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common people, and the liberal' pulpit is becoming fervent and attractive in its efforts to show how the Gospel can be and should be accommodated to Spencerianism . . . Never was thought so active as it is to-day, and never was there so large a number of great and cultured and eminently virtuous and dispassionate minds who doubt or disbelieve the existence of a personal Deity." We quote once more from this remarkable "Preface," and then shall present some specimen passages from the book itself, without attempting a refutation of what, in our humble judgment, requires none; from the "Preface:" "The object therefore of this volume is complex -first to show to the Orthodox that they stand on slippery places, that their philosophy and logic can afford them no legitimate aid and comfort; second, to show to the quasievolutionist that there is no medium between a-theism or non-theism and the rejection of their own principles of science and philosophy; third, to show to the thorough naturalistic evolutionists that there is at least one man among the orthodox who thoroughly understands them—knows them better even than they know themselves-and who grants them all their principles, better expounded, and admits their legitimate consequences; and fourth, that therefore the author must accept not only these principles, but also these consequences, unless he can furnish a new philosophy which shall use these acknowledged principles in combination with others and thus attain other or rather higher results. This the author believes to be possible, and that he is called to attempt it." And now, we propose to cite two sections of Chapter IV., under the caption "Naturalism and Supernaturalism." In 1, the author attempts to show "How Supernaturalism must be Supported and Proved;" in 2, that "Known Supernatural Operations [are] Necessarily Very Limited;" in 3, that they are "Not Known in the Transmutation of Food into Thought;" 4, "Nor in Bodily Generation;" and then we find the two sections which we


8 5. NOR IN THE BEGINNING OF LIFE AT THE FIRST. It proves the possibility of the natural evolution of life from unconscious matter; because, as there can be, or need be supposed, only one beginning of all life, there can be no law of such events, and therefore no miracle. While the leap from physical to vital is a variation from all other processes of nature, it does not follow that it is miraculous. It is merely to say that nature has done this only once. But many of her admitted achievements have never been repeated, so far as we know. She has never repeated the great geological periods in the physical evolution of the earth. We see at once that it would be contrary to the laws of nature to have them repeated. The same may be true of the beginning of life. The contrary or miraculous supposition requires positive proof, and this is impossible to be furnished. If we were familiar with many beginnings of life following the same laws, we should say they were natural, but it may be none the less natural because it occurs only once; and it cannot be miraculous, because it is not a deviation from many others of the same class, since there is no other.

The proof of spontaneous generation would end the controversy; but such proof is not necessary. It is enough that some past conditions may have originated both life and seed

by a natural process. Possibility of natural causation is sil that science requires in support of evolution. 86.

NOR IN THE PROGRESSIVE RISE OF SPECIES. Finally, the admission, which no one can withhold, that where there is no miracle, natural force or evolution cttains, proves the possibility of the evolution of species up to man, and inclusive of man, from the lowest forms of life. The leap from one species to another would be necessary only once, and the conditions which effected it would, is supposable, pass away with the event. In this suppositat there is no miracle, no contradiction of natural law, because we do not certainly know, from observation, a series of beginnings of species which constitutes a law in opposition to this supposition, and proving this, by its deviation, to be miraculous.

To ask for a specimen of such transition betrays a misap prehension of the subject. The theory of Darwin is not put forth as a fact known to the senses, else it would not be a theory, but as an idea which contains a possible solution or a theoretical solution of known fact; and if it is logically possible, it is to be preferred to separate creationism because infinitely simpler. If he cannot show a single indisputable exemplification of his theory, neither can the creationist show a single indisputable example of the miraculous creation of a species. Here both parties are on a level. B th know species, living and fossil, various and numerous. One party dogmatically affirms without any proof that they were miraculously created as distinct species. The other, more modest and scientific, affirms nothing, but endeavors to find a solution of known facts in accordance with the fundamen. tal law of science, the law of natural causation. If such a solution is logically possible, as a theory, which we have just proved, then it rises at once into a probability infinitely superior to creationism, because it assumes nothing, while the assumption of creationism is of an infinite magnitude.

Then in 7, he is gracious enough to admit that "Sapernatural Power may Possibly Limit Evolution." But we have cited sufficient to show the character of Mr. Gil.s orthodoxy, and to justify us in the opinion that he does not understand himself and his position, whether he understands "Evolution" or not. When we first read the title we thought the book might be a dangerous one in this age of loose theology and tendency to rationalism, but upon reading the book we have concluded that it is perfectly innocuous.

