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dred years.

The second being the Lord's Day, the regular Centennial music all sounded as if the old battle of Liberty was being Commemorative Ceremonies were all of that subdued Chris- | fought over again, and with certain victory for another huntian tone, full of true rejoicing without noise, which so well accord with the Christian spirit pervading the city of Brotherly Love. There are no happier people in the world than those who have experimentally learned how to "rejoice in the Lord alway," and our American Christians have so Tery much cause to "praise God from whom all blessings flow," for the "marvelous things He hath done" for us as a people that we cannot but deem it opportune that one of the first four days of the Centennial July was the Holy Day of the Lord.

In our Churches of every name, almost without exception, the Songs of Praise, the Prayers, the Scripture selections, the Sermons and indeed the services throughout, were in harmony with the Nation's Natal Day, and the fervor with which the clergy and the people bore their respective parts in these services proved most conclusively that the truest are the Christian patriots, who love God the more heartily because He has given them so goodly a land to dwell in.

On the third it had been wisely arranged to have nɔ regular celebrations during the day time, but to have a grand evening parade. Still the day was by no means a quiet one, as the people were all earnestly engaged in divers independent celebrations of Independence, in visiting the Great Centennial Exhibition, and in preparations for the evening and the ensuing day of days. The most noteworthy public demonstration of the Thirl was a fine parade of the Grand Army of the Republic, which was in all respects worthy of the noble organization and of the time.

The streets through which the Grand Army passed, notably Broad and Chestnut streets, were thronged with enthusiastic spectators. And as company after company, bearing the old war-worn bullet-riddled banners, about two o'clock in the afternoon marched through Independence Square, from Sixth to Fifth street, close by the walls of the old State-House, under the shadows of the old trees, and on the ground where Washington and Jefferson and Franklin talked together and helped to settle the destinies of the nation a hundred years before, the shouts of the multitude drowned the patriotic music of military bands, and all hearts were full of the spirit of the hour.

The great event of the 3d was the combined International and Industrial parade, in which many prominent representatives of foreign nations united with numerous industrial societies and corporations from all parts of the Union in commemorating the Nation's struggles and victory. The parade formed on south Broad street, and was about two hours and a half passing any given point. The streets of Philadelphia, especially Broad and Chestnut streets, were seldom before so thronged as on this occasion. All through the evening and until after midnight Independence Square was a dense mass of people. Just before midnight hundreds were sleeping on the ground, undisturbed by the shouting of others or by the patriotic music that was played on the platform within a few yards of them. But as the new Independence bell struck the first tones of the new century the sleepers all awoke, and from every corner of the square and from all the neighboring streets the racket and rattle of musketry and fireworks and the shoutings of the people and the military

During the evening and night of the third and fourth a large platform for the accommodation of the orchestra was erected on the Walnut street front of the square. From midnight till two o'clock A.M. the streets and horse-cars all over the city were thronged more than during any hour of an ordinary day. But few of the eight hundred thousand inhabitants of the city got their usual night's rest, and very many thousands did not attempt to sleep at all.


By eight o'clock on the morning of the Fourth the prominent thoroughfares were again crowded with tens of thousands of enthusiastic people anxious to see the great military parade which took place between the hours of eight and ten There were in the ranks representative companies from the South and West and East as well as from the the Middle States, and really this was the first notable reunion of Northern and Southern soldiers since the war; the first peace-offering of the army, and a pledge of an undivided union for another hundred years. As the companies marched down Chestnut street past the old State-House, General Sherman reviewed the troops and explained their movements to Prince Oscar of Sweden, who stood at his side. The grand Centennial ceremonies of the day began in Independence square at ten o'clock A.M. The incidents of that day, the opening remarks of President Hawley, of the Centennial Commission, the address of IIon. T. W. Ferry, Vice-President of the United States, the Poem of Bayard Taylor, the oration of Hon. William M. Evarts, as well as the splendid music of the occasion, have all become part of the nation's history and treasure. The crowds were simply immense, and the enthusiasm unbounded, notwithstanding the terrible heat of the day.

In the Centennial Grounds the representatives of the American Catholic Total Abstinence Societies dedicated, with imposing ceremonies, their beautiful white marble fountain at the west end of Machinery Hall. The conception and execution of this fountain are alike beautiful and worthy of the highest praise. And the ceremonies on the occasion of the dedication were all worthy the object that called them forth. The addresses were broad, Catholic in the best sense, and elevating, and the music rich, choice and inspiring, such as the Catholics alone know how to sing.

