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When the veil of death has been drawn between us and the objects of our regard, how quicksighted do we become to their merits, and how bitterly do we remember words, or even looks of unkindness, which may have escaped in our intercourse with them! How careful should such thoughts render us in the fulfilment of those offices of affection which may yet be in our power to perform; for who can tell how soon the moment may arrive when repentance cannot be followed by reparation !-[Bishop Heber.

THE POTATO ROT prevails over a considerable extent of country, in consequence of the rainy nature of the season and the very limited quantity of warm, dry weather. In Burlington county, N. J., Lancaster county, Pa., and in Rhode

Island, Massachusetts, Frederick county, Mary land, and various sections of Indiana, it has appeared, and the crops have suffered badly, 1 other quarters the potatoes are doing remarkably well. Indian corn looks fine everywhere, though in many places the growth seems to run to stalk and leaves, the ears not being so full or so large as could be desired. In the matter of hay the crops exceed any thing known for years past, though even that has in some places been injured by heavy rains while it was being gathered. American Gazette, 8th mo. 27th.

PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUR AND MEAL.-The Flour market continues depressed There is but little inquiry, either for export or home consumption, and only a few hundred bbls. are daily sold at $6 12 a $6 25 per bbl. for fresh ground from new wheat, and $6 00 for old. Sales to retailers and bakers for fresh ground and fancy brands, from $6.00 up to $8 00. Rye Flour is now selling at $4 50 per bbl., and Corn Meal is held at $4 per bl. GRAIN. The receipts of Wheat continue quite heavy, though the market is inactive. Good red is held at $1 25 a $1 30, and $1 35 a $1 40 for good white. Rye is steady at 75 cts. Corn is dull, and is nominally held at 80 c. Oats continue dull: new Southern is selling at from 35 a 36 cents per bushel.


from Wilmington; daily stages to and from the latter,
and tri-weekly from the former place. The winter
term will commence on the 2d of 11th mo. next, and
continue twenty weeks. The course of instruction
embraces all the usual branches, comprising a thorough
English Education, Drawing included. Terms: $57,
including Board, Washing, Tuition, use of Books,
Pens, Ink and Lights. The French, Latin and Greek
Languages taught at $5 each, extra, by experienced
and competent teachers, one a native of New Hamp-
shire, and a graduate of a popular College in that
State, whose qualifications have gained her a place
amongst the highest rank of teachers. The house is
large, and in every way calculated to secure health
and comfort to thirty-five or forty pupils.
For Circulars, address-

Union-Ville, P. O., Chester County, Pa.
9th mo. 5th, 1857.-8 t.



YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. It is intended to

24 of 11th mo., 1857.
For reference and further particulars, inquire for cir-
culars of

commence the next Session of this Institution on the
Terms: $65 for twenty weeks.

BENJ. SWAYNE, Principal. London Grove, P. O., Chester County, Pa.


Winter session (for the education of young men and boys) of this Institution, will open on the 9th of 11th mo., and continue 20 weeks.

thoroughly taught by the most approved methods of teaching founded on experience.

The branches of a liberal English education are

Also the elements of the Latin and French languages.
Terms, $70 per session.

Those wishing to enter will please make early ap plication.

For full particulars address the Principal for a circular. ALLEN FLITCRAFT,

Eldridge Hill, Salem County N. J.

8 mo. 29, 1857-8 w.

WYNEDD BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG I MEN AND BOYS.-The next winter session of this School will commence on 24 day the 9th of 11th month, 1857, and continue Twenty weeks. Terms $70 per session. Those desirous of entering will please make early application. For circulars giving further information, address either of the undersigned.

DANIEL FOULKE, Principal. HUGH FOULKE, Jr., Teacher. Spring House P. O. Montgomery County, Fa.

FRIENDS' LIBRARY, which has been closed for some weeks past to give an opportunity for re-arrangement 8 mo. 22, 1857-8 w. in the new location assigned it, will be opened again for visitors, in the third story of the centre of the new Meeting House, on Race Street, on Seventh day after noon and evening, the Fifth of Ninth month, and on each succeeding Seventh day as heretofore.

No expense or labor has been spared in the fitting up of this large and commodious room, and as the collection of books is select and extensive, it is deemed well worthy the attention of Friends. J. M. E.

