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This shows a very scanty population, and gives only, on an average, seven persons to each tent. I cannot but think it is an under estimate; or, that this census includes only those who are stationary around the Company's posts.

In the following classification and distribution of the tribes in Rupert's Land, by the Bishop of Montreal, who appears to have paid much attention to the Indian population, we have no data of the actual number in each tribe. His Lordship says-' It appears that the discordant estimates, even of the oldest and most experienced residents in the Indian country, forbid all idea of arriving at an accurate knowledge of the amount of population, either as a whole or in detail. The tribes themselves, however, occupying the country east of the Rocky Mountains, and resorting upon occasion to the Company's establishments, may be enumerated and distinguished as follows below:

"Mackenzie's River District.

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The Copper Indians, inhabiting the country about this river.

The Loucheux, or Quarrellers.

The Hare Indians.

The Dog-rib Indians.

The Strong-bow Indians, inhabiting Mackenzie's River District, and speaking different languages.

Athabasca and Isle à la Crosse Districts.

The Chipewyans, and a few of the Cree tribe; inhabiting the country surrounding this lake, and between it and the Isle à la Crosse District.

Peace River District.

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The Beaver Indians, and a few Sauteux from the Rainy Lake, inhabiting both sides of this river, and speaking a language different from that of the Chipewyans of Athabasca.

Upper part of the Saskatchewan District.

'The Blackfeet Proper.

'The Blood Indians.

'The Piegans.

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The Surcies.


All these five tribes are generally termed Blackfeet, although they speak different languages, and have different customs and manners.

Lower part of the Saskatchewan District.

'The Stone Indians, or Assiniboins.

'The Crees.

The Sauteux, or Ogibways.

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These three tribes are constantly at variance with the Blackfeet, and the whole eight depend on the chase for subsistence. They, i. e. the three tribes, extend their habitations also to the upper part of Red River and of Swan River.

York Factory, Oxford, Norway House, Cumberland, and lower part of Swan River District.

'Mis-Kee-Goose, or Swampy Indians.

These also extend along the sea-coast to James's Bay. They evidently spring from the Crees, as their language is only a dialect of the Cree. There is said to be a mixture of the Sauteux in their origin.

6 Churchill District.


Chipewyans, and a few Swamp Indians, inhabiting the country to the north of Churchill.

These are all the tribes on the east side of the Rocky Mountains who trade respectively at the ports indicated by italics. The source from which I received this information is one upon which I feel that I can rely; and with the exception of the Mackenzie's River District, respecting which the statements are less positively made, the whole account, I believe, is the result of personal acquaintance with the localities.

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'The Indians in James's Bay are generally classed with the the Mis-kee-goose, and inhabit the countries about Albany, Moose, and East Main.”—(Bishop of Montreal's Journal, pp. 130 to 133.) Mr. Greenhow, in the History of Oregon, estimates the number of all the tribes inhabiting the Oregon region, in which he includes

all the country watered by the Columbia River, as not exceeding 20,000; the Clotsops and Chenooks occupying the country on both sides of the lower part of the great river; the Killamucks of the Umqua, the Classets, the territory of the Straits of Fuca, the Enishurs, mauraders infesting the passes about the falls of the great river; the Chopunish or Nezpercés of the Walla-Walla and Kooskooskee countries; the Kotanies of Clarke's River, and the Shoshones or Snake Indians of the Lewis Rivers. In the part of the Oregon, north-west of the Columbia, are the Chilcotins or Talcotins, between whom a mortal enmity has always existed. The Blackfeet from the north-east make inroads on the Shoshones and Chopunish tribes.

The nearest approach to accuracy of the number of inhabitants in any of the north-west regions is given in an official report of Lieutenants Warre and Vavasour, as a "Census of the Indian Tribes in the Oregon territory from latitude 42° to latitude 54°, derived from the trading lists of the Hudson's Bay Company, and from the best obtainable information.'

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Chymsyans, 10 tribes, all of Chatham Sound, Portland
whom speak the same Canal, Port Essington, and
language, with a different the neighbouring Islands 1,202 1,225

68 2,495

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Children 1,581 of both sexes under twelve years of age.



75,868 of whom an accurate Census has been made. 11,079 estimate of tribes of whom no Census has been taken.

Gt. Total 86,917 Indian population, from latitude 42° to latitude 54° north.'

This Census is accompanied by the following remarks:

The gentleman in charge of the Hudson's Bay Company's posts on the north of the Columbia, have made very accurate estimates of the Indian population in the neighbourhood of their several stations; and we have every reason to believe, from our own observations, in the accuracy of these statements.

The Indian tribes on the Columbia, and in the interior of the country, are a very migratory race, and it is very difficult to arrive at their exact numbers. We believe the above statements to be rather under their numerical strength.

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