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is the hardest portion of the work, but the ser- the afternoon, and had a sick passage of eight vant is not to choose. It is enough for the ser-hours; landing at Dover, I trust with thankful vant to be as his Master, and the disciple as his hearts, and were again affectionately received at Lord. May I increasingly learn this salutary our kind friend Richard Baker's. lesson, for I am far behind my fellow laborers in the glorious work.

"First day 19th. Our meeting this morning was attended by a few others besides Friends, and through the extension of divine regard proved solemn; holy help being afforded to visit the different states of the people to some relief, and I trust profit. In the evening at our lodging, a memorable season crowned this day, so that it was indeed measurably known that through continued mercy the outgoings of the morning and the evening rejoice.

"20th. After the last family sitting an exercise which had attended my mind since coming here became so heavy that I mentioned to my companions the view of having a meeting with the inhabitants of this place; they encouraged me, but did not appear to be themselves under the weight of it. This tried my faith, and on speaking to our dear friend William Rotch he expressed some fear that owing to the present state of public affairs it would not be of much advantage. Having moved so far, I felt relieved, and willing either to give the matter wholly up, or yield to it in the morning should the pressure continue. After supper, a very solemn season ensuing wherein access was mercifully afforded to the throne of divine grace, and renewed strength experienced, we again conferred on the subject, and concluded to appoint a meeting, and though the number attending was but small, it proved a season owned by the liberty of the gospel.

"At the close of this meeting, the members of our Society were requested to remain, and we had to recommend an attention to some points which seemed overlooked by Friends in this place, and to encourage to deep watchfulness lest the testimony of truth might fall; also to strengthen the hands of those concerned for its support this felt a solemn conclusion to our visit here, and my mind was favored with a sense of calmness and relief.

Apprehending that liberty was now given to proceed, we prepared for doing so, and just before separating, the feeling of divine love sweetly cemented our spirits, under which a fresh salutation arose to several present, and olemn acknowledgment of the Lord's unfailing mercy was made; under which covering, and the evidence of solid peace, we parted with this dear family. There were, besides the household, several at this last opportunity for whom travail of soul had been experienced, that they might abide under the softening influence of heavenly love, and submit to the holy discipline of the cross.

"24th. We embarked about four o'clock in

"26th. Attended the usual meeting, which was an exercising time; the life of religion being so low that suffering with the oppressed seed was our portion. My companions were well engaged, and I was drawn to supplicate for the church in her wilderness state, faith being mercifully afforded to trust that she will yet be brought forth :-this I felt to be a renewed favor from the divine hand.


"We left Dover comfortably, and reached Canterbury, where we had requested an evening meeting might be appointed, and notice circulated among the inhabitants; but very few were there beside those who professed with Friends, and from our first assembling it felt very hard to get to profitable settlement or exercise. E. P. and E. H. were concerned to minister, but my spirit was in a state of captivity with the captive seed, so that I could not visit the few who had given us their company, nor dared I address those for whom I was led into painful travail, until there was a separation; which being proposed, those not of our Society withdrew, and I ventured to express my feelings in a line of honest, close labor; for truly it seemed as if no other would do in this place, where there felt too much rubbish in the way availingly to build any thing; and the outward appearance was such as might raise the enquiry whether most present were of our fold or not, so great a conformity to the fashions of the world was evident. Though little or no hope attended this labor, yet peace succeeded obedience to the manifestations of duty, and this is all the poor servant has to do with; we must leave the issue to Him who alone giveth the increase.

"On 3d day, the 28th, attended Devonshirehouse meeting, where we met our dear friends Martha Routh, and Christiana Hustler. This proved a truly baptizing season, and out of the mouth of several witnesses words were established to the comfort of some of us. This favored opportunity closed in supplication; and a consoling hope was raised that a precious living seed was preserved, and under holy cultivation; for which earnest desire was felt that gracious care might continue to be extended, and the Lord cause it to bring forth fruit to His own everlasting praise."

