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charming summer home, Madame de Reidesel could not say enough, though anxiety was to meet her here in a different form. Her husband was attacked by a malignant fever which prevailed in the neighborhood, and was for some time dangerously ill. He had scarcely recovered, when early in the autumn, he and General Phillips were exchanged, though the rest of the army that surrendered at Saratoga still remained prisoners, General Clinton wished to replace the Baron in active service, appointed him Lieutenant-General, and gave him the command at Long Island. Here a second attack of fever so impaired his health, that his physicians warned him that it was not safe for him to remain in that climate. But he was so glad to be once more free, and in active service, that he would neither ask for a furlough, nor leave the army.

By the spring his health had slowly mended, and being very anxious to rejoin the remnant of his late German regiments which had remained in Canada, General Clinton finally consented that

he should pay them a visit. They reached Quebec in September 1781, and here they remained, lead a busy, happy and peaceful life, after all the hardships they had undergone, until the death of General Reidesel's father, in the summer of 1783, recalled them to Europe. They were received everywhere, but especially in their native land with great enthusiasm, and a few more happy years passed over our heroine's head. But General Reidesel who had never entirely recovered his health, died early in 1800, leaving his devoted wife broken hearted. She removed, after his death, to Berlin, where she spent her time and ample means in the exercise of the most judicious charity. established in Berlin an Asylum for Soldier's Orphans, and in Brunswick, an Almshouse for the poor. On the 29th of March, 1808, she peacefully closed her eyes in death, surrounded by her children, leaving to them and to the world in general, a record, which for patient and cheerful endurance of hardships, heroism in danger, and conjugal and maternal affection and devotion cannot be surpassed.



THE following autobiographical sketch was written August 28, 1867, in my presence, by Mr. Walker, who died, in Washington, November 11, 1869. It exhibits, so comprehensively and succinctly, the chief facts in his personal and official career, soine of which are of historical interest, that I thought it might be an acceptable contribution to your MONTHLY. S. Y. A L.

Secretary, to Europe, from March, 1863, to November, 1864, when I returned home, having completed my mission by causing to be taken and bought there $250,000,000 of Mr. Chase's United States 5-20 six per cent. bonds, and defeated the second Confederate loan of $75,000,000; cooperated with others, during the same period, in various important transactions for the Federal Government, under special letter from Mr. Seward, Secretary of State, written by express sanction of President Lincoln.

The above is written by request of my excellent and much valued friend, Samuel Yorke At Lee.

REMARKS.-We have inserted the above very concise autobiography or autosketch, just as re

R. J. Walker: born at the town of Northuinberland, Pennsylvania, July 19, 1801; graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, July, 1819; appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of Mississippi about 1828, declined; United States Senator from Mississippi from January 8, 1836, to March 10, 1845; Secretary of the Treasury from March 10, 1845, to March 5, 1849resigned; Commissioner to China, June, 1853-ceived, with thanks to our kind friend, Mr. At resigned because a steamer could not be furnished me, as promised; Governor of Kansas from April to December, 1857-resigned because I would not aid in forcing slavery on Kansas by fraud and forgery; Financial Agent of the United States Government, by appointment of Mr. Chase, then

Lee; but Mr. Walker's distinguished career deserves a fuller biography, and we shall be obliged to Mr. A L., or any other ready writer who will supply one, and if the writer will favor us with an authentic portrait, we shall be happy to have an engraving made to accompany the paper.


CHARLES THOMSON, the famous Secretary of the Continental Congress throughout the entire "Revolutionary" or Transition Period, from the first organization of the First Congress, September 5th, 1774, until the ratification of the Constitution of the United States transformed the Congress from a single crude, provisional House into two well-constituted Houses, with clearly defined duties, prerogatives and authority, was one of the most remarkable men of his time. A poor Irish orphan, eleven years old, in 1741, his eager thirst for knowledge and steadfastness in pursuit thereof, made him one of the most thorough scholars of America's unscholarly age, especially conspicuous for his classical attainments. 2 His father had died on the passage to the new world, and an elder brother, who had preceded Charles and his father in the exode from the old country, assisted the lad to secure admission to the "classical academy" of Rev. Francis Alison' (afterwards D.D., Glasgow University, 1758), where he learned Greek, Latin and Mathemat

ics enough to undertake a Friend's Academy in Philadelphia, which he conducted with credit," -at least so says Mr. Simpson, but the Friend's Academy was at New Castle, Delaware.

Early in the controversy between the Colonies and the British Government, Mr. Thomson became known as a pronounced champion of the former. Long years before this he had won so great a reputation for integrity that the Delaware Indians had distinguished him with an Indian name signifying "the man of truth," and all

1 Concluded from the March MONTHLY.

Among the evidences of his scholarship, we may note his translation of the Scriptures, which he entitled: "The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, commonly called the Old and New Testaments, translated from the Greek [the Old Covenant from the Septuagint]" etc., which was commended by both Horne and Orne. His "Synopsis of the Four Evangelists" was also commended by Dr. Horne. 3 According to Henry Simpson ("Lives of Eminent Philadelphians now deceased," Philadelphia, Wm. Brotherhead, 1859, page 912), this academy was at "Thunder Hill," Maryland. But Dr. Sprague ("Annals of the American

Pulpit," Vol. III., page 73) places the academy at "New London, Chester County, Pa." We can discover no evidence that Mr. Alison ever lived in Maryland; he lived at New London, Chester County, for fifteen years, from 1737 to May, 1752, when he came to Philadelphia, and took charge of the "Philadelphia Academy," and, in 1755, became Vice-Provost and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the " College of Philadelphia," and this he held until his death in 1779.

