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Medicine has its foundation in nature stock of practical information, or to and truth; and like every other branch amass materials for general conclusions, of knowledge grounded on observation is certainly deserving of approbation. and experience, must necessarily be Indeed, it is incumbent on every person progressive. It presents to its votaries engaged in the profession, to contribute an inexhaustible field for discovery; his mite to the general mass, and and is far from having arrived at a state anxiously to endeavour to render the of ultimate perfection, notwithstanding fruits of his observation and experience we are in the possession of the accu- "subservient, not merely to his own mulated observations of more than two improvement, but also to the instructhousand years. Its principles are not tion of others, and to the advancement to be inferred from abstract specula- of the healing art." There is assuredtions, from conclusions of reason or ar- ly much reason to regret that, many gument, but as the result of attentive facts, which if .communicated to the observation and liberal inquiry. They are founded chiefly on innumerable facts, that have been discovered through the successive periods of time, and recorded in the writings of almost numberless authors of different nations and languages, from Hippocrates down to the present day. These furnish the grounds or fundamental parts of the science, particularly of the pathological and curative branches.

Such being the nature and state of Medicine, every attempt to add to the

public, might materially improve the medical art, are daily lost, from the indolence or neglect of those to whom they have occurred. The addition of a single fact to the stock of medical observations, is of more real value, than volumes written in support of a favourite hypothesis.

The present periodical Report of diseases, being the first of a series proposed to be offered to the public, it may be proper to observe, that their avowed object is to present a faithful record of

facts. They will, as in the present in- different disorders to cach other, whestance, be taken from the practice of the ther chronic or acute, as they prevail New-York Public Dispensary, in which throughout the city.

there are annually treated the cases of The different kind of fevers, enumemore than three thousand patients. The rated in the above catalogue of diseases, Reporter being one of the attending in general, presented nothing untoward physicians to that extensive charity, and in their symptoms, and for the most useful school of practical medicine, feels part, yielded very readily to the remeit a duty which he owes to the profes- dies usually prescribed for their relief. sion, to communicate a part of the fruits Under the head of Continued Fevers, of his experience: and his observations, are enumerated the Synochus and Tyhe trusts, will be the more valuable phus, in their different degrees and vafrom being made among a class of the rieties, whether arising from contagion, community most exposed to the in- or produced by the operation of cold, fluence of the weather, the vicissitudes and other debilitating causes.

of the seasons, and other morbific causes. It will be seen by a perusal of the The wide range of observation afforded foregoing list, that the most prevalent by a large and well regulated public diseases of New-York, are affections of Dispensary, will warrant the assertion, the lungs and bronchia. No less than that the practice of such an Institution, one hundred and eighty-six cases of presents opportunities of improvement Pneumonia alone, are recorded in the and instruction, far superior to those table. The far greater part of these possessed by practitioners in general, appeared in that form of pulmonic inand even to those enjoyed by the phy- flammation denominated Peripneumosicians of a public Hospital, in which a nia. In several of these the patient disease is rarely seen until it be consi- complained of a difficulty of breathing, derably advanced, and then only in an with a sense of load, tightness, and op"artificial situation," divested of its pression of the chest, rather than of acoriginal localities, or those surrounding tual pain; which symptoms were somecircumstances by which it was modified times attended with a state of debility or influenced. The great facility of ac- or general depression of strength, that cess to a Dispensary, on the contrary, seemed to render the use of the lancet gives to the medical attendant oppor- inadmissible. Blisters to the chest, tunities of observing, and carefully watching a disease through all its progressively varying stages, from the moment of its invasion, to its termination; and that, too, in the very spot where it The only unusual epidemic disease, originated, and surrounded by the cir- that will be found upon the list, is that cumstances which affect it. of small pox, which was most prevalent With these general observations, the during the autumn and winter of 1815Reporter proceeds to offer a few brief 16, and destroyed during its visitation remarks on some of the diseases of (as appears from an inspection of the 1816, a year remarkable for the unex- bills of mortality for the city) more than ampled coolness and dryness of the 250 persons! a circunstance the more greater part of the spring and summer to be lamented, inasmuch as the public are in the possession of a safe and


aperient medicines, diaphoretics, and preparations of squill, or sometimes of antimony, were the remedies which seemed to give the most certain relief.

