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Note.—The Roman Numerals refer to the Volume, and the Figures to the Page.


ABINGDON, town of, defcribed, iii.


Aboriginal America, defcribcd, iv. 222
Academies, Colleges and Univerfities :-
American Academy of Arts and Sci-
ences, ii. 173.-Dunmore Academy,
178.-Phillips's Academy, ib.-Lei-
cefter academy, 179-Havard univer-
fity, 180-Rhode-Ifland college, 237
-Yale college, in Connecticut, 272-
King's or Columbia college, New-
York, 341-Clinton academy, 343-
College at Princeton, New-Jerfcy, 383
Queen's college, at Brunfwick, New-
Jerfey, 384-University of Pennfyl-
vania, 443-College and Academy of
Philadelphia, ib.-Dickinson's college
in Pennsylvania, ib.-Franklin's col-
lege at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, 444
-Washington college in Maryland, iii.
44-St. John's college at Annapolis, ib.
Cokesbury college, Maryland, 45
College of William and Mary, in Vir-
ginia, 113-Univerfity of North-Ca-
rolina, 213-College at Charleston,
256-College at Winfborough, ib.-
College at Cambridge, ib.-University
of Georgia, 277

Advantages which the United States pof-
fefs over Europe pointed out, iii. 281
Agamenticus, a mountain in New-Hamp-
thire, defcribed, ii. 63
Alatamaha river, defcribed, iii. 264
Albany, city of, defcribed, ii. 320
Alexandria, town of, defcribed, iii. 97
Algonquin woman, anecdote of, i. 107
Allegany mountains, defcribed, i. 200

river, described, i. 191
Allum, found in New-Hampshire, ii. go
Amazonia, country of, defcribed, iv. 222
America, continent of, fuppofed to be im-
perfectly known to the ancients, i. I-



Pretenfions of the Welch to the first
discovery of examined, ib. - First
difcovered by Chriftopher Columbus,
55.-General defcription of, 79.-
Boundaries and extent, divided into
North and South continent, ib.-Cli
mate, ib.why fo materially different
from that of the old continent ac-
counted for, 80.-Extreme malignity
of, inferred by de Paw and Buffon, 83
-The contrary demonftrated by Cla-
vigero, ib. & feq.-Aborigines of, des
fcribed by Ulloa, 89, & feq..
tremely fond of painting their bodies,
90 Their infenfibility to bodily pain
infanced, 92-Their drefs, 93-Sin-
gular manner of trying the fortitude of
their young chiefs, ib.-Manners and
customs, 94-Government, 95-Man-
ner of conducting their public bufinefs,
96-Belts of Wampum, ufe of, ib.-
War and hunting their principal em-
ployment, 97-Their wars, how con-
ducted, ib. Their military ensigns,
drefs, &c. 98—Their extraordinary vi-
gilance in war, 99-Difcover aftonith-
ing acuteness in tracing an enemy, ib.
-The ferocity with which they con-
duct their battles, ib. Their fong
paffion for liberty, 105-Their con
troverfies, how decided, ib.--Murder,
how rucifhed, ib.-Their longevity,
106-Reflections caft upon them by
de Paw and others, examined and re-
futed, 107, & feq.-How first peopled,
144-Productions of, 156-Animals
of, enumerated, 124-Compared with
thofe of the old continent, 125, & feq.
America, North, when first difcovered, i.
157--And fettled, ib. & feq.-Its
boundaries, extent, bays, founds, ftraits,
and iflands, 172-Divifions, 174
America, South, view of, iv. 118
America, UNITED STATES of, their


fituation, extent and boundaries, i. 175
Grand divifions, ii. 1-Lakes and ri-
vers, i. 178-Bays, 194-Face of the
country, 198-Mountains, 199-Soil
and vegetable productions, 201-Po-
pulation, 202-Character and manners
of its inhabitants, 204-Government,
209-Conftitution, 210-Public ex-
penditure, 239-Finances, 252-So-
ciety of the Cincinnati, 260-Agri-
culture, 265-Commerce, 266-Ex-
ports, 270-Duties, 276-Manufac-
tures, 293-Bank, 363-Military
Arength, 364-Naval ftrength, 365-
Religion, 366-Revolution, hiftory of
its rife, progrefs and establishment, 395
-Sketch of events which preceded the
revolution, 395, & feq.-Stamp act,
428-Difturbance at Bofton and Rhode-
Iland, 435-Congrefs chofen, 438-
Stamp at repealed, 441-Tea feized
at Bofton, 458-First meeting of Con
grefs, 463-Publifh a declaration of
rights, ib.-Bofton neck fortified by
Gen. Gage, 459-Action at Lexing-
ton and Concord, 473-Battle of Bun-
ker's hill, 483-Washington appointed