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"Upon motion, The Hon. Peyton Randolph, was unanimously chosen President. After the President was seated, Mr. Charles Thomson, was unanimously chosen Secretary."

And continuously until the United States was completely established under the Constitution, Mr. Thomson was unremittingly at his post as Secretary. John Adams speaks of him, in his Diary, as "the Sam. Adams of Philadelphia-the life of the cause of liberty." And he commanded the confidence, respect and unfaltering esteem of the patriot leaders and masses by his earnest and faithful self-devotion to the cause, and his discharge of all the onerous duties of the Secretaryship. His strict regard to truth and fidelity in the most trivial matt 3, were so conspicuous that we do not doubt the exact truthfulness in spirit as well as word, of his reply to Mr. Laurens's accusations.

Mr. Thomson's personal appearance was as remarkable as his attainments, his character and his labors; the Abbé Claude C. Robin, Chaplain in the army of the Comte de Rochambeau, thus speaks of Thomson: "Among others, Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress, the soul of that political body, came also to receive and present his compliments. His meagre figure, furrowed countenance, his hollow, sparkling eyes, his white, straight hair, that did not hang quite so low as his ears, fixed our thorough attention, and filled us with surprise and admiration." The following engraving, from a portrait by Charles Wilson Peale, is said to be a very truthful likeness.




It gives me the most sensible pain, that anything relating to me should at any time and more especially at the present draw aside your attention from public concerns. However since even one member has thought it necessary that my public conduct and character ought to be examined into and tried, I find some consolation that after a service of five years, two of them under the eye of a gentleman, my present accuser, who it seems has kept a strict watch over me and minuted my failings, he has nothing more criminal to lay to my charge than what is before you. Of five presidents, under whom, during that period, I have had the honor to serve Congress, I flatter myself I enjoyed the confidence esteem and friendship of four. And I deem it unfortunate that I cannot boast the same of the one who is the present complainant, especially when I recollect,

that no gentleman ever came to Congress in whose favour I was more prejudiced and whose friendship I more sincerely desired to cultivate. At his first arrival and during the time Congress continued at Philadelphia in the year 1777 I think I gave him full proofs of this by every mark of respect & and attention in my power, not only as a delegate, but as a man I wished to convince of my regard. When by the approach of the enemy Congress were forced to quit Philadelphia & remove to Yorktown, I carried with me the same disposition; And when he was elected to the chair, I called upon him several times to pay my respects; but the alteration I perceived in his conduct towards me & the manner in which he received my visits soon convinced me that they were not welcome and that I must for the future decline them.

To what cause this was to be imputed I was at a

loss to guess. To ascribe it to the effects of his new dignity would have been to disparage his understanding. I was sometimes induced to think it might be owing to his having, soon after his election, failed to make an impression on me by his attempts to vilify & lessen in my opinion the character of the late honble Mr Lynch, of whose understanding virtue and patriotism I entertained the highest opinion and for whom I had had the sincerest friendship and affection; and that he was not more successful in his endeavours to persuade me that Moses, the man of God & deliverer of Israel, was an imposter and that he deceived the Israelites at Mount Sinai by his having had the knowledge of the use of gun powder. But whatever the cause might be, I confess freely that I was of too proud a spirit to brook indignities and that I scorned to court any man however high in office, by fawning, cringing or servility. I therefore declined any farther attendance. This I presume gave mortal offence.

Soon after, when by a severe attack of the cholera morbus, a disorder, to which my constitution is incident, I was prevented from attending Congress, he seized the opportunity, and at the afternoon meeting pronounced a furious invective against me, endeavouring to persuade Congress, that by some act, which he was pleased to construe into disrespectful behaviour to him, I meant to insult the dignity of that body. Of this I was informed the same evening by some members, who did me the honor to call and visit me in my chamber. As I was conscious I had given no just cause, and as I could not then bring myself to think this proceeded from a malicious intention to injure me, I imagined there must be some misunderstanding. As soon, therefore, as I recovered strength sufficient to walk, I went to Congress and waited impatiently the whole morning, expecting he would have called upon me for an explanation of my conduct. As he did not condescend to do this, I took an opportunity after the adjournment, at night, to mention my surprize at what I had been informed of and desired him to let me know, in what I had so highly offended as to oblige him to complain of me to Congress. He denied his having made any complaint and asked, who informed me. I told him some members of Congress. He replied, it is a damned lie, they are damned liars that informed. The expressions stuck me dumb with surprize. He left the room.

