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And Eivir-life is on her cheek,
And yet she will not move or speak,
Nor will her eyelid fully ope;
Perchance it loves, that half-shut eye,
Through its long fringe, reserved and shy,
Affection's opening dawn to spy
And the deep blush, which bids its dye
O'er cheek, and brow, and bosom fly,
Speaks shame-facedness and hope.

But vainly seems the Dane to seek
For terms his new-born love to speak-
For words save those of wrath and wrong,
Till now were strangers to his tongue;
So, when he raised the blushing maid,
In blunt and honest terms he said-

Twere well that maids, when lovers woo,
Heard none more soft, were all as true,)
"Eivir! since thou for many a day
Hast follow'd Harold's wayward way,
It is but meet that in the line
Of after-life I follow thine.
To-morrow is St. Cuthbert's tide,
And we will grace his altar's side,
A Christian knight and Christian bride;

And of Witikind's son shall the marvel be said,
That on the same morn he was christen'd and


And here our story ends.

The reader will, probably, by this time, begin to inquire, with some solicitude, what can be the object of this Poem. The author, with more candour than most of his competitors for the same meed, confesses that his rhymes,

Court not the critic's smile, nor dread his

They well may serve to while an hour away,
Nor does the volume ask for more renown,
Than Ennui's yawning smile, what time she drops

it down.

It were a pity that so innocent an ambition should not be gratified!—but as to every moral and rational purpose, Ennui might as well have been playing the jew's-harp; and, though it be not material over what listlessness shall yawn, it is to be apprehended that some who read for improvement, may, by inadvertently overlooking the preface, be led a wild-goose chase through the whole volume.

Should we be interrogated, in turn, as to the motive that could induce us to devote so many pages to so unprofitable a subject, we can merely say, that as there are some inordinate appedites, that can only be cured by a surfeit, VOL. I. NO. III.

we were determined to serve up this
barbarian, like a
'roasted Manning-tree ox,' to the epi
cures in Epic. If this do not answer
the purpose, we have no doubt that
Scott or Byron will elaborate some-
thing, by and by, that will nauseate them.

We the more lament this perversion
of taste in the reading public,' that com
pels a writer, who aims at popularity, to
adopt so uncouth a style of character,
language, scenery, and sentiment, as we
are convinced that, but for this re-
straint on his genius and better pro-
pensities, our author would have pro-
duced a much more interesting and
edifying performance. Where he loses
sight of his models, and resigns himself
to his own fancy, in an occasional di-
poetic imagination.
gression, he discovers traits of a truly

As an evidence of his felicity of thought and expression, when he indulges the bent of his inclination, we will there is a playfulness of manner and a quote his Introductory stanzas, in which freedom of mind, that bold out a hope of happier results to more legitimate


There is a mood of mind we all have known,

On drowsy eve, or dark and low'ring day,
When the tired spirits lose their sprightly tone,
Dull on our soul falls Fancy's dazzling ray,
And nought can chase the lingering hours

Obscured the painting seems, mistuned the lay,
And Wisdom halds his steadier torch in vain,
Nor dare we of our listless load complain,
For who for sympathy may seek that cannot tell
of pain?

The jolly sportsman knows such drearihood,
Clouding that morn which threats the heath
When bursts in deluge the autumnal rain,
cock's brood;

Of such, in summer's drought, the anglers
Who hope the soft mild southern shower in vain ;
But more than all the discontented fair,
Whom father stern, and sterner aunt, restrain

While all her friends around their vestments gay
From county-ball, or race occurring rare,


Ennui !-or, as our mothers call'd thee, Spleen!
Thine is the sheaf of painted cards, I ween,

To thee we owe full many a rare device;→→

The turning lathe for framing gimçračk nime ;
The rolling billiard ball, the rattling dice,

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The amateur's blotch'd pallet thou may'st claim, Retort, and air-pump, threatening frogs and mice, (Murders disguised by philosophic name,) And much of trifling grave, and much of buxom game.

