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of this creature excels in brightness most of any other animal. She has no eyelids, and is therefore, an emblem of vigilance. She never begins an attack nor ever surrenders, she is therefore an emblem of magnaninity and true courage, when injured or in danger of being injured, she never wounds until she has given to her enemies warning of their danger. No other of her kind shows such generosity. When undisturbed and in peace, she does not appear to be furnished with a weapon of any kind. They are latent in the roof of her mouth, and even when extended for her defence appear to those who are not acquainted with her to be weak and contemptible, yet her wounds however small, are decisive and fatal. She is solitary, and associates with her kind only when it it is necessary for their preservation. Her poison is at once the necessary means of digesting her food and certain destruction to her enemies. The power fascination attributed to her by a generous construction resembles America. Those who look steadily on her are delighted and involuntarily advance towards her, and having once approached never leave her. She is frequently found with thirteen rattles and they increase yearly. She is beautiful in youth and her beauty increases with her age, her tongue is blue and forked as lightning."

The analogies of the first American ensign are ingenerously set forth in the foregoing extract, yet at our prejudices against the snake are deeply rooted, and as old as original sin itself, few of our countrymen would regret that the device was changed. J. I. Y.

Tom Paine's "Common Sense."- January 9, 1776, appeared the anonymous pamphlet bearing the attractive title of "Common Sense." It is not easy for us now to understand the immense popularity which this production enjoyed at the time, but the fact is unquestionable. Written by an adventurer, Thomas Paine, who had been in the country only little more than a year, in a style often coarse and inelegant, it was at first ascribed to John Adams or Samuel Adams. It was printed in numerous editions, was widely circulated and read, and everywhere it strengthened the growing desire for a separation from the mother country. So great was its effect that at a later period Congress and the Assembly of Pennsylvania even went so far as to make the writer considerable grants in money, while New York gave him the confiscated estate of one of the loyalists refugees, and the contemporary letters and papers contain abundant evidence besides of the impression which its publication produced.

B. A.

The "Stone of Destiny."-In the March MONTHLY, page 222, there is an interesting notice of this interesting stone of Ireland's, rather than England's, antiquity. George Buchanan was mistaken, as quoted, in his claim that this stone originally belonged to Argyleshire, Scotland. The names of the stone in the early British tongue were Lingfail, "the Fatal Stone," and Cloch na Cinneamhna, "the Stone of Fortune," "both of them from a persuasion the antient Irish had, that, in what country soever this stone remain'd, there one of their blood was to reign." "On the Fatal Stone," says Toland, "the supreme Kings of Ireland us'd to be inaugurated in times of Heathenism on the hill

of Tarah." This is in harmony with the old. Scon i legend cited by Mr. Morden. Subsequently, the Irish in order to "confirm" their colony, at Argyleshire, supersti ously sent the stone thither, and it was not returned but Lege there until about 842, when Keneth the 2d, the son of Alfe,

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having enlarg'd his borders by the conquest of the Pat
transferr'd this stone to Scone," and here it remained ur:'
Edward I. removed it to Westminster. It was not " enclosed
in a wooden chair" at Scone, or by "King Kenneth;
long before, indeed in the first record of its use at Tari, is
the inauguration stone of the Kings of Ireland, it is not cert
as "being inclos'd in a wooden Chair." The Druids clan
that it emitted a sound when the "rightful Candidate oc-
cupied the chair, but was "mute under a man of none or a
bad title;" of course, like priestly miracles generally, this
"sound" was readily managed by the Druid officiating 2
the inauguration to suit the interests of the Druidic pries
hood. We believe, too, that Sir Walter Scott's version of
the old Druidic oracle, as quoted by Mr. Morden, sa
somewhat free rendering, the original is as follows:
"Cioniodh Souit Saor an fine,

Man ha breag an Faisdine,
Mar a bhfuighid an Lia-fail,
Dlighid flaitheas do ghabhail."

Boethius gives it in Latin thus:

"Ni fallat fatum, Scoti, quocumque locatum

Invenient lapidem hanc, regnare tenentur ibidem John Toland gives an English translation that is perhaps as far from literal as Scott's, but is interesting: "Except old Saws do feign,

And wizards wits be blind,
The Scots in place must reign

Where they this Stone shall find."

We have a note of still another version, though we do ro recollect who made it; it is even less liberal than Scott's: "Consider Scott, wher'e'er you find this Stone,

If fates fail not, there fixt must be your throne." Thus the old Irish superstition was adapted by the Scot tish Bard to favor the Scottish line, and versified.

