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fear we must concur in the sweeping censure of a Quarterly Reviewer, (vol. x. p. 301,) who condemns them en masse, with the single exception of the "Ethiopics" of the last named author, as "a few tiresome stories, absolutely void of taste, invention, or interest; without influence even upon the declining literature of their own age, and in all probability quite unknown to the real forerunners of Richardson, Fielding, and Rousseau."

A work thus excepted, by common consent, from the general reprobation in which all its compeers are involved, must deserve some notice from its negative, if not from its positive merits; and the particulars which have been preserved of its literary history are also somewhat curious. Even in these days, when almost every other individual is a novelist, either in esse or in embryo, the announcement of a lovestory from the pen of a bishop would create what is called "a considerable sensation"-though perhaps it would hardly draw down on the author such condign and summary punishment as was inflicted by the straitlaced Kirk of Scotland, less than a century ago, on one of her ministers, for the high crime and misdemeanour of having indited "a stage play, called the Tragedy of Douglas.' Yet not only the "Ethiopics," but the best known of its successors, the "Clitophon and Leucippe" of Achilles Tatius, are both universally asserted to have been juvenile productions of ecclesiastics who afterwards attained the episcopal dignity and the former, if we may credit the Ecclesiastical History of Nicephorus, fared not much better at the hands of the Provincial Synod of Thessaly than did the "Tragedy of Douglas" at those of the Scottish Presbyteries. Hear what saith the historian :"This Heliodorus, bishop of Trica, had in his youth written certain love stories called the "Ethiopics," which are highly popular even at the


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present day, though they are now bet ter known by the title of Chariclea”” -(the name of the heroine)" and it was by reason thereof that he lost his see. For, inasmuch as very many of the youth were drawn into peril of sin by the perusal of these amorous tales, it was determined by the provincial synod that either these books, which kindled the fire of love, should themselves be consumed by fire, or that the author should be deposed from his episcopal functions-and this choice being propounded to him, he preferred resigning his bishopric to suppressing his writings."-(Niceph. Hist. Ecclesiast. lib. xii. c. 34.)† Heliodorus, according to the same authority, was the first Thessalian bishop who had insisted on the married clergy putting away their wives, which may probably have tended to make him unpopular: but the story of his deposition, it should be observed, rests solely on the statement of Nicephorus, and is discredited by Bayle and Huet, who argue that the silence of Socrates (Ecclesiast. Hist. v. chap. 22.) in the passage where he expressly assigns the authorship of the "Ethiopics" to the Bishop Heliodorus, more than counterbalances the unsupported assertion of Nicephorus-“an author," says Huet, "of more credulity than judgment." If Heliodorus were, indeed, as has been generally supposed, the same to whom several of the Epistles of St Jerome were addressed, this circumstance would supply an additional argument against the probability of his having incurred the censures of the church: but whatever the testimony of Nicephorus may be worth on this point, his mention of the work affords undeniable proof of its long continued popularity, as his Ecclesiastical History was written about A.D. 900, and Heliodorus lived under the reign of the sons of Theodosius, or fully five hundred years earlier. Enough, however, has been said of

* Home was expelled the ministry for this heinous offence, which raised a fearful turmoil at the time among Synods and Presbyteries. The Glasgow Presbytery published a declaration (Feb. 14, 1757) on the "melancholy but notorious fact, that one, who is a minister of the Church of Scotland, did himself write and compose a stage play intitled the Tragedy of Douglas ;" and to this declaration various other presbyteries published their adhesion.

This sentence might, with more justice, have been visited upon the work of the other bishop, Achilles Tatius, for his not infrequent transgressions against delicacy, a fault never chargeable on Heliodorus.

him in his capacity of a bishop-and we shall proceed to consider him in that of an author, by which he is far better known than by his episcopacy. The time of the story is laid in the middle ages of Grecian history, after the conclusion of the wars between Greece and Persia, and while Egypt was still governed by the satraps of the great king; and the first scene at once plunges the reader, in accordanee with the Horatian precept, in medias res. A band of marauders, prowling on the coast of Egypt, are surprised by the sight of a ship moored to the shore without any one on board, while the beach around is strewed with the fragments of a costly banquet, and with a number of dead bodies of men, slain apparently in mutual conflict; the only survivors being a damsel of surpassing beauty, arrayed as a priestess of Diana, who is wailing over the inanimate form of a wounded youth. Before they have time, however, either to unravel the mystery, or to avail themselves of the booty thus unexpectedly spread before them, they are in turn put to flight by a more numerous party of robbers, or rather buccaneers, (bucoli or herdsmen,) who carry off the forlorn couple to their retreat, in the innermost recesses of a vast lake or morass, near the Heracleotic mouth of the Nile.* The description of this robber-colony appears to have been drawn from an existing or well-remembered state of things, and bears considerable resemblance, except in the presence of women and children, to a setsha, or stronghold, of the Zaporog Cossacks in the islets of the Dniepr.