"29th. We reached Southampton about seven o'clock in the evening, and found a packet just ready for sailing to Guernsey, in which we embarked; and after a tempestuous night, with much danger and distressing sickness, made about two-thirds of our passage in twelve hours: but the wind proving contrary, we got but little on our way through the night of the 30th: we were, however, favored to make the port, late

the following evening, and met a kind reception from Nicholas and Mary Naftel. We felt it a mercy to be once more preserved over the great deep, while crossing which, all our minds were tried on various accounts, though measurably kept in quietness, and confidence in the arm of effectual help; so that I did not wish myself any where else, and in the midst of distress, had a view of this island, accompanied with the belief that there were some here prepared to receive a gospel visit; may our spirits be renewedly qualified for the service required.

"9th month, 1st. Prospects seem opening and the work feels heavy; may there be a centering deep so as to know the Master's will, and resignation to follow it let it lead as it may. We this evening took a walk to see an elderly man, who was a member of the Church of England, but embraced the principles of Friends from conviction, on reading some of their writings: he resides alone in a retired situation, about a mile in the country, has a garden, and with what it produces, &c., is worth about £14 per year he considers himself rich with this, and teaches gratuitously a number of poor children. to write. Soon after our entering his cottage, a precious covering spread over us, under which prayer was offered for future preservation, and humble acquiescence with the will of our divine Master. This was a season of renewed strength to my mind, which has been much tossed and tried lately.

"First day, 2nd. The meeting this morning was largely attended, and I trust it was a profitable time to some: my mind was under such a a weight respecting what was to take place in the afternoon, that I felt thankful silently to labor for a little strength; a meeting being appointed for the inhabitants, and permission granted to hold it in the assembly room. When we went, there was a large number collected, and the room was soon nearly filled; many of the people were solid and apparently serious, but others restless, and so noisy that it required much faith to move at all; but the exercise being heavy, and the love of the gospel prevalent, as there was a venturing in simplicity, faith and strength increased, and gracious help was so afforded that what might be compared to the boisterous element was gradually calmed; and truth rose into such dominion, that not only from the necessity, but in the feeling of precious liberty, the gospel could be preached and its doctrines a little unfolded.

"The meeting concluded under increasing solemnity, and a consoling hope that all would not be lost, but some of the fragments be seen after many days. Though much exhausted from this laborious exercise, a time of divine favour after supper tended to renew bodily and mental strength, and salutary repose again wound up the springs of nature.

"We went on second day three miles into the country, to see a sister of Peter la Lecheur's, (the person already mentioned), who, like him, joined the Society of Friends from conviction; and held a meeting in a barn near her dwelling. Many people assembled, and we spoke through an interpreter, which was made easier to my companions than they expected; solemnity and gospel love were prevalent, and I trust several were helped a little on their way; for while liberty to unfold the doctrines of truth was experienced, there felt a door of entrance to the minds of some present. No Friends reside in this place, except the woman already alluded to; her husband is a Methodist, he was much tendered in the meeting, and very kind to us at his own house where we dined; their children are also Methodists; the husband of one daughter lately felt a scruple at having his child sprinkled.

(To be concluded.)


Joseph Pike was the son of one of the early members of the Society of Friends, and was born at Kilereagh, near Cork, Ireland, in 1657. His father died when he was quite young; but his mother was spared for many years afterwards, and acted towards him the part of an affectionate and faithful parent. In a journal of his life, from which the following account is principally taken, he mentions, that in after life, it was a source of great peace and satisfaction to him that he always treated her in a becoming and dutiful manner.

Before he was seven years of age, he felt the convicting power of the Lord's Spirit striving with him, to draw him off from childish vanities; and, though he did not at first know what it was that was thus working in him, as Samuel knew not the Lord's voice when a child, yet, being convinced by it that he ought not to do those things which occasioned trouble and distress of mind, he was frequently enabled to refrain from them; which brought him sweet peace and satisfaction. This made him the more attentive to its dictates; and he was thus mercifully preserved from many of the evils incident to youth.