Beginning at noon and continuing through the afternoon of the Centennial Fourth, the National Women's Suffrage Association, held their Centennial meeting in the Unitarian Church, corner of Tenth and Locust streets. They had prepared their Declaration of Rights or Independence, which they think as good as, or better than the old Declaration and had, during preceding days, made strenuous efforts for permission to read it at the great meeting in Independence Square, but were refused that privilege. Miss Susan B. Anthony, however, read the document in the presence of a crowd in front of the old State-House, and Vice President Ferry received it in silence at the great meeting. At their own celebration in the old church, Mrs. Stanton read the document, which contained ten articles of Impeachment, blaming the American Government because it will not allow the women to save the Nation from destruction by allowing

them to vote on election days. Perhaps theevils are too deep for that remedy, and the next hundred years may change somewhat the theory of natural rights in the matter of the governments of nations by women as well as by men. There will doubtless be suggestions enough on the subject from all parts of the world.

The closing ceremonies of the Centennial Fourth in Philadelphia, consisted of a grand pyrotechnic display in old Fairmount Park, at the foot of Lemon Hill, near the base of the Lincoln Monument, under the direction of Professor Jackson, of Philadelphia. It is estimated that at least three hundred thousand people witnessed this fine display of fireworks on the evening of the Centennial Fourth, and by common consent it was the grandest exhibition of the kind ever seen in the United States.

Meanwhile, the city generally was perfectly ablaze with fireworks; every avenue, street, alley and court contributed to the noisy glory. And such a display of bunting, silk and other suitable or adaptable material, made up into flags of all nations, and of every conceivable size, shape and style of detail, interspersed with shields, eagles and devices innumerable, no city has perhaps ever rivaled—the more affluent had their triumphal arches and costly conceptions, while the poorest were no less patriotic in proportion to their means. The Centennial grounds and the other parts of the grand Park were full of men, women and children, and yet there were many, many thousands of people in every street, so that it seemed almost as if the whole country and a large part of the world beyond were in Philadelphia, converting the quiet Quaker City into a cosmopolitan Babel.

The concentration of so many celebrations in the city of Philadelphia did not, it would seem, lessen the patriotic enthusiasm and the earnest and brilliant expression of the same in other parts of the country. But in all sections East, West, North and South, the American people seemed to vie with each other in showing the strength and vigor of their appreciation of the work of their fathers, and in expressions of their determination that the second century of American Independence should be more successful and glorious than the first.

The Centennial Fourth did not, in the Centennial City, end with the Fourth proper, and indeed it does not appear to have ended yet. On the Fifth, the number of visitors to the Centennial Exhibition far exceeded any day since the opening, May, 10th, and the grounds presented a gay and lively spectacle throughout the day. The city itself was scarcely less thronged than the day before.

At 12 o'clock on the Fifth the United States Centennial Commission convened in the Judges' Pavilion, in the grounds, President Hawley occupying the chair. The reception of the report of the Executive Committee was the main business of this day. The President announced that he had received a communication from the secretary of a Philadelphia committee desiring the Commission to name a time when they would receive a petition and hear arguments favoring the opening of the Exhibition on Sundays; a motion by Mr. McCormick prevailed assigning 2 o'clock of the 6th for a hearing of arguments for and against the Sunday opening. Accordingly, the discussion was had on the 6th, but no action was reached until the 7th, when, by

the decisive vote of 30 to 9, the Commission rescavel t adhere to their former determination, to keep the Exist closed on Sundays. The discussion was ably conduceva both sides; several strong speeches were delivered, President Hawley being especially excellent; of one readers must know that the Honorable gentleman wi defended the American Sabbath, as his high-tones Chard at character is well known. The vote was by States (2.1 Territories), and was as follows: Yea--Arizona, Caliser Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Floria, ¡ linois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryan Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippa, Neis ='4, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Penn-vivana Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, W consin, and Wyoming-30. Nays-Alabama, Arkansa Dakota, Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, Oregon, South Caro and Washington Territory-9.

We cannot but hope this just and righteous deciso d the question will be final, and that there will be no far" 2 attempts to coerce the Commission into a reversal of a Even conceding the respectability and high character many of the advocates of the Sunday opening, we hast m doubt whatever that a vast majority of the meril, and tur per cent. of the Christian people of our Christian Rea are heartily in accord with the Commission in their nostand for the sanctity of the Lord's Day.