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"This whole region is called by the Egyptians the Bucolia, or pasturages, and is a tract of low land, which has been converted by the inundations of the Nile into a lake, of great depth in the middle, and gradually shoaling towards the margins into a marsh. Among this labyrinth of

lakes and morasses, all the robbercommunity of Egypt hold their commonwealth; some building huts wherever there is enough of dry land for the purpose, and others living wholly on board their boats, which serve them for a home, as well as to transport them from place to place. In these narrow craft their children are born and brought up, tied by a cord round their foot, in their infancy, to keep them from falling overboard, and tasting for their first food, after being weaned, the fish of the lake dried in the sun. Thus, many of these buccaneers are natives of the lake itself, which they regard as their country and their fortress; and they also receive among them many recruits of the same sort as themselves. The waters serve them for a defence, and they are further fortified by the vast quantity of reeds overgrowing the borders of the lake, through which they have contrived certain narrow winding paths known only to themselves, to guard them against sudden incursions from without."

The chief, Thyamis, is forthwith desperately smitten by the charms of Chariclea, and announces, in a set speech to his followers, when assembled for the division of the booty, his intention of taking her to wife. The heroine, as usual with heroines in such trying circumstances, feigns compliance, stipulating only for the delay of the ceremony till she could deposit her sacred ornaments in a temple; a request which Thyamiswho, by the way, is no vulgar depredator, but an Egyptian of rank, who has been deprived of an hereditary † priesthood, and driven into hiding, by the baseness of a younger brotheris too well bred to refuse. The beautiful captive is accordingly, (with Theagenes, whom she calls her brother,) given in charge, for the time, to an Athenian prisoner named Cnemon, who had been driven into exile by the vindictive artifices of his step

*This is usually called the Canopia mouth; but Herodotus (who says that it was dug by artificial means) calls it the Bucolic, perhaps from the haunts above described in its neighbourhood.

The hereditary succession of the Egyptian priesthood is stated both by Herodotus and Diodorus; but Sir J. G. Wilkinson (Manners of the Ancient Egyptians, i. 262,) believes that, "though a priest was son of a priest, the peculiar office held by a son may sometimes have been different in point of rank from that of his father,"

1843.] Early Greek Romances-the Ethiopics of Heliodorus.

mother and her confidante, and the
recital of whose adventures (appa-
rently borrowed from those of Hip-
politus) occupies a considerable space
at this juncture, without much advan-
cing the story. On the following day,
however, the settlement is attacked
by an irresistible force, guided by the
gang who had been driven from their
prey on the beach. Thyamis, after
performing prodigies of valour, is
taken prisoner; and Theagenes and
Chariclea, with Cnemon, escaping in
the confusion, find themselves alone
in an island of the lake. Cnemon, as
being best acquainted with the lan-
guage and the surrounding country,
is sent the next day to the main land,
to make discoveries, accompanied by
Thermuthis, the buccanier lieutenant,
who had returned when the fray was
over, in hopes of recovering a fair cap-
tive of his own. The object of his
search, however, who proves to be no
other than Thisbe, the treacherous
soubrette through whom Cnemon's
misfortunes had arisen, had been slain
by accident in the conflict; and Ther-
muthis, whose suspicions had been
awakened by the joy expressed by
Cnemon, is meditating the murder of
his fellow-traveller, when he oppor-
tunely perishes by the bite of an asp.
Cnemon, continuing on his way,*
reaches the margin of the Nile oppo-
site the town of Chemmis, and there
encounters a venerable personage,
who, wrapt in deep thought, is pen-
sively pacing the banks of the river.
This old Egyptian priest, (for such
he proves to be,) Calasiris by name,
not only takes the abrupt intrusion of
Chemon in perfect good part, but
carries his complaisance so far as to


invite him to the house of a friend of
whom he is himself a guest, and the
honours of whose mansion he is doing
in the temporary absence of the owner.
This obliging offer is, of course, ac-
cepted with great alacrity; and, in
the course of after-dinner conversa-
tion, the incidental mention by Cala-
siris of the names of Theagenes and
Chariclea, and the consequent en-
quiries of Cnemon, who recognises
them as those of his late fellow cap-
tives, lead to a long episodical narra.
tion from the old gentleman, during
which Cnemon, in return for the hos-
pitality and confidence thus unexpect.
edly shown him, displays most envi-
able powers as a listener, and which,
in a great measure, unfolds the plot
to the reader.