Importance of Geometric Knowledge to Artists.— The Independent says: It is the highest ambition of our young artists to go abroad to study in Paris, Rome, Florence, Munich, or Dresden, but most of them would do much better by staying at home and studying geometry-or, at least, too many of their productions cause one to think so. A hundred years ago Bachelier said, in his “Memoir on the Royal Free Drawing School of Paris," "To instruct the young in the principles of geometry is to render them the greatest service. Not only does this science develop the intelligence, but it makes precision habitual, thanks to the exact knowledge which it gives of the dimensions of all sorts of bodies, considered under different aspects. Without knowledge of geometry the artist, uncertain of his result, works blindly. Led by ignorance, he drags the young confided to his care from error to error."

Señor Castelar.-Although surrounded by a hostile majority in the Spanish Cortes, Señor Castelar continues to expose the misdeeds of the Government, and avow his fidelity to the liberal cause. This bold course of action is needed at present when the Spanish people are liable to forget their rights in rejoicing at the route of Don Carlos.

Valentine, the sculptor, has finished the recumbent statue of Robert E. Lee, to be placed over the grave of the Southern chieftain at Lexington, Virginia. The whole cost of the memorial is $25,000.

Ritualism in England-Its Poetry and Ceremonies. -The Boston Watchman is responsible for the following: "The Baroness Coutts, whose charities are known all over the world, has built many churches, and among others, St. Stephen's, in Westminster, where a congregation of Ritualistic Episcopalians worship. Here is the hymn they sang on New Year's day. We almost hesitate to admit it to our columns, yet it illustrates a phase of religious life; it is a "sign of the times," and therefore we print it:

Joseph was an old man,

An old man was he,

He married sweet Mary, And a virgin was she.

As they went a walking In the garden so gay, Maid Mary spied cherries Hanging over yon tree. Mary said to Joseph, With her sweet lip so mild, "Pluck these cherries, Joseph, For to give to my Child." "Oh, then," replied Joseph,

With words so unkind, "I will pluck no cherries

For to give to thy Child." Mary said to cherry tree,

"Bow down to my knee, That I may pluck cherries By one, two, and three." The uppermost sprig then

Bowed down to her knee, "Thus you may see, Joseph,

These cherries are for me." "Oh! eat your cherries, Mary, Oh! eat your cherries now; Oh! eat your cherries Mary, That grow upon the bough."


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seen for some years. As an Editor of an historical periodical we are compelled frequently to consult histories, biographies, geographies, and many other standard works, and we find the revolving book-case a most valuable assistant, as it enables us to keep all our usual reference-volumes when we can reach any one of them without rising from our chair. But we find another important advantage in this revolver-our sanctum is somewhat circumscribed in its dimensions, and the case, holding nearly two hundred volumes, occupies less than four feet square. These two advantages are sufficient to win for it our unqualified approval and for its inventor our kindest regards, but some would doubtless regard the facility with which it may be moved from one part of the room to another, or its beauty and neatness as an article of furniture or the opportunity it affords for showing handsome volumes to advantage, among its strong points of excellence. Professional and literary men generally will appreciate this "Revolving Book-Case," and to them especially we commend it. But Public Libraries will also find it a convenient useful and economical article, as besides the advantages above alluded to, they will discover another-it will enable them to provide just sufficient shelf-space to hold their books, and they ean add one or two cases from time to time to meet the demands of additional volumes. In the old methods of furnishing libraries, it was necessary to provide a number of shelves to remain vacant for a time or to be constantly subjected to inconvenience by having shelves added.

Quick Work in a Rail Mill.-Inter-Ocean says: “A few weeks since, the North Chicago Rolling Mill Company claimed the championship of the world in the manufacture of steel rails when they produced 1,010 rails in twenty hours. The Joliet mills laid themselves out lately with the following result: Between the hours of 5.50 P.M. on Monday, and 5.45 Tuesday morning, they turned out 603 rails. At 6.35 the day turn commenced, and at 5.45 P.M. had made 604 rails, thus accomplishing the wonderful run of 1,207 steel rails, weighing 35 lbs. per yard and 30 feet in length, in 17 hours and 25 minutes, and surpassing the work of the Chicago mills by 193 rails, with 21⁄2 hours to spare. The average time used for making each rail was 52 seconds, while the Chicago mills used 1 minute and 12 seconds. The Bessemer works of the Joliet Company also lead off with a run of 1,432 tons, while the biggest run made by any other mill was 1,317 tons, by the Chicago works last month. The boys claim that they have'nt shown their best foot yet; and if anybody can equal this, they will go them a good deal better."