Then of the books, to catch thy drowsy glance Compiled, what bard the catalogue may quote! Plays, poems, novels, never read but once ;

But not of such the tale fair Edgeworth wrote, That bears thy name, and is thine antidote;

And not of such the strain my Thomson sung, Delicious dreams inspiring by his note,

What time to Indolence his harp he strung; Oh! might my lay be rank'd that happier list among!

Each hath his refuge whom thy cares assail.
For me, I love my study-fire to trim,
And con right vacantly some idle tale,

Displaying on the couch each listless limb,
Till on the drowsy page the lights grow dim,

And doubtful slumber half supplies the theme; While antique shapes of knight and giant grim, Damsel and dwarf, in long procession gleam, And the Romancer's tale becomes the Reader's dream.

'Tis thus my malady I well may bear,

Albeit outstretch'd, like Pope's own Paridel, Upon the rack of a too-easy chair;

And find, to cheat the time, a powerful spell In old romaunts of errantry that tell,

Or later legends of the Fairy folk,

Or oriental tale of Afrite fell,

Of Genii, Talisman, and broad-wing'd Roc, Though taste may blush and frown, and sober reason mock.

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Similar indications of the poet's powers may be gathered from some of the previous extracts which we have made. We are prevented, by want of room, as well as by the utter futility of his present production, from animadverting upon particular instances of the quaint and obsolete phraseology, inharmonious versification, unnecessary and undignified variety of metre, and many other faults and absurdities, into which too servile an imitation of his prototypes has betrayed him. They are too prominent and obtrusive, indeed, to escape the most cursory observation. An opportunity will not, probably, be long wanting, to resume the consideration of the characteristics of the fashionable romances in verse, and we shall not fail to improve it.


ART. 2. A Valedictory, delivered at the Forum, on the 11th of April, 1817, on closing the first Session. By J P. C. Sampson, Esq. 8vo. pp. 23. Van Winkle, Wiley, & Co. New-York, 1817.


ROM the occasion, on which this address was pronounced, and from its affinity with a style of eloquence, which seems to have acquired some popularity in this community, it derives an importance, which, on the ground of its own merits, it could scarcely claim. The society, before which it was delivered, was established early last winter, by a number of young gentlemen in this city, for the purpose of improvement in eloquence and the art of oratory. Its objects, of course, are worthy of all praise. From the interest, moreover, which it excited in the public mind, and the efforts, to which its members were consequently promptad, it appears likely to be rendered a

permanent institution, and become the school, in which are to be trained the future orators of this rising city. Most of the young men, who have fixed on New-York, as the theatre for the exercise of their talents; who are destined to supply with advocates her tribunals of justice, or represent her citizens in the legislatures of the state and nation, will probably contract the predominant style of their public speaking, from their exercises at the Forum, and model their eloquence according to the standard there established. Now this standard, we think, ought to be American. Every nation has some features of character to distinguish it from every other, and to the peculiarities, which