But, after he had attained his ninth year, "I began," he says, "by degrees to lose this condition; and I well remember how the enemy of my soul worked in a mystery, insinuating into my mind, what harm or evil is there in things which are accounted innocent diversions?' And being of a lively, active temper, this bait took with me; so that my mind was drawn off from attending to the convictions of the Lord's Holy Spirit in my heart, which did often bring trouble and condemnation upon me." "I lost that inward sweetness and peace which I had before enjoyed; and, by endeavoring to stifle these se

cret reproofs, I grew harder, until, from a desire | be high, and proud of thyself or clothes?" to keep company with other wild boys, I took These thoughts so wounded my spirit, that I delight in getting out into the streets to play went home very sorrowful and dejected; but this with them; so that I grew very wanton, although went off in a little time, for the delights of the my dear parents endeavored to restrain me. After world began to take root in me, and my mind I had been associating with such companions, went after them, by which I was drawn away when I came to be a little still, the Lord's judg- from the Lord. ment would seize me, and bring me under great trouble of soul: then I would resolve to refrain, and do so no more. Yet perhaps the next temptation that offered, I could not withstand, but fell into the same snare again.

"Thus it was with me until I came to be about twelve years of age, although, to the praise of the Lord, I was preserved from any very wicked or gross actions, or even very bad words: yet my mind was drawn away into vanity and wildness, and I was far from being so sober as I ought to have been." About this time, however, he attended a meeting where that devoted servant, William Edmundson, was present; and, under his ministry, which was in the demonstration of the Spirit, and with power, the Lord was pleased to open Joseph Pike's inward condition. Then, oh! then," he says, "were my sins, and the sinfulness of them, set in order before me; and, in the agony and bitterness of my soul, I secretly cried unto the Lord for the pardon and remission of them, with humble prayers unto Him, that He would be pleased to enable me, by His Holy Spirit, to walk more circumspectly for the time to come, and do His holy will, and that I might truly serve and worship Him in spirit and in truth."





He now, for a season, enjoyed sweet peace, and had dominion measurably granted him over the temptations to which he was peculiarly liable. His altered behaviour attracted the notice of his former companions, and he frequently heard them remark upon it as he passed them in the street; at which time his heart was raised in gratitude to God, that he was now preserved from yielding to those evil habits into which he had so often fallen.

He continued in this comfortable condition of mind until after he had attained his fourteenth year; when, through unwatchfulness, he again yielded to some of the temptations of his soul's enemy, and was drawn into a fondness for the pleasures and vanities of the world. "Among the rest," he says, "I was inclined to take pleasure in fine apparel, and the like. Having got a pretty, fine new coat, the spirit of pride arose in me, and, passing along the street, I thought, myself, as the saying is, somebody: but, amidst these vain and foolish thoughts, I was in an instant struck, as with an arrow from the Lord, and it swiftly passed through my mind, after this manner: "Poor wretch! was not Jesus Christ, the Lord of heaven and earth, meek and low of heart, and His appearance mean on earth? He was not proud and high. Wilt thou, poor worm!

"My mind having thus gone astray from the Lord, it displeased Him, and caused Him to withdraw from me; so that I did not enjoy the sweetness and comfort of his Holy Spirit, as I had done before yet he took it not from me, but it became my judge and condemner, for loving those things that offended Him; and so the terrors of the Lord often seized me but I could well remember, from the strength of my natural memory, how it had been with me when I was in favor with the Lord." "And from this experience, I have learned to understand the vast dif ference there is between natural comprehension and memory, and the present, living experimental witnessing of the life and power of truth upon the soul, by which the soul is kept alive to God. Solomon, from the strength of his memory, could not forget how excellently he had prayed to the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, at the dedication of the temple; and yet he lost that living and divine sense of it when he afterwards went into idolatry. The world has the former; and by the strength of their natural reason, comprehension, and memory, they read, they study the learned languages, and acquire knowledge, or rather gather notions; being thus furnished and equipped for what they call divinity. But, alas! true divinity is quite another thing, and learned quite another way-even by the Lord's Holy Spirit; and I say this in measure from my own experience; for when I was obedient to His holy light and Spirit in my heart, and was taught by it, it led me, though but childish in my natural understanding, to the holy hill of spiritual Zion, even to the enjoyment of His living, comfortable presence. But when I declined from it, though I grew in natural knowledge and understanding, yet I lost my innocent condition, and the spiritual communion I once had; so that, instead of His Holy Spirit being my comforter, it became my judge and condemner."