It appears that Persina, consort of
Hydaspes, King of Ethiopia, had
given birth, in consequence of one of
those accidents which will sometimes
happen in the best regulated families,
to a white or fair-complexioned daugh-
ter; † and dreading lest the hue of
her offspring, unusual in that coun-
try, might draw on herself suspicions
which might expose her to certain
pains and penalties, she secretly com-
mitted the infant to the care of Sisi-
mithres, an officer of the court, pla-
cing at the same time in his hands, as
tokens by which she might afterwards
be recognised, various costly orna-
ments, especially a ring which had
been given her by the king at their
nuptials, bearing "the royal symbol
engraven within a circle on the talis-
manic stone Pantarbé," and a fillet
on which was embroidered, in the
Ethiopic character, the story of the
child's birth. Under the guardian-

* Before setting out on this expedition, he "reduces his hair to a more moderate quantity than that usually worn by robbers." Thus, the Italian bravoes of the middle ages, when they repented their evil ways, were wont to "shave the See Manzoni's tuft," which was thrown over the face as a disguise; hence the phrase, radere il ciuffo, still used as synonymous with becoming an honest man. well-known romance of " I Promessi Sposi."

The incidents of the birth of Chariclea have been copied by Tasso in the story of Clorinda, as related to her by Arsete, in the 12th canto of "Gierusalemme Liberata." In the" Shah-Nameh," also, Zal, the father of the Persian hero Rustan, being born with white hair, is exposed by his father Sam on the mountain of Elborz, where he is preserved and brought up by the giant-bird Simorgh.


γράμμασιν Αιθιοπικοῖς· οὐ δημοτικοῖς, άλλα "In the royal character" βασιλικοῖς. This distinction between the royal and popular system of hieroglyphics, as well as the etiquette, before mentioned, of inscribing the title of the king within a circle or oval, is borrowed, as need hardly be mentioned, from the monuments of Egypt.



author's manner, we shall quote the procession of the Thessalians to the temple.

ship of Sisimithres, she remained seven years; till, fearing for her safety if she continued in Ethiopia, he took the opportunity of his being sent to Thebes as ambassador from Hydaspes to the Satrap of Egypt, to transfer his charge, with the tokens attached to her, to a priest of the Delphian Apollo, named Charicles, who was travelling in search of consolation for domestic afflictions. Before Sisimithres, however, had time to explain the previous history of the foundling, he was compelled to leave Egypt in haste; and Charicles, carrying her with him on his return to his Grecian home, adopted her as his daughter, and gave her the name of Chariclea. She grew up at Delphi a miracle of grace and beauty, dedicating herself to the service of the temple, and obedient to the will of her supposed father in all points, except one, her determination to lead a single life. At this juncture, Calasiris (who, as it now incidentally transpires, is father of Thyamis and his rival-brother Petosiris) arrives at Delphi during the celebration of the Pythian games, having found it expedient to absent himself from Egypt for a time, for various family reasons, and more especially on account of the prediction of an oracle, that he should live to see his two sons engaged with each other in mortal conflict. A favourable response, vouchsafed to him by the Pythia from the tripod, at his entrance into the fane of Apollo, having pointed him out as a personage of consideration, he is treated with high distinction by Charicles, who confides to him the history of Chariclea, as far as he is himself acquainted with it, and entreats him to dispose her, by those occult sciences in which the Egyptian priests were supposed to be versed, to listen, to the suit of his nephew Alcamenes, whom he had destined for her husband. Calasiris promises compliance; but the scene is now changed by the arrival of a magnificent deputation from the Enianes, a noble tribe of Thessaly, headed by a princely youth named Theagenes, who, as a reputed descendant of Achilles, has come to sacrifice at the shrine of his ancestor Neoptolemus. The pomp and page. antry of the ceremonial is described in vivid language, and with considerable effect; and as a specimen of our

"In the van came the oxen destin. ed for sacrifice, led by men of rustic guise and rude demeanour, each clad in a white tunic closely girt about him, with the right arm bare to the shoulder, and brandishing a doubleheaded axe. The oxen were all black without mixture, with massive necks, low-hung dewlaps, and straight and even horns, which in some were gilt, in the others twined with garlands; and their number was neither more nor less than a hundred-a true hecatomb. Next followed the rest of the victims, each kind of animal kept separate and in order, and all marshalled to the sound of flutes and other wind instruments. Then appeared, in rich and flowing robes, and with their long locks floating loose on their shoulders, a band of the deep-zoned virgins of Thessaly, divided into two separate sets or choruses, the first of which bore baskets of flowers and ripe fruit, while those in the second carried salvers of sweetmeats and rich perfumes, which filled the air with the mingled fragrance breathing from them; but these light burdens were supported on their heads, thus leaving their hands free to be joined in the movements of the dance, to the slow and stately measure of which they advanced; while one chorus led the hymn, the strains of which were taken up by the other, in praise of Peleus and Thetis, their hero-son, and Neoptolemus and the other heroes of his