The present periodical account of effectual preventive. The principal discases, may, with some exceptions, cause, perhaps, which led to the exterbe regarded as a tolerably exact epitome mination of this loathsome disease, was or general view of the state of Epi- the general diffusion of vaccination demics, and the relative proportion of among the poor; of whom more than

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four thousand were vaccinated from the On the subject of chronic complaints, Dispensary alone, during the preva- some remarks will be offered in future lence of the epidemic. Of this number numbers. The most prevalent, and ať not a single instance of the occurrence the same time most important ones, of the small-pox after the vaccine during the period under consideration, disease, has come before the Dispensa- were asthenia, or cases of general debiry. In connexion with the present sub- lity, comprehending a large proportion ject, it may be proper to mention an of diseases usually denominated ner. extraordinary instance of the communi- vous; chronic theumatisms; catarrhal cation of small-pox, to the foetus in and pulmonary affections; disorders of utero, which came under the observa- the stomach, intestinal canal, and utetion of the writer in the month of March, rine system; and lastly, a large number 1816.-A Mrs. W, of this city, of chronic eruptions of the skin, of vawho had formerly gone through the rious kinds, but chiefly the scabies; small pox, was a few days before lying- the papulous eruptions, particularly the in, casually exposed to the variolous prurigo, or severe itching of the skin, contagion. She went her full time, and both general and local; the porrigo, or was delivered of a living child, which scald-head; some tubercular affections; sickened on the second day after birth, the humid, or running, and the dry, or and on the fourth and fifth days, was scaly tetter; the pityriasis or dandruff; covered with eruptions of a confluent and a case of lepra. In tracing the small pox. The child died on the nine- origin and causes of these affections of teenth day. It is almost superfluous to the skin, they were often found to be mention that the mother did not take the connected with a general vitiated habit disorder, or show any visible marks of of body, sometimes with disorders of its operation. As to the disease with the stomach, with obstructions of some which the infant was affected, being a of the viscera, or a state of asthenia, or genuine and well marked case of small general debility. But the most frepox, there could not be the smallest quent of all causes, was the habitual doubt; and in this opinion the Reporter neglect of cleanliness. was further confirmed by the concur- In some cases of chronic rheumatism rence of Dr. Hosack, whom he request- which came under the treatment of the ed to see the case. A similar instance

Reporter, after proper evacuations, the most decided benefits were experienced from the use of the Peruvian bark, and the Pulvis Doveri, given at night. As an embrocation to the affected joints, the patients were sometimes ordered equal parts of the volatile and soap liniments, with a small quantity of Timetura Opii.

of the communication of small pox is recorded by Dr. Mead; and cases by Dr. Jenner, in the first volume of the Medico Chirurgical Transactions of London. One practical inference to be drawn from them is, that it is dangerous both to the mother and the child, for a pregnant woman to expose herself to the contagion of small pox, even The case of Tetanus arose from a though she may have had that disease. The cases of varicella, or chicken wound in the bottom of the foot, by a pox, were chiefly of the confluent kind, As the patient was removed to and by an inattentive observer, might the Hospital, the result is not known. easily have been mistaken for small An unequivocal case of Neuralgia, or Tic Douloureux, was cured by the liThe other principal acute disorders beral use of bark, after the failure of that remain to be noticed, consisted many remedies usually prescribed in mostly of a few cases of rheumatism; that disorder.



inflammation of the eyes and throat; dy- The intemperate use of spirituous lisenteria; and cholera, chiefly of infants. quors, and the abuse of tobacco, evi.

dently laid the foundation for most of body. Its cure was effected by the use the cases of dyspepsia and gastrodynia. of antimonials, Dover's powder, and a One of the cases of Pseudo-Syphilis decoction of the woods, with a course was of the tubercular kind of eruption, of tonics. and arose from a primary burrowing ulcer of the ankle and foot, occurring in a person of a debilitated habit of

New-York, January, 1817.


From James's Travels in Sweden, Prussia, &c. fell back in astonishment at what he saw; again, however, taking courage, THE following narrative of an extra- he made his companions promise to ordinary vision of Charles XI. is follow him, and advanced. The hall taken from an account written with the was lighted up and arrayed with the king's own hand, attested by several of same mournful hangings as the antihis ministers of state, and preserved in chamber: in the centre was a round the Royal Library at Stockholm. table, where sat sixteen venerable men, each with large volumes lying open before them above was the king, a young man of 16 or 18 years of age, with the crown on his head and sceptre in his


On his right hand sat a personage of about 40 years old, whose face bore the strongest marks of integrity; on his left an old man of 70, who seemed very urgent with the young king that he should make a certain sign with his head, which as often as he did, the venerable men struck their bands on their books with violence.

