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goodness in them, and consider them as tokens of love sent by his dearest Lord and Master: and chastisements, though they be not joyous but grievous, would hereby lose their sting; the rod as well as the staff would comfort him: he would snatch a kiss from the hand that was smiting him, and gather sweetness from that severity! nay, he would rejoice that though GOD did not the will of such a worthless and foolish creature as himself, yet he did his own will, and accomplished his own designs, which are infinitely more holy and wise.

The duties of religion are delightful to him. The exercises of religion, which to others are insipid and tedious, do yield the highest pleasure and delight to souls possessed with divine love they rejoice when they are called to "go up to the house of the LORD," that they may see his power and his glory, as they have formerly seen them in the sanctuary." Psalm lxiii. 2. They never think themselves so happy, as when, having retired from the world, and gotten free from the noise and hurry of affairs, and silenced all their clamorous passions, (those troublesome guests within,) they have placed themselves in the presence of GOD, and entertain fellowship and communion with him; they delight to adore his perfections, and recount his favors, and to protest their affection to him, and tell him a thousand times that they love him! to lay out their troubles or wants before him, and disburden their hearts in his bosom. Repentance itself is a delightful exercise, when it floweth from the principle of love; there is a secret sweetness which accompanieth those tears of remorse, those meltings and relentings of a soul returning unto GOD, and lamenting its former unkindness.

The severities of a holy life, and that constant watch which we are obliged to keep over our hearts and ways, are very troublesome to those who are only ruled and acted on by an external law, and have no law in their minds inclining them to the performance of their duty but where divine love possesseth the soul, it stands as sentinel to keep out every thing that may offend the beloved, and doth disdainfully repulse those temptations which assault it: it complieth cheerfully, not only with explicit commands, but with the most secret notices of the beloved's pleasure, and is ingenious in discovering what will be most grateful and acceptable unto him it makes mortification and self-denial change their harsh and dreadful names, and become easy sweet and delightful things.


We must shun all manner of sin. But now, that I may detain you no longer, if we desire to have our souls moulded to this holy frame, to become partakers of the divine nature, and have Christ formed in our hearts, we must seriously resolve and carefully endeavor to avoid and abandon all vicious and sinful practices.

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There can be no treaty of peace, till once we lay down those weapons of rebellion wherewith we fight against heaven; nor can we expect to have our distempers cured, if we be daily feeding on poison. Every wilful sin gives a mortal wound to the soul, and puts it at a greater distance from God and goodness; and we can never hope to have our hearts purified from corrupt affections, unless we cleanse our hands from vicious actions. Now in this case we cannot excuse ourselves by the pretence of impossibility; for sure our outward man is some way in our power; we have some command of our feet and hands, and tongue, nay, and of our thoughts and fancies too, at least so far as to divert them from impure and sinful objects, and to turn our mind another way: and we should find this power and authority much strengthened and advanced, if we were careful to manage and exercise it. In the mean while, I acknowledge our corruptions are so strong, and our temptations so many, that it will require a great deal of steadfastness and resolution, of watchfulness and care, to preserve ourselves even in this degree of innocence and purity.

We must keep a constant watch over ourselves.

It is

But it will not suffice to consider these things once and again, nor to form some resolutions of abandoning our sins, unless we maintain a constant guard, and be continually watching against them. Sometimes the mind is awakened to see the dismal consequences of a vicious life, and straight we are resolved to reform: but alas! it presently falleth asleep, and we lose that prospect which we had of things, and then temptations take the advantage; they solicit and importune us continually, and so do frequently engage our consent before we are aware. the folly and ruin of most people to live at adventure, and take part in every thing that comes in their way, seldom considering what they are about to say or do. If we would have our resolutions take effect, we must take heed unto our ways, and set a watch before the door of our lips, and examine the motions that arise in our hearts, and cause them to tell us whence they come, and whither they go; whether it be pride or passion, or any corrupt and vicious humor, that prompteth us to any design; and whether God will be offended, or any body harmed by it. And if we have no time for long reasonings, let us at least turn our eyes toward God, and place ourselves in his presence, to ask his leave and approbation for what we do: let us consider ourselves as under the all-seeing eye of that Divine Majesty, as in the midst of an infinite globe of light, which compasseth us about both behind and before, and pierceth to the innermost corners of our souls. The sense and remembrance of the Divine presence, is the most ready and effectual means, both to discover what is

unlawful, and to restrain us from it. There are
some things a person could make shift to pal-
liate or defend, and yet he dares not look Al-
mighty God in the face, and adventure upon
them. If we look unto him, we shall be light-
ened; "if we set him always before us,'
," he
will "guide us by his eye, and instruct us in
way wherein we ought to walk."

