Free Homesteads-Action of Con- 31 To authorize a National Loan....32 32 United States Government, Executive and Judiciary..........15 Ministers and Envoys to Foreign Countries 21-29 For Better organization of Ma- Members of Thirty-seventh Con National Party Platforms for rine Corps.. 1860 30-34 To provide for increase of Navy..34 Republican National...... .30 To indemnify State for expenses National Democratic (Douglas).31 incurred in defense of U. S.....34 National Democratic (Brecken- Authorizing the appointment of ridge) Democratic .31 .15 16-18 18 ...19 .34 gress. Assistant Secretary of Navy....35 .....32 For better organization of Military establishment. Constitutional Union (Bell-Ererett) 34 To increase present Military Es Electoral Vote for President......34 tablishment in U. S..... Secession of South Carolina from the Union. 35-37 Smithsonian Table of Mean Temperatures for North America. 37, 38 Election Returns.. Maine Rhode Island. Vermont...... Massachusetts. Connecticut. New-Hampshire North Carolina.. New-Jersey.. Maryland Delaware. Mississippi. Virginia. Louisiana Kentucky Alabama Arkansas. Tennessee. Illinois.. To pay expense of furnishing arms States. .35 .35 ...35 An act to provide for calling forth 3. Act to define and punish certain 36 .37 40 To conhscate property used for in- 41-46 sentation. 47 Pay of Soldiers-Legalizing Pres- ...20 20 Iron, Coal, Lumber, Leather, etc., 21 22-26 38 Real Estate and Personal Prop ..38 48 Armed Ships and Floating Bat- .49 ..38 .28 .28 .28 erty in 1850-60. ..52 rious acts of Rebels from Nov. .....55 ......56 .28 The Sixty Days' Notice... ..32 To Secure Freedom to All Persons in Territories of U. S... 34 Prohibits Army from Catching Slaves...... ..34 Representatives to Hayti and Li beria. Missouri Wisconsin. Richmond Markets......46 Votes of Union Soldiers in Penn., 1864. Government of United States, Ex34 ecutive and Judiciary.. .34 Disposal of Africans Taken from ..35-37 ..37 Lands for Colleges... Ministers and Envoys to Foreign Countries... ..23 Members of Thirty-Eighth Congress.... Table of Wholesale Prices in NewYork, from 1847 to 1863 .24 Synopsis of principal Acts passed at Third Session of Thirty-Ser ...37 enth Congress..... 26 Hours and Wages in Navy-Yards.37 Discharge of Disabled Soldiers...27 Department of Agriculture Estab- West Virginia admitted.. lished.... ..23 27-35 ..27 Illinois...... ..62 victed in District of Columbia..27 Consular and Diplomatic Appro Maryland.... ..63 Wisconsin. .63 37 priations 27 38 Revenue Cutter service. 28 To Prevent and Punish Fraude by Officers Making Contracts for the Government... To Punish Polygamy. Oath of Office.... 38 Amending Act to collect Taxes in Establishes a Mint in Colorado...38 Courts Martial.... Allotment Certificates.. Miscellaneous Acts and Joint Res olutions, etc., ete..... The Cost of War-Actual and Es timated Expenditures. Schedule of Pensions in Army and Insurrectionary Districts. 38 Volunteer Force in Kentucky. 38 Army Appropriations Post-Office.. 38 Relief of Colored Women and Children. 39 Fortification bill... Territory of Arizona formed......29 39 To provide a National Currency..29 To prevent correspondence with Provisions of the New Law......39 The Internal Revenue or Tax Bill, Licenses, Specific Duties, Stamp Duties, Ad Valorem Duties, Income Tax... ....40-42 Collection of Taxes in Insurrectionary Districts... • Rebels ..30 Bribery-Extension of Act of '62.30 Punishment of Frauds upon the Government... Increase of Army Officers.... ...42 Post-Office Laws, Rates, etc.. The Enrolling Law The U. S. Tariff of '62......42-45 Ways and Means Election Returns... 