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later number of the BULLETIN to deal more fully with this part of Fr. Kern's book. Suffice it to say here that since Chardon's Histoire des Sacrements (Paris, 1745) no good historical account of this Sacrament has been published. It is somewhat regrettable that Fr. Kern did not add a few pages of critico-literary introduction descriptive of the principal works or essays devoted to this subject by theologians, ancient and modern, and by historians of the Sacraments. Quite timely also and useful is the brief exposition of Catholic doctrine and practice that we owe to Rev. P. J. Hanley (TREATISE ON THE SACRAMENT OF EXTREME UNCTION, New York, Pustet, 1907, pp. 57).

We recommend to our readers, especially to all University students and their teachers the excellent work of Dr. Konstantin Holl, of Rastatt in Germany, STURM UND STEUER (Herder, St. Louis, 1908, 70 cents). It is an elevated and reasonable appeal to academic youth for a life of Christian purity, based on the mastery of a disorderly will and a concupiscence that knows no subjection save that imposed by religious education and life. More powerful than any or all natural motives and reasons are those of a spiritual character, by which is awakened and sustained in the youthful soul the reign of divine grace. This work is particularly suitable for teachers in colleges and academies on the occasion of retreats, spiritual direction, etc.

The teacher of our parochial schools and academies, also to some extent of our colleges, will find very serviceable the text-book of English history prepared by Mr. Wyatt-Davies, M. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, AN ELEMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND (Longmans, New York, 1906). It is moderately but tastily illustrated, has a very good index and is provided with regnal tables, a running list of principal dates, and good maps. To each chapter are prefixed the names of the chief persons, also the most important dates mentioned in it. The narrative is brought down to the death of Queen Victoria (1901).

Father Vincent McNabb, O P., places the English-speaking laity under an obligation by his translation of THE DECREES OF THE VATICAN COUNCIL (Benziger, New York, 1907, 60 cents). "This last will and testament of the past century," he rightly says in the preface, "brief as a will and pregnant as a dying wish, holds within its formal words the principles whereby the errores et terrores saeculi, the falsehoods and fears of our age, may be met and withstood."

In keeping with its valuable collection (in six series) of the Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII, the house of Herder continues to issue in similar style the Encyclicals of Pius X. The latest of these important documents is now presented in the original Latin with a German translation (PI PP. X. EPISTOLA ENCYCLICA DE MODERNISTARUM DOCTRINIS, Herder, St. Louis, 1908, 32 cents).

Younger members of the Catholic clergy will appreciate the earnest booklet of Mgr. Ferdinand Rudolf, WEGWEISER FUR PRIESTER (Herder, St. Louis, 1908, 50 cents). It is the latest accession to the valuable series of works on the priesthood published in the last generation, and is based on the well known books of Alvarez de Paz (De vita spirituali, De exterminatione mali), Scheeben's Herrlichkeiten der göttlichen Gnade," and Cardinal Vaughan's work on the priesthood.



A Tuscan Penitent. By Father Cuthbert. New York, Benziger Bros. 1907. Pp. 291. Price, $1.35.

Ten Lectures on Martyrs. By Paul Allard. New York, Benziger Bros. 1907. Pp. xxv, 350.

Ireland and St. Patrick. By Wm. Bullen Morris. New York, Benziger Bros. 1907. Pp. xi, 307. Price, $.60.

The Inquisition. By E. Vacandard. Translated by Bertrand L. Conway, C. S. P. New York, Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 284.

The Beginnings of the Temporal Sovereignty of the Popes, A. D. 754 to 1073. By Mgr. L. Duchesne, D. D. New York, Benziger Bros. Pp. 312.

The Catholic Church, the Renaissance and Protestantism. By Alfred Bandrillart. New York, Benziger Bros. 1908. Pp. xxvIII, 331.

Sursum Corda, Letters of the Countess de St. Martial. By Baron Leopold de Fischer. New York, Benziger Bros. 1907. Pp. 335.


Defence of the Seven Sacraments. By Henry VIII, King of England. New York, Benziger Bros. 1908. Pp. 480.

