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L'Estrange, Roger, 174-176.
Letters on Toleration, 158, 163.
Letter Writers, 255-257.
Life and Death of Mr. Badman,
235, 242, 243.

Life of Archbishop Williams,

Life of Col. Hutchinson, 217.
Life of Mahomet, 257.
Lilly, William, 187-189, 211-213.
Locke, John, 156-164, 169, 170;
Essay on Toleration, 157;
Letter on Toleration, 158; Essay
on the Human Understanding,
158, 159, 160; Considerations
on the Value of Money, 159;
Reasonableness of Christianity,
159, 163; Treatise on Educa-
tion, 159; On Words, 162; On
Knowledge, 162; Some Thoughts
concerning Education, 163.
London Gazette, 174.
Love and a Bottle, 129.
Love for Love, 126, 138, 146.
Love in a Tub, 121.
Love in a Wood, 123, 133.
Loyal Brother, the, 116.

Lucius Junius Brutus, 110.
Ludlow, Edmund, 184-187; Me-
moirs, 185.

Luttrell, Narcissus, 190; Luttrell

Ballads, 190.

Lyric Poetry, 67-75.

Mac Flecknoe, 11, 26.
Manley, Mrs., 147, 246.
Man of Mode, the, 121.
Marriage à la Mode, 89, 90.
Married Beau, the, 115.
Marvell, Andrew, 49-53; The
Garden, 49; The Rehearsal
Transprosed, 50; Thoughts in
a Garden, 51; Advice to a
Painter, 52; To the Glowworm,

Medal, the, 10, 24.

Medici, Duke Cosmo de, 278.
Memoirs, 177-194.

Mercurius Britannicus, 174.

Mercurius Politicus, 174.
Mercurius Pragmaticus, 174.
Meredith, George, 132.

Milton, John, and Dryden, 149.
Mistake, the, 128.
Mithridates, 110, 112, 113.
Mock Astrologer, the, 99.
Mola Asinaria, 54.
Molesworth, Lord, 275.
Molière, 92; Misanthrope, 133.
Monasticon Anglicanum, 260.
More, Henry, 164.

Mourning Bride, the, 126, 134,

Needham, Marchamont, 174.
New and further Discovery of the
Isle of Pines, 246.
News, 174.

Nicaenae Fidei Defensio, 225.
No Cross, no Crown, 226.

North, Roger, 213-216.


Observator, 175.

Oedipus, Dryden's, 99, 110.
Old Bachelor, the, 125, 139.
Oldham, John, 42-46; Satires
upon the Jesuits, 42, 43-46.
O'Neill, Miss, 104.

On Knowledge, 162.

On the Reasonableness of Chris-
tianity, 159, 163.

On Words, 162.
Origines Sacrae, 225.
Oroonoko, 116, 246.

Orphan, the, 102, 103, 104, 105.
Orrery, Earl of. See Boyle,

Osborne, Dorothy. See Temple,

Othello, 152.

Otway, Thomas, 101-109; Venice
Preserved, 102, 103, 104, 105-
109; Alcibiades, 102; Don
Carlos, 102, 103, 104; Friend-
ship in Fashion, 102; Caius
Marius, 102; The Orphan, 102,
103, 104, 105; The Soldier's
Fortune, 102, 103; The Atheist,

Oxford, the, 174.

Pakington, Lady, 227.
Palamon and Arcite, 33.
Pandion and Amphigenia, 115.
Parthenissa, 245.
Pearson, John, 225.
Penn, William, 226.

Pepys, Samuel, 80, 195, 199-210;
Diary, 201-210.

Periodical Press, development of
the, 174.

Phillips, Edward, 258.
Philosophy, 155-167.

Pilgrim's Progress, 220, 235, 236-

Plain Dealer, the, 124, 132.
Plautus, 92.

Pope and Dryden, 38.
Porter, Major Thomas, 119.
Portugal History, the, 210.
Practical Discourse concerning
Death, 228.

Present State of the Ottoman
Empire, 276.

Prideaux, Dean, 256, 257.
Provoked Husband, the, 128.
Provoked Wife, the, 128, 140.

Rape of Proserpine, 40.
Ravenscroft, Edward, 119.
Ray, John, 228.