During this session of four days, closing on the &a be Commission transacted much important business be deciding the Sunday question.

But let us close our brief synoptical notes of the one y vances commemorative of the Centennial Birthday fr Nation, with a single remark upon the weather, whicitself been one of the most remarkable features at the 1. throughout the entire period of the celebrative ceres a for days before and without abatement until now, with prospect of an early change for the better, the temper tut has been excessively warm, the thermometer ranging fa above ninety degrees; the "oldest inhabitant" cann.o resi a heated term of so long duration or of so trying a degree of heat. Even our visitors from the warmer lat nares are

suffered, and how much more our own persue and the r from cooler climes! Truly, the temptation is almost over powering to organize a voyage in quest of the North Pot

The Centennial City.-The pressure of specal Ce tennial matter upon our space has compelled us ACT, JIST SE circumscribe our Centennial Exposition Memeran la, san'a defer nearly all of our illustrations and much vala matter to the next month. This series of novices di 5Centennial City has proved more popular thin anything whave before given in the MONTHLY, and it is a source of no slight gratification to know that the immense libor in have required in the seeking for reliable data, the ven of supposed facts, and securing of confidence in the rece of historic errata, has not been labur lost.

Several friends of the MONTHLY have inquired why #? have thus far omitted, among the points of lustore inutts, the famous "Penn's Treaty Monument;" and we must b candid in replying: the people generally imply belove in the verity of the traditions relating to a Treaty made if

William Penn under an old Elm which formerly stood upon the spot occupied by the Monument; and he who fails to agree with this almost universal belief will no doubt be deemed a heretic. Now, could we have positively disproved these traditions and thus compelled the reversal of public opinion thereupon, we should not have hesitated to produce our proofs; but we could not do this, and felt some reluctance to express our issent from the received traditions. We simply do not believe such a treaty was ever made between Penn and the Indians as that tradition claims to have been made at this spot-that is, one of amity and friendship alone. And our rea

son for not believing is simply this: so important an event could scarcely have transpired and no documentary evidence, no copy of the treaty, no record of any sort, remain to attest it, and no assured evidence has ever been produced of this supposed treaty; no allusion to it is found in any letter, report, or document written by William Penn himself or by any cotemporary, or even by any one writing within a few years afterwards. The old Elm stood nearly in front of the residence of a celebrated English surveyor, Thomas Fairman, at Shackamaxon, until it was blown down in 1811. In 1777, while the British held Philadelphia, General Simcoe placed a



| guard here to protect the tree from injury. In 1827 a society was organized which erected the Monument marking the site of the old Elm. This monument is a point of interest whether one accepts or rejects the traditions-in the former case, as an important historic landmark and a testimonial to Penn's well-known honesty and fair-dealing; in the latter case, as a token of how widely an error may be disseminated and how implicitly credited by intelligent men. The monument stands within a small enclosure, on Beach street, north of Hanover street, and may be reached by taking a car of the Richmond branch of the Second and Third Street Railway.

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Among the other points of peculiar interest connected | Leamy, in 1852, and the mansion was at once fitted up tem with Philadelphia's Revolutionary history is the well-known Germantown battle-ground, but we omit it here because the eminent historian of Philadelphia, Thompson Westcott, Esq., has favored us with an admirable paper covering the entire subject-this paper will be found at the commencement of this number of the MONTHLY, and it will well repay careful perusal.

We can give but one additional Hospital and one "Home" this month, hoping to secure the necessary information intel. ligently to sketch the other important establishments of these noble classes, with which the warm charity of our people of all denominations have made Philadelphia peculiarly to abound. The Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church is only a quarter of a century old, but is one of the most admirably equipped and furnished, liberally sustained, and most beneficent of our institutions. The large-hearted Christian and energetic Bishop, Alonzo Potter, assembled a meeting of the clergy and laity of his Denomination on the 15th of March, 1851, in St. Andrew's Church, and it was unanimously resolved to found a hospital, to be conducted upon the broad basis of Christlike charity, denominational only in control and in the provisions for its support, absolutely catholic in its loving care of all of every creed, color, and clime who might need kind nursing and skillful treatment. The present site, with an old commodious mansion thereon, was presented to the corporation by the daughters of Mrs. Elizabeth

