VOL. XIII. DEVOTED TO PLANS AND DETAILS OF GRADE WORK. No. 1. Published March, June, October, December, by New York Teachers Monograph Co., 9 East 17th Street, New York City. Subscription price is One Dollar a year. Single Copies 30 cents. ON NEW YORK CITY LIST 1910-1914 Supply List. Price. 2283 A PRIMER OF NURSERY RHYMES-Swem and Sherwood. Made up of about 50 rhymes and jingles.—"Not classic because they are old, but old because they are classic." .... ..$0.24 2439a Sherman's LITTLE FOLK LYRICS. New School Edition. .48 2365 Stevenson's CHILDREN'S CLASSICS IN DRAMATIC FORM. Book III. A Dramatic Reader for the third year in Dramatic Form-"More than mere dialogue". A HISTORY COURSE FOR THE 5-6-7-8 YEARS .32 2561 Moore's LIFE OF LINCOLN........... .20 2594 Malory's KING ARTHUR STORIES. .32 2651 Burroughs's AFOOT AND AFLOAT. New R.L.S. Supplementary reading for the 6-7-8 years... .20 2176 Holbrook's HIAWATHA Primer. For 2d year..... .32 2418 Holbrook's BOOK OF NATURE MYTHS. For 4th year.. 2345 Scudder's FABLES AND FOLK STORIES. In a new illustrated edition. For 3d year... 2513 Tappan's AMERICAN HERO STORIES.. 1827 Tappan's OUR COUNTRY'S STORY....... 1828 Tappan's ENGLAND'S STORY..... 1806 Fiske's HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. FOR TEACHERS' USE 2696 McMurry's HOW TO STUDY AND TEACHING HOW TO STUDY. The most popular teacher's book in a decade .36 .44 .52 .68 .80 2 2 2 2 2 2 288 .36 1231 Fiske's CIVIL GOVERNMENT.... Riverside Literature Series.... HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 85 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK Nathan Behrin. AN ISAAC PITMAN WRITER ESTABLISHES THE WORLD'S RECORD FOR SPEED AND ACCURACY IN SHORTHAND. Mr. Nathan Behrin, an Isaac Pitman writer, made an unprecedented record for speed and accuracy in the Civil Service examination for official court stenographer held in New York City on February 2, 1911. He wrote 200 words a minute for five minutes with absolute accuracy, which is certified in the report of the Civil Service Commission. Among his competitors were 200 writers using various other systems of shorthand, some of them being court stenographers, others legislative and convention reporters, general stenographic reporters of reference, etc. The conclusion is logical-Isaac Pitman Shorthand is still, as ever, the most speedy and legible, the Genesis and Gibraltar of modern shorthand. He studied shorthand under the veteran Isaac Pitman teacher, Mr. William L. Mason, for about six months at the DeWitt Clinton High School. He took it up as a side study after school hours. No. 117 (High Schools) "Course in Isaac Pitman." 66 66 66 No. 121 (High Schools) "Practical Course in Touch Typewriting." 66 66 Mercantile Finance Co. Suite 202-204, Old Times Building 41 Park Row, New York FINANCIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR TEACHERS WM. J. KENNEDY, Manager Get the Habit of Progressing! If you want your pupils to make marvellous progress in learning to read; if you want them to enjoy every moment of their work; if you want them to read with real expression, and if you want to give them, from the very first lesson, only literature that is worth reading—myths and legends, fairy tales and fables-you will accomplish all this Silver, Burdett & Company 231 West Thirty-ninth Street New York City Stereoscopic Photographs classified after extended classroom use by expert teachers, accompanied by a "Teacher's Manual" and a "Student's Guide"-all forming together "Geography Through the Stereoscope" The "Manual" gives just the information and directions needed by the teacher, and the "Guide" gives invaluable assistance to the pupil. G. J. 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