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or entering into other engagements incompatible with his station.

If it be of importance to have professors to lead in our churches who have a cultivated taste, and a knowledge of the principles of music, it is of primary importance to establish an institution in which these principles shall be taught, and where this taste shall be cultivated.

This seems emphatically an age when different denominations of Christians are combining their efforts to spread the benign influence of the gospel of Christ. This unity of effort in a great measure allays the asperity of conflict ing opinions, and extends and strength ens the bonds of Christian charity.

There are grounds on which all sectarians may meet and harmonize. The appropriateness of vocal praises in the sanctuary is one of those points on which all agree.

The American Conservatorio seems to be formed on a plan well calculated to promote the desirable object of improving sacred music.

If suitable encouragement be given to it, if the churches will unite in its support, it may be matured into a seminary, where musical genius may receive an elevating impulse that will consecrate its efforts.

Much has already been done by the Conservatorio with but very little pecuniary aid. Compositions have been produced and exhibited in it, which will not suffer by a comparison with any in the world. A solo singer has been already formed, who has no competitor, and who will devote himself exclusively to the service of the church, if a competent support be afforded for the institution.

The system of instruction in singing, in composition, and for instruments, which has been adopted, is that which has been used in the first conservatorios in Europe, and would probably not have been introduced here, but for this institution.

The rapid progress which pupils

make, and the pleasure which they derive from it, are the best comments on its excellence. A class of from one to two hundred, by attending three times in each week for one hour during three months, may be instructed to sing any common music at sight, and at the same time to know more of the principles than can be learnt by any other method.

MUSIC was the first thing heard after the creation, when the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy. As a science, it is deep, complex, and interesting.-As an art, it is capable of calling into action all the finest feelings of our nature. It can even excite and elevate devotion. Let it, then, be hallowed to this exalted purpose. P.

THERE is a degree of sprightliness in the following letter, which we copy from the Gentleman's Magazine, of November last, that induces us easily to overlook the national vanity that it betrays. It bears to have been written by a tourist, in 1815.

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'My last letter left me at Ath, in the province of Hainault. On our arrival at the Inn, we were told that the company were just sitting down to dinner at the Table d'hote, and I proposed to my fellow travellers (the English party whom I had joined at Lisle) that we should take pot-luck with our host. The moment we entered the room, where we found a numerous party, male and female, it was evident, before we opened our lips, that we were recognised to be of British growth. 1 could hear some of the company whisper, Ce sont des Anglois; and the eyes of the female part of the company were very significantly directed towards the young lady who was of our party. Being aware that this page will meet that lady's eye, I forbear indulging my pen in a strain of panegyric which otherwise would be grateful to my feelings, although I hope I may be pardoned for

the application of the following beauti- all human beings. Upon finding that I

ful couplet from Goldsmith:

To me more dear, congenial to my heart,
One native charm than all the gloss of art.


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came from L-c-t-sh-, his eye glistened while he thus addressed me, Eh bien! Monsieur; il fout que vous aimez la Chasse, and, grasping my hand, he

