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Andes as Cunis, in Central America as Choutals, Peru, Chons; Chili, Chuancos; Darien, Cunas. All of the continent from the Ohio and Mexico, to Patagonia, is full of their names, posterity and dialects.

II. The Atlantes formed by the union of two nations, the Atlas and the Antes, who conquered a part of South Europe. It gave its name to the Atlantic Ocean, and had its capitol at Otulum and Tula, near Yucatan. In America the following nations have sprung from them: The Tallahassees of Florida, Talas of Anahuac, Atulas of Guiana, Antalis of Chili, Antis of Peru, etc. Ruins of their ancient cities and huge monuments are spread from Lake Erie to Lake Titicaca for five thousand miles.

III. The Lelex or Leleges of Carea and Greece deemed akin to the Pelagians. In America, Lule and Vilela, two tribes of Tucuman and Chaco, Ili and Gua-Ili of the Antilles; Eles, ancestors of the Mexicans, Ol or Hul, ancestors of the Chols and Olmecas. The Cholas, Colas and Calis filled America from Chiapa to Peru, and were also found in the Antilles.

IV. The Mayas, of Yucatan, found in Lybia, India and China. He remarks of these nations, that although the dates of their origin may be difficult to fix, we can yet hope to detect their successive separation in colonial settlements in America. They are supposed to have reached America by way of the continent of Atlantis, after. ward sunk beneath the ocean by a cataclysm.

Rafinesque lived half a century in advance of the time that men's minds were prepared to weigh justly the value of his discoveries. Such is the result of progress that the propositions we accept to-day as incontrovertible truth, would, forty years ago, have been almost universally rejected. The publications of Rafinesque relating to American history, were unread in their day, and author and works forgotten afterwards, except by a very few.

Lately the attention of investigators has been attracted to them in consequence of the writings of the Abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg, who following the same path of research, and with ample means at command has been enabled to elaborate subjects only briefly discussed by Rafinesque. He asserts that he is enabled to go back in Mexican annals about ten thousand five hundred years before the Christian era, and can prove in an irrefutable manner that the languages, civilization, arts and

sciences of Egypt, India and Persia, as well as Europe and Africa, proceeded entirely and without exception, from America. He states that he has found a key to the phonetic alphabet of the Maya language, and that he is master of all the inscriptions in spite of numerous variations in each character.

Letters of Rafinesque are in existence, showing that he had made advanced progress in decyphering inscriptions on Central American monuments. Much of the valuable information contained in De Bourbourg's eight volumes was outlined forty years previously in the writings of Rafinesque. Toward the latter portion of his life, his manuscripts amounted to no less than six thousand pages, and three thousand maps, plans, monuments, portraits, alphabets, symbols, implements, costumes, etc., classified as follows:

I. Materials for the history, ethnography, etc., of the Americans, their annals, chronology, etc., forty books.

II. Vocabularies of the ancient and modern languages of both Americas, symbols, glyphs, etc., four books.

III. Comparative geography and ethnography of ancient and modern America, with maps, etc,, five books.

IV. Ancient monuments of North and South America, compared with the primitive monuments of the Eastern Hemisphere, three books and two hundred plans.

V. Tellus or the Primitive History of the earth. and mankind in Protholia Oceanica and Neotholia, with the ancient and modern general ethnography, thirty books.

VI. Synglosson, or compared examination of all languages and nations, six books.

VII. Iconographical illustrations of his historical works and travels, containing over one thousand maps, plans, views, portraits, alphabets, symbols, implements, etc.

Effort has been made to ascertain whether any of these precious works are still in existence, but without success, and it is feared that they are lost beyond recovery. Some of the materials it will be impossible for future writers to restore.

The fields in which Rafinesque garnered have undergone such changes, that his sources of information are no longer available. Time has destroyed structures; Indian tribes have become extinct, and their traditions and languages passed

away forever. About the year 1830 he contemplated sending his manuscripts to France for publication, but political disturbances arising, he changed his purpose. They may have been sent later, and if such was the case, it would be interesting to know whether the Abbé de Bourbourg had access to them.

Towards the close of Professor Rafinesque's life, he reviewed despondingly the unappreciated and unrewarded labors of his industrious career. At one time he writes: "I have often been discouraged, but have never despaired long. I have lived to serve mankind, but have often met with ungrateful returns. I have tried to enlarge the limits of knowledge, but have often met with jealous rivals instead of friends. I have tried to instruct and enlighten by my writings, but my pen has often been snatched, or compelled to be idle for a while. With a greater fortune I might have imitated Humboldt or Linneus.'

