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We give the following extracts from an interesting biographical sketch in the Dover (Eng) Chronicle, written, it is understood, by an intimate friend of F. Nightingale :

"At the time when reports of the disastrous state of affairs in our hospitals at the seat of war, the year before last, reached this country, filling every heart with the deepest commisseration and dismay, there were thousands of women who would gladly have undertaken to do what in them lay, to mitigate the awful amount of suffering which the daily papers laid bare to their readers; but there was, perhaps, but in one woman the sense of due preparation and practical experience to qualify her for taking the lead in such an undertaking. It was Florence Nightingale alone, who not only possessed the high natural requirements to fit her for the task, whose whole previous life had been in some respects a preparation for it—but, above all, who had especially trained herself for nursing the sick and wounded, and for understanding the systematic organization of a hospital, and the government of a staff of assistant nurses. It was, perhaps, the first in the chain of secondary causes which prepared Florence Nightingale for such a devotion of her life to her fellow-creatures, the fact that her ancestors on both sides were remarkable for benevolence and philanthropy-her maternal grandfather, the late Mr. W. Smith, of Norwich, having been the coadjutor of Clarkson and Wilberforce, in their long-continued efforts in the cause of slave emancipation in our Colonies. In furthering many other schemes of benevolence and moral reform, Mr. Smith was equally remarkable for intelligence and practical sagacity, while the excellence of his private character, his superior understanding, cultivated taste, and strong religious feelings, could not but leave a deep impression upon his own and his children's children. The memory and example of a life devoted to high and noble aims, is, of itself, a precious bequest for the head of a family to leave to his descendants, and such an inheritance cannot but have its influence in the formation of character and habits; and thus it came naturally to be the habit of the family to which Florence Nightingale belonged, to employ themselves in works of benevolence, and to earnestly concern themselves in the welfare of their fellow-creatures. From her earliest childhood, when surrounded

in her home with all that wealth and cultivated taste could bring together of refined luxury, it was still to the poor around her that she saw the thoughts of her parents ever directed as a prominent duty. At her father's dinner-table, and in her mother's drawing-room, she was early accustomed to listen to some of the philanthropists of the day discussing various schemes and theories which had for their object the relief and education of the poor.

"She had been born at Florence during a turn to England, the inheritance of a large fortemporary residence in Italy; and on their retune and estates led to the formation of two family homes in the counties of Hampshire and Derbyshire, where the early lives of herself and her sister were passed in more than usually close contact with the surrounding peasantry. Το their benevolent father and mother these poor neighbors were held of even more importance than their wealthy acquaintances; and it was a part of every day's duty of the little girls to visit the cottages of the poor who dwelt on or near their father's estates. In sallying forth on the morning walk, a basket, packed with some little comfort or delicacy for an invalid, or a book from which to read to some old, infirm neighbor, was a never-failing accompaniment. In the adjoining village, schools were established by their father and mother, for the education of the children of the poor-not as a mere relief to their consciences, that in the spending of a large fortune so much should be given towards a generally acknowledged good purpose, but with a deep and earnest desire that through those schools a number of their fellow-creatures should be raised in the scale of being, and trained to usefulness and happiness both here and hereafter. These schools, built and founded by their father, became, as his daughters grew up, their especial object of care. It was their task to organize them on good principles; to find efficient teachers for them; to give instruction in them, and to make personal acquaintance with each and every child, and through that acquaintanceship, and by kind words, looks, and acts, to influence them to good. To realize to herself more completely the life and duties of a teacher of the poor, Florence at once took up her abode with

village school-mistress, living with her in her little cottage, and teaching with her in her little school, so as to observe at the closest point of view, the relations of teacher and pupil, and thus gain knowledge and experience available for the better organization of the schools in which she was personally interested.