exclaimed in an elevated tone of voice, Yoicks-Tally ho-Tantivy. The com

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I have also remarked, wherever I have travelled abroad, that the name of an Englishman is of itself a sufficient passport to civility and respect; although I believe it happens not unfre- pany pricked up their ears at sounds so unusual, which he told them formed quently, that our fair country-women are eyed by their own sex with mani- part of the delightful vocabulary of Messieurs les Chasseurs Anglois; and fest indication of envy and jealousy, then, turning round to me, he asked the more especially in France, where vani- following question, Dites moi, Monsieur, ty and the love of flattery form so con- qui est le premier Chasseur d'Angleterre spicuous a part of the female character. à present? by which he meant me to There is, generally speaking, in Eng; understand that he wished to know who lish women, an air of sedateness and was at the head of the L—c▬t—sh modesty, or, to use a scriptural expres- hounds; and whether the immortal sion, of shamefacedness, which, while it Meynell had left a successor worthy of is pleasing to men, even of profligate himself: to which he subjoined, How habits, naturally subjects them to the 1 envy your happiness in being within sneers and ridicule of those artificial reach of Quorndon Hunt!' Happifemales (and such abound in France, ness, Sir,' I replied,' is a relative term; Belgium, and the German courts, as and I am so far a stranger to happiness thick as locusts on the banks of Nile') in your estimation, that I never once, who seem to think the glory of their during the whole course of my life, sex consists in a bold mien, forward galloped after a fox.' • Mon Dieu,' looks, and pert loquacity. This thought said he, shrugging up his shoulders with was forcibly suggested to my mind by amazement, est possible?" But, the behaviour of some of the female Monsieur le Chavelier,' said an English guests at our Table d'hote, from whom gentleman, who sat vis a vis, a great I obtained a happy relief after dinner lover of the chase, I presume I anı adin a walk round the ramparts with my dressing a Catholic.' Most assuredly, fair fellow-traveller. sir.' Permit me to ask you one question: What would you think of your Father Confessor, if you were to see him mad at a fox-chase?' • Ma foi, Monsieur, c'est une autre chose ; I should Pope. be shocked at such a sight.' . And so "Before I dismiss our Table d'hote, should 1,' replied the Englishman, however, I must observe, that I hap-to see the Vicar of my parish bawlpened to be seated next to a decayed ing out Yoicks and Tally-ho, and riding French gentleman of fashion and rank, Tantivy with roaring lords, squires, who wore various insignia of his at- gamblers, and grooms, amidst volleys tachment to the house of Bourbon, and of cursing and swearing.' But, Sir,' who had been many years an emigrant rejoined the Chevalier, I have seen in England. He had acquired a strong in England, black coats as eager in the relish for our customs and diversions, chase as red coats.' • And more particularly the diversion of fox-hunt- shame for them,' said the honest Enging, which he considers as the noblest lish squire; adding, you may rest of all pursuits, and thought an English assured that Clerical fox-hunters are fox hunting squire the most enviable of generally held in great contempt by

So when the sun's broad beam hath tir'd the

All mild ascends the moon's more sober light,
Serene in virgin modesty she shines,
And unobserv'd the glaring orb declines.


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bout the Nimrods of England with an eagerness that reminded me of the following lines in Virgil, wherein Dido questions Æneas about the heroes who had figured in the siege of Troy:

Multa super Priamo rogitans, super Hectore


the thinking part of the laity, especial- namely, the Bible on the one hand, and ly, when, to borrow the words of a hunt- the council of Trent on the other. Afing-song, they renew the chase over ter a little skirmishing on the threshold the bowl;' and I am confident of being of the controversy between the Romanbacked by the suffrages of the whole ists and the Protestants respecting the Quorndon hunt, from the premier Chas- true church, Monsieur le Cure was sumseur himself, down to the whipper-in, moned to take his departure in a stage. that a Priest of that description is one coach wherein was a passenger; and of the last men upon earth to whom we took a kind leave of each other, they would have recourse either for with the expression of a charitable wish advice or consolation in the hour of on his part that we might meet in those perplexity and distress.' I remarked regions of peace and love, where the that a considerable reforination had voice of controversy is never heard. taken place among us in regard to Coffee was then introduced, according Clerical sportsmen since the days of to the general custom on the continent Mr. Meynell; and that I had good rea- after dinner; and the French Chevason to think there were few districts lier, finding there was a fox-hunter of in the kingdom of equal extent, that the party, resumed his favourite subcould produce a greater number of truly ject of conversation. He inquired apious and learned Parish Priests than the county of L—c—t—r. 'What a pity it is,' said a Popish Cure, who was at my elbow, that men so estimable in all other respects should lack one thing --even the sine qua non of being within the pale of the true Catholic church.' I am not aware, Sir,' said I, of our lacking that one thing in the church whereof I have the happiness to be a He said he had been at Donnington Park, member, which I am firmly persuaded the princely residence of the Earl of is a sound limb of the Catholic body.' Moira, on the beauties of which he ex'You mean of Christ's visible church.' patiated con amore, and spoke with I do, Sir;' then please to give us admiration of the hospitalities of the your definition of that church. Most noble earl to the French Princes, and willingly, Sir; and you shall have it in many more of his exiled country. the very words of one of the articles of men, who owed bim a debt of gratitude religion which our clergy are required which they could never sufficiently reto subscribe--" The visible church of pay. 'He is, indeed,' replied the Christ is a congregation of faithful men, gentleman whom he addressed,' worthy in which the pure word of God is of the warmest eulogy you can bestow preached, and the sacraments be duly upon him-noble in soul, as well as by ministered, according to Christ's ordi- blood; and it may truly be said of him, nance, in all those things that of neces- that the amplest means are scarcely sity are requisite to the same." Upon commensurate with the generous feelthis solid and impregnable foundation, ings which warm and actuate his heart.' Sir, I set my foot, believing that "the At parting, my friend gave him an invigates of hell shall not be able to pre- tation to his house, if ever he should be vail against it." It is needless to add, induced to visit England; and the last that we could not come to an agree words of the Chevalier were, ment about some of the terms of this Sir! my happiness would be great definition, inasmuch as neither of us indeed, if I could once more hear the seemed willing to quit his strong-hold, music of an English pack of fox-hounds."