commander in chief of the American
army, 493-Expedition into Canada,
ib.-Americans defeat Gen. Carleton,
494-Unfuccefsful attack on Quebec,
496-Death of Montgomery, ib.
Bofton evacuated by the British, 500
-Americans declare themselves inde-

pendent, 504-Declaration, ib.-Un-
fuccefsful attack by the British, 512—
Arrival of Commiffioners from Eng-
land, 513-Americans defeated at
Staten ifland, 514-Battle of the White
plains, 517-Philadelphia taken by the
British, 523-Action at German-
town, 524-Capture of Burgoyne and
his army at Saratoga, 531-Treaty of
alliance between France and the Ame-

ricans, 532 - Philadelphia evacuated
by the British, 535-French fleet ar-
rives on the coaft of Virginia, 536-
Charleston taken by the British, 548
-Reinforcements of fhips and troops
arrive from France, 553--Arnold he-
trays and deferts the Americans, 556
--Execution of Major André, ib.—
Americans defeated at Guildford, 563
-Action between the British and
French fleets, 570-Surrender of Corn-
wallis and his army at York-town,
571-Treaty of peace between Eng-
land and the United States, 572-Ter-
mination of the war, 573-Tranfac-
tions after the peace, 574-Conftitution
of the United States ratified by a large
majority of the States, 587-New
Congress elected, b.-General Wash-

ington chofen Prefident of the United
States, 588

Americans, Federal, character and manners
of, i. 204

Amerigo Vespucci publishes the firft writ-
ten account of the new world, and
hence gave name to America, i. 61
Androcoggin river, described, ii. 9
Animals of America, compared with those
of Europe, i. 25
Annapolis, city of, iii. 38

Antigua, island of, defcribed, iv. 252
Appamatiex river, described, iii. 79
Augufta, town of, defcribed, iii, 271
Azores, thofe iflands firft difcovered by the
Portuguese, i. 5


Bahama iflands, defcribed, iv. 292
Baltimore, in Maryland, defcribed, iii. 38
Baptifts, account of, i. 373
Barbadoes, inland of, described, iv. 243
Barbuda, ifland of, defcribed, iv. 283
Beaufort, town of, iii. 247
Belknap, Mr. his defcription of the White
mountains, ii. 66

Bermulas, or Sommer's iflands, defcribed,
iv. 285

Bethlehem, town of, ii. 436
Bettering-houfe, or Quaker's hofpital, ae-
count of, ii. 419

Birds of America, enumerated, iv. 382
Black river, defcribed, ii. 300
Bones, fuppofed to be thofe of the mam
moth, found . 137
Boquet river, defcribed, ii. 300
Bofton, city of, defcribed, ii. 140
Brandywine, corn mills at, defcribed, ii.

Brafil, defcribed, iv. 204
Bridge, natural, a fingular one defcribed,

ii. 172

Briot, M. his account of the Bettering-
houfe at Philadelphia, ii. 425
Brifol, town of, defcribed, ii. 230
British fettlements in America, hiftory of
the, iv. I

British Weft-Indies, described, iv. 233
Brunswick, city of, described, iii. 372
town of, defcribed, ib.
Burlington, city of, defcribed, ii. 371


Cabot, John, fent on a voyage of dif
very by Henry VII. i. 157
Sebaftian, explores the coaft of Bra
fil, i. 158.
Cabral, Alverez, a Portuguese commander,
difcovers the coaft of Brafil, i. 63

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California, defcribed, iv. 107.
Calvinifts, account, i. 383
Cambridge, in Maffachusetts, defcibed, ii.

Cambden, defcribed, iii. 249

Canada, upper and lower provinces of, de-
fcribed, iv. 2-Situation, extent and
boundaries, ib.-Air and climate, 3-
Hiftory of its fettlement, ib.-Face of
the country, produce, &c. 5-Princi-
pal towns, 7-Population, religion and
trade, 8-Government, 10

Cape Breton, ifland of, described, iv. 12
Cape Cod, defcribed, ii. 129

Carey, Dr. his account of the malignant
fever at Philadelphia, ii. 425
Carlisle, in Pennfylvania, defcribed, ii.