that hereby we may weaken the force of nature, and teach our appetites to obey. We must do with ourselves as prudent parents with their children, who cross their wills in many little indifferent things, to make them manageable and submissive in more considerable instances. He who would mortify the pride and vanity of his spirit, should stop his ears to the most deserved praises, and sometimes forbear his just vindication from the censures and aspersions of others, especially if they reflect only upon his prudence and conduct, and not on his virtue and innocence. He who would check a revengeful humor, would do well to deny himself the satisfaction of representing unto others the injuries which he hath sustained; and if we would so take heed to our ways, that we sin not with our tongue, we must accustom ourselves much. to solitude and silence, and sometimes with the Psalmist, "hold our peace, even from good," till once we have gotten some command over that unruly member. Thus, I say, we may bind up our natural inclinations, and make our appetites more moderate in their cravings, by accustoming them to frequent refusals.

But it is not enough to have them under violence and restraint.

To beget charity we must remember that all men are nearly related unto God.

We must often examine our actions. This care and watchfulness over our actions, must be seconded by frequent and serious reflections upon them; not only that we may obtain the Divine mercy and pardon for our sins, by an humble and sorrowful acknowledgment of them; but also that we may reinforce and strengthen our resolutions, and learn to decline or resist the temptations by which we have been formerly foiled. It is an advice worthy of a Christian, though it did first drop from a Heathen pen, that "before we betake ourselves to rest, we review and examine all the passages of the day, that we may have the comfort of what we have done aright, and may redress what we find to have been amiss, and make the shipwrecks of one day be as marks to direct our course in another." This may be called the very art of virtuous living, and would contribute wonderfully to advance our reformation, and preserve our innocency. But withal we must not forget to implore the Divine assistance, especially We shall find our hearts enlarged in charity against those sins that do most easily beset us: towards men, by considering the relation wherein and though it be supposed that our hearts are they stand unto God, and the impresses of his not yet moulded into that spiritual frame, which image which are stamped upon them. They are should render our devotions acceptable, yet me- not only his creatures, the workmanship of his thinks such considerations as have been pro- hands, but such of whom he taketh special care, posed to deter us from sin, may also stir us up and for whom he hath a very dear and tender to some natural seriousness, and make our regard; having laid the design of their happiprayers against it as earnest, at least, as they ness before the foundations of the world, and are wont to be against other calamities: and I being willing to live and converse with them to doubt not but God, who heareth the cry of the all ages of eternity. The meanest and most ravens, will have some regard even to such peti- contemptible person whom we behold, is the tions as proceed from those natural, passions offspring of heaven, one of the children of which himself hath implanted in us. Besides the Most High; and however unworthily he that, those prayers against sin will be powerful might behave himself to that relation, so long engagements on ourselves to excite us to watch-as God hath not abdicated and disowned him by fulness and care; and common ingenuousness a final sentence, he will have us to acknowledge will make us ashamed to relapse into those faults, which we have lately bewailed before God, and against which we have begged his assistance.

It is fit to refrain ourselves in many lawful


him as one of his, and as such to embrace him with a sincere and cordial affection. You must know what a great concernment we are wont to have for those that do any ways belong to the person whom we love; how gladly we lay hold on every opportunity to gratify the child or servant of a friend; and sure our love towards God Thus are we to make the first essay for re- would as naturally spring forth in charity tocovering the divine life, by restraining the na-wards men, did we mind the interest that he is tural inclinations, that they break not out into sinful practices; but now I must add, that pleased to take in them, and consider that every Christian prudence will teach us to abstain from soul is dearer unto him than all the material gratifications that are not simply unlawful; and that, not only that we may secure our innocence, which would be in continual hazard if we should strain our liberty to the utmost point; but also


That they carry God's image upon them.