ANTED,—A well qualified Female Teacher, to take charge of the School under the care of Alloway's Creek Preparative Meeting of Friends. Application can be made to


Hancock's Bridge, Salem County, N. J. 8th mo. 25th, 1857.-4 t.

[blocks in formation]

RANKFORD SELECT SEMINARY.-This Inthe last twenty years, will now receive six or eight stitution, having been in successful operation for female pupils as boarders in the family. Age under thirteen years preferred.

Careful attention will be paid to health, morals, &c., and they will be required to attend Friends' Meeting on First days, accompanied by one of their teachers, also mid week meetings if desired by parents or guardians. Terms moderate.

SARAH C. WALKER Assistant.
No. 158 Frankford St. Frankford, Pa.

John Child, 510 Arch Street.
Thomas T. Child, 452 N. 2d Street below Poplar.
Julia Yerkes, 909 N. 4th Street above Poplar.
Wm. C. Murphy, 43 S. 4th Street above Chestnut.
Charles Murphy, 820 N. 12th Street below Parrish.
Merrihew & Thompson, Prs., Lodge St., North side Penna. Bank

[blocks in formation]

its brightness is yet intercepted by shades and clouds. Their Meeting last first day was different from the former, only one disturbing the quiet of it, and none of those agitations which were apparent in the preceding assembly. In the afternoon they held their Monthly Meeting, the business whereof is only the care of their poor, and oversight of each other's moral con

Communications must be addressed to the Publishe free of expense, to whom all payments are to be made duct; but our men friends, who understand the


(Continued from page 403.)

language, observed that their method far exceeded their expectations. This season was also graciously regarded, and renewed help afforded for the service required. The company of J. E. and A. B. is truly pleasant, and their facility in speaking French helpful; they lodge at a friend's named Marignan, and we at a widow Benezet's.

"6th mo. 4th, 1788. Since the 26th ult. we sat with twelve families in this village-one at Fontanes, six miles distant, two at Quisac, nine miles further, and two at Calvisson, one and a half mile from hence; at this last mentioned place resides Louis Majolier, who has been our "6th. In a conference together this forenoon, attentive companion in the family sittings, and we concluded to have the most weighty part of at our lodging, since we first came; he is a sen- the people here together, and have a sitting with sible, intelligent young man, evidently under the them; and after selecting some names for this tendering visitation of truth, and humbly desir- purpose, at four in the afternoon sat with a ous of right instruction. As is often the case family who came from the country. This was amongst the more privileged members of our to me a season of instruction, under a feeling of Religious Society, we have in many of these the universal regard of Him who knows the visits to struggle hard for the arising of life; various situations of His children, not respecting some of those we sit with seeming unacquainted the persons of any. What was said to these poor with the necessity of witnessing the dominion of people seemed to have entrance, and tended to that divine power, which is the crown of glory our peace. At six o'clock we met as appointed and diadem of beauty to the true Israel: but with those selected; much freedom of speech there are others, who, having measurably learned was used, in pointing out to them some inconwhere to wait, we believe are a little strength-sistencies, and recommending to increasing ened by our sympathy with them, and receive watchfulness; that being swift to hear, and slow with joy the communicated word. In some to speak, they might be enabled to distinguish seasons this has had free course, many, like the Shepherd's voice and follow it, refusing to 'thirsty ground, drinking in the rain; so that the obey that of the stranger. I hope this was a watered, and those who have been renewedly profitable season to them and us. helped to water, have rejoiced together.

"Their appearance, manner of behaviour, &c. are certainly such as bear little resemblance to our Society; but the honest simplicity there is among them, the apparent consciousness of their deficiencies, and tenderness of spirit, confirm our hope of a clearer prospect opening in due season. We have not felt it our business to call their attention to the different branches of our Christian testimony; the little labor bestowed tending to centre them to that 'light' which maketh manifest,' and, by an obedience whereto, the gradual advance of the perfect day' is known; and we are greatly deceived if this day has not dawned upon many in this dark corner, though


"8th. First day, about ten o'clock we met as usual: the assembly was soon covered with great stillness, and evident solemnity, which I sincerely desired might not be lessened by me, though I believed it right to revive the language of David, One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple. I felt renewed help in communicating what arose, and the sense of good seemed to increase, while the stream of gospel ministry flowed through other instruments; and our spirits were bowed in awful reverence before Him, who had not sent us a warfare at our

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own cost, but graciously supplied every lack. I the 12th had a meeting with such as resided in

They were afterwards recommended by S. G. and myself, to be not only hearers, but doers of the law, and, like Mary, to ponder the sayings they had heard in their hearts, keeping up the watch.

the place; next day I became alarmingly ill, and was not able to join my companions in sitting with some who came from the country.