Carthagena, province of, described, iv, 131
Carolina, North and South. See North
and South Carolina.

Cavern, remarkable, in New-Hampshire,
defcribed, ii. 87

Cayenne, defcribed, iv. 213
Charleston, in Maffachusetts, defcribed, ii.


South-Carolina, defcribed, iii.

Chesapeak bay, defcription of, iii. 35-195
Chickabee mountain, defcribed, ii. 5
Chili, hiftory of, iv. 162
Chryftals, found in New-Hampshire, ii.


Cincinnati, fociety of, i. 260

Clavigero, Abbé, his refutation of the
mifreprefentations of de Paw concerning
the Americans, i, 113, & feq.
Climate of America, i. 79

- of the United States. See the
different States

Cod fishery, how carried on, ii. 116
Columbia, territory of, iii. 67

town of, iii. 249

Columbus, Chriftopher, birth and educa-
tion of, i. 4-His early voy: ges, ib.-
marries and fettles at Lifbon, 5-His
geographical reflections, ib.-Conceives
the idea of making difcoveries to the
weftward, 7-Offers his fervices to the
Genocfe fenate, who reject them, 8-
Caufe of his overtures being re-
jected in Portugal, 9- Applies to
the courts of Caftile and England, 10
-His propofal, how treated by the
Spanish geographers, II-Is patronifed
by Juan Perez, 13-His propofals
again rejected, 14-Is invited by Ifa-
bella, and engaged in the Spanish fer-
vice, 15-Preparations for his voyage,
16-The amount of his equipment,
17-Sails from Spain, 18-His vi-
gilant attention to all circumstances
during his voyage, 19-Apprehenfi as

of his crew, 21-His addrefs in quiet.
ing their cabals, 22-Indications of
their approaching land, 23-An ifland
difcovered, ib.-He lands, 24-His in-
terview with the natives, ib.-Names
the island San Salvador, 25-Prosecutes
his discoveries fouthward, 26--Dilco-
vers and lands on the island of Cuba, ib.
-Difcovers Hifpaniola, 28-Suffers
fhipwreck, but is faved by the Indians,
29-Builds a fort, 32--Returns to
Europe, 33-His expedient to preferve
the memory of his difcoveries during
a ftorm, 34-Arrives at the Azores,
35-Arrives at Lisbon, 36-His re-
ception in Spain, ib.-His audience
with Ferdinand and Ifabella, 37-His
equipment for a fecond voyage, 39—
Difcovers the Caribbee iflands, 40-
Finds his colony on Hifpaniola de-
ftroyed, 41-Builds a city, which he
calls fabella, 42-Vifits the interior
part of the country, 43-His men dif-
contented and factious, 44-Discovers
the island of Jamaica, 45-Meets his
brother Bartholomew at Ifabella, ib.-
The natives ill-ufed by his meu, and
begin to be alarmed, 46-He defeats
the Indians, 48-Exacts tribute from
them, ib. Returns to Spain to justify
his conduct, 51-Is furnifhed with a
more regular plan of colonization, 52
-His third voyage, 54-Difcovers the
ifland of Trinidad, ib.-Difcovers the
continent of America, 56-State of
Hifpaniola on his arrival, ib.-Com-
pofes the mutiny of Roldan and his ad-
herents, 8-Is diftreffed by the factious
behaviour of his men, 64-Complaints
carried to Spain against him, ib.-Is
fent home in irons, 66-Clears his
conduct, but is not reftored to his au-
thority, 67-His folicitations neg-
lected, 69-Forms new schemes of dif
covery, 70-Engages in a fourth voyage,
71-His treatment at Hifpaniola, ib.-
Searches after a paffage to the Indian
ocean, 72-Is fhipwrecked on the coaft
of Jamaica, 73-His artifice to fecure
the friendship of the Indians, 75-Is
delivered, 76-And arrives at Hifpa-
paniola, 77-Returns to Spain, ib.-
His death, 78
Columbus, Bartholomew, is fent by his
brother Chriftopher to negociate with
Henry VII. King of England, i. 10-
the misfortunes of his voyage, 12-
Follows his brother to Hifpaniola, 4:
-Is vefted with the administration of
affairs there by his brother on his re-
turn to Spain, 51-Founds the town of
St. Domingo, c6