Again, as all men stand in a near relation to God, so they have still so much of his image

thoughts too big for expression. As when, after a deep contemplation of the Divine perfections, appearing in all his works of wonder, it addresseth itself unto him in the profoundest adoration of his majesty and glory: or, when, after sad reflections on its vileness and miscarrien-ages, it prostrates itself before him with the greatest confusion and sorrow, not daring to lift up its eyes or utter one word in his presence: or when, having well considered the beauty of holiness, and the unspeakable felicity of those that are truly good, it panteth after God and sendeth up such vigorous and ardent desires, as no words can sufficiently express, continuing and repeating each of these acts as long as it finds itself upheld by the force and impulse of the previous meditation.

stamped upon them, as may oblige and excite us to love them; in some, this image is more eminent and conspicuous, and we can discern the lovely traits of wisdom and goodness; and though in others it is miserably sullied and defaced, yet it is not altogether erased, some linea ments at least do still remain. All men are dued with rational and immortal souls, with understandings and wills capable of the highest and most excellent things; and if they be at present disordered and put out of tune by wickedness and folly, this may indeed move our compassion, but ought not in reason to extingish our love. When we see a person in a rugged humor, and perverse disposition, full of malice and dissimulation, very foolish and very proud, it is hard to fall in love with an object that presents itself unto us under an idea so little grateful and lovely. But when we shall consider these evil qualities as the diseases and distempers of a soul, which in itself is capable of all that wisdom and goodness wherewith the best of saints have ever been adorned, and which may one day come to be raised unto such heights of perfection, as shall render it a fit companion for the holy angels; this will turn our aversion into pity, and make us behold him with such sensations, as we should have when we look upon a beautiful body that was mangled with wounds, or disfigured by some loathesome disease; and however we may hate the vices, we shall not cease to love the man.

Prayer, another instrument of Religion: and

This mental prayer is of all others the most effectual to purify the soul and dispose it unto a holy and religious temper, and may be termed the great secret of devotion, and one of the most powerful instruments of the divine life; and it may be the apostle hath a peculiar respect unto it, when he saith, that "the Spirit helpeth our infirmities, making intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered;" or, as the original may bear, that "cannot be worded." Yet I do not so recommend this sort of prayer, as to supersede the use of the other; for we have so many things to pray for, and every petition of this nature requireth so much time, and so great an intention of spirit, that it were not easy therein to overtake them all; to say nothing that the deep sighs and heavings of the heart, which are wont to accompany it, are something oppressive to nature, and make it hard to continue long in them. But certainly a few of these inward aspirations will do more than a great many fluent and melting expressions.

For Friends' Intelligencer.
(Continued from page 346.)

the advantages of mental Prayer. There remains yet another mean for begetting a holy and religious disposition in the soul; and that is fervent and hearty prayer. Holiness is the gift of God; indeed the greatest gift he does bestow, or we are capable to receive; and he hath promised his Holy Spirit to those that ask it of him; in prayer we make the nearest approaches to God, and lie open to the influences of heaven then it is that the Sun of Righteousness doth visit us with his directest rays, and And about the same time the next evening,* dissipateth our darkness and imprinteth his im- being alone in the same room, the same mind age on our souls. I cannot now insist on the returned, and filled me with great consolation; advantage of this exercise, or the dispositions which rested upon me for some time with conwherewith it ought to be performed; and there tent, which nothing but himself can give; and is no need I should, there being so many books from the centre of that mind, a concern arose in that treat on this subject; I shall only tell you, ceived resting in me, was apprehensive I might me to write again; and from that fulness I perthat as there is one sort of prayer wherein we make use of the voice, which is necessary in write much; and therefore took a qnire of paper, public, and may sometimes have its own advan- and began to write, as matter began to appear, tages in private; and another wherein, though and with full assurance, in manner following. we utter no sound, yet we conceive the expressin and folly; put the garments of righteousness Arise, arise, Oh ye who sleep in the mists of sions and form the words as it were in our minds; so there is a third and more sublime on your naked souls: for the everlasting day is kind of prayer, wherein the soul takes a higher breaking forth; the brightness of his glory shall flight, and having collected all its forces by long and serious meditation, it darteth itself (if I may so speak) toward God in sighs and groans, and

*See note in the last number of the Intelligencer, from which it appears that the "next evening" was the evening of the 22nd of 11th month, 1689.

disperse the clouds of unrighteousness; and the abominations of the earth shall fall before his judgments.