Thomas Lynch, Jr.-Can any one inform me of arr letter or letters of Thomas Lynch, Jr., one of the Signer-except the one in "Brotherhead's Centennial Book of the Signers ?" COLLECTOR.

The Expeditions of George Rogers Clark.-Reply di Wm. Wirt Henry to Samuel Evans.-In the December (1875) number of the MONTHLY I attempted to correct statement made in the 10th volume of Bancroft's History, to the effect that the conquest of the Northwest in 1778 and 1779, by George Rogers Clark was effected with "hackwoodsmen of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and from what we now call East Tennessee and Kentucky," my effort being si show from the narrative of Clark and the records of the State, that the Governor of Virginia was entitled to some of the credit of that enterprise, and that it was accomplished w♫ Virginians, it being doubtful whether any Pennsylvanians were engaged in it.

I find in the number for March (1876) an article by Samoel Evans, Esq., in which it is alleged that, in attempting to

give the truth in regard to this expedition, I have not stated | satisfactory evidence of the fact. The proposed expedition the whole truth, and that if I mean to claim that West Augusta county, embraced all of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and that those who resided there and participated in General Clark's expeditions to the Northwest were Virginians exclusively, my claims is not well founded and history will not bear me out." Mr. Evans also alleges that "with all her pride, Virginia has not always been neighborly or honorable with the subjects of this State," (Pennsylvania).

Pardon me for asking a little space in reply to these rather serious charges. And before I venture to defend my State, permit me to put myself right.

I belong to that class who believe that in making statements a suppressio veri is equivolent to a suggestio falsi as to all mallers material to the subject matter stated, and therefore if I have omitted anything material to the question I discussed, to wit, whether George Rogers Clark conquered the Northwest in 1778 and 1779 with Southwestern Pennsylvanians, or with Virginians, I pray it may be set down to my ignorance. As Mr. Evans has furnished a good deal of interesting information bearing on the expedition undertaken by Clark in 1781, and upon the troubles which occurred in the disputed tertory on the border of Pennsylvania. Virginia, before and during the year 1781, and undertakes to show wherein I have failed to tell the whole truth, I venture the presumption that the whole truth is now before the readers of the MONTHLY in the judgment of Mr. Evans. If this be so, we must conclude that there is no evidence that Southwestern Pennsylvanians composed any part of Clarks' command in 1778 and 1779 as Mr. Evans makes no such claim, his claim is simply that there is evidence that Southwestern Pennsylvanians composed part of Clark's command in 1781. It may be a matter of some surprise that Mr. Evans did not state in this connection, what is undoubtedly true, that the expedition of Chark in 1781 was intended for the reduction of Detroit, that General Clark was beset by unexpected difficulties, and thrown upon the defensive, by the hostile Indians, that this enterprise was abandoned, and Detroit remained in the possession of the British till it was surrendered under the provisions of the treaty of peace. Had Pennsylvanians therefore wholly constituted the force of Clark in 1781, they could claim no credit for wresting the Northwest from Great Britain for two reasons; one, that the expedition of 1781 accomplished nothing towards dislodging the British, and another that their dislodgement had occurred, so far as effected by force, in 1778 and 1779, when very few if any Pennsylvanians were with Clark's little army. On account of the failure of the expedition of 1781 may be found in the life of General Clark as given in Lewis Collins' Historical Sketches of Kentucky.

I desire your readers to understand that I do not mean "to claim that West Augusta embraced all of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and that those who resided there and participited in General Clark's expeditions to the Northwest were Virginians exclusively." All I do claim is, that the command of Clark with which he conquered the British Posts in 1778 and 1779 and gave to Virginia the Northwestern territory, which Virginia afterwards ceded to the United States, was composed of Virginians, and while it is possible Pennsylvanians were in that command, I have no

that some

of 1781 was greatly embarrassed by the diversion of a large body of Virginians who even needed to protect the State from British invasion, and Clark was forced to enlist what men he could in the vicinity of Pittsburg, where the stores for his expedition against Detroit had been gathered. The letter of Lieutenant James Marshall to President Read, published by Mr. Evans, shows how sadly he was disappointed. Had the Pennsylvanians rallied to his standard, then he would not have been forced to relinquish his long cherished scheme of reducing Detroit.

I am grieved that Mr. Evans should think that the pride of Virginia has not always been of that kind which should have constrained her to act honorably and neighborly with the subjects of Pennsylvania; but I must insist that the controversy between the two states as to their boundary, which alone is adduced by Mr. Evans in support of his allegation, does not establish his proposition.