"14th. My illness so increased that towards noon I doubted my continuing long if not relieved. My dear S. G. was poorly also: what trials of faith and patience are permitted for the proving of some; no doubt in unerring wisdom! "15th. Though still much indisposed I was not easy to stay from meeting, therefore arose, and was made renewedly sensible, that, when the creature is so reduced as to know indeed that it can do nothing, He who is strength in weakness shews Himself strong. I was helped to discharge myself honestly, to my own peace, and the meeting concluded in awful prayer and praise.


"I had previously mentioned to our company a view of having the younger and unmarried people assembled; and at the close of this Meeting it was proposed to have them convened at four o'clock in the afternoon. At two, we sat with nine persons who came from a distance, to satisfaction; and at the time appointed met our young friends, who made a considerable appearance as to numbers. The fore part of this sitting was heavy, but life gradually arose, and sweet liberty ensued; our belief being confirmed that there is, among this class, though in an unfavorable soil, a seed sown, which through individual "16th. We left St. Gilles, and spent that night faithfulness would spread and become fruitful, at Nismes; here we experienced fresh conflict to the praise of the great husbandman. These with respect to the way of proceeding; next day, were honestly cautioned against what might however, our difficulties seemed to lessen, and retard their growth, and earnest prayer was the prospect of going to Alencon opened with offered on their behalf. Some of us feeling clearness. We had a solemn parting with dear desirous of having a Meeting with the inhabit- L. M. who felt very near to us, and to whom the ahts of this place, the subject was solidly con- language Be thou steadfast, immoveable, &c.' sidered among ourselves, and notwithstanding was addressed in the fresh flowing of gospel apparent difficulties, we agreed to attempt it. "By the laws of the land no public meeting is allowed to any but the Catholics, Protestants meeting even here in the fields or private houses, and the dear people we are visiting sit in their assemblies with the outside door locked; and believing they had not yet attained sufficient strength to be exposed to much suffering, we have feared putting them out of their usual way; the proposal, however of giving liberty to any of the neighbors who might incline to accept the invitation, was readily acceded to by them. At ten o'clock on the morning of the tenth a considerable number of Protestants, and some Roman Catholics assembled; they behaved with great quietness, and the Meeting was mercifully owned by a feeling of liberty to labor, and a sense of that love which is universal, and would gather all under its blessed influence.

"11th. We rose early, and after breakfast most of those we had visited in the village collecting in our apartment, a solemnity covered us, under which the same love which had attracted us to them flowed in a strong current, and the language of the apostle was revived: Finally, brethren farewell! be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you.' We parted with many tears on both sides, from these endeared people, for whom we had, in our different measures, travailed that Christ might be formed in them, and they be not only the visited, but redeemed of the Lord. L. Majolier and F. Benezet accompanied us to a town called St. Gilles, where we lodged at a comfortable house belonging to one of our Friends, and on


"We travelled from Nismes in a tedious manner, drawn by mules at the rate of about thirty miles a day, rising early, and late taking rest. The country abounds with vineyards, oliveyards, fig and mulberry trees; pomegranates growing in the hedges like our white thorn, and the air in some places rendered fragrant by aromatic herbs, springing up spontaneously in rocky ground. There is but little pasture land in these parts; a rudeness in appearance, with the want of neat fences, &c. render the country less beautiful than ours: the houses are dirty, and the people slovenly; they seem chiefly employed in making wine and raising silk-worms, which give them profitable produce. There was neither a cow nor milch goat in the village of Congenies.

"We got to Lyons fatigued and poorly on the 21st here I was again very ill, and mostly in bed, till second day afternoon, when we set out in three voitures, and proceeded agreeably through a beautiful fertile country, richly improved, fine pasture and corn fields, and walnut-trees frequently bounding each side of the road for miles together.

"We arrived at Paris on the evening of the 29th, and left it again the second of the seventh month, travelling post to Alencon; here our friend J. M. met us, and we went in his coach to Desvignes, his place of residence, about a league distant; we were kindly received by his wife, and being weak and weary found this resting-place comfortable.

