ANNUAL ELECTION RETURNS BY STATES AND COUNTIES, LISTS OF PRESIDENTS, CABINETS, JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT, FOREIGN TOGETHER WITH POLITICAL ESSAYS, ADDRESSES, PARTY PLATFORMS, &c. MAKING A CONNECTED POLITICAL HISTORY FOR THIRTY YEARS. VOL. II. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, No. 154 NASSAU STREET. Page. Page. 33 Page. Bonnty Land Law Amended....36 National Platforms.33-37 Kansas in 1858.. Diplomatic and Consular Service The Case of Dred Scott......37-44 How they elect Bogus United -Pay.. ..37 Minnesota Its Organization as States Senators in Indiana..35-37 Grants for Railroads in Different Territory and State, and rapid Utah and the Mormons. .37-42 States. growth. Governments of Europe-Names Oregon-Description of State, Syof Sovereign, Title, Form of nopsis of Constitution........ 46 Government, Square Miles, PopThe East Indian Revolt......47-49 ulation, Religion, &c. ..38 General, Civil, and Diplomatic Preclamations on ..44 Boundary with Mexico.39 Republican Congressmen-Decla- .43 Election Returns. 44-63 ..40 ration of Principles ...49 Calling Extra Sessions of Con- Governments of Europe.. ..50 New-Hampshire 44 ..40 Election Returns... 51-63 .... .51 Parti Platforms in 1856-Republi New Hampshire.. can, Democratic, and Ameri Vermont .45-51 can.. ..42, 43 Massachusetts. .51 New-York City. .46 Election Returns.. .44-64 Pennsylvania... 52 51 Vermont.. 44 New-York.... 52 North Carolina. 54 New Hampshire. 44 Pennsylvania. .53 Massachusetts... Connecticut. 54 Michigan... 55 46 Misso Pennsylvania... 48 Indiana... .55 Arkansas. .58 i i North Carolina. 58 50 Tennessee. 58 50 Alabama 57 Kansas. 58 Tennessee. Virginia. Kentucky Georgia Lomsians. Mississippi. Arkansas.. ..64 Missouri. .54 Iowa... Marrland. Ohio.. Indiana.. Michigan. Illinois. Iowa... Wisconsin. California. .53 New-York City. 55 Wisconsin. .55 Oregon. ..56 State Governments Oregon..... .61 State Governments..... .62 Popular Vote for President.......64 .63 United States Government- Ex ecutive and Judiciary.....16 64 Ministers to Foreign Countries, Country, Capital, Salary, etc...16 ..64 Members of Thirty-Sixth Con.17-19 59 Popular Vote for President, 1848, ..64 United States Government-Ex- gress. Postage Rates, Domestic and Foreign... 16 Land for the Landless-Action of 20 Popular Vote for President by Members of Thirty-Fifth Con- Congress on Public Lands..21-29 gress.. .. 16 The Foreign Slave Trade....30-34 Kansas.. States in 1848, 1852, and 1856....64 .34 .36-38 The Constitution of the United Appropriations made during the second session of 35th Congress 45 20) Governments of Europe-Sover20 eign, Title, Form of Government, Miles, Population, Relig sion of Thirty-Fifth Con .21 .21 ion, etc..... ..22 Prepayment of Postage...25 Kansas-Lecompton, and Lecomp Election Returns... 46 47-63 26 27 .27 Fortifications.. Reducing the Tariff. Appropriations Act for the Admission of the Proposed Relief for Kansas......31 The Public Lands-Agricultural 29 The Lecompton bill, and the Rhode Island... 47 stitute 24-25 ....31-33 |