The alternate rhythm of the chant keeping time with the fall of their footsteps, riveted the attention of the spectators, who seemed spellbound by the sweet voices of the maidens, till the cavalcade which succeeded, flashing out from the crowd beyond, with their princely leader at their head, once more attracted all eyes to themselves. The troop consisted of fifty horsemen, who rode like guards in double file, twenty-five on each side of the chief, arrayed all alike in white cloaks with borders of azure embroidery, clasped across the breast with golden buckles, and with buskins laced above the ancle with scarlet thongs. Their steeds were all of that generous breed which the rich plains of Thessaly alone produce, and pawed the ground as if impatient of

the bit by which their ardour was restrained by their riders; and the silver and gold which glittered on their frontlets and caparisons, showed the rivalry prevailing among these cavaliers in the splendour of the equipments, rather of their coursers than themselves. But it was on him who rode in the midst of this gallant party, eclipsing all his comrades as the glare of lightning seems to obscure all lesser luminaries, that the eyes of the gazing crowd were now fixed. He was completely armed at all points, except his head, and grasped in his hand an ashen lance; while a scarlet cloak, on which was depicted, in figures of gold tissue, the battle of the Centaurs with the Lapithæ, flowed loose over his panoply, and was fastened in front with a clasp, representing Pallas sculptured in amber, and holding before her the Gorgon's head on her shield. The breeze, which blew back his locks from his forehead, gave his features more fully to view; and even the horse which bore him seemed to move with a statelier gait, arching his neck and proudly caracoling, as if conscious of the noble presence of his master; while the admiration of the surrounding multitude burst out into a spontaneous shout of applause, and some of the women of the lower class even threw fruit and flowers towards him, in the hope, I suppose, of drawing on themselves a glance of acknowledgement from his eye."

The cavalier thus eulogized by Calasiris is of course Theagenes, who, after thrice encompassing in due form the tomb of Neoptolemus, at length reaches the Temple of Apollo; but, during the performance of the ceremonial, it falls to his lot to receive the torch with which the altar is to be kindled from the hand of Chariclea, and love at first sight, mutual and instantaneous, is the result. The aid of Calasiris is again invoked by both the lovers; and the good old gentle man, whose knowledge of the Ethiopian hieroglyphics, by enabling him to decipher the mysterious inscription on the fillet, has put him in possession of the true parentage of Chariclea,

(which he does not, however, communicate to Charicles,) at once rẻsolves to contrive their elopement, being further stimulated thereto by Apollo in a dream-the agency of dreams, it should be remarked, being introduced on almost every possible occasion throughout the narrative, and their dictates in all cases religiously acted upon by the parties interested. A passage is procured on board a Phoenician ship opportunely lying in the Crissæan Gulf, the nearest point of the coast to Delphi ; and the abduction of Chariclea having been effected by apparent violence by the companions of Theagenes, the trio set sail for Sicily, the fugitives passing as the children of Calasiris. The voyage is at first prosperous; but the ship happening to touch at Zacynthus, the beauty of Chariclea attracts the eye of a noted pirate named Trachinus, who, when the vessel resumes her course, pursues and captures her after a long chase, and turning the crew adrift in the boat, and carries his prize, with his three captives, to the coast of Egypt, where he prepares a feast on the beach, from the materials furnished by the rich cargo of the Phoenician ship, in honour of his intended nuptials. Calasiris, however, whose genius seems ever fertile in expedients, has contrived to possess the mind of Pelorus, the pirate lieutenant, with the belief that he is the object of the fair captive's preference; and his assertion at the banquet of his claims gives rise to a furious conflict among the intoxicated pirates, ending in the slaughter of the whole party except Pelorus himself, who in turn falls by the sword of Theagenes. Calasiris, who had prudently retired to a safe distance till the fighting was over, is now on the point of coming forward to aid Chariclea in the care of her wounded lover, when he is anticipated by the arrival of the robbers, by whom, as related at the commencement of the story, he sees his protegés carried off.

Before this recital, however, had been brought to a close, Nausicles,† the master of the house, returns, and

*The capture of the vessel has furnished the subject of a painting by Raffaelle and Giulio Romano.


† He is called "A merchant of Naucratis," though resident in Chemmis. Naucratis, as we find from Herodotus, (ii. 179,) "was of old the only free

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