Mr. Evans will hardly do Virginia the injustice to hold her responsible for the deeds of the tory, Dr. John Connelly, acting under the orders of the Royal-Governor Dunmore, in 1774 and afterwards. Nor should the State be censured because some of her citizens may have behaved badly toward Pennsylvania in the disputes arising along an unsettled border. No Virginian I am sure censures the State of Pennsylvania for the irregularities of her citizens in these disputes. There was a border of territory claimed for years by both colonies, and much was done doubtless by individuals on both sides, which neither colony approved.

When Virginia had a right to speak, as a state, however, her action was noble and unselfish. In forming her Government, in 1776, she made a cession and release of the territory contained within their respective charters to the neighboring states, in order to promote the common cause of America, and to prevent as far as in her powers, future dispute and animosity, thus yielding all claims she had under her own prior charters to the disputed territory, there was but one thing more to be done to fix the boundary with Pennsylvania, and that was to determine the lines called for by her charter. The Virginia Convention during the same session proposed a temporary line to be observed till the permanent line could be run. In August 1779, the commissioners representing the two states met in Baltimore, and after considerable discussion agreed on the boundary which was afterwards ratified by both states. The proceedings of the commissioners are given in "Henning's Statutes at Large," vol., 10. pp. 52133. The difficulty they had to meet arose from an inaccuracy in the Pennsylvania charter. By its provisions, her northern boundary was along the 42d degree of latitude, (to wit the beginning of the 43d degree), her eastern boundary was the river Delaware, to a point twelv miles north of New Castle, and below that point the arc of a circle with New Castle as its centre, and having a radius of twelve miles, marked from the point where it strikes the Delaware river, westward till it intersects the beginning of the 40th degree of latitude, (to wit the ending of the 39th degree). The western boundary was to be five degrees westward from the eastern, which would have made it an irregular line. The trouble was that a circle drawn with New Castle as a centre, and a radius of twelve miles, could by no possibility intersect the

beginning of the 40th degree of latitude, and indeed, fell short many miles of touching it. The Pennsylvanians claimed, however, a territory three degrees wide from North to South. This would have included a large part of Virginia, and the greater part of Maryland. The line with Virginia was settled by her commissioners, proposing Mason and Dixon's line for the southern boundary of Pennsylvania, to be extended to a point five degrees west from its intersection with the Delaware river, and a meridian drawn from this westerly point to constitute the western boundary. As the point on the Delaware, from which the five degrees were computed, is the most westerly on that river, within the latitude of Pennsylvania, Virginia made compensation for any supposed loss of Pennsylvania on the South, by giving up a strip of territory on the western border, never claimed by that state.

In view of these facts, it may be confidently claimed for Virginia, that in this matter she was both honorable and neighborly towards Pennsylvania.


Explanation of "Two Old-Time Epitaphs."-In reply to the QUERY in the March number of the MONTHLY, page 228, I submit the following, which appear to solve the two epitaphs quoted:

Ist. The Son marries his mother-they thus become is band and wife; their offspring is a daughter. The man ari woman die and are buried-a son and mother, and a hushis and wife-in one grave; the daughter-a daughter of the two and a sister of her father-dies and is buried beneat the same grave-stone. This accounts for the three seeming "to eight to mount."

2d. The second Epitaph is easier of solution, regain merely a grouping of the letters therein so absurdly arrange! into words; these words arrange themselves into a ten hir


"Beneath this stone lies Katharine Gray,
Chang'd from a busy life to lifeless clay;
By earth and clay she got her pelf,
And now she's turn'd to earth herself.
Ye weeping friends, let me advise,
Abate your grief and dry your eyes-
For what avails a flood of tears?
Who knows, but, in a run of years,
In some tall pitcher or broad pan
She in her shop may be again."

The sentiment of the solution is even more curious than the strange manner of putting it on the stone.

J. H. M.


The May "Monthly"-A Special Centennial Exposition Number.-As the Exhibition is to open on the 10th of May, we propose, in the May number of the AMERICAN MONTHLY, to give a complete, exhaustive, and illustrated exhibit of the grounds, buildings, and of the entire Exposition in all its aspects and appointments.