L'Enfance de Jesus-Christ, d'apres les Evangiles Canoniques. By Rev. P. A. Durand, S. J. Paris, Gabriel Beauchesne & Co. Law of Christian Marriage. By Devine. New York, Benziger Bros. 1908. Pp. XVIII, 366.


Thoughts and Fancies. By F. C. Kobbe, D. D. New York, Benziger Bros. 1907. Pp. 61.

1 Books received from publishers or authors will be placed on this list, with imprint and price, when marked. In this way, each work will be promptly brought to the attention of our readers. In many cases, a lengthy notice will be given in a subsequent number of the BULLETIN.

Well Spent Quarters, also A Three Days Retreat. By A Sister of Mercy. New York, Christian Press Association. Pp. 271.

Price $.75.

Way of the Cross. Bros. 1908. Pp. 42. Way of the Cross. ger Bros. 1908. Pp. Way of the Cross. Bros.

(Jesuit Method). New York, Benziger Price $.15.

(Eucharistic Method). New York, Benzi60. Price $.15.

(Franciscan Method). New York, Benziger

1908. Pp. 57. Price $.15.

Way of the Cross. Bros. 1908. Pp. 39. A Key to Meditation.

ziger Bros. Pp. 163.

(Liguorian Method). New York, Benziger Price $.15.

By Pere Crasset, S. J. New York, BenPrice $.50.

Saint Francois de Sales. By Fortunat Strowski. Paris, Librairie Bloud & Co. 1908. Pp. 364.


Short Sermons. By Rev. E. P. Hickey, O. S. B. New York, Benziger Bros. Pp. 245. Price $1.25.

A Pulpit Commentary on Catholic Teaching. (Vol. I. The Creed.) A Complete Exposition of Catholic Doctrine, Discipline and Cult in Original Discourses, etc. New York, Joseph F. Wagner. Pp. 458. Price $2.00.

Twenty-Five Short Sermons on Doctrinal and Historical Subjects. By Bernard W. Kelly. New York, Benziger Bros. 1908. Pp. 240. Price $1.25.


Parerga. By Canon Sheehan, D. D. New York, Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 352.

The Priest's Studies. Longmans, Green & Co.

By T. B. Scannell, D. D. New York, 1908. Pp. 240.

La Liberté Intellectuelle Apres L'Encyclique Pascendi. By J. C. Douais, Ev. de Beauvais. Paris, Gabriel Beauchesne & Co. The Catholic Who's Who and Year Book. London, Burns & Oates. 1908. Pp. 444. Price $1.50.

Friday Fare. By Mrs. Charles Marshall. New York, Benziger Bros. 1907. Pp. 61. Price $.35.


The German Chair. Rev. Father Walburg's donation has brought the endowment of the Chair of German Language and Literature so near completion that the filling of the Chair by the appointment of a regular professor is now only a question of a short time. Meanwhile four Courses in German are being given at the University by two Instructors.

Donation to the Library. The Library of the Department of Education has received through the kindness of Mr. Nicholas Benziger, New York, forty volumes of works on Christian Doctrine and the Teaching of Religion, all publications of the house of Benziger Brothers.

The Literary and Debating Society of the Catholic University of America. On the evening of March 18th the students of the University convened in the Assembly Hall, for the purpose of discussing the organization of a Literary and Debating Society. The Professor of English Literature, Dr. P. J. Lennox, was elected Chairman of the meeting, and Vincent L. Toomey, Secretary. After those present had shown their unanimous approval of the establishment of such a Society, a Committee of three were appointed to draft a Constitution.

At a second meeting of the Literary and Debating Society, held on March 26, a Constitution and By-Laws were adopted, establishing the name of the Society as "The Catholic University of America Literary and Debating Society." The following officers were subsequently elected: Patron, Rt. Rev. Bishop D. J. O'Connell, Rector of the University; Honorary President, Dr. P. J. Lennox, Professor of English Literature in the University; President, Frank A. Mulvanity; Vice-President, William Hemmick; Corresponding Secretary, Leo J. Koontz; Recording Secretary, Vincent L. Toomey and Treasurer, B. J. Semmes. An Executive Committee of three was appointed, consisting of the Rev. Leo MacGinley; the Rev. Leo Schlindwein and John Moran.

On the 9th instant, Mr. Frank A. Mulvanity, President of the

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