Elements of pharmacy, materia medica, and therapeutics

Գրքի շապիկի երեսը
Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1882 - 524 էջ

From inside the book

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Common terms and phrases

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Էջ 497 - LENGTH 1 line = -r!2 inch 1 inch = 3 9. ^393 seconds pendulum. 12 „ =1 foot 36 „ =3 feet = 1 yard Length of pendulum vibrating seconds of '\ mean time in the latitude of London...
Էջ 493 - In right square octahedrons or prisms, colourless and inodorous ; sparingly soluble in water, but communicating to it its intensely bitter taste ; soluble in boiling rectified spirit, and in chloroform, but not in absolute alcohol or in ether.
Էջ 497 - WEIGHTS 1 Grain gr. 1 Ounce oz. = 437'5 grains 1 Pound Ib. = 16 ounces = 7000 „ MEASURES OF CAPACITY 1 Minim min. 1 Fluid Drachm fl. drm. = 60 minims 1 Fluid Ounce fl. oz. = 8 fluid drachms 1 Pint O. = 20 fluid ounces 1 Gallon C. =8 pints MEASURES OP LENGTH 1 line = -r!2 inch 1 inch = 3 9.
Էջ 81 - Water f 1 fluid ounce, or \ a sufficiency Mix the powders and add the mucilage and water to form a proper mass. Divide into 720 lozenges, and dry these in a hot-air chamber with a moderate heat.
Էջ 498 - Millilitre = 1 cub. centim. or the mea. of 1 gram, of water. 1 Centilitre = 10 " " 10 " 1 Decilitre = 100 " " 100 " 1 Litre = 1000 " " 1000 " (1 kilo.). MEASURES OF LENGTH. 1 Millimetre = the thousandth part of one metre or 0.001 metre.
Էջ 498 - MEASURES OF LENGTH. 1 Millimetre = the thousandth part of one metre, or 0-001 metre. 1 Centimetre := the hundredth „ „ 0-01 ,, 1 Decimetre = the tenth „ „ O'l „ 1 Metre = the ten-millionth part of a quarter of the meridian of the earth.
Էջ 469 - Dropped on white filtering paper and exposed to a heat of 212°, it leaves no translucent stain. It turns the plane of polarisation of a ray of polarised light to the right. It is not solidified by the cold produced by a mixture of hydrochloric acid and sulphate of soda.
Էջ 498 - RELATION OF MEASURES OF CAPACITY OF THE BRITISH PHARMACOPOEIA TO THE METRICAL MEASURES. 1 Gallon =4'543487 litres 1 Pint =0-567936 „ or 567'936 cubic centimetres 1 Fluid Ounce =0'028396 „ 28'396 1 Fluid Drachm =0-003549 „ 3'549 1 Minim =0-000059 „ 0'059 RELATION OF THE METRICAL WEIGHTS TO THE WEIGHTS OF THE BRITISH PHARMACOPCEIA.
Էջ 497 - Minim is the measure of 0'91 grains of water 1 Fluid Drachm „ 54'68 1 Fluid Ounce „ 1 ounce or 437'5 „ 1 Pint „ 1'25 pounds or 8750-0 1 Gallon „ 10 pounds or 70,0000 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF THE METRICAL SYSTEM.
Էջ 412 - For children under twelve years, the doses of most medicines must be diminished in the proportion of the age to the age increased by 12 ; thus, at two years to 4, viz.: -^ — = 4- At 21 the full dose may be given.

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