Reasonableness of Christianity,
159, 163.

Recruiting Officer, the, 129, 144.
Rehearsal Transprosed, the, 50.
Relapse, the, 128, 140.
Religio Laici, 11, 26-28.
Reliquiae Wottonianae, 219.
Reresby, Sir John, 210, 211.
Return from Parnassus, the, 78.
Rival Queens, the, 110, 111.
Rochester, Earl of. See Wilmot,

Roscommon, Earl of. See Dillon,
Rycaut, Paul, 276.

Rymer, Thomas, 152, 260.

Sacred Theory of the Earth, the,

Saducismus Triumphatus, 166.
Saintsbury, Mr., on Dryden, 20, 21.
Saints' Everlasting Rest, the, 226.
Satires upon the Jesuits, 42-46.

Satyr against Mankind, 47.
Savile, George, 251-254.
Science, Men of, 266-271.
Secrets of Angling, the, 268.
Sedley, Sir Charles, 119.
Session of the Poets, the, 47.
Settle, Elkanah, 118, 119.
Shadwell, Thomas, 25, 116-118,
132; The Virtuoso, 117; Epsom
Wells, 118; Squire of Alsatia,
118; Volunteers, 118.
Shakespeare, William, 81.
Sheffield, John, Duke of Bucking-
hamshire, 48.

Sherlock, William, 228.
She Would if She Could, 121.
Short View of the Immorality and
Profaneness of the English Stage,


Sidney, Algernon, 168, 169, 170.
Soldier's Fortune, the, 102, 103.
Some Gospel Truths Opened, 234.
Some Thoughts concerning Educa-
tion, 163.

Sorbière, Samuel de, 277.
South, Robert, 223.

Southern, Thomas, 115, 116; The
Loyal Brother, 116; The Fatal
Marriage, 116; Oroonoko, 116.
Spanish Friar, the, 9, 90, 91.
Sprat, Thomas, 74, 263; on the
English and French drama, 77.
Squire of Alsatia, 118.

State of Innocence and Fall of
Man, 99.

Sterne, Archbishop, 227.
Stillingfleet, Edward, 225.
Sylva, 196.

Tate, Nahum, 11, 25.
Temple, Lady, 256.

Temple, Sir William, 173, 190-

194, 254; Memoirs, 192.
Tenison, Archbishop, 227.
Theodore and Honoria, 33.
Theodosius, 110.

Thoughts in a Garden, 51.
Tillotson, John, 224, 225.
Timon, 78.

Tracts on Government, 170.
Tragedies of the Last Age, 152.
Travellers, 272-279.

Treatise on Education, 159.
Treatise on Immutable Morality,

Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy,

Troilus and Cressida, 151, 152.
Trollope, Anthony, 132.
Tuke, Sir Samuel, 5.

Two Kings of Brentford, the, 120.
Types of Ethical Theory, 166.
Tyrannic Love, 9, 84.

Vanbrugh, Sir John, 127, 128,
139, 140; The Relapse, 128,
140; The Provoked Wife, 128,
140; The False Friend, 128;
The Confederacy, 128, 140; The
Mistake, 128; A Journey to
London, 128, 140; The Provoked
Husband, 128.

Vanity of Dogmatizing, the, 166.
Venice Preserved, 102, 103, 104,
105, 106, 107, 108, 109.
Villiers, George, 119, 120.
Virgil, Dryden's, 13, 37.
Virtuoso, the, 117.
Volunteers, 118.

Walton, Izaak, 213, 218-220,

Ward, Professor, on Wycherley,

Way of the World, the, 126, 134.
Whichcote, Benjamin, 164.
Whitelocke, Bulstrode, 189, 190;
Memorials, 190.

Whole Duty of Man, the, 227.
Wild Gallant, the, 9, 76, 82.
Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester,
46, 47.

Wilson, John, 119.

Wisdom of God in the Creation,

Wonder, the, 148.

Wood, Anthony à, 259, 260.
Wotton, Sir Henry, 268.
Writers on Government, 168-
Wycherley, William, 123, 124,
132, 134, 136; Love in a Wood,
123, 132; The Gentleman Dan-
cing Master, 124, 133; The
Country Wife, 124, 132; The
Plain Dealer, 124, 133.

Zarah, 246.



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