LISTS OF PRESIDENTS, CABINETS, JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT, FOREIGN TOGETHER WITH POLITICAL ESSAYS, ADDRESSES, PARTY PLATFORMS, &c. PUBLISHED BY THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, No. 154 NASSAU STREET. Government of United States-Executive and Judiciary.... Members of Thirty-Fourth Con ..16 .16 gress. Members of Thirty-Fifth Con Kansas ..11 Name, Size, Population, Capitals, Chief Executives of Countries of North and South America... Slavery Legislation-The Acts of Congress which Mark the progress of the Slave Power in of the GovernLegislation ment... 12, 21 Fugitive Slave Law of 1793....12 Missouri Compromise of 1820..12 Fugitive Slave Law of 1850....13 Kansas and Nebraska Act of ..15 1854... Speech of Win. H. Seward on 26 ..28 "the Nebraska bill........21-26 Speech of the Hon. Jos. Quincy on Fugitive Slave Law.... The Public Lands-Act to Graduate Price of Public Lands to Actual Settlers... Act to Establish Offices of Surveyor-General of Kansas, Nebraska, and N. Mexico to Grant Donations to Actual Settlers...28 Reciprocity Treaty with Canada. 29 Treaty with Mexico [Gadsden Treaty.... .30 .32 Nebraska.... 1856. State Governments-List of Capi- gress... Governments of Europe-Form of Treaty with Japan-Summary of mers. .38 not Men-Different .22 gress-as far as chosen........18 and the Extension of ..19-28 Slavery.. Governments of Europe, Form of Governments, Religion, Popula tion, etc.. The Contest for Speaker.. Walker's Nicaragua, tion... Europe in 1856.. .28 29 Expedi .31-33 .34 Laws of Congress-Synopsis of those of general interest....36-40 New Guano Islands..... sions... Court of Claims.... .36 .36 36 ........36 Maine.... New Hampshire. -Pay.. Page. Grants for Railroads in Different .38 Page. .33-37 Kansas in 1858... Bounty Land Law Amended....36 National Platforms... General. Civil, and Diplomatic Boundary with Mexico... .39 Calling Extra Sessions of Con- Governments of Europe.. 40 Jefersonian Ordinance of 1784, 40—42| Election Returns.. 49 Page. .33 United States Senators in IndiaLa..35-37 Utab and the Mormons.......37-42 Governments of Europe-Names of Sovereign, Title, Form of Government, Square Miles, Population, Religion, &c. Election Returns.. Maine.... New-Hampshire .43 44-63 .44 ..50 .44 .51-63 Vermont .44 an, Democratic, and Ameri .45-51 .51 New-York City. .46 44-64 Rhode Island. .52 .44 Connecticut... .44 New-York..... .54 .41 Pennsylvania.. .54 Massachusetts.. .45 .54 Connecticut.. 45 Virginia.. 541 Michigan.. .55 North Carolina New York City 47 Mississippi... 55 Pennsylvania... .48 Indiana.... Floriia.... ..58 North Carolina. 58 New-Jersey. .58 Delaware. Tennessee. Virginia. .60 Kentucky. .61 Georgis .62 Popular Vote for Present by States in 1848, 1852, and 1856....64 State Governments- Governors, gress.... Capitals, General Election, gress, as far as elected... Meeting of Legislatures, etc....65 Laws of Congress; Abstracts of Population and Wealth of United the Important Acts of first sesStates.... sion of Thirty-Fifth Congress... 19-24 To issue Treasury Notes. .19 Appropriations made during the Admission of Minnesota. .20 second session of 35th Congress 45 Land Claims in California.. .20 Governments of Europe-Sover Archives of California... .201 eign, Title, Form of GovernFrauds in Land Titles. ment, Miles, Population, Relig Texas Boundary Line.. ion, etc.... Appropriations 1858. Proposed Relief for Kansas.. .31 The Public Lands-Agricultural Mr. Grow's Bill, and the action of The Lecompton bill, and the Crittenden-Montgomery sub..24-25 Act for the Admission of the State of Kansas into the .30 Union. Rhode Island. 47 New-York... .48 Pennsylvania.. .50 Maryland.. .50 North Carolina.. .51 .29 New-Jersey.. .51 Georgia... .52 Colleges. Bill introduced by Mr. Alabama .53 stitute |