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The United States Government Building.-We give herewith a capital engraving, and quote from the Hand. Book of the Centennial Grounds and Fairmount Park," published by the publishers of the MONTHLY, an admirable sketch, of this edifice and its purposes:

On the west side of Belmont Avenue, and directly opposite to the Women's Pavilion, is located the building erected by the United States Government. It is 480 feet long by 346 feet wide, an covers more than two acres. It was intended to construct this edifice of iron; but owing to the extreme economy demanded by the Congressional appropriation, wood and glass have been substituted. The utmost that the appropriation of $65,000 would permit has been accomplished. Mr. J. H. Windrim, the architect of the Philadelphia Masonic Temple, drew the designs. The War Department will exhibit a complete historical display of the progress made in the manufacture of arms, ammunition, and accoutrements from the earliest days of the Republic until the present time. | Combined with this will be represented figures clad in uniform illustrating the most prominent periods in the history of

the army of the United States, from the world-renowned in: picturesque costume of the Revolutionary times to the se verely simple and utilitarian equipment of the present y The most striking feature of our present state of perfect, a in the mechanical arts will be shown in the manufacture on the spot of the regulation rifle and cartridge by workmen de tailed for the purpose from the national arsenals. Old Pols bilities will reveal the secrets of his trade, and with the he of lighthouses and fog signals show us the pleasant patás f peace. The Treasury will show us how money is made, ani the Engineer's and Quartermaster's Departments how lo spend it. Their long lines of fortification, models, torje does, and army wagons will be shown, in connection wit our admirable hospital and ambulance service. A held b pital of twenty-four beds, erected as a separate building, to close at hand, designed to exhibit the American pavilon system of hospital architecture. The Navy Department wi show us what improvements have been made in the meta by which Perry, Porter, Decatur and Jones established the glory of our flag. The Interior Department, among various exhibits, will present us most of the useful 194 visionary models of the Patent Office. The Indian Burcod will tell us all about the red man's manners and c toms, mode of warfare, costume, etc., illustrated by the pr sence of some distinguished sons of the forest. The Smith sonian Institution will embrace this occasion to carry out the design of its founder-" the diffusion of knowledge am og

men." Its vast collection of treasures of the sea and land in every department of knowledge, and in every branch of Science and Art, will be thrown open to the world, and will amply repay prolonged and minute investigation. The Building Committee of the Government Board is composed of the fol lowing gentlemen: Col. S. C. Lyford, War Department, chairman; Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, Navy Department; William Sanders, Agricultural Department; Lt. Henry Metcalf, Supervisor of Construction.

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The Judges' Hall.-The accompanying engraving affords a fine view of this handsome structure, specially designed for the use of the "two hundred judges." It is located on a on a line with the Art Gallery, and to the rear of the Main Exhibition Building. The extreme dimensions of the building are 152 feet long by 114 feet wide. In the centre is a large and well-lighted hall for public meetings, lectures, etc., and which will be used by scientific and other societies holding their meetings in Philadelphia; another and smaller hall will be appropriated to meetings of the Centennial Commission, and, if necessary, the two halls can be thrown together, with accommodations for seven hundred persons. A gallery above will furnish accommodations for ladies. A series of


rooms is arranged for the accommodation of the judges, each department having its own room, with every convenience for the transaction of business and reception of visitors.

The Million and a Half.-As our readers have learned, the United States Senate, after a long delay, took up the House Bill appropriating a million and a half dollars towards the Centennial, and passed it by a vote of forty-six to fifteen. It seems that Mr. Springer made a blunder in in springing his amendment upon the House, and that his amendment does not mean what he meant that it really does not rob the stockholders of the principal invested, as he intended, bnt simply requires that, after they are reimbursed,

the Government's "gift"

shall be returned before any profits are divided. It is worthy of note that those in the House who voted for Mr. Springer's amendment voted against the bill on its final passage-thus showing that their object was to kill, not to perfect, the measure. We could wish such contemptible tricks were always punished by proving blundering failures.


A single exhibitor from Cuba, Jules Lachaume, formerly a resident of this city, has shipped 1000 plants and trees for the Exhibition.


Washington's Birthday in Richmond, Virginia.— We are indebted to our good friend R. A. Brock, Esq., Corresponding Secretary of the Virginia Historical Society for a copy of the Daily Dispatch, Richmond, February 23d, containing a full report of a unique celebration of Washington's Birthday, comprising a representation of the Colonial Court of the Botetourt regime. The reporter is evidently a master of his art, for his report is so graphic that only a personal attendance could exceed the interest of its perusal. We cannot but wish we could have witnessed the gorgeous pageant, and regret that we have not the space to insert the entire report from the Dispatch. The reporter lells us:

“The occasion was grand and inspiring. It turned back the tide of time for more than a hundred years, and presented to the view of the assembled multitude as pretty a picture as ever dwelt in a poet's dream, or furnished a subject for an artist's pencil. It was the work of a number of patriotic ladies, who, desiring to appropriately celebrate Washington's birthday, and at the same time to earn money to improve the condition of the Virginia room, at Mount Vernon, conceived the idea which they last night carried into execution with so large a measure of success and satisfaction."