"Then came the time when yet larger schemes of benevolence began to occupy her mind. The condition of the poor in the hour of sickness, at all times a matter of interest to her when visiting their cottages, led naturally to a consideration of their fate, when consigned to hospitals.

the prescribed medicine, smoothing the pillow, supplying little expedients for comfort, or tenderly soothing the irritable mourner; by day, occupied with all the domestic details of a large establishment, enquiring into the symptoms of patients, consulting with medical men on each particular case, and attending to instructions from them, with table covered with prescriptions, letters of application, &c.

Some casual exposure of neglect and inattention | couch of some suffering invalid, administering on the part of hospital nurses, led her to consider the advantage of a better training of women for such employments; and the chance perusal of an article in a review on the subject, and with reference especially to an institution in Germany, for the express purpose of training nurses, first led her thoughts and sympathies into the channel where they were henceforth to exercise themselves for life. She felt at once how well such a vocation could employ her own energies and satisfy her yearnings for a wider sphere of usefulness, and saw how the more skilful nursing of the sick might employ many independent and educated women; while at the same time, by qualifying themselves to become nurses, hundreds of poor women might find a remunerative occupation.

"In that year especially, when it may be said that the minds of the whole English people were more than usually bent on excitement and pleasure-in 1851, when the prevalent idea with us all was, how best to exhibit the material advantages of England, and feast our eyes on the productions of our own and foreign countries-when for a season we were to give ourselves up to sightseeing and social pleasures-in this year Florence Nightingale left her country and pleasant home, to place herself at the institution of Kaiserwerth, in Prussia, in order to train herself for nursing the sick. Here, under the guidance of the Protestant Sisters of Charity, engaged in the superintendence of a large model hospital, she performed her novitiate, employing herself practically in tending the sick, in witnessing and assisting at operations, and in going through a course of study to enable her to pass an examination of no ordinary strictness.

"On her return to England, and on looking round for the most useful sphere in which to exercise her now matured experience, Florence Nightingale found that the establishment called the Ladies' Hospital in Harley street, which had been founded especially for the reception of invalid ladies of small fortune, was in a lingering state for the want of assistance and good management. She at once undertook in it the office of matron, and in a very short time raised it to a condition of efficiency and great usefulness. To attain this, her exertions were unwearied; and she not only applied to it the whole of her time and energies, but forsook every claim which her fortune and position in society might have otherwise made on her. Fashionable society, the pleasures of literature, art, music-all were resigned in the furtherance of her purpose; and this by one whose highly cultivated mind and faculties quickened to an intense appreciation of all that is beautiful and perfect, rendered the sacrifice only the greater. In a plain, yet unpretending, costume, she might be seen in that old house in Harley-street, bending at night over the

"This was her life when the breaking out of the war with Russia opened to her a yet wider sphere of usefulness. When the need was deeply felt of sending out an efficient staff of nurses to assist in the care of the sick and the wounded, it fortunately happened that the capabilities and acquirements, the fitness, in fact, of Florence Nightingale for taking the lead in the enterprise, was known to some members of the Government, who had the power of appointment in their hands. She was asked to undertake the office of superintendent of the nursing department in the Eastern hospitals, and with little hesitation consented. Accompanied by a large party of paid nurses and lady volunteers selected by her, she proceeded to Scutari, and arrived there at the moment when the disorder and mismanagement in the large hospital there had reached its height, while the sick and wounded were constantly pouring in from the Crimea. Our papers at that time were filled with heart-rending accounts of the horrors which resulted not merely from the inevitable consequences of the war, but also from the inadequate means at hand in the hospitals for the relief of the sufferers who came down in shiploads after each bloody engagement. We read of the filth and want of every comfort in the transports which conveyed them from Balaklava to Scutari; of the difficulty in landing the diseased and maimed; of the want of beds, linen, medical stores; of the incapacity of officers; of their absurd adherence to routine and military formalities in the presence of urgent and pressing necessities; and into this chaos of mismanagement and disaster Florence Nightingale and her band of nurses, with a fresh staff of medical officers, had to restore order, decency and comfort. They succeeded in doing this, and, as the result showed, even more than this; for, at the close of the war it was seen that not merely the bodily wants of thousands of our fellow-countrymen were attended to by these good women, but that a high moral influence resulted from their labors. Irish soldier, in giving his rough testimony to what had been done by Florence Nightingale in the hospital of Scutari, said- Before she came there was nothing but cussing and swearing, but afterwards the place was as holy as a church.' In addition to the surgical and medical care which the sick and wounded soldier now received, came a thousand comforts and alleviations around his bed from the hands of tender and sympathising