Go to ye, who are polluted with the fleshy lusts of the world; wash ye in the blood of the covenant, that ye be not smitten when the destroyer cometh.

Rejoice, Rejoice, O ye slaves of the captivity of Babel; for the time of your delivery is near at hand. The King shall command and none shall disobey; for his love is free without respect of persons.

Flow down as wax before the sun, Oh! ye mountains of pride; for the Prince of meekness has overcome you.

Fly swiftly before him, ye lusts of the flesh; for he shall destroy you by the glory of his pres


Lament, and be exceeding sorrowful, O thou seat of the beast; for he hath a treasure of wrath prepared for thee.

Thou, O city of whoredoms and abominations of Hell, shalt be laid waste; for who will make intercession for thee?

The measure of thine iniquities is now brim full; yea, overflowing with abominations.

Thou hast polluted my people with thy witchcrafts; and thy sorceries are in all nations.

Thou hast exalted thyself in the imaginations of thine own heart and caused my people to adore thine idols.

Thou hast made them form images before me of thy own inventing; to mount up in towers of thy own building.

Thus am I provoked to bring confusion upon the language of their carnal imaginations; that they know not each his neighbor's meaning.

Many are become righteous in their own eyes, and there are few who value judgment.

Instead of the sceptre of peace, they have laid hold on war, and despised the words of my kingdom.

They have contended about outward things, which shall be brought to an end; but my living way they have despised.

I commanded them to love, but behold they hated; to forgive each other, but they hatched


I called for righteousness; but the cries of the oppressed came up before me from day to day.

I demanded their hearts; but they sacrificed them to the world, and perfidiously broke their


I told them that my gospel was truth and peace; but behold they have chosen war and a lie.

The whoremongers said unto the drunkards, ye are wicked men; and those of filthy communication, reproached the scornful.

The Sodomites were laughed to scorn by the adulterers; and the adulterers hissed at by the vipers of malice.

Thus every wicked beast oppressed another; and every one devoured his prey.

The Lord also gave them up to a reprobate mind, in the council of his judgment, that their iniquities might be complete.

But behold I have pronounced sentence, saith the Lamb of God, against those who have seduced my people.

I will bring hunger on the land, such as was not since the foundations of the world were laid; and all the earth shall fear before me.

They have delighted in the sword, and the sword shall devour them; even from one end of the earth to the other.

In their wickedness they have called for plagues, and destruction; and behold it is even at the doors of their city.

I will rain fire from heaven upon all flesh, saith Almighty God; even the coals of fire from off mine altar.

The Heavens shall pass away at the appearance of his majesty; and the earth shall not abide his glory.

He will overshadow his spouse with the wings of eternal peace; and establish her in his wondrous love.

The chaff of pollutions he will consume with fury; but the Rock of Truth shall stand forevermore.

He will give his own to understand his counsel; and feed them with his hidden knowledge. The fruit of his everlasting vine shall they drink new in his kingdom; and sit down with him in joy forever.

He saw their meekness, humility and faith; and gave them the land for an everlasting possession.

He was found faithful to his promise of old, in a plenteous redemption to all Israel.

He remembered his covenant with Abraham of old, and established his peace with Jacob.

He established his tabernacle alone in the holy mountain; and none assisted in his offering of reconciliation.

Now though I apprehend by the fulness of my spirit, when I began to write, (as I have said) that I might write much; yet having wrote the last paragraph ending with the word "Reconciliation" my concern ceased, and I could not write any more at that time, but remained in peace and tranquillity of mind; but some time then about, in the same mind, wrote a prayer as followeth.

"Oh! Almighty, incomprehensible, and infinitely merciful Lord God, forasmuch as none can enter into thy rest, unless he be regenerated and renewed, I humbly beg, in the name and for the sake of thy son Christ, that thou wilt be pleased to wash me in the water of life, and purify my polluted soul with the holy fire of thine infinite love, peace, joy, righteousness, holiness, temperance, and patience, so long as thou art pleased to continue me in this garden of labor.