constitute this distinction, and make the whole internal structure of society. what is called the genius of a nation, Let the student of eloquence learn to ought the standard of taste, in every think and to feel in unison with the pursuit, to conform. The truth of this constitution and laws of his country;position is obvious in regard to the man- let him nourish his sentiments and feed ners and customs of a country, and the his imagination by a contemplation of general character of civil and domestic the disposition and manners of his counintercourse, which ought to be che- trymen, and carefully scrutinize the rished, in order that the habits of think- causes from which they proceed. Let ing and feeling of a people, may co- him attentively observe the nature of operate with the spirit of their political the education which they receive, and institutions and the wisdom of their the prevailing features of the scenery rulers to give stability to their condi- in which they dwell, over whom he tion; and why is it not equally true wishes to acquire influence by his elowhen applied to literature and the fine quence. These investigations, and a arts? These have an important influ- resort to these sources of thought and ence upon society, and by taking a illustration, become important, accordtone of grateful conformity, they may ing to the degree in which public opicontribute much to the permanency of nion acts upon the condition of a comthose institutions, by which they have munity; and in a republic like ours, been protected and fostered. Indeed, where all the elements of society are any attempt to establish another stand- held together by the mere force of that ard, or any hope of eminence from opinion, it is a matter of the highest imsuch an attempt, must ultimately prove portance, that whatever is intended to abortive; for it should seem, that all touch that main-spring of the social efforts to counteract the proper bias of economy immediately and with power, national character, must prove as un- should be wholesome in its operation. wise and ineffectual, in any department Besides, if it were merely for the beau of learning, and be attended with as ty of the spectacle, and the pleasure it much embarrassment and abuse, as would yield the imagination, without would be, in politics, any endeavour considering the wisdom or utility of not to establish and enforce a system of servilely copying others, we would policy, that should not be adapted to have nations and individuals preserve the situation, form of government, po- their distinctive traits of character in pulation, and resources of the state. all their original strength. But, notwithstanding the necessity of Let them enlarge their knowledge altimate failure in such an attempt, yet and augment their wisdom by obseras the genius of a nation may not be vation and reflection upon the examat once understood, especially during ples of others, but let them not wish to its early periods, while its character, assume their peculiarities, or undertake from most eyes, lies hid in its elements, to transfer, by tale, accidents of charmuch study and sagacity are requisite acter. Over these original and pecuwisely to adjust a standard of taste, or liar traits, let arts, and letters and scia system of policy. Now, as in poli- ence, throw all their refinement, and tics, so in literature, certainly in those pour all their illumination; but let them departments more immediately con- retain their identity. Let the field of nected with the welfare of society, as human nature present all that boundeloquence, the most successful mode of less and beautiful variety, which perarriving at excellence, will be found to vades and adorns the physical world. consist in a careful and thorough inves- We would, indeed, have nations and tigation of the political institutions of individuals all acknowledge and obey the country, the spirit of the laws, and the same fundamental principles of

right and wrong, as the physical world, the days of Burke and Sheridan and throughout its sublime extent, conforms Langrishe, have gone by,-their counto the same fundamental laws originally trymen seem to have neglected their impressed on matter; but let none of bright example, forgotten their wisdom, the fine features of mind and character and ceased to cherish their authenbe obliterated, or defaced, or lose any tic fire,' while extravagance of sentiof their relief by a slavish imitation. ment, intemperance of feeling, and an Fortunately, we can urge these senti- unnatural ecstasy of phrase, too much ments with the more propriety and countenanced by Curran, have at zeal, inasmuch as the ingredients of our length, with bad taste and Phillips, benational character less need a change come the favourites of the day. Against or a different combination, than they the introduction of this style of elodo assiduous cultivation, to furnish to quence into our country, to debauch other climes and after ages a magnifi- the taste of our orators and pollute our cent example for their instruction and schools, or degrade the dignity of the applause. These sentiments do not American bar, and violate the decodeny the expediency of contemplating rum of our legislative assemblies, we the character of others, or of studying will raise our voice, feeble as it is, and the elements of their greatness, and the though not one echo ever reach us. means by which they have acquired It is not fitted to our use; it is not suitdistinction, especially if they have any ed to the sober, home-bred, industrious important traits common to both. On character of our orderly republicans.. this ground, the oration of the ancient It is a kind of eloquence that has no orators are eminently appropriate as basis in sound practical wisdom, and models for the study of our countrymen; no respectability or weight of characfor although the state of society be dif- ter to command confidence. It is not ferent now, and here, from what it was calculated to produce wholesome conin the days of Demosthenes or Cicero, victions, on great occasions of public and though the mass of the people emergency, or to assist in strengthening then. were an ignorant, capricious, the foundations of national grandeur. vicious multitude, wholly destitute of If what Cicero has said, be true, sapithe essential republican character, yet entiam, sine eloquentiâ, parum prodesse the prevailing tenor of the admirable civitatibus,' what he has added, is no harangues of those masters of persua- less so, eloquentiam, sine sapientiâ, sion, is entirely in unison with the en- nimium obesse plerumque, prodesse lightened genius of our political insti- nunquam;' and when so much better tutions, and well fitted to confirm our models abound, we, in this country, independence of principle, while at the who profess to make real utility the same time they impart the temperate standard of value, surely will not turn spirit of rational, regulated liberty. from gold to dross, from bullion to tinThey were not demagogues, in the sel. We have, among our own citimodern acceptation of the term, but zens, on our own soil, of native prosober, though resolute patriots, the duction, as bright examples of genuine friends of order and subordination; eloquence as can be boasted by any who loved the people, but were faithful people of any age; and let not misto the state. Great Britain, also, guided ambition, or perverted taste, abounds in models, not surpassed by the make one effort to withdraw our AmeGreek or Roman, the faithful study of rican youth from these pure and living which, would contribute to elevate the fountains, from which have flowed character of our eloquence, and impart streams of as divine eloquence as ever to it a congenial influence. Ireland, too, refreshed and elevated the human soul. as farnished such models; but, aias, How incongruous, how ludicrous would