His magazine articles, pamphlets and published volumes comprise over one hundred different subjects. Among the most important of his compositions may be mentioned Prodrome des Nouveaux Genres de Plantes observées en 1817 et 1818 dans l' Interieur des Etats-Unis d' Amerique. Paris, 1819. "Ichthyologia or Natural History of the fishes inhabiting the Ohio River."

by a concise and expressive diction, minuteness of detail and exhaustive treatment of the subject considered. He handled his topic throughout its length and breadth so as to cover every point that might in any degree be open to controversy. The theory of evolution that Herbert Spencer is supposed to have originated, and to which Darwin, its able exponent, has made so many converts among the first scientists of the present time, is clearly indicated by Rafinesque in a letter to Dr. Torrey, of New York, December 1st, 1832, in these words: "The truth is that species, and perhaps Genera also, are forming in organized beings by gradual deviations of shapes, forms and organs, taking place in the lapse of time. There is a tendency to deviations and mutations in plants and animals by gradual steps, at remote irregular periods. This is a part of the great universal law of perpetual mutability in everything."

The versatility of his acquirements enabled him to,occupy the foremost ground, not only in natural history, but in antiquities, civil history, philology, political economy, philosophy, and he even completed a poem of nearly six thousand lines. The "Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bible," was, I believe, the last volume he published, and ended the literary career of one who, had his efforts for the advancement of science met with even moder

"Medical Flora of the United States," Phila- ate encouragement, would have left a valuable delphia, 1828.

"Monographie des Coquilles Bivalves et Fluviatiles de la Riviere Ohio," Brussels, 1819. "Ancient Monuments of North and South America," Philadelphia, 1838.

"Atlantic Journal," Philadelphia, 1832-33. "The American Nations," 2 volumes, Philadelphia, 1836.

legacy to posterity, by placing in permanent form the experiences and discoveries that an industrious life had accomplished in scientific pursuits.

The latter portion of his life was embittered by impoverished circumstances that compelled the withdrawal of his mind from his chosen pursuits, in the effort to procure the means of support, and he was censured regarding the methods em

"Genius and Spirit of the Hebrew Bible," ployed in accomplishing those ends. It is to be Philadelphia, 1838.

In botanical science he was greatly in advance of other writers in this country, and it is said that he was the only one at that time who had any knowledge of the natural classification of plants. His mind seems to have grasped all subjects connected with natural science, and the originality of his ideas eliminated truths that the scientific men of those days could not comprehend. He wrote with great facility, and the papers from his peu published in American periodicals are characerized

regretted that his writings have been, from the manner of their publication, so scattered as to be little known to men of science. It is seldom that copies of any of his works are to be obtained, all of them having been issued in small editions, and but few copies of these it is presumed have been preserved.

He died in Philadelphia, September 18th, 1840, and his last words, "time renders justice to all at last," may fittingly close this imperfect record of an extraordinary man.



I VISITED Washington City during the winter of | betrayed counsel, but he complicated affairs by 1835-6, and while there I paid my respects to the frank expression of his own feelings. He was General Jackson, then President of the United in all things sincere; and it was painful for him States. I was introduced by the Hon. Thomas to suppress the utterance of his convictions." L. Hamer, a Representative from Ohio.

Two gentlemen were already seated when we entered the room, and after the formalities of reception, conversation was resumed on the subject which, at that time, was agitating two nations, viz. the payment of the five millions indemnity by France.

Mr. Barton, our Special Agent in this negotiation, had, the day before, returned from France, reporting only dilatory pleas on the part of the French Government, and it was known that the President, indignant at the procrastination, was preparing a Special Message to Congress on the subject. The National Intelligencer had, however, published an editorial deprecating a belligerent rupture, and invoking a friendly consideration of the conduct of our ancient ally. One of the company mentioned this editorial, and commended its "pacific tone." Instantly the President's face flushed, his eye sparkled, and sitting erect, he repeated the word sarcastically-"pacific pacific! Why don't they pay the money?" and then, striking on the arm of his chair as he uttered every word, he said, "They shall pay that money, sir, before I leave this chair." This outburst startled us all, and everybody hastened to depart, satisfied that any further remark would be superfluous. As it is well-known, the money was paid before he left his chair; not because France feared coercion, but because the pertinacity of Jackson roused her own sense of justice, and compelled her to do, at once, that which she knew it was her duty, and, no doubt, her intention, to do.