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women. Refreshing drinks and nourishing through her hands also passed the numerous
delicacies administered at all hours of the day books, tracts and means of innocent amusement,
and night when needed by the patient; care for supplied by the benevolent in England to those
his bodily ailments and sympathy with his who were fighting their country's battles. We
thoughts and feelings as they wandered to home have numerous testimonies from the lips of
and wife and children or aged parents; all this soldiers, on their return, to the moral good ef-
helped to check the roughness and soften the fected by Florence Nightingale and her female
manners of the soldier, and make his best feelings companions; but we know not, we cannot measure,
prevail over his worst habits. He was full of nor picture in thought, the good that may result
grateful reverence for her who was doing so much from such influence to this and future genera-
for him. As she went her rounds, through the tions. The war is over, and our army returned;
miles of hospital wards filled with the sick and and in reviewing the past we were never, per-
dying, she had a word and a smile, now for this haps, better able to perceive the evils and horrors
one and now for that; and, as she could not of war, but at the same time we recognize that
speak to us all, we would kiss her shadow as it even war is not unaccompanied by those mani-
fell upon our beds,' said one of her grateful pa- festations of a merciful and superintending Provi-
tients with the true poetry of nature in his un-dence who allows of passing evil for the further-
taught heart. Over refractory and unaccom- ance of lasting and progressive good. Florence
modating and jealous officials, Florence Nightin- Nightingale has now returned to England, rich
gale won like victories by her gentleness and in the avowal of all that human praise can bestow,
firmness. She refused to be restricted by rules and which must yet fall below, in her estimation,
and routine when suffering was to be alleviated the mere sense of having performed well a high
and pressing wants supplied. When the sick duty. She has been personally honored by her
and wounded just landed from the Crimea were Sovereign, and the people of England, anxious
lying on the bare ground for want of beds, she to show their sense of her services, have entrust-
would take no refusal from the store-keeper who ed to her disposal a large sum of money, which
had them in reserve, but who hesitated to give was raised as a testimonial to her, but which she
them out without an official order presented in prefers to employ in founding and supporting an
some particular form. While he stood by, keys institution for the better training of nurses in
in hand, not venturing to open his storehouse, connection with one of our hospitals. On all
she summoned attendants and bade them break sides she has been greeted with honor, love and
open the doors and take out the required bed respect; but returning to her own home in strict
and bedding! And the Government and people privacy she shrinks from all kinds of public hom-
of England applauded her judicious daring. age or distinction, and, in answering an address
When, too, the stores of the hospital, as supplied from the working-men of our large northern
by Government, were insufficient for the wants towns, modestly passes sentence on herself in the
of the overwhelming numbers which came down simple words which she inscribed over the grave
to be tended, it was with wise confidence in the of one of her assistant nurses in the East, who
justifiability of the step that Miss Nightingale fell a victim to her exertions, and says of herself
had recourse to the gentleman who was entrustedShe hath done what she could.' What might
by the Times newspaper to expend a large sum not the world become if all could say this of
of money raised by the public in behalf of the
sick and wounded soldiers. From him, at a time
of great need, and before the Government at
home was aware of the wants of the hospital, she
obtained all that was required for the sufferers
and for the cleansing and purifying and better
organization of the hospital.



