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seeking his own. The oldfashioned brick stores have almost disappeared, and in their stead we see huge piles of iron, marble, granite, brownstone, and every species of building-stone; instead of the rows just alike, we can seldom find more than two or three resembling each other at all, while in many "squares" we find no two alike.

In the more fashionable and pretentious quarters of the city, we find a similar departure from the old-time plain rows of plain brick dwelling-houses. Some of us are, perforce, still content to inhabit plain brick houses in plain brick rows, but our neighbors whose purses are better supplied must have stone mansions of unique styles of architecture. The consequence of all this variety of architec

ture in business- and dwelling-houses, is that the city's main streets afford a perfect panorama of almost every conceivable shape and style of buildings.

A monument of Philadelphia's mercantile life of years past is to be found upon the peculiar-shaped "piece of ground" formed by the intersection of Dock, Walnut, and Third streets; the Merchants' Exchange it is called, built, 1832-34, of Pennsylvania marble, and it is a strikingly handsome building, being designed after the famous Lantern of Demosthenes at Athens. It is no longer used by the merchants, but the Grand Exchange Room is used by the Board of Brokers, while the other portions of the building are occupied by offices.

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The quaint old "Slate-roofed House" of William Penn edifice for the


use of the Corn Exchange; the old house had to come down. with its neigh bors on the south, and upon their site arose the fine Com mercial Exchange, which was dedicated

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on the 1st of March, 1869; on the 7th of the following December all the interior was destroyed by fire; but it was soon restored by the energetic Chamber. It is admirably adapted to the purposes for which it is designed, and altogether a handsome building, the sole blemish being the unsightly cupola on the top of the tower, perched up there for the deputy of "Old Probs" to make his observations for the United States Signal Service.

On the south side of Chestnut street west of Fourth street, stands the United States Custom-House and Sub-Treasury, the building is conspicuous not only by its classic beauty bor by its earlier associations, having been erected in 1819-24 for the famous United States Bank. It is of white marble. with porticoes on either front, is said to be "one of the finest specimens of Doric architecture in the world," and a capital imitation of the Parthenon of Athens; the admirer of clas sical elegance combined with massiveness in architecture cannot but be delighted with this noble building.

Directly to the west of the Custom-House stands the build ing occupied by the Post-Office and the United States Cours It was built, or rather other buildings upon the site were reconstructed into this, in 1862-63, expressly for the purposes to which it is applied; but the population and business of Philadelphia soon outgrew the accommodations afforded w this property, and it was wisely determined to purchase a new site and erect a far more extensive building. The site of the University, on Ninth street, before mentioned in this sketch, was purchased, together with the properties to the



There are other commercial associations or guilds devoted to special branches of trade, having congregating centres in convenient places: such as the Grocers' Exchange, the Drug Exchange, the Coal Exchange, the Produce Exchange, the Tobacco Exchange, etc.

Directly opposite the Commercial Exchange, on the site of the old Pennsylvania Bank, the failure of which some years since occasioned so much distress and such intense excitement in our midst, is the United States Appraisers' Building, the warehouse for the reception and appraisement of imported goods; it is five stories in height, and is built only of iron and brick, nothing combustible being used in its construction.



south fronting on Chestnut, and to the north fronting on Market street, and a large, well-planned edifice is now in course of building.


Farther up Chestnut street, on the north side, at the corner of Juniper, we find the marble building occupied by the L'aned States Mint, and no visitor to ty should fail to inspect this extensive is tablishment and its excellent appent ments, especially as it is the foremost hard-money-making institution in the country. There are other United S buildings, which we shall notice in a later number.

Walking up a half square to Broad street, and looking northward, we see the huge architectural mass in course of erec tion for the city. The city had long ek the need of better and more adequate accommodations for the different depart ments of the government. The Indeper dence Hall (using the term in the popular way, of the entire State-House) and wings and annexes had at one time sup plied space sufficient; but in time, and with

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the growth of the city and the consequent increase of public | inconvenience of having the various departments separated, business, it was found necessary to lease room after room, and several entire buildings; the most convenient localities that could be secured were of course thus leased, and yet the

in some instances by several squares, has long been seriously felt by the officials and by the citizens. At last, in 1870, the Legislature passed a bill authorizing the erection of new

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Public Buildings for the use of the city government. The selection of the site was left to be determined by ballot by the citizens, and after an exciting canvass a large majority pronounced in favor of old Penn Square, which indented the four corners at the intersection

of Broad and Market streets. A better location could not have been found or made-ample in extent, it has the not unimportant advantage that the vast structure crosses our two broad central thoroughfares, affording a fine view for miles along Market street from the east and west, and along Broad street from the north and south. It has four fronts, the eastern, southern and western on avenues each 135 feet wide, and the northern on a grand avenue 205 feet wide. The dimensions of the building are 470 feet from east to west by 486 feet from north to south. The superstructure comprises a basement 18 feet high, a main story 36 feet, one above, 31 feet, and a top story 15 feet

high. There are 520 rooms. The building extends around the four sides of the ground, enclosing a magnificent Courtyard 200 feet square. Every conve nience will be provided in the way of broad stairways, four elevators, and the most approved apparatus for heating and ventilation, and for lighting every portion of the immense building, which is supposed to be the largest singie edifice on this continent.

From the north front we cannot fail to see the superb new Masonic Temple, on the corner of Broad and Filbert streets, an edifice which must be per sonally inspected by any one who would satisfactorily judge of its exter grandeur, and elegance; the extenur s imposing and exceedingly handsome. but the interior, in its decoration ari furnishing, is absolutely gorgeous, and forms a perfect Masonic Palace.

The Hall of the Union League, at the corner of Broad and Sansom streets, is one of the most tasteful ornaments of our noble Broad street, and a com plete, well-appointed club-house in its plan and equipment.

One of the handsomest and most useful of our new edifices is the pa latial Hall of the Young Men's Christian Association, at the corner of Fi teenth and Chestnut streets. The Association is in a most prosperous condition, as its noble work already accomplished well merits; but this new Christian Temple, with its com forts and conveniences, must increase the prosperity as it w




augment the usefulness of the Association by affording additional facilities for its labors for Christ and His Church and in behalf of those visiting as well as residing in the city who most need the loving care and kindly attention of the true disciples and servants of Christ. God has blessed and will, we hope and pray, continue abundantly to bless this noble Association of Christian workers.

Directly north of the Masonic Temple, on the southeast corner of Arch and Broad streets, is the Arch Street Methodist Episcopal Church, which is of white marble, in the decorated Gothic style of architecture, and with its graceful spire, rising to a height of 233 feet, is one of the most beautiful churches in the city; but for the galleries, which in a measure impair the grandeur of the interior, 'his church would be positively faultless in its architectural details. Two other corners at the intersection of Broad and Arch streets are occupied by churches. On the southeast corner is the new edifice of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion, one of the most strikingly imposing churches in Philadelphia; the style is mainly the Florid Gothic, and the building strongly resembles the castellated structures of Germany; it is of stone of various colors, chiefly greenstone. On the northwest corner stands the First Baptist Church, a large, imposing brown-stone edifice, of Norman-Gothic architecrare, though not pure in its details. The three churches, so unlike in appearance, form a handsome picture as viewed from Broad, a short distance north of Arch street, or from the north


VOL. VI.-30

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