6th. A solemn sitting with J. M., his wife, and little son, was graciously owned by divine

regard, and sympathy renewedly felt with the hidden seed in a state of proving, as in the winter. In a little conference among ourselves afterwards, G. D. avowed his prospect of going to Guernsey; the idea of parting felt trying, but the belief that it is individual faithfulness which constitutes Christian harmony, tended to produce resignation.

"8th. With a savor of good, covering all our minds, we took leave of this family; and at Alencon under somewhat of solemn sadness, parted with our endeared companions G. and S. D. On the 10th of 7th mo. reached London. In this great city our fivefold cord untwisted, R. and S. G. going to R. Chesters, A. B. to his own house, and J. E. and I to Bartholomewclose; where the company of dear M. E. and her children was a real consolation to my poor mind, feeling this hospitable mansion as a second home.

"14th. Attended the Quarterly Meeting for London and Middlesex, which was large and favored. We feel, I trust, humbly thankful at being once more indulged with seeing many near and dear friends, whose affectionate reception of us seems a cordial to our spirits after our various exercises. We attended many different meetings in the city, and on the 21st returned to the Morning Meeting the certificates received therefrom, and gave a little account of our movements in this arduous service, of which a record was made on their books."

My dear mother was favored to reach her own habitation in safety about the middle of the 8th month, worn indeed in body, but with a relieved and thankful mind, and in alluding to her late engagement she writes as follows:

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"Under various deep exercises during this journey, the language Wherefore didst thou doubt?' has been so legibly inscribed on my heart, that I often think none has greater cause to depend on the arm of everlasting help than I have; and the confirming evidence of a peace passing every enjoyment has been as a stay in the midst of conflict, an anchor in times of storm; nor do I ever remember feeling a more abiding sense of this heavenly treasure than during my residence with that dear little flock at Congenies, towards whom the current of gospel love still sweetly flows."

(To be continued.)



ted frame. While I approached, he was slowly eyeing the setting sun. As he turned his face toward me, I looked to see the marks of deep, uncomforted sadness wearing mournfully in upon his features. But, no; not a trace of trouble in that eye, which had so often looked on death in the forms of those he had most loved. His vision gleamed as though a light beyond that of the setting sun had fallen upon it. He spoke; and now, thought I, the secret melancholy will peradventure come forth, and mingle in the tone, though this unnatural excitement be kindled in the eye. No; pleasant was the voice, without one plaintive note. He spoke of faith. spoke of loyality to God and duty. He spoke of heaven as though it was near. He said nothing of being hardly dealt with, nor hinted aught about not understanding why he should be selected for such trials, but seemed to think there was nothing but God's mercy and kindness in the world. He bore a staff to support his drooping limbs. But he seemed to me, as I looked upon him, to have an inward stay that would hold him up, when all earthly props had fallen to the ground. He was a Christian: and though prospered of God in this world, he said, "the riches we think so much of gathering together are nothing in comparison with the better portion that rich and poor alike may attain." We parted; and, as I walked alone again among the fading, rustling leaves, they took up new eloquence of meaning. The bare cold ground, the grey, chilly sky, and the long shadows, that told of the lengthening night, seemed beautiful-yes, pleasant and beautiful-to my soul; more beautiful even than the herbage and balm, and long, long sunny hours of the enlivening spring. For once, the contrast between earth and heaven was revealed to my mind; and the dissolving emblems of mortality under my feet, and the cold, shifting mists over my head, were transformed from sad tokens, into symbols of hope and joy.

For Friends' Intelligencer.


A memoir of John Gill was published in Friends' Intelligencer ten or twelve years ago. By request, most of it is now republished, together with a brief notice of his wife Hannah Gill. Those who were acquainted with these friends and remember their consistent and exemplary walking among men, will feel, no As I walked through the lanes of a growing doubt, an interest in reading what has been forest, on our beautiful common, the dry leaves written respecting them. Quietness and meekcrushing under my feet, and the sinking sun ness were, in an eminent degree, the clothing taking his last look at the bare boughs of the of the spirits of our departed friends, and we trees, I met a man on whom the blow of grief fully believe they are numbered among those had descended as sorely as upon any, and with oft-repeated stroke. A new sorrow had just who have found acceptance with the Father. fallen on his grey head and long-diseased, emacia- The design of these little testimonies is, or

should be, to commemorate the goodness of the | theirs, and left a good report behind. He bere

Lord in his dealings with his children, and to encourage to a faithful maintenance of that faith by which the world is overcome. We desire therefore that we pass not by them " as a tale that is told," but that the things we hear we may "ponder in our hearts," and yield to the convictions of the Spirit, for they who follow its teachings "shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."