American Meat sold in England.-Quite a large quantity of American meat was recently sold in the Liverpool markets at paying prices. It was taken over by the steamer Illinois, in a large tank surrounded by ice and cooled by air driven in by a steam-worked blower.

A Curious Flirtation Story.-A writer, in Hardwicke's Science Gossip says: I have frequently tried to find out how crickets produce their well-known chirrup; but only on one occasion did I succeed in inducing a cricket to exercise itself in that direction, they having apparently a great objection to "sing" in captivity. On the occasion I refer to, I put two crickets, a male and a female, under a tumbler, whereupon the male immediately raised its elytra, and shuffled them together, producing a noise which would be best represented by the word "shilly." It repeated this several times with its head towards the female, who probably considered herself insulted, for she literally clawed his face with one of her hind feet, supplementing this action with a sudden and violent kick, and from that time the male took no more notice of her.

The Growth of Mistletoe.-The following trees sup port mistletoe: The oak, poplar, lime, sycamore, apple, mountain ash, and fir. The mountain ash is an unusual tree to support the mistletoe, but an example can be seen from the Great terrace of Windsor Castle. The growth on a fir is curious; a large number of very small plants grow upon the stem of the tree, on the side towards the south.

"Mocha Stones" are so called, because found in abundance at Mocha, in Arabia. They are found in Amygdaloidal Trap, which appears to have been originally vesicular lavas, through which waters charged with siliceous and calcareous solutions had percolated for ages until they finally filled up the cavities with agates, etc. The dendritic markings are metallic, not fossil vegetation, to which they bear a resemblance. It is needless to say that these igneous rocks are a very old formation. The varieties of agate, onyx, carnelian,


jasper, etc., which are so abundant on the beach at Aleryswith, most probably come from some trap rocks on the art. side of the bay. The metal in the transparent agate cr chalcedony is mostly iron, which gives the colors, dark green, yellow, and reddish brown, seen in the Mocha, and the green and brown moss agate.

Sowerby's "Popular Mineralogy" says of these beauting agates: "On this subject Phillips observes- Dr. McCullock has instituted a very ingenious inquiry into the nature of the vegetable appearances of different colors visible in the more transparent chalcedonies, which are termed Mocha, and n» re particularly in those which are less so, termed Agate. Cluse observation, added to chemical experience, induces the unclusion that many of these appearances are owing to the existence in the stone of aquatic confervæ; that these plants sometimes appear perfectly in their natural form and col in others they seem to be coated by oxide of iron, whic occasionally hides the form of the plant, and discolors it. Mosses and some varieties of lichen have been observed, an occasionally chlorite, which sometimes is so disposed 233 represent a vegetable. A chrysalis, probably of a moth?, was observed in an onyx-agate in a ring in the prossession of Earl Powis,' Against the experience of Dr. McCulloch we should be sorry to offer an opinion, but we think the suljet requires further investigation. Mocha stone is a beautiful, valuable agate, consisting of white cornelian, w :1 patches here and there of a deep brown color and dentric appearance. It derives its name from Mocha, in Aralua, whence it is brought."

"Crabs out of Water."-A writer says: Some years ago I kept a small crab (Carcinus Manas) in a bell-glass, with some rock work for him to come out of the water on. If the glass cover got tilted on one side he managed to get s", and was often found about the room. Towards summer the tank was moved out of doors, under a verandah; he son got out and could not be found; but four or five days alter, on moving some flowerpots and plants from a damp corner, the crab was discovered remarkably vigorous, with a large worm in his claws, which he was very particular in insisting taking with him, on being returned to the tank, from which he soon escaped again, and finally disappeared.