The Theatre was elaborately and elegantly decorated. Manager Powell, who knows how to judge a crowd in the Theatre accurately, says there were about 1,200 present. The popular opinion, generally exaggerated, was that there were 1,800, or 2,000 present.

The curtain rose upon Lord Botetourt seated upon his throne, which was placed to the left of the stage as seen from the auditorium. A little girl and boy, children of Mrs. Coffee, in full costume of great beauty, stood the one to the right and the other to the left of the Governor, and on the floor to the left of the throne stood about forty or fifty of the courtiers.

Then followed in grand succession a living panorama of the ceremonies actually enacted on the occasion portrayed. We have not space for a list of the ladies and gentlemen of the Colonial Court personated, but must be content to name some of the foremost: Lord Botetourt was personated by Col. R. B. Berkeley; Col., afterwards Gen., George Washington, by G. W. Bassett, a great-great-nephew of both George and Martha Washington; Patrick Henry, by his great-grandson, Robert Taylor; Robert Carter Nicholas by Philip N. Nicholas; Richard Bland by John B. Bland; Col. Byrd by Byrd Wanwick; Sir John Randolph by Henry T. Wickham; Thomas Nelson, Jr., by Thomas Nelson Page; Dr., afterwards Gen., Hugh Mercer by Judge E. C. Minor; Lady Martha Washington by Mrs. Col. Lewis W. Washing. ton; Mrs. Robert Carter Nicholas by Miss Brooke; Mrs. Nellie Conway Madison, mother of President Madison, by Miss Emma Chamberlayne, a lineal descendant of the lady she personated; the justly celebrated Evelyn Byrd, daughter of the second Col. Byrd, by Miss Lucia Harrison; and Mrs. Hugh Mercer by Miss French.

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The reporter tells us : "One of the most attractive festures of this grand festival of 'ye olden tyme' was the sap per." And from his description we learn it was attractive in its elegance of "get-up," as well as in the number, quantity and quality of the viands; "the servants were attired in the dress of 1776, and wore their hair powdered " As to the excellence of the supper the reporter says: "Col onel Minor, first doorkeeper of the Senate, represented an Old Virginia gentleman. Colonel Minor, who is a con noisseur in eating, pronounced the supper excellent. No greater compliment could have been paid it.”

Among the distinguished gentlemen not of "y* older tyme," mentioned as present on the stage, we notice the Governor of the State, Mayor Keiley, and the judges of the Supreme Court of Appeals.

Mr. William Welsh's extravagant Statement.-The New York Tribune, of February 27, contained the following and was not extravagant in characterizing Mr. Welsh's statement as "extravagant," it is at least that the "somewhat' might be omitted:

An interesting but somewhat extravagant statement was made by ex-Peace Commissioner Wm. Welsh of Philadelphia before the House Military Committee yesterday, during the consideration of the bill transferring the Indian Bureau 19 the War Department. Mr. Welsh said that he believe that two-thirds of the appropriation for the Indian service is expended for the election of United States Senators. He spoke strongly in favor of the bill. These "extravagan statements are far too common, and it is to be regretted that a gentleman of Mr. Welsh's character can indulge in them.

"States Evidence."-In the Legislature of New York, it was proposed to fix the salaries of Aldermen in New York city at $2,000 each per annum. A Tammany member, Mr Galvin, opposed this, on the ground that it costs a candidate for Alderman $2,000 or $3,000 to run for office. Mr. Galvin was an Assistant Alderman himself once, and was at the head of that body in Mr. Tweed's time.

The Carlist War Ended.-Spain has reason to rejoice at the overthrow and flight of Don Carlos, who has main tained for so many years a desultory and fruitless war, re sulting in great suffering and bloodshed. His hopes of success since the accession of King Alfonso have been very slight. This winter his army numbered only 30,000 MEN, while the royal forces exceeded 120,000. By bold strateg© movements the Alfonsist generals drove the Carlists from the coast, forced back the forces commanding the passage eastward of Vittoria, and finally captured Estella, the real stronghold of the Carlist cause and the objective point of the campaign. The difficulties of the Spanish Government are, however, by no means ended. It has still to contend with financial bankruptcy at home and the troubles in Cuba,

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