Joseph Pike continued with but little change in his spiritual condition until he had attained his eighteenth year; after which, he experienced many deep trials and conflicts of spirit, by which the Lord was pleased to baptize and prepare him for usefulness in the church, and gradually estab lished him as "a pillar in His house, which should go no more out." In reference to these trials, he says, "and though when I was in the deepest of them, I could not see through them, or the end of them; yet, afterwards, I came to know they were from the Lord, and that it was a time of the ministration of condemnation, in order to bring me nearer to the Lord, by break

ing down and mortifying the fleshly part in me, which had grown strong, and was not to inherit the kingdom of God. Through these sore exercises, and taking up the cross of Christ under them, my own natural will and affections became much broken, and I was in measure as a little child, depending upon the Lord for strength and ability to do His will."

Although Joseph Pike had thus attained to a state of humble dependence upon the teaching and guidance of the Holy Spirit, yet he still felt the necessity of watchfulness; for, when reviewing this period of his life, he says, "Though the excess of my troubles and exercises wore off in a few years, and I could at times, when so enabled, sing in my soul, as well of the Lord's mercies as of his judgments, yet I was not, for many years, at seasons, without sore fights of affliction with the enemy of my soul: nor am I to this day; for most certain it is, that there is no state attainable on this side the grave beyond that of watchfulness. Our Lord said to his disciples, Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.' Our hearts are "deceitful above all things," and naturally prone to evil, and, as the prophet adds, 'desperately wicked;' and though, by the power and sword of the Lord's Spirit, many things may be, as it were, destroyed and dead, yet if we do not diligently watch, the enemy will steal in again, and revive some of those things which appeared to be eradicated, especially such as we are naturally most inclined to."

The excellency of that faith, and confidence in God, in which he was now established, was clearly manifested by his conduct and conversation among men; for he endeavored faithfully to act up to his convictions of duty, and to "adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things."

Being convinced that a profession of religion was of little value if the fruits of its spirit were wanting, he was deeply concerned that all his movements should be in accordance with the profession he was making, and that no reproach should be cast upon religion through his unfaithfulness.

In the year 1682 he was married to Elizabeth Rogers, a valuable Friend, in whom he found a faithful and affectionate companion. In this important movement, he was careful to seek for a higher sanction than mere natural affection, and the divine approval and blessing were not

withheld from him.

He was a faithful and tender father, and endeavored to bring up his children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. On the duty of parents, he makes these remarks in his journal : "Abraham, for his faithfulness, is called the friend of God; and God gives this character of him, I know him that he will command his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment.' And Israel was repeatedly com

manded diligently to teach their children, and to tell their sons, sitting down, rising up in the house, and on the wayside, to keep the law of the Lord, and fear him all the days of their life. "David instructed his son to keep the law of God; and we find on the other hand, though Eli reproved his sons, yet, because he did not restrain them, the judgments of God came upon him. Hence, it most plainly appears how great, how absolute, and how indispensable a duty lies upon parents towards their children, in order to their instruction in the way and fear of the Lord."

In nothing was the regulating and restraining spirit under which Joseph Pike lived and moved, more conspicuous than in the manner of conducting his business, which he commenced in a small way, and carried on, so long as he was engaged in it, on principles of the most scrupulous honesty.

On this subject, he says, "many, by striving to be rich, have begun and run on rashly into great trades, and dealing beyond their abilities, and have thereby hurt their own souls, invaded other men's property, and been a stumbling-block in the way of the well-inclined." And in reference to his own business, he says, "I do not remember that I ever broke my word or promise with anybody, neither did I venture more in one ship than I was able to bear if she was lost; for I did not then, nor do I now, look upon it as just, to venture or hazard other men's substance, let the prospect of profit be ever so great." "I went along," he continues, "gradually; keeping within bounds, never over-trading, or much encumbering myself in the world; and I lived frugally, but not niggardly, and the Lord was pleased to bless my endeavors." "I can also say, I re1 ceived the increase truly as a blessing from the Lord's hand, and with humble desires that He would give me a heart to make use of it to His praise, and that I might, with a free and willing heart, serve Him with His own; for I looked upon it then, as I still do, that He had prospered me in the world for that end."