A correspondent of the Boston Cultivator writing of the management of house-plants, says:-"The way to have healthy plants is to shorten in all struggling growth, and remove "After bringing the hospital at Scutari to a every leaf and flower as soon as the least symp high state of efficiency and good management, tom of decay is perceivable, washing them occaMiss Nightingale passed over into the Crimca, sionally with warm water from the fine nose of a and, on the heights above Balaklava, supplied a watering-pot held high above them-thus giving sort of camp hospital there with a staff of nurses them the benefit of a warm shower at any time and all the materials that she had now at her or place. But the thing of all others most imdisposal for comfort and order. She also took portant is, to water them with hot water at all an active and influential part in many schemes times; yes, hot to the touch, even beyond what which were set on foot for the improvement of is supposed to be prudent until after experiment the habits and morals of the soldier. She induced-and it is only necessary to watch the result on him to save; to refrain from spirit drinking; the health and vigor of the plants, especially and encouraged him to read. Through her hands passed large sums of money sent by the soldiers to their wives and families at home, and

when in bloom, to be convinced of the virtue of this grand specific."" The writer says he has fuschias now in bloom, mere cuttings about six


inches in height, not one failing out of seven, or even more cuttings, planted in a single pot and watered with hot water.-Boston Trans.


The principal export from Cantania is snow, in which a very lucrative trade is carried on with Malta, and some parts of the south of Italy. It is collected during the winter in pits and hollows on the mountain, and covered with the scoria and ashes, to prevent its thawing. It is brought down on mules to the coast at night, in panniers covered with leaves. The revenue derived from this source is immense, and renders the Prince of Paterno one of the richest men in Sicily. Snow is the universal luxury, from the highest to the lowest ranks. It is sold at about the rate of twopence a rotolo, or thirty ounces; and the poorest cobbler would sooner deprive himself of his dinner than of his glass of "acqua gelata." It is also extensively used in the hospitals; and scarcity of it would be considered as great a misfortune as a famine, or any other national visitation, and would more infallibly occasion popular tumults. To guard against any such accidents, the government at Naples have made the providing of it a monopoly, the contractor being required to give security to the amount of 90,000 ducats, which sum is forfeited if it can be proved that for one hour the supply was not equal to the demand.

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The Buffalo Immigration Commissioners report that 1400 persons have been relieved during the year with an expense of $3,383 70. All these 1400 persons were foreigners. Most of the number (600) were Germans; next English, 139; then Swiss, 135; and Belgians, 133. Irish there were but 100. These facts demonstrate at once the difference between the Irish and all other class of immigrants. Thus, while the Irish immigration is the largest, it remains with us, here, principally, and exerts its influence on one point, while the Germans, in greater part, it is easily perceived, move westward, and give their exertions to opening up the wilds there. And so also with all other nativities but Irish. Of the 1400 assisted at Buffalo, 200 were assisted to reach places to which they designed emigrating: to Canada West principally (87,) and to the more western cities.

The Select Council of Philadelphia have passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale of game when out of season. This is a most humane measure, and we trust it will have the effect of restraining those who shoot and market the birds at all seasons of the year.


dull. Good is offered at $6 37. Sales of better brands for home consumption at $6 37 a 6 44, and extra and fancy brands at $7 50 a 8 25. There is very litle export demand. Rye Flour is worth $3 62 per barrel. Corn Meal dull, at $3 00 per bbl., and old stock at 337.

FLOUR AND MEAL.-The market for Flour is still

GRAIN. Wheat is dull, but prices are steady. Sales of prime new Pennsylvania red are making at $1 49 a 1 50 and $1 62 a 1 63 for white. Rye is very scarce; sales of Penna. at 82c. Corn is more in demand; sales of old yellow at 68c and new yellow at 65c. Oats are steady; sales of Pennsylvania Oats at 46c per bushel.

ENESEE VALLEY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS-The Spring Term of this School will commence on the 2d of 3d mo. next, and continue fourteen weeks.

TERMS.-$42 per term for tuition, board and washing, fuel, pens and inks, for particulars address the Principal for a circular. STEPHEN COX, Principal. Scottsville P. O., Monroe Co., N. Y. )OARDING SCHOOL.-A Friend desirous of openBOAR ing a Boarding School convenient to Friends' Meeting, Fallsington, may hear of a desirable situation by applying previous to the 15th of next month. For further particulars address either WM. SATTERTHWAITE, Jr., or MARK PALMER, Fallsington P. O., Bucks Co., Pa. 1st mo. 10, 1857.