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"Felix prole virum.

the speeches of Mr. Phillips appear, provement, we shall make an extract coming from the mouth of Demosthenes, from one of the most considerable or Cicero; Chatham, or Burke, or Fox, speeches made on that important ocor Sheridan, or Erskine; Henry, or casion. It is obviously impossible, Ames, or Hamilton, or Morris, or Bay- by so short a specimen as we are ard, or Dexter! What have the majesty obliged to give, to do justice to the and comprehension of their minds, the speaker; for there is so much logical simplicity of their language, the eleva- connexion and dependence throughout tion and grandeur of their views, and all these speeches, that to do them their utility of object, to do with the adequate justice we should give the fantastic sentimentality, or the prurient whole; and any American who reads imagination of Mr. Phillips? One would the whole, must find himself exhilaraas soon expect to hear the Macedonian ted by their wit, roused by their eloAlexander, or the Roman Cæsar, talk- quence, and enlightened by their arguing in the language of Chononhoton- ment, and, congratulating himself upon thologos, or Bombastes Furioso. We his citizenship, must feel an increased know of no more successful way of love and veneration for his country,—a opposing the influx of this false taste country, of which it may be said, as and spurious eloquence, than to hold Virgil says of Berecynthia, the mother up better examples, and fix the at- of godstention of the community, particularly of the younger candidates for oratorical centum complexa nepotes, Omnes cœlicolas, omnes supera alta tenentes." honours, on those of their illustrious The extract we shall make, is from countrymen, who have by their eloquence and wisdom, more powerful the speech of Gouverneur Morris, of than the lyre of Amphion, established New-York, in the Senate. round our civil and political rights and Speaking of the balanced nature of privileges, ramparts of nobler materi- our government, and the importance of als and more enduring strength, than an independent judiciary as necessary the Theban wall, or Theban constitu- to preserve the equilibrium, he says: tion. The monuments of our American But away with all these derogatory supeloquence have suffered, and their positions. The legislature may be trusted. number been diminished, for want of Our government is a system of salutary care in reporting and collecting the checks; one legislative branch is a check on speeches of our great men; but there party spirit bear both of them away, the are some preserved, and few as they President, an officer high in honour, high are, from them an estimate may be in the public confidence, charged with weighty formed of the value of those which have concerns, responsible to his own reputation, and to the world, stands ready to arrest their been suffered to perish, as well as of the too impetuous course. This is our system. genius that produced them. Ex pede, It makes no mad appeal to every mob in the Herculem. Among these monuments, country. It appeals to the sober sense of is the collection of speeches made in men selected from their fellow citizens for their talents and their virtue; of men advanthe Senate and House of Representa- ced in life, and of matured judgment. It aptives of the United States, on the Ju- peals to their understanding to their integ diciary Bill,' in the year 1802, when rity, to their honour, to their love of fame, the two great political parties which their sense of shame.

the other. And should the violence of

If all these checks should prove insufficient, and alas! such is the at that time agitated the country, were condition of human nature, that I fear they more ably represented than at any will not be always sufficient, the constitution subsequent period. In order that we has given us one more; it has given us an inmay further exemplify our ideas of dependent judiciary. Before then that you violate that independence-Pause. There are the style of eloquence we would have state sovereignties, as well as the sovereignty our young countrymen sway ter im- of the general government. There are cases,

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