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became very warm in his temper, and charged the Quakers with meddling, in some cases, to prevent the execution of justice, when, in others, they would give no assistance to the government.

A party of militia being stationed at Ferns, Ireland, the Earl of - who commanded, came to a Friend, and desired he would give up A short time after this, when the united Irishpart of his house, which was then used as a store, men got the ascendency in the town, this friend for a guard-house for the soldiers. The requisi- was enabled to render the officer some important tion being sudden, the Friend was put to a stand services; and, from the grateful acknowledgments what he should answer; and, although he might expressed by the latter in return, he had the sathave refused it on the ground of its being occu- isfaction of thinking, that the prejudice of the pied as a store, yet, knowing that this inconve- officer was not only removed, but exchanged for nience could be obviated, he was not easy to cloak a feeling of friendship. This occurrence afforded the real cause of objection with any disguise or an interesting example of the blessed fruits of a subterfuge. Considering, therefore, that this peaceable conduct: the same individual using was a fit opportunity to lift up the standard of his influence alternately with those in power,— peace and to bear his testimony against war, he an influence which nothing but an undeviating honestly told the commander that the apart-course of benevolence towards all his fellow creament he requested was occupied as a store-room, tures could give him-to intercede for the de-but besides, that the purposes for which it was pressed and afflicted."-Hancock's Principles of wanted were such as he could not unite with, having a conscientious scruple against war, and every thing connected with it." Upon this, the Earl of M grew very angry, and desired the soldiers who were with him to afford the Friend

no protection, in case any disturbance should arise. To this observation, the latter replied, that he hoped that he should not trust to, or apply for military protection." The commander went away, greatly displeased, and seemed to mark out this Friend as a disaffected person: so that he did not know how soon a prison might be his lot; especially, as one of the militiamen who was quartered at his house for many weeks, and had his entertainment at free cost, propagated many false reports of him with respect to political matters; so that his situation became more and more perilous in consequence.

Some months after this, the military began to act with great rigour towards those that were suspected of being United Irishmen,*-burning their houses and stacks of corn, &c., and fastening caps besmeared with pitch upon their heads. They were preparing to burn a house of this description in the village of Ferns; and the same Friend, feeling pity for the man's wife and children, who would thus be deprived of a habitation, was induced to intercede with the com-. manding officer of the militia on their behalf; stating that he did not come to intermeddle between him and the suspected man; but, pitying the poor wife and children, he thought it would be hard treatment to deprive them of shelter and the means of subsistence, when the man was fully in his power; adding, "though he might be criminal, probably they were innocent of his crime." During this expostulation, the officer

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Cornelius turned to God in the army, and the sons of Eli followed after Satan in the temple. throne, where the one astonished the universe by his wickedness, the other by his virtue. The in the vanity of a heathen court, while Judas treasurer of the queen of Ethiopia was converted went astray in the company of apostles and of Christ.-Fletcher.

Domitian and Marcus Antoninus filled the same

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"Dear blessed God, hadst thou been pleased, in any one plain Scripture, to have informed me, which of the different opinions about the holy Trinity among the contending parties of Christians had been true, thou knowest with how much zeal, satisfaction and joy, my unbiassed heart would have opened itself to receive and embrace the divine discovery. Hadst thou told me plainly, in any single text, that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three real distinct persons in thy divine nature, I had never suffered myself to be bewildered in so many doubts, nor embarrassed with so many strong fears of assenting to the mere inventions of men, instead of divine doctrine; but I should have humbly and immediately accepted thy words, so far as it was possible for me to understand them, as the only rule of my faith. Or hadst thou been pleased so to express and include this proposition in the several scattered parts of thy book, from whence my reason and conscience might with ease find out, and with certainty infer this doctrine, I should have joyfully employed all my reasoning powers, with their utmost skill and

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