603,000 balesa conclusive contradiction, by the way, of the pretended distress of the manufacturing interest of this country. Thus it is seen that the increase in the consumption of cotton is greater than the increase in production; and we have every reason to believe that this will continue to be the case. The Economist says, "extensive mills are now in course of erection in Great Britain," and contends that the consumption of cotton there will continue to increase. We know that on the continent of Europe, and especially in Germany, the consumption of cotton is increasing steadily and rapidly; and in the United States, notwithstanding the false alarms of greedy capitalists, the example of thriving factories is daily calling additional spindles into operation. It is not hazardous to assert that during the next twelve months the consumption of cotton throughout the world will continue to increase in an unprecedented ratio. But from the most reliable accounts the supply will not exceed, if indeed it will equal, the supply of 1851-52. Notwithstanding British experiment in Asia, Africa, and the West Indies, upon We referred some time since to an the southern states of this Union the world Agricultural Convention which was prois dependent for its supply of cotton, (the posed to be held in Macon, Georgia, in Ocflax substitute being a dead failure.) It tober last, and of which we have lately is probable, then, that the production of received the proceedings. It will be the southern states will be equal to the increased consumption we are led to expect? Will the supply keep pace with the demand? Nobody expects the crop of the present year to exceed the crop of last whilst year, many suppose it will be something less. The probable result of the growing crop is estimated at about 3,000,000 bales by persons competent to pronounce in the matter. Thus, while the consumption increases, the production scarcely remains the same-the supply S.

Col. Groce at first procured his cotton baling and rope of Mr. Seymour, a merchant in the Red Lands of Eastern Texas; but subsequently he procured these articles from San Felipe.

It is believed there was one cotton gin and only one in Texas before the one erected by Col. Groce, and that was built by Mr. John Cartwright, of the Red Lands.

seen that another convention is recommended on the first Monday in May next. The delegates present in October were:

From South Carolina-Col. Wm. Du
Bose, J. W. Harrison, Thos. Smith, Col.
A. G. Summer.

From Virginia-Dr. Butler.
From Alabama-Dr. N. B. Powell, Dr.

Cloud, Wm. H. Chambers, R. C.
Shorter, Bolling Hall, A. G. McGehee, J.
Reese, Joseph Hall, Geo. W. Hails,

Agricultural Progress.

Elbert A. Holt, R. J. Glenn, Dr. Wm. H. Rives, Peter Ware, Joseph L. Moultrie, Amos Travis, Jr., L. H. Pierce, Wm. O. Ormsby, Wash. Pollard, Mr. Griswold. From Mississippi-Col. Thos. G. Blewett, Dr. A. N. Jones, John Morton, Dr. W. Burt.

From Tennessee-F. Keith.

From Louisiana-S. Craig Martyn. From Florida-Col. Williams, Judge McGee.

The convention was organized by calling Dr. D. A. Reese, of Ga., to the chair, and the appointment of Wm. H. Chambers, of Ala., as secretary.

The objects of the convention were explained by Dr. W. C. Daniell, of DeKalb, who also introduced the following resolutions:

Resolved, That the members of the Agricultural Association of the slaveholding states, to be organized as hereinafter recommended, be composed of such citizens of the same, as taking an interest in agriculture, desire to become members thereof; and of delegates from state and local agricultural societies; and from states or parts of states.


guished vintners. Many valuable hints and statistics upon the subject will be found in our work on the Industrial Resources, &c., of the South and West. Some one who has lately been on a visit to Cincinnati speaks in high terms of Mr. Longworth's operations. We quote his remarks entire.

"The sparkling Catawba,' or chamis now made here in great quantipagne, ties from the same grape. which runs from the mashed grapes beThe juice fore pressure is reserved, fermented and ripened with great care, and sweetened with the purest rock candy. It ripens months. Mr. Nicholas Longworth proready for market in about eighteen duced accidentally the first champagne from the Catawba grape in 1842, and immediately erected a building and sent to France for a manufacturer of this species of wine. This year a hundred thousand bottles will be added to his stock. The

sparkling Catawba possesses a delicious flavor, and is regarded by many as superior to the most celebrated imported champagne.

Resolved, That such persons as above "A variety of wines are made from the designated are recommended to convene same grape by keeping separate the at Montgomery, Alabama, on the first 'must' extracted by the different presMonday in May next, and to organize an sings, and a rich, claret-colored wine is agricultural association of the slaveholding produced by fermenting in the skin, states, under such provisions as to them which is very palatable when mellowed may appear best calculated to fulfil the purposes of their organization, which shall hold its meetings, in succession, in all the slaveholding states that may participate

in the association.

Resolved, That a committee of correspondence, to consist of seven, be appointed to carry into effect the foregoing resolutions.

The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed, to compose the committee of correspondence:

Dr. W. C. Daniell, of DeKalb.
Gov. Geo. R. Gilmer, of Lexington.
Hon. Asbury Hull, of Athens.
Hon. Thos. Stocks, of Greensboro.
Hon. Jas. Hamilton Couper, of Darien,
Col. Jas. M. Chambers, of Columbus.
Maj. Joel Crawford, of Blakely.

We have frequently referred to the production of grapes and manufacture of wine in the United States, and noticed elaborately the successful experiment of Mr. Weller, of North Carolina; and Mr. Longworth, of Cincinnati, both distin

by age. But the common practice is to put all the must together in the same cask, and thus the whole juice and flavor of the grape remains, imparting to the wine that fine grapy aroma which has established the reputation of the American Catawba.

"The ground selected for a vineyard is usually a hill-side, with a southern aspect, though the vine does nearly as well on an eastern or western exposure. A dry calcareous loam, with a porous subsoil, is the soil best suited to the culture. Many small vineyards are owned by Germans in moderate circumstances, and afford profitable employment for their families. These sell their wine to the more wealthy dealers, who sell it again under their own label, if it proves of good quality.

"Mr. Longworth's wine cellars are the most capacious that have yet been erected, being 105 feet long, an average of 45 feet in width, and 18 high. The wine of each vintage is kept separate in casks, holding from 2,000 to 5,500 gallons each. Several new wine cellars will be built here during the next season.

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