Years afterwards, I was telling this anecdote to a Senator, and expressing my surprise at such undiplomatic candor, when the Senator smiled, and said, "Just like him! The old General, not unfrequently, embarrassed the executive deliberations of the Senate by his free speech. He never



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REMARKS. In a paper of the November MONTHLY, the writer states that Andrew Jackson was born on the North Carolina side of the State line which separates that State from South Carolina. To this Mr. At Lee, in a NOTE, page 946, of the December Number, takes exception, claiming that the hero was a native of the Palmetto State. The question is one of some interest, and we have been at some trouble in investigating it since the receipt of Mr. At Lee's communication, but must confess the conclusion has forced itself upon us that no one knows where Andrew Jackson was born, beyond the fact that the spot was within. the Waxhaw, or Waxsaw Settlement. We think, however, the North Carolina theory has just a little the best support. The hero's own opinion, even though he derived it from his mother, really proves nothing-it is not necessary that a “motive for concealment or misrepresentation be imputed or suspected" on the part of the General, as a ground for doubting the correctness of his convictions. It would be an improbable supposi tion to believe that his mother had even pondered the question, whether her brother-in-law's house were on the North or South side of the line, especially as in her day "State lines were traditionary and indefinite." But in our day the lines are more clearly defined, and it is easier to judge where Mr. McKemey's house-Mrs. Jackson's temporary abode-stood.

These brief remarks afford us an excellent opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to Mr. At Lee for his repeated favors. His unique collection of data in relation to the time and place of birth of distinguished Americans, and other facts of interest in their lives, is a most valuable mine, from which we hope, and have no doubt, that he will often contribute treasures to our pages.



official station. It must be borne in mind that Mr. Morris was led to this absolute relinquishment of his own business and self-concentration upon his public duties solely by his nice sense of right and lofty patriotism, without any suggestion from the Congress or from any other party or parties whomsoever.

As I have before stated, Robert Morris withdrew from the office of Superintendent of Finance, on the 1st of November, 1784. At the close of the year, he also resigned the position of Agent of Marine,' and thus finally terminated his official relations to the Congress, and was once more free to resume private business.

His public services, subsequent to his resigning the Financial and Naval Affairs of the Nation, may be summed up in a paragraph:

BOTTA, the eminent Italian historian, in his "War of Independence," truthfully declared: "The Americans certainly owed, and still owe, as much acknowledgement to the financial operations of Robert Morris, as to the negotiations of Benjamin Franklin, or even to the arms of Washington." The American Ambassador, Benjamin Franklin, in a letter from Versailles to Mr. Morris, bears strong testimony to the ability, zeal and success of the latter's administration of the National Finances, and assures him: "Your conduct, activity, and address, as financier, and provider for the exigencies of the State, is much admired and praised here; its good consequences being so evident, particularly with regard to the rising credit of our country," etc. Thus were the great Financier's marvelous ability, zeal and success appreciated in foreign lands, but we at this day must marvel more at, and should revere more, the sublime patriotism and noble disregard of self and of his personal interests which could permit Mr. Morris to undertake a position, the cares, anxieties and labors, completely environing which he knew must be immense, the prospects of success at best doubtful, and which must unavoidably interfere materially with his extensive, profitable and growing private business-how much more. we marvel at, and how much more should we revere, that patriotism and self-devotion when we learn that the successful, prosperous merchant not only hazarded, but voluntarily sacrificed, his vast business at a time when it was most lucrative and In this connection, it may be well to note that in Septempromised even greater returns that it had yet ber, 1781, the Congress resolved that until a suitable person yielded-that, upon accepting the office of Super- could be appointed "Agent of Marine," the duties, responsiintendent of Finance, Mr. Morris immediately bilities and authority of that office should devolve upon the and absolutely consigned his entire business to Superintendent of Finance; Mr. Morris, though much against his judgment, because he deemed the resolution incompatible other hands, that he might devote his time, talwith the best interests of the Government, acquiesced; no ents and resources to the public service, and that," Agent of Marine" was appointed, and Mr. Morris continued throughout the period of his continuance in that important office, he never permitted any private personal concern or consideration to interfere with, divert his mind from, warp his judgment or influence a single act in connection with, the onerous duties and multifarious interests of his