"And be my strength, Oh! my righteousness! that I go not astray from thy paths, through the frailty of this earthly tabernacle; but give me daily the bread of life, which thou freely holdest forth to the hungry all the day long.

"And inasmuch as none can eat of this bread, but those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, give me a fervent desire, Oh! my salvation! and a saving faith, a living faith to lay hold on thy most certain promise; that I may be made partaker of the glory that is laid up for thy servants, in thine everlasting habitations." The conversation of mankind being generally upon trifles, not worthy of the thought of rational creatures, tending much more to vice than virtue; and my mind being a little renewed by the influence of the Divine Truth, I was much in silence and alone: and what thoughts I had being upon other objects than those I had been conversant with before I knew the truth, I wrote also some other things than those aforegoing, as they were from time to time presented in my mind, without any search or labor, and unexpected; divers whereof I reserved, and are in manner following.

To the suffering babes of the immortal seed. Persecuted by Ishmael the mocker.

Rejoice aloud, ye scorned ones, the Lord your God ex

alted is,

And hears your woful sighs and groans, because your cause is surely his,

The mighty host of God's right hand shall surely fight for Jesus Christ;

The haughty Babel built on sand shall shortly fall which you oppressed.

Her Popes, her Priests, her orders all, shall fly before the mighty wind,

Which from the mouth of God the Lord, shall issue

forth even unconfined,

Now Judah's Lion roars aloud; the key of David now is found,

The time is come when saints must reign, and with
Lord Jesus' law be crowned.

The Lord our God shall ever reign,
And we to Egypt ne'er go back again.

To the Nations afar off, and to their Princes. Hear, Oh! ye nations, and give ear, Oh! ye ends of the earth; the Lord, the Prince of Peace, has forsaken the proud, and visited the humble

in tender love. What nation will now rebel against the Lord? or what kingdom now reject his powerful name; the trumpet sounds aloud in the ears of the just; but as for the fools, the flame is prepared for them;

Yea, a furnace that shall never be quenched, and a dungeon where no light appeareth.

They exalted themselves in the imaginations. of their own hearts, saying, who is the Lord; and what are his laws?

Is not Leviathan the fearless, of our nearest blood; and Goliath the strongest also on our side?

Surely we only reign in all the earth; and as for the just, the Lord has become their portion.

(To be continued.)


We publish the communication from Fairfax Co., Virginia, descriptive of a Friends' Boarding School in that section of the country.

We appreciate every effort to promote the guarded education of our children, and commend this institution to the notice of Friends generally.

FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL.-The Fall term will commence on the first of Ninth month next, at the new and commodious house on Race Street, adjoining Friends' new Meeting House.

Both departments remain under the care of the same teachers as heretofore-Aaron B. Ivins, Principal of the Boys', and Lydia Gillingham, Principal of the Girls' department.

In the erection of the new house, all the improvements which experience has suggested for the health and comfort of the pupils have been adopted.

Application should be made early to Aaron. B. Ivins, Vine Street west of Broad, Lydia Gillingham, No. 1516 Vine street, or any of the Committee having charge of the Schools.

DIED, On First day, the 12th of 7th month last, at the residence of his son-in-law, John B. Roe, of Fo

rest Hill, Harford County, Md., GILBERT DICKINSON, in the 69th year of his age; for the last three years a member of Little Falls Monthly Meeting; formerly a member of Amawalk Monthly Meeting, Westchester County, New York.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

Some of the readers of the Intelligencer may not be aware that there is a boarding school for Friends' children (exclusively) within the limits of one branch of Society.

A number of Friends, members of Fairfax Quarterly Meeting, desirous of affording an opportunity for the children of Friends to receive Are we not sons of Babel the Great? And a guarded education, where the fundamental is not our father Apollyon the Destroyer? principles and testimonies of our religious socieWho then shall oppose the purpose of our ty would be respected and inculcated, and upon hearts? or who shall bring us down to judg-terms so low, that many who could not afford to ment? send to the more expensive school, would be able

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