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city, for the past year, amounted to over four J

millions of dollars. One firm alone sold over
two millions of humanity.

1st mo. 10.

UST PUBLISHED. Price 37 cts. With 1st mo. 10.


No. 1 South Fifth St.

A Memoir of John Jackson.
Portrait, 50 cts.

No. 1 South Fifth St.




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Some important family claims required Priscilla Gurney's attention during the time of the Yearly Meeting of 1816. She felt the privation consequent on being necessarily absent from it, to be no small trial; but, with the spirit of cheerful asquiescence with every circumstance permitted or dispensed by the providence of her heavenly Father, which so uniformly prevailed in her heart, she was perfectly willing to forego the enjoyment of a privilege which she greatly valued. She says:

"It has been quite a sacrifice to me to give up the Yearly Meeting. I had longed for such a refreshment, and to be a little more amongst Friends, as we have not much of this kind of help in our situation here: but I do not doubt it is for our benefit to be, for a time, deprived of much outward help and consolation. This has been remarkably my case for many months past. My dear uncle and aunt's long absence from home has been one thing that has given this feeling but I am sure that these things are ordered in wisdom and mercy, and ought to lead us, with more faith, trust and dependence, to the Source of all good."

No. 51.

e Gura forportant

beloved circle prevented Joseph
ney from accompanying their dea'
eign land; and they confided
charge to their affectionate niece, of whose skilful
and assiduous attentions to such as were sinking
under discase they had repeatedly had ample
proof. Priscilla Gurney felt weightily the re-
sponsible undertaking; but meekly surrendered
herself to perform the arduous duties which it
involved. Her tenderly sympathizing, yet lively
spirit, her deep and solid piety, her constant
faith and trust, rendered her a most valuable
companion to the sick and to the mourner, par-
ticularly to those in early life, whose future ap-
peared to be no longer irradiated by the sunshine
of youthful anticipations. Rarely could one be
found whose experience could better qualify to
administer to the failing tabernacle; or, in sea-
sons of extreme weakness and discouragement,
when the spirit might sink at the prospect of the
awful gloom that enveloped the dark "valley of
the shadow of death," few could be more pre-
pared to point the sufferer to those rays of "the
Sun of Righteousness" which illumine the
Christian's pathway to the tomb. The invalid
was also accompanied by her sister Jane. This
little, but very interesting party, commenced
their journey on the 27th of Ninth Month, at
which date Priscilla writes :-

"Our parting at Earlham was under a most sweet and comforting impression of gospel love. We had a solemn reading. I felt engaged in prayer that we might be established, strengthened, and settled in the Truth as it is in Jesus; and I was enabled to commend myself, and those most dear to me, as well absent as present, to the Lord, and to his grace under every dispensation. The warm expression of Christian love, unity, and sympathy, from so many of my near and dear friends, was consolatory on leaving my most beloved home. Our departure from the Grove was very affecting; but quietness and even peace prevailed. A low ride to Harleston. The feeling of most tender love and union of spirit with those I had left (united, I humbly trust, in Him who is the Light of the World,) was powerful through this day and night."

As the autumn approached, it brought with it, to some of her near connexions, accumulated solicitudes and sorrows. Her uncle Joseph's family had, as we have seen in the record of the previous year, been suddenly bereft of a young and interesting member: this heavy affliction was quickly followed by another, not less deeply felt, and attended by circumstances of peculiar trial. Their daughter Rachel was seriously affected by symptoms of pulmonary disorder; and, At Witham, one of their resting-places, she by the urgent advice of some attendant physi-addressed the following to her beloved cousin, cians, it was concluded that she should pass the Anna Buxton, then about to be united in marensuing winter in the milder climate of Savoy. riage to William Forster:Some painful anxieties respecting others of their

"Ninth Month 30th.-I believe I shall be

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