Charles XI. it seems, sitting in his chamber between the hours of eleven and twelve at night, was surprised at the appearance of a light in the window of the ball of the diet: he demanded hand. of the grand chancellor, Bjelke, who was present, what it was that he saw, and was answered that it was only the reflection of the moon; with this however he was dissatisfied; and the senator, Bjelke, soon after entering the room, he addressed the same question to him, but received the same answer. Looking afterwards again through the Turning my eyes, says he, a little window, he thought he observed a further, I beheld a scaffold and execucrowd of persons in the hall: upon this, tioners, and men with their clothes said he, Sirs, all is not as it should be; tucked up, cutting off heads one after the -in the confidence that he who fears other so fast, that the blood formed a God need dread nothing, I will go and deluge on the floor: those who suffered see what this may be. Ordering the were all young men. Again I looked two noblemen before-mentioned, as also up and perceived the throne behind Oxenstiern and Brahe, to accompany the great table almost overturned; near him, he sent for Grunsten the door- to it stood a man of forty, that seemed keeper, and descended the stair-case the protector of the kingdom. I tremleading to the ball. bled at the sight of these things, and


Here the party seem to have been cried aloud- It is the voice of God! sensible of a certain degree of trepida--What ought I to understand ?-When tion, and no one else daring to open the shall all this come to pass?"—A dead door, the king took the key, unlock- silence prevailed; but on my crying ed it, and entered first into the anti- out a second time, the young king anchamber to their infinite surprise, it swered me, saying, This shall not hapwas fitted up with black cloth: alarmed pen in your time, but in the days of at this extraordinary circumstance, a the sixth sovereign after you. He shall second pause occurred; at length the be of the same age as I appear now to king set his foot within the hall, but have, and this personage sitting beside

me gives you the air of him that shall and bequeath the whole, like the hierobe the regent and protector of the realm. glyphic in Moore's Almanack, "to the During the last year of the regency, better ingenuity of my readers.” '—pp. the country shall be sold by certain 160-163. young men, but he shall then take up the cause, and, acting in conjunc- Fletcher of Salton. The following tion with the young king, shall establish anecdote is contained in a letter from the throne on a sure footing; and this Lord Hailes to the Earl of Buchan, in in such a way, that never was before, relation to Fletcher of Salton, of whom or ever afterwards shall be seen in the Earl proposed to publish a life. Sweden so great a king. All the Swedes A footman of his desired to be disshall be happy under him; the public missed," Why do you leave me?" debts shall be paid; he shall leave said he; "Because, to say the truth, I many millions in the treasury, and shall cannot bear your temper."-"To be not die but at a very advanced age: sure, I am passionate, but my passion is yet before he is firmly seated on his no sooner on, than it is off.""Yes," throne shall an effusion of blood take replied the footman," and it is no place unparalleled in history. You, sooner off, than it is on." added he, who are king of this nation, see that he is advertised of these matters: you have seen all act according to your wisdom.


For the American Magazine.


The taste for music is rapidly advancing in this country, and especially in our city.

Having thus said, the whole vanished, and (adds he) we saw nothing but ourselves and our flambeaus, while the Models of excellence in this art are anti-chamber through which we passed daily exhibited to our citizens, and an on returning was no longer clothed in increasing attention is given to it, both black." Nous entrames dans mes ap- as a branch of polite education, and as partemens, et je me mis aussitôt à écrire a source of innocent and rational amusece que j'avois vu: ainsi que les avertisse- ment. ments, aussi bien que je le puis. Que It follows that the bad music, and le tout est vrai, je le jure sur ma vie et wretched performance in our churches, mon honneur, autant que le Dieu m'aide is more and more perceived and regretle corps et l'ame,

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"Charles XI.aujourd'hui Roi de Suède."
L'an 1691, 17 Dec.
"Comme témoins et présents sur les
lieux nous avons vu tout ce que S. M.
a rapporté, et nous, l'affermons par
notre serment, autant que Dieu nous aide
pour le corps et l'ame. H. L. Bjelke,
Gr. Chancelier du Royaume,-Bjelke,
Sénateur,-Brahe, Sénateur,-Ax. Ox-
enstierna, Sénateur,-Petre Grunsten,


To improve our church music effectually, something more than singingschools is necessary. A support should be offered to such professors as are competent to teach in every department of the science and practice of music, and who are inclined, from principle, to devote their labours to the church.

No one ought to be received as a leader in the devotions of the sanctuary who is not an adept in music, both as 'The whole story is curious, and a science and an art. The study and well worth attention; but unless the practice requisite to qualify a person for young king's ghostly representative that duty, will necessarily preclude him made an error in his chronological cal- from other employments than those culation, it will be difficult to reconcile which pertain to his profession; and the time specified with that which is yet his office in the church should prevent to come. I can offer no explanation, his receiving emolument at the theatre, VOL. I. NO. 1.


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