Turning about I happened to see one of the gentlemen, who had given me the information. told him what had passed. We walked out together. The night was dark. As we passed the end of the house conversing on the subject, M Laurens had stopped and hearing our conversation, though we did not see him, he repeated aloud. It is a damned lie. I cannot say which was greatest, my wonder or resentment. Ho ever we passed on without making any reply; as I determined not to take any farther step until I had advised with my friends. But in a short time after my resentment was lost in grief and astonishment, when, in the midst of public distress, I saw him at the afternoon sessions so far unmindful of his station and dignity as to rise and debate questions as a delegate, then sit down and as president, hear himself replied to, and at one time in one of such debates so far forget himself as, to answer from the chair an honourable member from North Carolina, by singing aloud "Poor little Penny, poor little penny, sing tan-tarra-ra-ra''—and at another time when he was reading a report brought in by an honorable member from Massachusetts bay, which was under debate, to stop, in the middle of a sentence, & exclaim "Solomon gundy! did you ever see such a Solomon gundy' which raised such indignation, that the honorable member left the room, and soon after Congress adjourned.

After this I took no farther notice of what had passed respecting myself; determining to be upon my guard and to give as little cause for complaint as possible. This I found the more necessary, as he continued by a thousand indescribable ways to teaze, irritate and provoke me.

During that winter I enjoyed but a very indif ferent state of health and had very little assistance in the office, while at the same time, by the criti cal state of public affairs and occurrences which happened, the business of the office was accumulated to a very great degree, and the sitting twice a day allowed me less time to dispatch it. This gave him many favourable opportunities which he studiously embraced to teaze me with messages and sending for papers which he must be con vinced it was not in my power to have ready and which he must have known would be sent to him as soon as finished. These messages were generally sent by his coachman when I was at dinner of supper and sometimes when I was going to bed.

as my memory serves he delivered in these words. "The president desires you will send him the report, he wants to see it as it is' and added “M' Duer and the french gentleman are there waiting and want to see it.

The reason of this demand I could not comprehend and the manner of it surprized me.

For it seemed to me, he carefully attended to my hours of refreshment & rest and chose I should enjoy as little of either as possible. This however I bore patiently without murmur or complaint, and I think without shewing any marks of discontent or uneasiness. Though for months together scarce a day passed without a visit from his coachman at improper times and often with messages and on business, which with all due deference to his better judgment, I thought at the time, might as well have been dispensed with. However I took not the least notice of this nor did I keep minutes of transactions as they occurred. I wished to forget them, that I might preserve a respect for a man so highly honoured by his country. And this would have been the case, had I not, by the present occasion, been forced to this painful recollection which I thought necessary, in order to convince you that his present conduct is only the result of a pre-exclamation (for I was astonished at the proceedmeditated and long concocted plan to lessen me in the opinion of Congress.

With regard to the affair of Mr Lanenville, I remember the circumstances very particularly. A committee had brought in a report, to which many objections were made in Congress. The debates were warm and interesting so as to occasion the calling for the yeas & nays which was then not usual except on important questions. Congress differed in many respects from their committee, which occasioned many amendments and interlineations and prolonged the session till late in the afternoon. As soon as I got home, which was some time after Congress rose, as I had to stay & take care of the public papers, I sat down to dinner, and immediately after began to enter on the journal the proceedings & resolutions of Con- | gress, when James his coachman "the young man who" as he informs you "acted as his secretary," called with the president's compliments and desire that I would send him the resolutions that had passed respecting the french gentlemen. I desired him to give my compliments to the president and inform him that they were not yet ready, that as soon as they were, I would send him an attested copy. With this message he went and returned immediately with the president's compliments & desire that I would send him the journal, as he only wanted to see the resolutions. I desired him to return my compliments to the president and inform him, I had not yet quite finished the entry. Presently he returns with a message which, as far

I replied give my compliments to the president and inform him I cannot send the report; it is so erased (or scratched this term I may have possibly used) and interlined with amendments that it is not proper to be shewn to the gentleman. Presently after he came back and knocked at the door, I went into the entry, where he delivered the following message. "The president gives his compliments, says he's much obliged and must submit." I said it is very well and made him a bow. Then returning into the room repeated by way of

ing) that part of the message He must submit !

Mr Duer immediately after called on me and told me the president was much incensed. I repeated to him the whole transaction and shewed him the report and he expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with the impropriety of sending it.

That Mr Custer might have delivered as from me the answer set down in the paper of charges, I will not dispute. But surely Mr Laurens must have known that "I have it only scrabbled on a piece of paper" bears no marks of my language.

As to what relates to the commission of the hon ble John Adams, I cannot, with all my recollection remember a single circumstance. But the answers set down are so strange and to me so improbable, especially that one who, for these five years passed or at least from the roth of May 1775 has so wholly devoted himself to the business of Congress as to deny himself all relaxation and amusements, scarcely allowing time for refreshment and sleep, who in that time has written so many volumns and reams of paper and who by that close attention & devotion to the service of Congress has impaired his constitution, sacrificed his health and endangered his life, should without good reason refuse to take the trouble of only writing his name: This I say is so improbable, that I cannot admit the charge until it is better supported.

The next charge that I returned for answer "that I had not the key of the office-that it was with one of the clerks and that I did not know

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