30 .31 31 33 Nevada..... New-Mexico. Utah... Washington Territory.. Rebel States, moderation of views in Congress-Rebel State Gov 32 Votes of United States Soldiers...68 Soldiers' vote in Libby Prison....69 Loyal State Governments, Governors, Expiration of Terins, Salaries, etc.. To prevent Revenue Frauds......33 Suspending Habeas Corpus-President permitted to... 50-62 Testimony to go abroad. .50 Lands for Kansas. ..50 Indian Appropriations. 50 Education of Colored Youth in .50 District Columbia... .33 34 34 34 70 Popular vote for President........70 1865. ..34 United States Government-Executive and Judiciary...17 35 Ministers and Envoys to Foreign Countries, with salaries, and when appointed .50 National Academy of Sciences....35 ..51 Gauge of Pacific Railroad. 35 ...17 Members of Thirty-Eighth Con ..18 ..51-52 Mint in Nevada, etc., etc. ..34 .52 Emancipation Proclamation......35 .53 The cost of War for four years...36 Members of Thirty-Ninth Con gress, as far as chosen.... ...20 Synopsis of Acts of Congress 21-33 Second Assistant Secretary of War. ...21 Amendment to Enrollment Act.21 Grade of Lieutenant-General Revived. Loan Act...... Liquor Taxation,. 21 .21 ...22 ..22 Against selling Sprituous Li- Registry of Vessels... .27-31 Virginia.. ..64 Tennessee. 65-67 ..31 Louisiana... 67 Florida.. 69 Alabama 69 Page. Nitro-Glycerine-Prohibits the ...30 Transportation of 30 ...30 Votes on the Amendment......45 Agricultural Colleges, &c......31 Telegraph Lines-Permission to Construct over the Public Do- Navy Offices-Creates office of General of the Army of U.S....31 Page. New-Jersey 50 New-York .51-56 gers by Steam Vessels......32 Delaware 57 Widows' Pensions. ..32 Colorado. 69 "Soldiers' and Sailors' Union" California. 58 Marriages and Children of Col ored Persons..... ..32 Elections of Senators-Regu lates Mode of Election......32 Ditches and Canals - Mineral .35 sins, &c... ..34 Members of Thirty-ninth Con Public Resolutions-Exposition at 20-22 Paris 34-35 Colorado 70 ETUS Dakota 70 Fortieth Congress, as far as cho SPO ....23 Missing Soldiers-Miss Clara The States of the Union-Popula- Barton Reimbursed. ..34 Soldiers' Graves to be Preserved from Desecration. 34 Popular Vote for President......71 .24 Foreign Convicts... Acts of Congress, Synopsis of Petroleum 34 34 Foreign Countries-Area, Population, Ruler, Form of Government, &c... .72 them 27-34 hmportation of Foreign Cattle .27 Forbidden. Asylum, Management of.....27 28 Boundaries of Nevada Extended.28 International Ocean Telegraph Co-Privileges to 28 .28 28 Duty on Live Animals..........28 Kidnapping - The Punishment Pensions 28 .28 Medals to Soldiers 34, 35 Synopsis of Principal Acts of Con Bounties to Colored Soldiers...35 gress..... Military Academy-Age of Ad- 35 .35 ......35 Tennessee-Restored certain States at an end......35 ..35 ..35 Military Academy-Rebels shall The Civil Rights Bill-Copy of...36 not be appointed to.......... 29 The President's Veto........37-41 Postal Law. 29 Vote on the Bill...... Safe Keeping of Public Money. 29 The (First) Freedinen's Bureau 41 19-26 Elective Franchise in District of Columbia... 19 Services of Colored Volunteers. 19 Amnesty and Pardon, Repeals, Authority of President to Proclaim.... .....19 Meeting of Congress-Fixes time for Regular Meetings of......19 Elective Franchise in Territo Homestead Law.. Reimbursement of West Virginia....... .29 ..30 Patent Office Fees...30 Bill... ..42 ...43 Clerk of House of Representa Veto of the Second Bill by the tives Regulates Duties of, etc.21 .43 Court of Claims-The Sense of |