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" Prepare ye the way of the Lord, Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, And every mountain and hill shall be made low: And the crooked shall be made straight, And the rough places plain: And the glory of the Lord... "
Sermons Delivered Before the First Society of Unitarian Christians in the ... - Էջ 78
Ralph Eddowes - 1817 - 230 էջ
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, Հատոր 7

1611 - 358 էջ
...Every valley shall be exalted, And every mountain and hill shall be made low: And the crooked shall be made straight, And the rough places plain: And the...shall see it together: For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, And all the goodliness...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

An enquiry into the Scripture-doctrine concerning the duration of future ...

Matthew Horbery - 1744 - 306 էջ
...Every Valley shall be exalted, and every Mountain and Hill shall be made low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough Places plain. And the...shall see it together: for the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. This Passage, as applied in the New Testament, relates to John the Baptist, and makes part...
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The People of China: Their History, Court, Religion, Government ... to which ...

1799 - 354 էջ
...Every valley shall be exalted, And every mountain and hill shall be made low : And the crooked shall be made straight, And the rough places plain : And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together. Isa. xl. 4, 5. Information has already been given...
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Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East..., Հատոր 1

1830 - 334 էջ
...every mountain and hill shall be brought low ; the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough placet plain. And the glory of the Lord, shall be revealed,...shall see it together ; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. They shall not be ashamed that wail for Him. Extracts from the Journal of the Rev. CT Rhenius....
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Lectures on the Gospel of st. Matthew, Հատոր 1

Beilby Porteus (bp. of London.) - 1804 - 388 էջ
...our God. Let every valley be exalted, and every mountain and hill be made low ; let trhe crooked be made straight, and the rough places plain ; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it," "What a magnificent preparation is this for the great Founder...
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The Monthly repository (and review)., Հատոր 12

1817 - 796 էջ
...VALLEY SHALL BE EXALTED, AMD, EVERY MOUNTAIN ANT) HILL SHALL BE MADE LOW, and the crooked chalí be made straight, and the rough places plain ; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, AWD ALL FI.ESH SHALL SEE ITTOGETHER, for the month of JEHOVAH bath spoken it." — Amen...
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A View of the Economy of the Church of God: As it Existed Primitively, Under ...

Samuel Austin - 1807 - 344 էջ
...Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low ; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain. And the...shall see it together-; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." Also in Malachi iii. 1. "Behold I will 'send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way...
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The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other ...

Episcopal Church - 1808 - 634 էջ
...mountain and hill shall be made low : ind the crooked shall be made, straight, and the rough placts plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed,...shall see it together ; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry : All flesh is grabs, and all the goodliness...
Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին

The history of our Lord ... Jesus Christ, arranged according to ..., Հատոր 51

John Watkins - 1809 - 454 էջ
...valley shall " be exalted, and every mountain and hill 41 shall be made low ; and the crooked shall " be made straight, and the rough places *' plain. And...together; " for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it" (ch. xL 3, .5). The last of the prophets is still more particular with respect to the Messiah and his forerunner...
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Thornton Abbey: A Series of Letters on Religious Subjects ...

John Satchel - 1809 - 480 էջ
...Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low ; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain ; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together,' /«'ri.xl. 3. S.— Again. ' Behold, I will send...
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