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Nunc, quibus Aurora vinisset filius armis,
Nunc, quales Diomedis equi, nunc, quantus

• Ah,

"After dinner I took a survey of Ath, dulgent landlords. The leisure of the a small, but very neat town, well forti- cloister has not always been wasted in fied, and pleasantly situated upon the indolence: among the monks in this river Dender. It consists only of one country have been found men that were parish. The church, the Hotel de eminent in arts or letters; and the Abville, the governor's residence, and the bots here, as formerly in England, have arsenal, are handsome edifices. The stood forth the advocates of the liberty ramparts are prettily shaded by trees; of the people. It may be added also, and the Dender adds much to the beau- that the lives of the religious have been ty of the surrounding scenery. There for the most part without scandal, an was once here (I mean before the ac- example of severe virtue; and that, if cession of the Emperor Joseph the unwilling captives have been detained Second, and the subjugation of the within the convent-walls, victims to the Netherlands to Revolutionary France) pride of families, yet sometimes the una college of secular priests, who taught happy have found a suitable retreat in the literæ humaniores; and this semina- these mansions of prayer and meditary used to furnish the university of tion. This praise may be bestowed on Louvain with many of her brightest Mynachism before its final departure ornaments. There were also several from these regions."

religious houses here, male and female, Ath is the capital of a considerable which since my former visit to this Chatelleny, which, I was told, comcountry, upwards of twenty years ago, prises not less than one hundred and have shared the common fate of all the twenty-two towns and villages. It carMonastic institutions. Notwithstanding ries on a pretty good internal traffic, my staunch Protestantism, I sighed du- and has a considerable manufactory of ring the course of my tour over the linen. No country in the world is betruins of many a Convent, and tenderly ter adapted by its situation for the coinsympathized with many a monk and bined advantages of foreign and domesnun in their privations and sufferings; tic commerce, than that which formerly nor can I forbear transcribing from an went by the name of the Austrian Neinteresting book*, to which I made fre- therlands as must be evident to every quent references in my former tour, the one who looks at the map of the counfollowing passages in regard to the ef- try, and considers the situation of Antfects of Monachism in the Low Coun- werp, Ghent, Bruges, and Ostend, as tries:-"Justice requires that the well as the easy communication which merits of the religious orders in these its numerous rivers and canals maintain lands should not be forgotten. Let it in the interior.

be remembered that the monks gave "Ath originally belonged to the the first lessons of agriculture in this House of Trezegnies, which held the country, and that the rude wastes of title of Marquis, by whom it appears Flanders were converted into fruitful to have been sold in the twelfth century fields by the labour of holy men. If to Baldwin the IVth, Count of Haintoo large a share of the lands has been ault. This town submitted to the vicallotted to convents and monasteries, torious arms of Louis the XIV th, during yet let it be remembered that the wealth the rapid and successful campaign of the religious houses has been employ- of 1867, when, with an utter disregard ed chiefly in hospitable acts, in the en- of every principle of justice, that amcouragement of elegant arts, and in the bitious Monarch attacked the Spanish construction of edifices that have adorn- Low Countries. By the treaty of Aixed the country; whilst the farmer has la-Chapelle, which was concluded the found in the fathers of the convent, year following, Ath was allowed to rewhose lands he rented, humane and in- main in the bands of Louis, who orderShaw's "Sketches of the History of the ed it to be strongly fortified under the Austrian Netherlands." direction of the celebrated Vauban.