Commerce of the United States, i. 266

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town of, in Maffachusetts, ii. 146
Congregationalifs, account of, i, 367
Connecticut, State of, its fituation, extent
and boundaries, ii. 255-Air and cli-
mate, ib.-Face of the country, fea-
coafts, &c. 256-Soil and productions,
258 Civil divifions, 259-Chief
towns and curiofities, ib.-Population,
265-Religion and character, 267—
Trade and manufactures, 270-Learn-
ing and literature, 271-Inventions
and improvements, 274-Conftitutions
and courts of justice, 275-Practice of
law, 278-Mode of levying taxes, 279
Conncalicut river, defcribed, ii. II
Conftitution of the United States, i. 587
Conftitutions of the different States.

the different States


Convention between France and America,

iv. Appendix

Copper mine at New-Brunswick, account
of, ii. 368

Cuba, ifland of, discovered by Columbus,

i. 26-Described, iv. 297
Curaffou, ifland of, described, iv.



Danish Weft-Indies, defcribed, iv. 330
Darien, ithmus of, defcribed, iv. 119-
attempted to be fettled by the Scotch
under Paterfon, 120
Dartmouth college, ii. 121
Delaware, State of, its fituation, extent
and boundaries, ii. 461-Face of the
country, foil and productions, ib.-
Civil divifions, 463-Chief towns, ib.
-Population, 465-Religion, ib.--
Trade and manufactures, 466-Public
improvements, 468-Conftitution, ib.
Delaware river, defcribed, ii. 301

bay, defcribed, i. 195
Defeada, island of, defcribed, iv. 320
Dick's river, defcribed, iii. 127
Difeafes prevalent in the United States, iii.


Domingo See St. Domingo

Dominica, inland of, defcribed, iv. 267
Dover, town of, defcribed, ii. 463
Drowned lands, defcribed, ii. 304
Dutch West-Indies, defcribed, iv. 327
Poffeffions in South-America, de-
fcribed, iv. 216

Reformed church, 1. 372

Duties on goods imported into the United
States eaumerated, i. 276


Edenton, town of, defcribed, iii. 302

Elkton, town of, defcribed, iii. 40
Elkhorn river, defcribed, iii. 127
Emigration, motives to, iii. 299
Emigrators, what clafs of, likely to find
it their intereft to fix their refidence in
the United States, iii. 327
Exports from Maffachusetts. See Maffa-

Exeter, town of, described, ii. 92


Falls of St. Anthony, i. 188
of Niagara, i. 183

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of Ohiopyle, ii. 397
Fayetteville, town of, defcribed, iii. 204
Fever, malignant, at Philadelphia, account
of, ii. 425

Fish of N. America, described, iv. 410
Flax, on the culture of, iii. 440
Florida, East and Weft, defcribed, iv. 65
Flowering trees, enumerated, iii. 391
Foreft trees, enumerated, iii. 380
Franklin, Dr. his anecdotes of the Indians,
i. 134

Fredericksburgh, town of, defcribed, iii. 98
Frederick town, defcribed, iii. 40
Frederica, town of, defcribed, iii. 272
French poffeffions in South-America, de-
fcribed, iv. 213

Weft-Indies, defcribed, iv. 309
Fruits, exotic, enumerated, iii. 396
nut, enumerated, iii. 396


George-town, in Maryland, described, iÏi.


- in South-Carolina, defcribed,
iii. 248
Georgia, State of, its fituation, extent and
boundaries, ii. 262-Climate, ib.-
Face of the country, 263-Soil, pro
ductions, &c. 267-Remarkable fpring,
270-Civil divifions, ib.-Chief towns,
271-Population, 473-Religion and
character, 274-Trade and manufac
tures, 276-State of literature, 277-
Conftitution, 278-Indians, ib.
German Lutherans, account of, i. 383
Graffes, cultivated, lift of, iii. 400
native, lift of, ib.

Grenada and the Grenadines, islands of,
defcribed, iv. 255

New. See New-Grenada
Greenland Welt, defcribed, iv. 47

Eaft, defcribed, iv. 61

Green river, defcribed, iii. 127
Greenville, town of, defcribed, iii. 205
Grottos, three remarkable ones in Penn-

fylvania, defcribed, ii. 402
Guadaloupe, ifland of, defcribed, iv. 314

H. Ha

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