In 1785, Mr. Morris was elected a member of the State Legislature of Pennsylvania; he was a prominent member of the Convention which framed the Constitution of the United States, and upon its ratification, was elected by the Pennsylvania Legislature one of the representatives of that State in the United States Senate, where he served a full term, retiring finally from public life in 1795. President Washington, in composing his first Cabinet, was exceedingly desirous of securing Mr. Morris's services as Secretary of the Treasury, but Mr. Morris most emphatically declined; the President is said to have appointed

to manage the naval affairs of the Government until the close of the year 1784. In addition to all the dutie assigned him by the Congress, he had also acted for some time as fiscal agent of his own State. Thus we see that Mr. Morris, had he attempted to retain any part or interest in private business,

would have had no time to devote to its direction or manage


Alexander Hamilton solely at Mr. Morris's sug- his "discretion and previous good judgment " hadi gestion.

Having relinquished his official duties and responsibilities as Superintendent of Finance, and Agent of Marine, Mr. Morris embarked in the East India and China Trade with Gouverneur Morris, of New York, his late Assistant Superintendent of Finance.' Had he been content to pursue this legitimate commercial enterprise, the dark chapter in his life which remains to be noticed, would doubtless never have been indited. But the prudent, judicious, successful merchant of three years before, seems to have been entirely transformed, his whole character changed, except that his integrity of purpose nothing could weaken or abate.

Looking now calmly and critically over the history of Robert Morris's career of almost unparalleled mercantile success before he relinquished private business for public service, and then over the history of his career of almost unparalleled misfortune and disaster after he retired from the public service and resumed private business, one can scarcely avoid the conclusion that the cares, anxieties and perplexities, together with the vast labors, of his public life, had completely destroyed his mental equipoise-had seriously impaired his mind, and deprived it of all those characteristics which had given him his former success and established his credit; the man, the most striking traits of whose mind had been extreme prudence, far-seeing judgment, and a shrewd penetration into the character and principles of every man with whom he had dealings, appears now as a rash, wild, unthinking speculator, with no faculty of discrimination as to the nature of the speculation, or the character of the man with whom he deals. Mr. Brotherhead says: "There can be but little doubt that the position of Morris in the Revolution threw him into such a vortex of public confidence, that he, mortal as he was, forgot that success could continue in his business only with discretion and his previous good judgment," etc. But the fact is patent that

2 In July, 1781, Mr. Morris appointed Mr. Gouverneur Morris, of New York, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, and throughout the more than three years that he held the Superintendency, this gentleman was his only assistant, except, of course, the needful clerical and subordinate help that was indispensable.

entirely forsaken him; he had become a monomaniac in the race for wealth, and fell into wild schemes which a tithe of his native "discretion and good judgment" would have shown him, could yield only disappointment and distress.

I do not, nor will my readers, care to follow Mr. Morris in the terrible whirlpool of speculation, debt, anxiety and distress in which he became hopelessly involved, and from which he escaped at last a broken-hearted, feeble old man, with naught of his former possessions and but few of his former friends, among that few, fortunately, was his faithful wife.

Among the visible tokens of the abnormal state of Mr. Morris's mind was his extravagant attempt to build a marble palace which should entirely eclipse all domestic edifices hitherto erected upon the American Continent. The site of "Morris's Folly," as it was popularly designated after his inability to complete it became evident, was the south side of Chestnut street, extending east and west from Seventh to Eighth, and southward to a line about where Sansom street now lies, comprising what had been known as "Norris's Pasture Field;" to this he proposed to add the "Continental Yard," which would have made his grounds take in the entire square bounded by Seventh, Chestnut, Eighth and Walnut streets. The house fronted towards Chestnut street, and stood about fifty feet back of the line, midway of the groundfront. A French architect of some repute, estimated that the cost would be sixty thousand dollars, an estimate which, one would think, should have itself made Mr. Morris aware that the architect was either dangerously incompetent or a scheming knave; but he was strangely biind and did not see how absurdly disproportionate the sum was to the vast design. The cellars, said to have been a perfect labyrinth of underground passages, extending three stories down, exhausted the sum designed to complete the structure; and yet the infatuated projector would not pause; the sad work went on, the mad financier became more and more mad in his perilous undertakings, and at last the inevitable consequence, irretrievable ruin, arrested all his enterprises, the wise and the unwise alike. The superb palace had reached the stage of advancement shown in the engraving, when the sheriff sold the land to William Sansom, and the materials in the building to Thomas Bil

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