By virtue of the treaty of Nimeguen, in 1678, Ath reverted to its old masters, the Spaniards, who kept the possession of it until 1697, when it was invested by a French army, under the command of the famous Marechal de Catinat, to whom it surrendered after a siege of thirteen days; but, during the course of the same year, it was restored to Spain by the peace of Ryswick. In 1706 a detachment of the allied army; under the command of field marshal the Count of Nassau Owerkercke, sat down before Ath with a formidable train of artillery. He forced the garrison to capitulate in a few days, and to surrender prisoners of war. The town was put into the hands of the Dutch, who kept possession of it till the year 1716, when it was given up to the emperor conformably to the Barrier Treaty. It was again taken by the French in 1745, when the inhabitants suffered grievously from the bombardment, and at the peace following was again restored to the emperor, since which period it remained free from the din of war until the year 1792, when it submitted to the French force under the command of general Berneron, two days after Dumourier's victory at Gemappe. They now form a part of the main kingdom of the Netherlands; in the stability and prosperity of which feel deeply interested, and rejoice that have lived to see the day when the Austrian Netherlands have becs, severed from France and incorporated with





ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA. During the excessive cold in February last, a singular electrical phenomenon was no ticed by several gentlemen in the State of Vermont, who have published accounts of it. In the evening after a snow-storm, which had been accompanied by thunder and lightning, a flame of the apparent size and brightness of the flame of a candle, was observed to issue from many of the more elevated points in the rail fences, which are frequent in that part of the country, attended by a crackling noise. On approaching these luminous appearances, they were found hovering over the sharp perpendicular stakes in the fences,

at about the height of a man's breast. One of the observers made the experiment of a similar light to proceed from his fingers; elevating his hand above his head, and found another raised his cane, which immediately emitted light from its ferule. The stakes in the fence from which this light and noise proing off the snow the sound was diminished. ceeded, were covered with snow; on brush

We do not remember ever to have met with any notice of a similar phenomenon at the same period of the year, but we have gence and observation, that he had noticed been informed by a gentleman of intellian analogous appearance from the bayonets of the soldiers at Fort George, in an evening in July, at the time we were in possession of that fortress.

A very extraordinary occurrence, which must be referred to the same class, is related in an article which we copy from a Boston paper.

Boston, April 14.


We have received the following (certified) statement from the officers and passengers on

board the Only Son, arrived here this fore

noon from Norfolk:

"On the 3d inst. at 9 P. M. Cape Henry lights bearing W. by S. about 7 leagues distant, the mate's watch on deck, he heard strange noises in the air, with distant thunder and lightning, black clouds rising at the same time from the north; he thought it prudent to call all hands on deck, although it was nearly calm at the time. On coming on deck, every one on board beheld the maintopmast apparently all on fire, the fire descending down the main-topmast stay to the fore-mast head, and thence down the jib stays, with a large blaze at the jib-boom end; at the same time the fire came trickling down the main-topmast, and ran across the fore and aft stay to the foremast head, and also descended down the main-topmast-lift to the outer end of the main-boom-all sails were down to the booms-but the appearance of fire aloft increasing, all on board were fearful of a consuming fire; but the clouds arose from the N. attended with lightning, thunder and rain, and these fiery appearances, (the duration of which was 30 minutes, and which had spread almost all over the rigging, though not quite to the decks.) were extinguished, (and no damage done.) The above phenomenon was the more alarming, from the great hissing noise attendant, (like throwing fish into a pan of hot fat) attended with snappings, (similar to those from oyster-shells in a hot fire,) and with sparks flying therefrom in every direction to the distance of two or three feet from the spars and rigging aloft."

A writer in the New-York Evening Post, under the Signature of W. S. in remarking

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