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Recapitulation of amounts required for construction, plumbing, heating, and wiring of new buildings at coast artillery posts, in the fiscal year 1909. Items of water and sewer systems, lighting systems, roads, walks, etc., pertaining to reservation branch, are not included.

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The estimate submitted to Congress is therefore:

For construction proper, buildings costing in excess of $20,000..
For construction proper, other buildings.

Total for construction.

For all plumbing (A. T.).

For all heating and lighting (R. S.).

$1,378, 920

3, 249, 840

4, 628, 760 425, 260

472, 740

Mr. CAPRON. This item of $100,000 is additional to the War College.

General ALESHIRE. Yes, sir; that is on the list.

The CHAIRMAN. That has been generally carried as a separate item for the Washington barracks improvement. What more is to be expended there?

General ALESHIRE. General Bell asked that that estimate be submitted for the construction of quarters for officers on duty at the War College.

The CHAIRMAN. Is it not an addition to the War College?

General ALESHIRE. No, sir; it is for quarters for officers on duty at the War College.

Mr. HAY. Do they want to construct that at the War College? General ALESHIRE. Yes, sir.

Mr. HAY. That item of $100,000 is in this estimate?

General ALESHIRE. Yes, sir.

Mr. SLAYDEN. Do those officers at the War College get commutation of quarters?

General ALESHIRE. Yes, sir; but they live at a great distance. It is difficult for them to get down to the War College.

Mr. SLAYDEN. Have you any idea as to the relative cost to the Government of the commutation of these officers' quarters at the War College and an estimate of the outlay for the construction of quarters at the War College?

General ALESHIRE. No, sir; but I can find that out. I had not thought of that comparison.

Mr. SLAYDEN. The House may want to know why these expenditures are so large and whether or not it is going to increase the charges on the people.

General ALESHIRE. I will make a note of that.

Mr. SLAYDEN. Whether it is cheaper to build quarters, and if it is I presume Congress would authorize it.

The CHAIRMAN. How many sets of quarters are you proposing to build?

General ALESHIRE. I think he has indicated 6 or 8. The amount was estimated for in a lump sum, but plans for the buildings have not been made.

Please see remarks in estimate under War College for explanation of necessity for these quarters.

Mr. SLAYDEN. Are the officers of the War College nearly all of high rank?

General ALESHIRE. Most of them are captains and majors. The commutation of quarters for a captain is $48 and of a major $60 per month.

The CHAIRMAN. In this country have you not more barracks and quarters now than we are able to get recruits to occupy? In other words, have you not completed posts, under "Barracks and quarters," in excess of the real needs of the Army?

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