porarily and occupied in December of that year. The be embraced five and a half acres, and additional ground w purchased the next year. The corner-stone of the no.: Norman structure shown in our engraving, was laid on Mar the 24th, 1860; the chapel was consecrated just one your and four days later, and the hospital building proper o pied the 31st of July, 1861, the first patients received therein being two hundred wounded soldiers from the Union army The buildings, as they now stand, were completed in 1874 It is built of brownstone, and comprises a central building and three wings; the whole frontage is 258 feet, the depth of the central building is 256 feet, and of the wings 200 fest each. The capacity is 300 beds. The Lehigh Aven branch of the Fifth and Sixth Streets Railway passes the front.

Among the many admirable charitable institutions, there are none more deserving of notice than the Asylums as! Homes for Children, for the Aged, for the Blind, the Deaf and Dumb, and other unfortunate persons demanding specie care and atrention; no city has more or better institutions a this description than ours, as we hope to show in due time. Of one of these we have an excellent view in the engrav on page 153. The Baptist Home is a fine stone structure d imposing appearance, and is perfectly planned and fitted for its noble purpose, the providing of a home for the aged post of the church. The Eighteenth and Twentieth Streets Line

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(running west on Sansom an east on Filbert) runs within | trip, the full trip indeed. An easy ascent, a walk that does one square of the IIome, and is the best route direct from not tax the weakest who can walk at all, brings us to the the centre of the city, though the Seventeenth and Nine- Horticultural Hall Entrance to the International City; or, if teenth Streets, the Broad Street branch of the Thirteenth we prefer we may go to the Lansdowne Ravine Entrance, and and Fifteenth Streets, and the Columbia Avenue branch of just within the gate we shall see a dozen or more standing the Union Railway (up Ninth street) pass each within a around a spot a little to the left-we shall find the attraction short distance of Seventeenth and Norris streets, the location a spring of cool, sweet, delicious water; awaiting our turn, a of the Home. draught refreshes us, and we make way for "the next."

The Centennial Grounds.-Desiring to go once more to the great Exhibition, we find the various Street Railway lines "Direct to the Centennial Grounds and Buildings" crowded to a degree that would scarcely permit comfort in cool weather, and in the midst of a torrid term is not even endurable. So we take one of the north and south railways, connecting with the Reading Railroad, and thus secure a quick trip and one as nearly approximating comfort as the weather will allow, unless we prefer a part-water route, which offers advantages peculiarly its own; in this case, we take a green car on Eighth street (the Green Street and Fairmount Avenue line), or a yellow car on Ninth street (the Union line), or a Fairmount Park car on Pine street, procure from the conductor an exchange ticket for the Fairmount Steamboat, paying fifteen cents therefor; and arriving at the Park we shall find one of the pleasant little steamers at the landing or not far away, as the trips are not more than eight or ten minutes apart-and going aboard the little model steamer, the little model engine puffs out a few impatient little puffs, the bell rings, the boat stops; "Zoological Garden!" shouts the Captain; a few more puffs, the bell again, and we hear with regret the Captain's call, "Centennial Exhibition"-this is our destination, and we alight, resolved at a more convenient season to take a longer

If our friend or friends accompanying us in this tour of the world, be of the hurrying, pushing sort of people who imagine that they have no time to enjoy natural luxury, or if they really are compelled to economize time, we have no business to take the Lansdowne Ravine Entrance, for the beauties and delights which meet us are so agreeably influential that it requires a distressing effort of positive will to resist the temptation to linger in the Ravine, even if the pavilion be not occupied by a band discoursing music, charming in itself, absolutely ravishing amid the surroundings. If we can persuade our "no-time-to-spare" companions that we are "so tired that we must sit down just a minute, you know," we are fortunate-otherwise we painfully shut our eyes and ears to the allurements of the Ravine and go up and are soon in the midst of a cosmopolitan throng in the cosmopolitan city. Now comes the trouble and perplexity, unless we have wisely and peremptorily decided upon our route before starting out. If we have not been thus wise, we find ourselves sadly perplexed in deciding now which way we shall go-we may not relieve ourselves by going "with the crowd," or seek to "escape from the crowd" by going another way; for there is a crowd going in every direction. We hear an intelligent looking group discussing the question, "Which is the most attractive building in the Exhibition ?" and we listen eagerly, hoping our eavesdrop

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