Dogs Eating Wasps.-We find the following dog story in an English paper: On several occasions this summer, I watched with much interest the excitement caused by wasps to a black and tan terrier. The moment one appeared on the window, he commenced barking furiously, trying with his paws to knock it down, which, if on the lower panes, he generally succeeded in doing; but the curious part was, that as soon as the insect was on the ground, the dog began turning it over and over with his tongue for about ten minutes, all the time making a peculiar hissing noise, dragging it sometimes half across the room, and eventually eating it with the greatest relish, but apparently unconscious of the danger of the sting if eaten immediately after death; but if he could pounce on one in the act of flying, he swallowed it at once with impunity, evidently regarding it as a bonnebouche, from the frantic manner in which he pursued any that came in his way.

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THE growth of cities in our country is marvelous. It makes the fanciful creations of Aladdin's lamp seem like realities, and almost gives us faith in the thousand-and-one tales of Shahrazád.

On the sides of Mount Davidson, in Nevada, appeared a wall of black sulphuret, in 1861. There was a suspicion that it concealed the entrance to a great treasury. And so it did, for in the bosom of that mountain lay the great "Comstock lode" of silver and gold. The treasure-door was opened, and four years from that wonderful revelation Virginia City stood over it, a town of twenty thousand inhabitants, whose citizens there had picked out $30,000,000 worth of silver ore from beneath its foundation. May we doubt the story of the Valley of Diamonds told by Sinbad the Sailor?

But this was an abnormal growth of a great town-the result of a single industry. There are many instances like it in the wonderful mineral regions of our country. But the normal growth of some of our cities is quite as marvelous. This is illustrated by three in the State of New York, namely, Brooklyn, Rochester, and Buffalo. A little more than sixty years ago, Brooklyn was a little village clustered near the old ferry-house at the foot of Fulton street, which was then not named; now its population is well-nigh half a million. Rochester, at about the same time, consisted of a single log hut, from the timber of which was wrought a table, now in possession of Henry O'Reilly, Esq., of New York City; now Rochester contains more than eighty thousand inhabitants. In 1813 Buffalo was a little village in ashes-laid waste by the torch of British soldiers; now it contains a population of full one hundred and thirty thousand souls. These have had a normal growth.

But the blossoming in the wilderness of the great city of Chicago, on the western shore of Lake Michigan, is quite as marvelous as any on record. There, forty-five years ago stood a solitary mansion on the northwestern border of a little river that empties into the lake, with a few log houses in its neighborhood, and a military post on the opposite side of the stream, known as Fort Dearborn. That was the whole of Chicago in 1830, when a small area of a few acres was surveyed for a village. A picture of that house and its surroundings is seen at the head of this paper.

"The first white man who settled here was a negro," said the Pottawatomies, in great simplicity, who called the place Chi-Ka-Kos, the name of the pole-cat, in their language. That first settler was Jean Baptiste Point au Sable, a mulatto from the West Indies, who found his way to that far-off wilderness in 1796. He built a leg hut, but did not remain long. His dwelling and improvements passed into the possession of John Kinzie, a native of Quebec, and an enterprising trader with the Indians, and who for awhile was the only white inhabitant in northern Illinois, excepting a few soldiers of the United States army. He established a trading-house at Chicago in 1804. where, two years before, a stockade had been built and named Fort Dearborn in honor of the then Secretary of War. It had a block-house at each of two angles on the southern side, a sallyport and a covered way on the north side that led down to the river, for the double purpose of providing means of escape, and for procuring water in the event of a siege. It stood on the south bank of the Chicago River, about half a m’le from its mouth. When Major Whistler built it, his soldiers hauled all the timber, for he had no oxen; and so economically did he work, that the fort cost the government only $50. For awhile the garrison could get no grain, and Whistler and his men subsisted on acorns. Now Chicago is the greatest grain centre in the world.

On the site of Jean Baptiste's hut Mr. Kinzie built his mansion. Within an enclosure in front he planted some Lombardy poplars, seen in the engraving, and in the rear he soon had a fine garden and growing orchard. There he lived with his young family for eight years, until events, which will be noticed presently, compelled him to leave. His house and its associations illustrate the marvelous progress of our country in wealth and population.

I visited Chicago in 1860, and had the pleasure and profit of a personal interview with the daugh ter-in-law of Mr. Kinzie, the wife of Mr John H. Kinzie. She was then a woman of middle age, and she and her husband were the earliest living. inhabitants of that city, then containing one hun dred and twelve thousand souls, the product of the growth of thirty years. They were there in 1831, the year after the State Commissioners marked out the village plot. From her lips I received

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