JOHN GILL was a member and elder of Piles Grove monthly meeting for a number of years of the latter part of his life, and much esteemed by his friends as an upright man and consistent member of Society, being frequently spoken of by his neighbors as honest John. He was heard to remark, not long previous to his last illness, that he had endeavored to live peaceably with all men, and that he never had had a difference with any one so as to occasion any interruption of friendship. He was sometimes led to express a few words in meetings for discipline, exhorting to faithfulness to the manifestations of truth inwardly revealed; evidencing that he had experienced the renewings of the Holy Spirit, and was thereby qualified to worship his heavenly Father in spirit and in truth. He was a man of few words, plain and simple in his dress and manners, careful to live within his means, (which were small,) and was, in his whole deportment, a practical preacher of righteousness. He was increasingly concerned during the latter part of his life that Friends should be diligent in the attendance of all their religious meetings, frequently exhorting them to the faithful maintenance of this important testimony, as well as those of plainness of speech, simplicity of dress and manners, &c.

W. G. A testimony concerning JOHN GILL by his daughter.

My dear father, John Gill, departed this life the 12th day of the 12th month, 1843, in the 83rd year of his age. When through bodily indisposition he was confined at home, he appeared much resigned to his allotment, often mentioning that he was fast hastening to the grave, and had no desire to live longer, if it was the Lord's will to remove him hence; yet he hoped to keep clear of anxiety on that account, and said, "I am patiently waiting and quietly hoping until my change comes.' He was confined to the house about four months, and most of the time to his bed, being very weak in body, but enjoying great peace of mind, and several times said that he had tried to live an upright life for more than fifty years, and that he felt ready at any time when it should please the Lord to take him to himself. He was one that lived the life of the righteous, and whose latter end was like

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a lively testimony to plainness and temperance
in all things. He was a diligent attender of
our religious meetings, and a lover of retirement.
He spent most of his time at home, and was very
careful to have the Scriptures of Truth read in
his family. In his last sickness he told us, his
children: "I have endeavored by precept and ex-
ample to discharge my duty faithfully towards
you," and often spoke of the comfort it was to
him to have his children to wait on him in his
last and most trying hours, as our dear mother
was removed from works to rewards some years
before. His home was with a son-in-law and
two daughters; his two sons living at a distance,
were deprived of his company and counsel, which
to us that were with him were truly edifying.
The latter part of the time when unable to help
himself, he was anxious that no one should be
kept at home from meeting on his account; say-
ing that if he should be taken when alone, it
would make no difference as he felt prepared

to go.

Brief memoir of the late JOHN GILL, writen by. himself.

It has been weightily on my mind, for a considerable length of time, to leave behind me an account of some remarkable and merciful visitations of the Lord Almighty to my poor soul. It does not seem to be my business to say much about my early life. I may, however, observe that I often felt inward convictions for bad words and naughty tricks My father deceased when I was about five years old, and my mother was left a poor widow, having little more than enough to pay the debts. There were five children, three older than myself, and one younger; the three oldest were put out to earn their living, while my youngest brother and I remained with our mother, who continued to keep house. During this time, I sometimes suffered for victuals, and was often very poorly supplied with clothing; so that I knew what it was to suffer as to the outward when very young in life.

When I was grown old enough to earn my living, I went abroad to work, and then I fared better. I never was fixed at any particular place, so that I had mostly my own way, not belonging to any religious society. I passed along in this manner until I was about 15 or 16 years of age. I then went to live with one who frequented Friends' meetings. I occasionally went with him for some years, (but to little purpose,) until I was between 20 and 21 years of age. I then went to live with Joseph Kaighn, at Kaighn's Point, near Philadelphia, where I resided nearly seven years, and in this time I experienced those marvellous visitations, (for such I believe I may truly call them,) which I am about to relate. They have hitherto been folded up in my own breast, and have seemed like a


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